\begin{tikzpicture} % axis % \draw[->] (-1.5,-1.5) to ++(0,5) node[anchor=south] {\(y\)}; \draw[->] (-1,-1) to (6,-1) node[anchor=west] {\(x\)}; % tube lines \draw[] (0,2) to (1,2) to[out=0, in=180] (4,3) to (5,3); \draw[] (0,0) to (1,0) to[out=0, in=180] (4,2) to (5,2); % cylinders %% opening ellipse for A1 \draw[blue!10, fill=blue!10] (0,.025) rectangle ++(.75,1.95); \draw[fill=blue!10] (0,1) ellipse (.3 and 1); %% dashed ellipse \draw[dashed, fill=blue!10] (.75,1) ellipse (.3 and 1); %% closing ellipse \draw[fill=blue!10] (5,2.5) ellipse (.2 and .5); %%% hide half of the ellipse and make dashed \draw[blue!10, fill=blue!10] (4,2.025) rectangle ++(1,.95); \draw[dashed] (5,2.5) ellipse (.2 and .5); %% ellipse for A2 \draw[dashed, fill=blue!10] (4,2.5) ellipse (.2 and .5); % vectors \draw[thick, ->] (-1,1) to node[near start, above, anchor=south] {\(v_1\)} ++(1,0) ; \draw[thick, ->] (3,2.5) to node[near start, below, anchor=north] {\(v_2\)} ++(1,0) ; % heights \draw[dotted] (0,1) to (2,1); \draw[->] (1.5,-1) to node[pos=.3, anchor=west, right] {\(h_1\)} (1.5,1); \draw[dotted] (4,2.5) to (6,2.5); \draw[->] (5.5,-1) to node[pos=.5, anchor=west, right] {\(h_2\)} (5.5,2.5); % areas \draw[thick, blue] (0,.4) to [out=180, in=30] node[at end, anchor=east] {\(A_1\)} ++(-.5,-.4); \draw[thick, blue] (4,2.2) to [out=210, in=80] node[at end, below, anchor=north] {\(A_1\)} ++(-.5,-.5); % other symbols \node at (2,1.5) {\(\varrho\)}; \node at (-.7,2) {\(p_1\)}; \node at (5.5,3) {\(p_2\)}; \end{tikzpicture}