path: root/tex
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diff --git a/tex/testbench.tex b/tex/testbench.tex
index edb2cbd..5892820 100644
--- a/tex/testbench.tex
+++ b/tex/testbench.tex
@@ -112,5 +112,6 @@ desired severity occurrs. An example:
assert (tb_y = '0') report "error at vector 11" severity error;
-\subsection{A simple but complete Test Bench}
+% \subsection{A simple but complete Test Bench}
+% \begin{lstlisting}[language=vhdl]
+% \end{lstlisting}
diff --git a/tex/vhdl.tex b/tex/vhdl.tex
index 6feb80e..64bc9db 100644
--- a/tex/vhdl.tex
+++ b/tex/vhdl.tex
@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ begin
end architecture `\optionalph{name}`;
-\subsection{Electric types}
+\subsection{Type system}
+\subsubsection{Electric types}
VHDL provides some types such as
\item \vhdl{boolean} true or false,
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ VHDL provides some types such as
\item \vhdl{bit_vector} one dimensional array of bits,
\item \vhdl{integer} 32-bit binary representation of a value.
-From external libraries other types are available:
+From external (standard) libraries other types are available:
\item \vhdl{std_logic} advanced logic with 9 states,
\item \vhdl{std_ulogic} same as the previous but \emph{unresolved}.
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ values described in table \ref{tab:std-logic-1164-types}.
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\ttfamily}c l X}
- Value & Meaning & Usage \\
+ \textrm{Value} & Meaning & Usage \\
U & Uninitialized & In the simulator \\
X & Undefined & Simulator sees a bus conflict \\
@@ -189,6 +190,170 @@ end architecture tristateout;
+\subsubsection{Arithmetic types}
+For arithmetic operations two more types \texttt{signed} and \texttt{unsigned}
+(as well as their unresolved equivalents \texttt{u\_signed} and
+\texttt{u\_unsigned}) can be imported (together with many others for ex.
+\texttt{natural}) from the library \texttt{ieee.numeric\_std}. Arithmetic types
+support the operations in table \ref{tab:arithmetic-type-ops}.
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\ttfamily}c p{.3\linewidth} X}
+ \toprule
+ \textrm{Syntax} & Operator & Note \\
+ \midrule
+ + & Addition \\
+ - & Subtraction \\
+ abs() & Absolute value \\
+ * & Multiplication \\
+ / & Division & Typically no \\
+ ** & Power & Only powers of 2 \\
+ mod & Modulo & Only modulo of \(2^k\) \\
+ rem & Remainder & Only of division by \(2^k\) \\
+ = & Equality \\
+ /= & Inequality \\
+ <\textrm{,} > & Lower, greater \\
+ <=\textrm{,} >= & Lower, greater or equal & Same the assignment operator, however it is always clear from context. \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \caption{
+ Arithmetic operations from the \texttt{numeric\_std} library.
+ \label{tab:arithmetic-type-ops}
+ }
+\subsubsection{Array type}
+Arrays types (fields) of other types can be define with the following.
+type `\reqph{name}` is array (`\reqph{upper limit}` downto `\reqph{lower limit}`) of `\reqph{base type}`;
+\subsubsection{Custom enumeration types}
+It is possible to create custom types, usually to create state machines.
+type `\reqph{name}` is (`\reqph{identifier}`, `\reqph{identifier}`, `\ph{\ldots}`);
+\subsubsection{Physical types}
+For variables that represent physical dimensions it is possible to create
+values with units with the following:
+type `\reqph{name}` is range `\reqph{min}` to `\reqph{max}`
+ `\reqph{base unit}`;
+ `\optionalph{multiples of base unit}`;
+end units;
+for example:
+type CAPACITANCE is range 0 to 1E30
+ pf;
+ nf = 1000 pf;
+ uf = 1000 nf;
+ mf = 1000 uf;
+end units;
+\subsubsection{Reisizing vectors}
+VHDL has a function
+function resize(arg: signed; new_size: natural) return signed;
+that allow to reisze vector types. When resizing a vector of signed type to a
+higher number of bits the \vhdl{resize} function cleverly fills the extra bits
+1s or 0s to not mess up the two's complement. Toghether with the \vhdl{resize}
+function an often used feature is the \vhdl{'length} attriubte, that returns
+the size (in bits) of the identifier.
+y <= resize(a, y'length);
+\subsubsection{Type casting and conversion}
+When two signals have the same underlying type it is always possible to perform
+a \emph{type cast} using the following syntax.
+`\reqph{destination}` = `\reqph{type name}`(`\reqph{source}`);
+For example:
+architecture behavoral of cast_example
+ signal a_int, b_int :
+ std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ signal s_int : unsigned(3 downto 0);
+ s_int <= unsigned(a_int)
+ + unsigned(b_int);
+end architecture;
+When the conversion is between signals with a different underlying type it is a
+(potentially lossy) \emph{type conversion}. The syntax for a conversion is:
+`\reqph{destination}` = to_`\reqph{type name}`(`\reqph{source}`);
+ \pgfdeclarelayer{background}
+ \pgfsetlayers{background,main}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ font = \small\ttfamily,
+ box/.style = {
+ draw, thick, black, fill = lightgray!20,
+ rounded corners = 5pt,
+ align = center,
+ outer sep = 1mm,
+ inner sep = 3mm,
+ },
+ func/.style = {
+ black,
+ font = \small\ttfamily,
+ fill = white,
+ pos = .5,
+ },
+ afunc/.style = {
+ func, fill = hsr-blue20,
+ },
+ ]
+ \matrix[nodes = box, row sep = 2cm, column sep = 3mm]{
+ & \node (slv) {\vhdl{std_logic_vector}}; \\
+ \node (s) {\vhdl{signed}}; & & \node (u) {\vhdl{unsigned}}; \\[3mm]
+ & \node (int) {\vhdl{integer}}; \\
+ };
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ \coordinate (sr) at ($(s.south west)-(.2,.2)$);
+ \coordinate (ur) at ($(u.south east)+(.2,-.2)$);
+ \coordinate (slvr) at ($(slv.north)+(0,.2)$);
+ \fill[hsr-blue20]
+ (sr) to (ur) to (ur) |- (slvr) to (slvr) -| (sr) to cycle;
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \draw[thick, ->]
+ (slv) edge[out = 180, in = 90] node[afunc] {\vhdl{signed()}} (s)
+ (slv) edge[out = 0, in = 90] node[afunc] {\vhdl{unsigned()}} (u)
+ %
+ (u) edge[out = 150, in = -60] (slv)
+ (s) edge[out = 30, in = -120] node[
+ afunc, pos = .7, xshift = 5mm,
+ ] {\vhdl{std_logic_vector()}} (slv)
+ %
+ (u) edge[out = 210, in = 60] (int)
+ (s) edge[out = -30, in = 120] node[
+ func, pos = .62, xshift = 5mm,
+ ] {\vhdl{to_integer()}} (int)
+ %
+ (int) edge[out = 180, in = 270] node[
+ func, pos = .85, xshift = 4mm,
+ ] {\vhdl{to_signed(}\reqph{v},\reqph{len})} (s)
+ (int) edge[out = 0, in = 270] node[
+ func, pos = .55, xshift = -3mm,
+ ] {\vhdl{to_unsigned(}\reqph{v},\reqph{len})} (u)
+ %
+ (s) edge[out = 10, in = 170] node[afunc, above] {\vhdl{unsigned()}} (u)
+ (u) edge[out = 195, in = -15] node[afunc, above = 1mm] {\vhdl{signed()}} (s)
+ ;
+ \end{tikzpicture}
\subsection{Declarations} \label{sec:declarations}
Before a \vhdl{begin} -- \vhdl{end} block, there is usually a list of declarations.
A self evident examples are \emph{constants}.
@@ -431,12 +596,6 @@ begin
end process;
-\subsection{Custom and arithmetic types}
-It is possible to create custom types, usually to create state machines.
-type `\reqph{name}` is (`\reqph{identifier}`, `\reqph{identifier}`, `\ph{\ldots}`);
\subsection{Pitfalls and RTL model}
Coming from a programming language, a common pitfall is to write something like