from cmath import exp, pi, sin, sqrt p = [ 676.5203681218851, -1259.1392167224028, 771.32342877765313, -176.61502916214059, 12.507343278686905, -0.13857109526572012, 9.9843695780195716e-6, 1.5056327351493116e-7, ] EPSILON = 1e-07 def drop_imag(z): if abs(z.imag) <= EPSILON: z = z.real return z def gamma(z): z = complex(z) if z.real < 0.5: y = pi / (sin(pi * z) * gamma(1 - z)) # Reflection formula else: z -= 1 x = 0.99999999999980993 for (i, pval) in enumerate(p): x += pval / (z + i + 1) t = z + len(p) - 0.5 y = sqrt(2 * pi) * t ** (z + 0.5) * exp(-t) * x return drop_imag(y) """ The above use of the reflection (thus the if-else structure) is necessary, even though it may look strange, as it allows to extend the approximation to values of z where Re(z) < 0.5, where the Lanczos method is not valid. """ print(gamma(1)) print(gamma(5)) print(gamma(0.5)) print(gamma(0.5* (1 + 1j))) print(gamma(-0.5))