From be3f57bd6f1341465455e36f792137a5e3a15451 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nao Pross Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 18:54:53 +0100 Subject: merged alan's work (production) --- docs/build/pdi.aux | 146 ---- docs/build/pdi.bbl | 347 -------- docs/build/pdi.bcf | 2177 ------------------------------------------------ docs/build/pdi.blg | 17 - docs/build/pdi.log | 1018 ---------------------- docs/build/pdi.out | 27 - docs/build/pdi.pdf | Bin 220289 -> 0 bytes docs/build/ | 86 -- docs/build/pdi.toc | 72 -- 9 files changed, 3890 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.aux delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.bbl delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.bcf delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.blg delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.log delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.out delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.pdf delete mode 100644 docs/build/ delete mode 100644 docs/build/pdi.toc (limited to 'docs/build') diff --git a/docs/build/pdi.aux b/docs/build/pdi.aux deleted file mode 100644 index 894532d..0000000 --- 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title - - - sorttitle - title - - - sortyear - year - - - volume - 0000 - - - - - - sf,sm,sn,pf,pm,pn,pp - prefix,family,suffix,given - boolean,integer,string,xml - - - article - artwork - audio - bibnote - book - bookinbook - booklet - collection - commentary - customa - customb - customc - customd - custome - customf - inbook - incollection - inproceedings - inreference - image - jurisdiction - legal - legislation - letter - manual - misc - movie - music - mvcollection - mvreference - mvproceedings - mvbook - online - patent - performance - periodical - proceedings - reference - report - review - set - software - standard - suppbook - suppcollection - thesis - unpublished - video - xdata - - - abstract - addendum - annotation - booksubtitle - booktitle - booktitleaddon - chapter - edition - eid - entrysubtype - eprintclass - eprinttype - eventtitle - eventtitleaddon - gender - howpublished - indexsorttitle - indextitle - isan - isbn - ismn - isrn - issn - issue - issuesubtitle - issuetitle - 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crossref - xref - date - endyear - year - month - day - endmonth - endday - eventdate - eventendyear - eventyear - eventmonth - eventday - eventendmonth - eventendday - origdate - origendyear - origyear - origmonth - origday - origendmonth - origendday - urldate - urlendyear - urlyear - urlmonth - urlday - urlendmonth - urlendday - doi - eprint - file - verba - verbb - verbc - url - xdata - ids - entryset - related - keywords - options - relatedoptions - pages - execute - - - abstract - annotation - authortype - bookpagination - crossref - entryset - entrysubtype - execute - file - gender - ids - indextitle - indexsorttitle - isan - ismn - iswc - keywords - label - langid - langidopts - library - lista - listb - listc - listd - liste - listf - nameaddon - options - origday - origendday - origendmonth - origendyear - origmonth - origyear - origlocation - origpublisher - origtitle - pagination - presort - related - relatedoptions - relatedstring - relatedtype - shortauthor - shorteditor - shorthand - shorthandintro - shortjournal - shortseries - shorttitle - sortkey - sortname - sortshorthand - sorttitle - sortyear - usera - userb - userc - userd - usere - userf - verba - verbb - verbc - xdata - xref - - - set - entryset - crossref - - - article - author - journaltitle - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - annotator - commentator - doi - editor - editora - editorb - editorc - editortype - editoratype - editorbtype - editorctype - eid - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - issn - issue - issuetitle - issuesubtitle - journalsubtitle - language - note - number - origlanguage - pages - pubstate - series - subtitle - titleaddon - translator - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - version - volume - - - bibnote - note - - - book - author - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - afterword - annotator - chapter - commentator - doi - edition - editor - editora - editorb - editorc - 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booktitle - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - afterword - annotator - bookauthor - booksubtitle - booktitleaddon - chapter - commentator - doi - edition - editor - editora - editorb - editorc - editortype - editoratype - editorbtype - editorctype - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - foreword - introduction - isbn - language - location - mainsubtitle - maintitle - maintitleaddon - note - number - origlanguage - part - publisher - pages - pubstate - series - subtitle - titleaddon - translator - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - volume - volumes - - - booklet - author - editor - editortype - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - chapter - doi - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - howpublished - language - location - note - pages - pagetotal - pubstate - subtitle - titleaddon - type - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - - - collection - reference - editor - 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translator - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - volume - volumes - - - incollection - suppcollection - inreference - author - editor - title - booktitle - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - afterword - annotator - booksubtitle - booktitleaddon - chapter - commentator - doi - edition - editora - editorb - editorc - editortype - editoratype - editorbtype - editorctype - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - foreword - introduction - isbn - language - location - mainsubtitle - maintitle - maintitleaddon - note - number - origlanguage - pages - part - publisher - pubstate - series - subtitle - titleaddon - translator - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - volume - volumes - - - manual - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - author - chapter - doi - edition - editor - editortype - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - isbn - language - location - note - number - organization - pages - pagetotal - publisher - pubstate - series - subtitle - titleaddon - type - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - version - - - misc - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - author - doi - editor - editortype - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - howpublished - language - location - note - organization - pubstate - subtitle - titleaddon - type - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - version - - - online - title - url - addendum - author - editor - editortype - language - month - note - organization - pubstate - subtitle - titleaddon - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - version - year - - - patent - author - title - number - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - doi - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - holder - location - note - pubstate - subtitle - titleaddon - type - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - version - - - periodical - editor - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - doi - editora - editorb - editorc - editortype - editoratype - editorbtype - editorctype - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - issn - issue - issuesubtitle - issuetitle - language - note - number - pubstate - series - subtitle - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - volume - - - mvproceedings - editor - editortype - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - doi - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - eventday - eventendday - eventendmonth - eventendyear - eventmonth - eventyear - eventtitle - eventtitleaddon - isbn - language - location - note - number - organization - pagetotal - publisher - pubstate - series - subtitle - titleaddon - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - venue - volumes - - - proceedings - editor - editortype - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - chapter - doi - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - eventday - eventendday - eventendmonth - eventendyear - eventmonth - eventyear - eventtitle - eventtitleaddon - isbn - language - location - mainsubtitle - maintitle - maintitleaddon - note - number - organization - pages - pagetotal - part - publisher - pubstate - series - subtitle - titleaddon - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - venue - volume - volumes - - - inproceedings - author - editor - editortype - title - booktitle - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - booksubtitle - booktitleaddon - chapter - doi - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - eventday - eventendday - eventendmonth - eventendyear - eventmonth - eventyear - eventtitle - eventtitleaddon - isbn - language - location - mainsubtitle - maintitle - maintitleaddon - note - number - organization - pages - part - publisher - pubstate - series - subtitle - titleaddon - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - venue - volume - volumes - - - report - author - title - type - institution - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - chapter - doi - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - isrn - language - location - note - number - pages - pagetotal - pubstate - subtitle - titleaddon - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - version - - - thesis - author - title - type - institution - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - chapter - doi - eprint - eprintclass - eprinttype - language - location - note - pages - pagetotal - pubstate - subtitle - titleaddon - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - - - unpublished - author - title - day - endday - endmonth - endyear - month - year - addendum - howpublished - language - location - note - pubstate - subtitle - titleaddon - url - urlday - urlendday - urlendmonth - urlendyear - urlmonth - urlyear - - - article - book - inbook - bookinbook - suppbook - booklet - collection - incollection - suppcollection - manual - misc - mvbook - mvcollection - online - patent - periodical - suppperiodical - proceedings - inproceedings - reference - inreference - report - set - thesis - unpublished - - - date - year - - - - - set - - entryset - crossref - - - - article - - author - journaltitle - title - - - - book - mvbook - mvcollection - mvreference - - author - title - - - - inbook - bookinbook - suppbook - - author - title - booktitle - - - - booklet - - - author - editor - - title - - - - collection - reference - - editor - title - - - - incollection - suppcollection - inreference - - author - editor - title - booktitle - - - - manual - - title - - - - misc - - title - - - - online - - title - url - - - - patent - - author - title - number - - - - periodical - - editor - title - - - - proceedings - mvproceedings - - editor - title - - - - inproceedings - - author - title - booktitle - - - - report - - author - title - type - institution - - - - thesis - - author - title - type - institution - - - - unpublished - - author - title - - - - - isbn - - - issn - - - ismn - - - date - eventdate - origdate - urldate - - - gender - - - - - - - pdi.bib - - - statscan:statarea - history - swisseconomy - statscan:ecoimpexps - nrcan:energyfactsbook - nrcan:renewables - statscan:ghgemissions - statscan:ghgemissions - nrcan:nacei - nrcan:energymeeting - nrcan:wind - nrcan:energyfactsbook - pieroconti - energycrisis - cansim:electricity - poterecalorico - cansim:electricityfuel - - - - - presort - - - sortkey - - - sortname - author - editor - translator - sorttitle - title - - - sorttitle - title - - - sortyear - year - - - volume - 0000 - - - - - - - presort - - - sortkey - - - sortname - author - editor - translator - sorttitle - title - - - sorttitle - title - - - sortyear - year - - - volume - 0000 - - - - diff --git a/docs/build/pdi.blg b/docs/build/pdi.blg deleted file mode 100644 index 35df717..0000000 --- a/docs/build/pdi.blg +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -[1]> INFO - This is Biber 2.5 -[1]> INFO - Logfile is 'build/pdi.blg' -[77] biber:290> INFO - === Tue Dec 13, 2016, 10:25:08 -[226]> INFO - Reading 'build/pdi.bcf' -[470]> INFO - Found 15 citekeys in bib section 0 -[491]> INFO - Processing section 0 -[508]> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'pdi.bib' for section 0 -[590]> INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8 -[662]> INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'pdi.bib' -[705]> WARN - BibTeX subsystem: /tmp/WOob9y94Zj/pdi.bib_3798.utf8, line 33, warning: 5 characters of junk seen at toplevel -[748]> INFO - Overriding locale 'it-IT' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable' -[748]> INFO - Overriding locale 'it-IT' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized' -[748]> INFO - Sorting list 'nty/global/' of type 'entry' with scheme 'nty' and locale 'it-IT' -[748]> INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'it-IT' -[773]> INFO - Writing 'build/pdi.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8' -[840]> INFO - Output to build/pdi.bbl -[840]> INFO - 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- -Package inputenc Warning: inputenc package ignored with utf8 based engines. - -) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/babel.sty -Package: babel 2016/04/23 3.9r The Babel package - -(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/luababel.def -\l@dumylang=\language1 -\l@nohyphenation=\language2 -\l@german-x-2014-05-21=\language3 -\l@ngerman-x-2014-05-21=\language4 -\l@afrikaans=\language5 -\l@ancientgreek=\language6 -\l@ibycus=\language7 -\l@arabic=\language8 -\l@armenian=\language9 -\l@basque=\language10 -\l@bulgarian=\language11 -\l@catalan=\language12 -\l@pinyin=\language13 -\l@churchslavonic=\language14 -\l@coptic=\language15 -\l@croatian=\language16 -\l@czech=\language17 -\l@danish=\language18 -\l@dutch=\language19 -\l@ukenglish=\language20 -\l@usenglishmax=\language21 -\l@esperanto=\language22 -\l@estonian=\language23 -\l@ethiopic=\language24 -\l@farsi=\language25 -\l@finnish=\language26 -\l@french=\language27 -\l@friulan=\language28 -\l@galician=\language29 -\l@georgian=\language30 -\l@german=\language31 -\l@ngerman=\language32 -\l@swissgerman=\language33 -\l@monogreek=\language34 -\l@greek=\language35 -\l@hungarian=\language36 -\l@icelandic=\language37 -\l@assamese=\language38 -\l@bengali=\language39 -\l@gujarati=\language40 -\l@hindi=\language41 -\l@kannada=\language42 -\l@malayalam=\language43 -\l@marathi=\language44 -\l@oriya=\language45 -\l@panjabi=\language46 -\l@tamil=\language47 -\l@telugu=\language48 -\l@indonesian=\language49 -\l@interlingua=\language50 -\l@irish=\language51 -\l@italian=\language52 -\l@kurmanji=\language53 -\l@latin=\language54 -\l@classiclatin=\language55 -\l@liturgicallatin=\language56 -\l@latvian=\language57 -\l@lithuanian=\language58 -\l@mongolian=\language59 -\l@mongolianlmc=\language60 -\l@bokmal=\language61 -\l@nynorsk=\language62 -\l@occitan=\language63 -\l@piedmontese=\language64 -\l@polish=\language65 -\l@portuguese=\language66 -\l@romanian=\language67 -\l@romansh=\language68 -\l@russian=\language69 -\l@sanskrit=\language70 -\l@serbian=\language71 -\l@serbianc=\language72 -\l@slovak=\language73 -\l@slovenian=\language74 -\l@spanish=\language75 -\l@swedish=\language76 -\l@thai=\language77 -\l@turkish=\language78 -\l@turkmen=\language79 -\l@ukrainian=\language80 -\l@uppersorbian=\language81 -\l@welsh=\language82 -) -(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel-english/english.ldf -Language: english 2012/08/20 v3.3p English support from the babel system - 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-(/usr/share/texmf-dist/scripts/oberdiek/oberdiek.luatex.lua) -Package: pdftexcmds 2016/05/10 v0.21 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO) - -Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available. -Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available. -Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found. -\pdftexcmds@toks=\toks21 -Package: pdfescape 2016/05/16 v1.14 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO) -Package: bigintcalc 2016/05/16 v1.4 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO) - -Package: bitset 2016/05/16 v1.2 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO) -Package: uniquecounter 2016/05/16 v1.3 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO) -) -Package hobsub Info: Skipping package `hobsub' (already loaded). -Package: letltxmacro 2016/05/16 v1.5 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO) -Package: hopatch 2016/05/16 v1.3 Wrapper for package hooks (HO) -Package: xcolor-patch 2016/05/16 xcolor patch -Package: atveryend 2016/05/16 v1.9 Hooks at the very end of document (HO) -Package: atbegshi 2016/05/16 v1.17 At begin shipout hook (HO) -Package: refcount 2016/05/16 v3.5 Data extraction from label references (HO) -Package: hycolor 2016/05/16 v1.8 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO) -) -(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/auxhook.sty -Package: auxhook 2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO) -) -(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/oberdiek/kvoptions.sty -Package: kvoptions 2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO) -) -\@linkdim=\dimen116 -\Hy@linkcounter=\count99 -\Hy@pagecounter=\count100 - 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