path: root/res/ATFBlast_ALL/userport/UserPort/UserPort_SYS/UserPort.C
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1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/ATFBlast_ALL/userport/UserPort/UserPort_SYS/UserPort.C b/res/ATFBlast_ALL/userport/UserPort/UserPort_SYS/UserPort.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0e40df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/ATFBlast_ALL/userport/UserPort/UserPort_SYS/UserPort.C
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+Author: Tomas Franzon
+Date: 11/09/2000
+Program: UserPort.SYS
+Compile: Use DDK BUILD facility
+Purpose: Give direct port I/O access to user mode programs.
+This driver is influenced by an article written by Dale Roberts 8/30/95,
+published in May 96 Dr Dobbs Journal, see
+The driver gives user mode program access to selected ports by changing
+the x86-processors IOPM (I/O Permission Map). The driver has one separate
+map for all procsesses (AllProcessesIOPM) and one separate map
+(ThroughCreateFileIOPM) for processes that opens the file "\\.\UserPort"
+The driver tries to read the registry keys:
+It will use the default values below if these doesn't exist.
+#include <ntddk.h>
+ * Make sure our structure is packed properly, on byte boundary, not
+ * on the default doubleword boundary.
+#pragma pack(push,1)
+ * Structures for manipulating the GDT register and a GDT segment
+ * descriptor entry. Documented in Intel processor handbooks.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned limit : 16;
+ unsigned baselo : 16;
+ unsigned basemid : 8;
+ unsigned type : 4;
+ unsigned system : 1;
+ unsigned dpl : 2;
+ unsigned present : 1;
+ unsigned limithi : 4;
+ unsigned available : 1;
+ unsigned zero : 1;
+ unsigned size : 1;
+ unsigned granularity : 1;
+ unsigned basehi : 8;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned short limit;
+ GDTENT *base;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+ * The name of our device driver.
+ */
+#define DEVICE_NAME_STRING L"UserPort"
+ OriginalMapCopy is used to restore the IOPM when the driver exists.
+ CurrentMap points to NULL or to the place where the processors IOPM is located.
+ Accessmap is the IOPM that is used by the driver.
+ Every port address has one cooresponding bit in the IOPM. The driver supports
+ addresses from 0x000 to 0x3FF and the IOPM size is then 0x3ff / 8 = 0x80.
+ */
+UCHAR OriginalAllProcIOPMCopy[0x80];
+UCHAR OriginalThroughCreateFileIOPMCopy[0x80];
+const UCHAR DefaultMap[0x80]=
+/*0x000*/ {0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x010*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x020*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x030*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x040*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x050*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x060*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x070*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x080*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x090*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x0A0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x0B0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x0C0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x0D0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x0E0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x0F0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x100*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x110*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x120*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x130*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x140*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x150*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x160*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x170*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x180*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x190*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x1A0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x1B0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x1C0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x1D0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x1E0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x1F0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x200*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x210*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x220*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x230*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x240*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x250*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x260*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x270*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x280*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x290*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x2A0*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x2B0*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x2C0*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x2D0*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x2E0*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x2F0*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x300*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x310*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x320*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x330*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x340*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x350*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x360*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x370*/ 0x00,0x00,
+/*0x380*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x390*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x3A0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x3B0*/ 0xFF,0x0F,
+/*0x3C0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x3D0*/ 0xFF,0xFF,
+/*0x3E0*/ 0xFF,0x00,
+/*0x3F0*/ 0x00,0x00};
+unsigned OrgGDTSize; // The original sise of the TSS
+ Ke386IoSetAccessProcess() adjusts the IOPM offset pointer to the IOPM at 0x88
+ Ke386IoSetAccessProcess() is located in NTOSKRNL.EXE but is not included in any
+ header file or documented anywhere...
+void Ke386IoSetAccessProcess(PEPROCESS, int);
+ Service handler for a CreateFile() user mode call.
+ This routine is entered in the driver object function call table by
+the DriverEntry() routine. When the user mode application calls
+CreateFile(), this routine gets called while still in the context of
+the user mode application, but with the CPL (the processor's Current
+Privelege Level) set to 0. This allows us to do kernel mode
+operations. UserPort() is called to give the calling process I/O
+access. All the user mode application needs do to obtain I/O access
+is open this device with CreateFile(). No other operations are
+NTSTATUS CreateFileDispatch(
+ )
+ // Give the current process IO access
+ Ke386IoSetAccessProcess(PsGetCurrentProcess(), 1);
+ Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
+ Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+// remove the link \\.\UserPort and restore the IOPM
+void UserPortUnload(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject)
+ WCHAR DOSNameBuffer[] = L"\\DosDevices\\" DEVICE_NAME_STRING;
+ GDTREG gdtreg;
+ GDTENT *g;
+ short TaskSeg;
+ UCHAR *TSSAllProcessesIOPM;
+ UCHAR *TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM;
+ unsigned i;
+ UCHAR *TSSbase;
+ _asm cli;
+ _asm sgdt gdtreg;
+ _asm str TaskSeg;
+ g = gdtreg.base + (TaskSeg >> 3);
+ g->limit = OrgGDTSize;
+ g->type = 9;
+ _asm ltr TaskSeg;
+ _asm sti;
+ TSSbase = (UCHAR *) (g->baselo | (g->basemid << 16) | (g->basehi << 24));
+ TSSAllProcessesIOPM = *((USHORT *)(TSSbase + 0x66)) + TSSbase;
+ TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM = TSSbase + 0x88;
+ // Restore to the original map
+ for (i=0;i<sizeof(DefaultMap);i++)
+ {
+ TSSAllProcessesIOPM[i] = OriginalAllProcIOPMCopy[i];
+ TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM[i] = OriginalThroughCreateFileIOPMCopy[i];
+ }
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&uniDOSString, DOSNameBuffer);
+ IoDeleteSymbolicLink (&uniDOSString);
+ IoDeleteDevice(DriverObject->DeviceObject);
+// This routine is the entrypoint of the driver.
+// This routine reads the AllProcessesIOPM and ThroughCreateFileIOPM from registry and start the driver
+NTSTATUS DriverEntry(
+ )
+ PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject;
+ NTSTATUS status;
+ WCHAR NameBuffer[] = L"\\Device\\" DEVICE_NAME_STRING;
+ WCHAR DOSNameBuffer[] = L"\\DosDevices\\" DEVICE_NAME_STRING;
+ UNICODE_STRING uniNameString, uniDOSString;
+ GDTREG gdtreg;
+ GDTENT *g;
+ short TaskSeg;
+ UCHAR *TSSAllProcessesIOPM;
+ UCHAR *TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM;
+ const UCHAR *AllProcessesIOPM = DefaultMap;
+ const UCHAR *ThroughCreateFileIOPM = DefaultMap;
+ unsigned i;
+ UCHAR *TSSbase;
+ UCHAR InformationBuffer1[sizeof(DefaultMap)+sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)];
+ UCHAR InformationBuffer2[sizeof(DefaultMap)+sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)];
+ ULONG ResultLength;
+ HANDLE KeyHandle;
+ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
+ UNICODE_STRING ThroughCreateFileIOPMString,AllProcessesIOPMString,RegPathString;
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&AllProcessesIOPMString, L"AllProcessesIOPM");
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&ThroughCreateFileIOPMString, L"ThroughCreateFileIOPM");
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&RegPathString,L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\UserPort");
+ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,&RegPathString,OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,NULL,NULL);
+ if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ZwOpenKey(&KeyHandle, KEY_QUERY_VALUE,&ObjectAttributes))
+ {
+ if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ZwQueryValueKey(KeyHandle,&ThroughCreateFileIOPMString,KeyValuePartialInformation,Information1,sizeof(InformationBuffer1),&ResultLength))
+ ThroughCreateFileIOPM = Information1->Data;
+ if (STATUS_SUCCESS == ZwQueryValueKey(KeyHandle,&AllProcessesIOPMString,KeyValuePartialInformation,Information2,sizeof(InformationBuffer2),&ResultLength))
+ AllProcessesIOPM = Information2->Data;
+ ZwClose(KeyHandle);
+ }
+ _asm cli; // don't get interrupted!
+ _asm str TaskSeg; // get the TSS selector
+ _asm sgdt gdtreg; // get the GDT address
+ g = gdtreg.base + (TaskSeg >> 3); // get the TSS descript
+ // get the TSS address
+ OrgGDTSize = g->limit;
+ g->limit += 0x082; // modify TSS segment limit
+ g->type = 9; // mark TSS as "not busy"
+ _asm ltr TaskSeg; // reload task register (TR)
+ _asm sti; // let interrupts continue*/
+ TSSbase = (UCHAR *) (g->baselo | (g->basemid << 16) | (g->basehi << 24));
+ TSSAllProcessesIOPM = *((USHORT *)(TSSbase + 0x66)) + TSSbase;
+ TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM = TSSbase + 0x88;
+ // Copy the AccessMap to TSSbase + 0x20ad and save the original map
+ for (i=0;i<sizeof(DefaultMap);i++)
+ {
+ OriginalAllProcIOPMCopy[i] = TSSAllProcessesIOPM[i];
+ TSSAllProcessesIOPM[i] = AllProcessesIOPM[i];
+ OriginalThroughCreateFileIOPMCopy[i] = TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM[i];
+ TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM[i] = TSSThroughCreateFileIOPM[i] & ThroughCreateFileIOPM[i];
+ }
+ //
+ // Set up device driver name and device object.
+ // Make the driver accessable though the file \\.\UserPort
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&uniNameString, NameBuffer);
+ RtlInitUnicodeString(&uniDOSString, DOSNameBuffer);
+ status = IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, 0,
+ &uniNameString,
+ 0, FALSE, &deviceObject);
+ if(!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+ return status;
+ status = IoCreateSymbolicLink (&uniDOSString, &uniNameString);
+ if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
+ return status;
+ //
+ // Initialize the Driver Object with driver's entry points.
+ // All we require are the Create and Unload operations.
+ //
+ DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = CreateFileDispatch;
+ DriverObject->DriverUnload = UserPortUnload;