diff options
authorNao Pross <np@0hm.ch>2021-08-17 14:16:21 +0200
committerNao Pross <np@0hm.ch>2021-08-17 14:16:21 +0200
commitb9a02446538d8eb2166d1fd85d0d50c86dce07d9 (patch)
parentTabs and spaces (diff)
Add diagram
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--build/SigSys.pdfbin89808 -> 92313 bytes
3 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SigSys.tex b/SigSys.tex
index e2d1952..192a703 100644
--- a/SigSys.tex
+++ b/SigSys.tex
@@ -67,10 +67,15 @@
+\part{Signals and Systems}
+% linear algebra
+% fourier and laplace transforms
diff --git a/build/SigSys.pdf b/build/SigSys.pdf
index 1422224..09acfee 100644
--- a/build/SigSys.pdf
+++ b/build/SigSys.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tex/filters.tex b/tex/filters.tex
index 4271e35..e785e0a 100644
--- a/tex/filters.tex
+++ b/tex/filters.tex
@@ -1 +1,58 @@
+ \centering
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ axis tick/.style = {
+ inner sep = 1mm,
+ outer sep = 1mm,
+ },
+ x axis tick/.style = {
+ axis tick,
+ path picture = {
+ \draw[thick, -]
+ ($(path picture bounding box) + (0,.1)$) --
+ ($(path picture bounding box) - (0,.1)$);
+ }
+ },
+ y axis tick/.style = {
+ axis tick,
+ path picture = {
+ \draw[thick, -]
+ ($(path picture bounding box) + (.1,0)$) --
+ ($(path picture bounding box) - (.1,0)$);
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xlen{5}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\ylen{3}
+ \coordinate (O) at (0,0);
+ \draw[thick, ->] (O) to
+ % node[pos = .5, x axis tick, label = -90:1] {}
+ node[pos = .4, x axis tick, label = -90:\(\Omega_D\)] (OmegaD) {}
+ node[pos = .65, x axis tick, label = -90:\(\Omega_S\)] (OmegaS) {}
+ ++(\xlen,0) node[right] {\(\Omega\)};
+ \draw[thick, ->] (O) to
+ node[pos = .2, y axis tick, label = 180:\(A_\text{max}\)] (Amax) {}
+ node[pos = .7, y axis tick, label = 180:\(A_\text{min}\)] (Amin) {}
+ ++(0,\ylen) node[above] {\(A\)};
+ \draw[dashed, lightgray]
+ (Amin) -- ++(\xlen,0)
+ (Amax) -- ++(\xlen,0)
+ (OmegaD) -- ++(0,\ylen)
+ (OmegaS) -- ++(0,\ylen);
+ \draw[very thick, red!80!black] (Amax) -| ($(OmegaD) +(0,3)$);
+ \draw[very thick, red!80!black] (OmegaS) -- (Amin -| OmegaS) -- ++(1.5,0);
+ \node[align = center] at (1,1.3) {Stamp \\ (passband)};
+ \node[align = center] at (4.3,1.3) {Mold \\ (stopband)};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+% vim:ts=2 sw=2 et: