path: root/tex/vhdl.tex
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diff --git a/tex/vhdl.tex b/tex/vhdl.tex
index 1854592..6fc5c37 100644
--- a/tex/vhdl.tex
+++ b/tex/vhdl.tex
@@ -1,11 +1,69 @@
-\section{VHSIC Hardware Description Language (\texttt{VHDL})}
+\section[VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL)]{
+ VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL)
+ % \texttt{VHDL}: Very high-speed integrated circuits program
+ % Hardware Description Language
+\subsection{Basic syntax and identifiers}
+In VHDL an identifier is a case insensitive string composed of
+\texttt{A-Z a-z 0-9 \_} that
+ \item is not a keyword,
+ \item does not start with a number or \texttt{\_},
+ \item does not have two or more \texttt{\_} in a row.
+Expressions are terminated by a semicolon \texttt{;}.
+Two dashes in a row cause the rest of the line to be interpreted as a comment.
+expression; -- comment
\subsection{Entities and Architectures}
+In VHDL the concept of \emph{entity} describes a black box of which only
+inputs and outputs are known. The internals of an entity are described through
+an \emph{architecture}. There can be multiple architectures for a single entity.
+ \ttfamily
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \node[
+ rectangle, draw = black, thick, fill = gray!20!white,
+ minimum width = 4.5cm, minimum height = 4cm,
+ ] (entity) {};
+ \node[anchor = south west] at (entity.north west) {Entity};
+ \foreach \x in {1,2,3}{
+ \node[
+ rectangle, draw = black, thick, fill = white,
+ minimum width = 3.5cm, minimum height = .75cm,
+ ] (arch\x) at ($(entity.north) + (0, -1 * \x)$) {Architecture \x};
+ }
+ \foreach \x in {1,...,4}{
+ \draw[thick, <-]
+ ($(entity.north west) - (0, .75 * \x)$)
+ node (pinl\x) {} to ++(-.75, 0);
+ \draw[thick, ->]
+ ($(entity.north east) - (0, .75 * \x)$)
+ to ++(.75, 0) node (pinr\x) {} ;
+ }
+ \node[right] at (pinr1) {Pin};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+Entities are declared with \vhdl{port()} that may contain a list of pins. Pins
+have a mode that can be \vhdl{in} input (only LHS), \vhdl{out} output (only
+RHS), \vhdl{inout} bidirectional or \vhdl{buffer} that can stay both on LHS and
+RHS. The usage of the latter is discourareged in favour of an internal signal.
entity `\reqph{name}` is
@@ -14,6 +72,8 @@ entity `\reqph{name}` is
end `\reqph{name}`;
+Architectures are normally named after the design model, example are
+\texttt{behavioral}, \texttt{structural}, \texttt{selective}, etc.
architecture `\reqph{name}` of `\reqph{entity}` is
-- declare used variables, signals and component types
@@ -22,21 +82,245 @@ begin
end `\optionalph{name}`;
+\subsection{Electric types and Libraries}
+VHDL provides some types such as
+ \item \vhdl{boolean} true or false,
+ \item \vhdl{bit} 0 or 1,
+ \item \vhdl{bit_vector} one dimensional array of bits,
+ \item \vhdl{integer} 32-bit binary representation of a value.
+From external libraries other types are available:
+ \item \vhdl{std_logic} advanced logic with 9 states,
+ \item \vhdl{std_ulogic}
+The above are from the \vhdl{ieee.std_logic_1164} library, and can take the
+values described in the following table.
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\ttfamily}c l X}
+ \toprule
+ Value & Meaning & Usage \\
+ \midrule
+ U & Uninitialized & In the simulator \\
+ X & Undefined & Simulator sees a bus conflict \\
+ 0 & Force to 0 & Low state of outputs \\
+ 1 & Force to 1 & High state of outputs \\
+ Z & High Impedance & Three state ports \\
+ W & Weak Unknown & Simulator sees weak a bus conflict \\
+ L & Weak Low & Open source outputs with pull-down resistor \\
+ H & Weak High & Open drain output with pull-up resistor \\
+ - & Don't care & Allow minimization \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabularx}
+%% TODO: copy conflict resolutiontable
+\subsection{Declarations} \label{sec:declarations}
+Before a \vhdl{begin} -- \vhdl{end} block, there is usually a list of declarations.
+A self evident examples are \emph{constants}.
+constant `\reqph{name}` : `\reqph{type}` := `\reqph{value}`;
+Next, \emph{signals} and \emph{variables}. Signals is are wires, they can only be
+connected and do not have an initial state. Variables can be assigned like in
+software, but can cause the synthesization of an unwanted D-Latch.
signal `\reqph{name}`, `\optionalph{name, \ldots}` : `\reqph{type}`;
-variable `\reqph{name}`, `\optionalph{name, \ldots}` : `\reqph{type}`;
+variable `\reqph{name}`, `\optionalph{name}`, `\optionalph{\ldots}` : `\reqph{type}`;
+variable `\reqph{name}` : `\reqph{type}` := `\reqph{expression}`;
+For the hierarchical designs, when external entities are used, they must be
+declared as components. The \vhdl{port()} expression must match the entity
component `\reqph{entity name}` is
- `\ph{}`
+ `\optionalph{list of pins}`
end component;
+It is possible to create custom types, usually to create state machines.
+type `\reqph{name}` is (`\reqph{identifier}`, `\reqph{identifier}`, `\ph{\ldots}`);
\subsection{Concurrent Area}
+ \ttfamily
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ node distance = 1mm,
+ pin/.style = {
+ draw = black, fill = black, circle,
+ inner sep = 0pt, minimum size = 2mm,
+ },
+ component/.style = {
+ draw = black, thick, fill = white, rectangle,
+ minimum width = 18mm, minimum height = 12mm,
+ align = center,
+ },
+ ]
+ \node[
+ draw = black, rectangle, fill = gray!20!white, thick,
+ minimum width = .75\linewidth, minimum height = 4cm,
+ ] (arch) {};
+ \node[anchor = south west] at (arch.north west) {Architecture};
+ \node[pin] (clk) at ($(arch.north west) - (0,1)$) {};
+ \node[pin] (a) at ($(clk) - (0,1)$) {};
+ \node[pin] (b) at ($(a) - (0,1)$) {};
+ \node[pin] (y) at ($(arch.north east) - (0,1)$) {};
+ \node[left = of clk] {clk};
+ \node[left = of a] {a};
+ \node[left = of b] {b};
+ \node[right = of y] {y};
+ \node[component] (c1) at ($(clk) + (2,-.2)$) {Process};
+ \node[component] (c2) at ($(c1) + (.2,-1.8)$) {Component\\ Entity};
+ \node[
+ component, minimum width = 0mm, minimum height = 0mm,
+ ] (c3) at ($(c1) + (2.4,-.2)$) {Logic\\ Gate};
+ \draw[thick]
+ (clk) to[out = 0, in = 180] ($(c1.west) + (0,.2)$)
+ (a) to[out = 0, in = 180] ($(c1.west) - (0,.2)$)
+ (b) to[out = 0, in = 180] (c2.west)
+ (c1.east) to[out = 0, in = 180] ($(c3.west) + (0,.2)$)
+ (c2.east) to[out = 0, in = 180] ($(c3.west) - (0,.2)$)
+ (c3.east) to[out = 0, in = 180] (y)
+ ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+In the architecture between \vhdl{begin} and \vhdl{end}, the expressions
+are \emph{not} read sequentially, everything happens at the same time.
+Statements inside the concurrent area optionally have a label.
-`\optionalph{label}`: `\reqph{signal}` <= `\ph{Expression}`
+`\optionalph{label}`: `\reqph{concurrent statement}`;
+In the concurrent area signals, components and processes can be used to create
+a logic.
+\subsubsection{Signal assignment and simple gates}
+Signals are assigned using \vhdl{<=}.
+`\optionalph{label}`: `\reqph{signal}` <= `\reqph{expression}`;
+Simple logic functions such as \vhdl{not}, \vhdl{and}, \vhdl{or}, \vhdl{xor},
+etc. can be used.
+ y <= (a and s) or (b and not(s));
+For vector types it is possible to create a value out of multiple signals.
+`\reqph{vector}` <= (
+ `\reqph{index}` => `\reqph{source or value}`,
+ `\reqph{index}` => `\reqph{source or value}`,
+ `\optionalph{\tt others}` => `\reqph{source or value}`
+-- declaration
+signal data : bit_vector(6 downto 0);
+signal a, b : bit;
+-- concurrent
+data = (1 => a, 0 => b, others => '0')
+\subsubsection{Seiective and conditional assignment}
+Higher level conditions can be written in two ways.
+-- using when
+`\optionalph{label}:` y <= `\reqph{source}` when `\reqph{condition}` else
+ `\reqph{source}` when `\reqph{condition}` else
+ `\reqph{source}` when `\reqph{condition}`;
+-- using with
+`\optionalph{label}`: with `\reqph{signal}` select `\reqph{dest}` <=
+ `\reqph{source}` when `\reqph{value}`,
+ `\reqph{source}` when `\reqph{value}`,
+ `\reqph{source}` when others;
+For more sophisticated logic, VHDL offers a way of writing sequential
+statements called \emph{processes}.
+`\optionalph{label}:` process (`\optionalph{sensitivity list}`)
+-- declarations
+ -- sequential statements
+end process;
+Processes have a \emph{sensitivity list} that could also be empty. When a
+signal in the sensitivity list changes state, the process is executed. In the
+case of an empty sensitivity list, the process runs continuously. In the
+declaration, everything from \S\ref{sec:declarations} applies. For the
+sequential statements, the following applies:
+ \item Neither selective (\vhdl{with}) nor conditional (\vhdl{when}) should be used,
+ as there because there are new sequential constructs (\vhdl{if} and \vhdl{case}).
+ \item Signal assignments (with \vhdl{<=}) change their value
+ \emph{only at the end of the process}.
+ \item Variables on the other hand change as soon as they are assigned (with \vhdl{:=}).
+And for good practice:
+ \item Before any \vhdl{if} or \vhdl{case} default values should be assigned.
+ \item Any signal on the RHS should be in the sensitivity list.
+ \item Processes with empty sensitivity lists should only be used for simulations.
+The sequential replacements for \vhdl{with} and \vhdl{when} are in the listings below.
+if `\reqph{condition}` then
+ -- sequential statements
+elsif `\reqph{condition}` then
+ -- sequential statements
+ -- sequential statements
+end if;
+case `\reqph{expression}` is
+ when `\reqph{choice}` =>
+ -- sequential statements
+ when `\reqph{choice}` =>
+ -- sequential statements
+ when others =>
+ -- sequential statements
+end case;
+Processes can detect \emph{events} of signals. Typically this is used for
+process (clk)
+ -- rising edge
+ if clk'event and clk = '1' then
+ ... end if;
+ if rising_edge(clk) then
+ ... end if;
+ -- falling edge
+ if clk'event and clk = '0' then
+ ... end if;
+ if falling_edge(clk) then
+ ... end if;
+end process;
+% vim:ts=2 sw=2 et: