#ifndef __USART_H__ #define __USART_H__ /*** * USART REGISTERS {{{ * * UCSR: control and status regisers, composed from 3 registers: * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | UCSRA :| RXC | TXC | UDRE | FE | DOR | PE | U2X | MPCM | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * UCSRA is a status register (read only) * Relevant bits: * - RXC : set to 1 if data is present on the receive buffer * - TXC : set to 1 when data is transferred to the transfer register * - UDRE: set to 1 when trasmit buffer is empty (data sent) * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | UCSRB :| RXCIE | TXCIE | UDRIE | RXEN | TXEN | UCSZ2 | RXB8 | TXB8 | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * UCSRB is used to setup hardware configuration * Relevant bits: * - RXCIE: RX complete interrupt enabled when set to 1 * - TXCIE: TX complete interrupt enabled when set to 1 * - UDRIE: data register empty interrupt enabled when set to 1 * - RXEN : uart receiver enabled when set to 1 * - TXEN : uart transmitter enabled when set to 1 * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | UCSRC :| URSEL | UMSEL | UPM1 | UPM0 | USBS | UCSZ1 | UCSZ0 | UCPOL | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * UCSRB is used to setup protocol configuration * Relevant bits: * - URSEL: register select (location is shared with UBRRH and UCSRC) * - UMSEL: mode select * 1 -> synchronous * 0 -> asynchronous * - UMP1 + UPM0: set parity * 00 -> no parity * 01 -> reserved * 10 -> even * 11 -> odd * - UCSZ2 + UCSZ1 + UCSZ0: set data frame (char size) * 000 -> 5 bit * 001 -> 6 bit * 010 -> 7 bit * 011 -> 8 bit * 100 to 110 -> reserved * 111 -> 9 bit * * UBRR: baudrate register * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | UBRRH :| URSEL | | | | UBRR11| UBRR10| UBRR9 | UBRR8 | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | UBRRL :| UBRR7 | UBRR6 | UBRR5 | UBRR4 | UBRR3 | UBRR2 | UBRR1 | UBRR0 | * +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * UBRR is composed of 2 8 bit registers to store a 12 bit baudrate value. * The value to be stored in this register is calculated with the following * formula (approximate to integer): * UBRR = ( XTAL_frequency ) / ( 16 * BAUDRATE ) -1 * * in C code corresponds to: * #define USART_BAUDRATE 9600 * #define BAUD_PRESCALE (((F_CPU / (USART_BAUDRATE * 16UL))) - 1) * * Relevant bits: * - URSEL: register select (location is share with UCSRC) * * UDR : data register * This register is shared between RX and TX * * }}} */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <avr/io.h> #define USART_TIMEOUT 5000 // struct usart_conf // { // uint16_t baudrate; // }; void usart_init(uint16_t baudrate); // void usart_init_conf(struct usart_conf *conf); void usart_send_byte(uint8_t data); void usart_send(uint8_t *data, size_t len); void usart_print(char *str); int usart_read_byte(uint8_t *byte); uint8_t usart_read_byte_nt(void); size_t usart_read(uint8_t *buffer, size_t len); int uart_read_line(uint8_t *buffer, size_t len); #endif