/** * @file alg_interpolate_rgb_scalar.h * @brief RGB pixel interpolation (scalar code) * @author Patrick Roth - roth@stettbacher.ch * @copyright Stettbacher Signal Processing AG * * @remarks * *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* */ /* * This code inplements an RGB pixel interpolator and is independent of the pixel-bit-depth. Including this code at the * C-Source file will define the pixel-bit-depth (see camera_calib.c). */ // static void interpolate_rgb8_scalar(uint8_t *img_out, const int x, const int y, const int height, const int width, // const uint8_t *img_in, const int coord_x, const int coord_y, const int scale_fact) // static void interpolate_rgb16_scalar(uint16_t *img_out, const int x, const int y, const int height, const int width, // const uint16_t *img_in, const int coord_x, const int coord_y, const int scale_fact) { int x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end, index_start, index_end; int wheight_x, wheight_y, a11, a12, a21, a22; int red, green, blue; int index; const int max_val = (1<>scale_fact) > width || (coord_y>>scale_fact) > height || coord_x < 0 || coord_y < 0) { // out of range --> return black value img_out[index] = 0; img_out[index+1] = 0; img_out[index+2] = 0; return; } red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0; x_start = coord_x>>scale_fact; y_start = coord_y>>scale_fact; x_end = x_start + 1; y_end = y_start + 1; index_start = (y_start*width + x_start)*3; index_end = (y_end*width + x_end)*3; // calculate wheights wheight_x = coord_x % max_val; wheight_y = coord_y % max_val; a11 = (max_val - wheight_x)*(max_val - wheight_y); a12 = wheight_x*(max_val - wheight_y); a21 = (max_val - wheight_x)*wheight_y; a22 = wheight_x*wheight_y; /* * handle border region separately */ if(x_end < width || y_end < height) { // pixels are not lying on border region red = img_in[index_start]*a11 + img_in[index_start+3]*a12 + img_in[index_end-3]*a21 + img_in[index_end]*a22; green = img_in[index_start+1]*a11 + img_in[index_start+1+3]*a12 + img_in[index_end+1-3]*a21 + img_in[index_end+1]*a22; blue = img_in[index_start+2]*a11 + img_in[index_start+2+3]*a12 + img_in[index_end+2-3]*a21 + img_in[index_end+2]*a22; } img_out[index] = red >> (2*scale_fact); img_out[index+1] = green >> (2*scale_fact); img_out[index+2] = blue >> (2*scale_fact); }