RECOMMEND: Use the latest ISE iMPACT software to directly generate an XSVF file for your target device in the JTAG scan chain. OVERVIEW: When necessary to translate SVF to XSVF, this archive contains the stand-alone SVF-to-XSVF translators. INSTRUCTIONS: Instructions for translating SVF to XSVF using the stand-alone SVF-to-XSVF (svf2xsvf) translators: SVF2XSVF Basic Syntax: svf2xsvf501 [options] -i input.svf -o output.xsvf -a output.txt -i input.svf = any input file name for the input SVF file. -o output.xsvf = any output file name for output XSVF file. -a output.txt = any output file name for output text version of the XSVF file. (For debugging/analysis.) [options] may be zero or more of the following: -d = delete pre-existing output files. -w = delete pre-existing output files. -r N = max "retry" count = N times. (XC9500/XL/XV only) -fpga = Special translation for FPGA bitstreams. (FPGA only) -extensions = add special TAP command extensions (CoolRunner/II only) -xwait = Use the inline XWAIT XSVF command (CoolRunner/II only) -minxstate = Minimize XSTATE XSVF commands -v2 = backward compatible XSVF with XSVF v2 player. -xprintsrc N = print various levels of comments into XSVF (N=0-3) SVF2XSVF Options Requirements for Each Family: XC9500/XL/XV: // No options required CoolRunner/II: -r 0 -extensions -xwait XC18V00/XCF00S: -r 0 // 0 = zero (See readme_xc18v00_xcf00s.txt for more XC18V00/XCF00S information!!!) XCF00P: -r 0 -extensions // 0 = zero Spartan-3AN (not Spartan-3A) and indirect SPI flash programming: -fpga -rlen 10000 All Spartan-II (or later) and Virtex (or later) FPGAs: -fpga -extensions // automatically sets -r 0 All XC4000+/Spartan/Spartan-XL FPGAs: -fpga -rlen 1024 // automatically sets -r 0 System ACE MPM/SC: -r 0 -xwait Command-line Translation Examples: XC9500/XL/XV: svf2xsvf -d -i xc9536.svf -o xc9536.xsvf -a xc9536.txt CoolRunner/II: svf2xsvf -d -r 0 -extensions -xwait -i xcr3064xl.svf -o xcr3064xl.xsvf -a xcr3064xl.txt XC18V00/XCF00S: svf2xsvf -d -r 0 -i prom.svf -o prom.xsvf -a prom.txt (See readme_xc18v00_xcf00s.txt for more XC18V00/XCF00S information!!!) XCF00P: svf2xsvf -d -r 0 -extensions -i prom.svf -o prom.xsvf -a prom.txt Spartan-II/Spartan-3/Virtex+ Platform FPGAs: svf2xsvf -d -fpga -extensions -i xcv300.svf -o xcv300.xsvf -a xcv300.txt XC4000+/Spartan/Spartan-XL FPGAs: svf2xsvf -d -fpga -rlen 1024 -i fpga.svf -o fpga.xsvf -a fpga.txt System ACE MPM/SC: svf2xsvf -d -r 0 -xwait -i mpm.svf -o mpm.xsvf -a mpm.txt