% % main.tex -- Paper zum Thema % % (c) 2020 Hochschule Rapperswil % \chapter{Recurrence Relations for Spherical Harmonics in Quantum Mechanics\label{chapter:kugel}} \lhead{Recurrence Relations in Quantum Mechanics} \begin{refsection} \chapterauthor{Manuel Cattaneo, Naoki Pross} \begin{verbatim} Ideas and current research goals -------------------------------- - Recurrence relations for spherical harmonics - Associated Legendre polynomials - Rodrigues' type formula aka Rodrigues' formula - Applications: * Quantization of angular momentum * Gravitational field measurements (NASA ebb and flow, ESA goce) * Literally anything that needs basis functions on the surface of a sphere Literature ---------- - Nichtkommutative Bildverarbeitung, T. Mendez, p57+ - Linear Algebra Done Right, S. Axler, p212,221,231,237 - Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D. J. Griffith, p201+ - Seminar Quantenmechanik, A. Müller, p101,106,114,121 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, J. Oliver, p510+ - Partial Differential Equations in Engineering Problems, K. Miller, p175,190 \end{verbatim} \printbibliography[heading=subbibliography] \end{refsection}