path: root/DigME.tex
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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/DigME.tex b/DigME.tex
index 30576a8..e611cad 100644
--- a/DigME.tex
+++ b/DigME.tex
@@ -65,17 +65,30 @@
\section{Design constraints and static timing analysis (STA)}
+Synthesis and implementation tools can reduce VHDL code into a set of combinatoric and sequetial logic parts, but for the last step information about the hardware is required. Such information is given through the \emph{constraints} defined through XDC\footnote{Xilix Design Constraints, proprietary format.} or SDC\footnote{Synopsys Design Contraints, industry standard.} files. Both file formats are mostly a set ot TCL commands.
+Constraints should be generally organized in three sections (or separate files):
+ \item Physical constraints: described below, usually before timing.
+ \item Timing assertions: primary clocks, virtual clocks, generated clocks, clock groups, input and output delay constraints.
+ \item Timing exceptions: false paths, min / max delay, multicycle paths, case analysis, disable timing.
\subsection{Physical constraints}
+Physical contraints include: I/O contraints, Netlist constraints, Placement constraints, Routing constraings. Physical constraints are usually given through the graphical user interface.
\subsection{Timing constraints}
- \centering
- \begin{tikztimingtable}[]
- Clock & ccccccccccc\\
- \end{tikztimingtable}
+% \begin{figure}[h]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikztimingtable}[]
+% Clock & ccccccccccc\\
+% \end{tikztimingtable}
+% \end{figure}
- t_\text{input}
+ t_\text{slack} = T - t_\text{arrival}
\section{System level VHDL}