path: root/static/tabulator/js/tabulator_esm.js
diff options
authorAndrea Lepori <aleporia@gmail.com>2023-02-23 13:04:50 +0100
committerAndrea Lepori <aleporia@gmail.com>2023-02-23 13:05:10 +0100
commite489173e7ccbe7593e263b705c7937ff5be62b10 (patch)
tree929c2d90eb06cd652b9236006c97cb31a4e6922f /static/tabulator/js/tabulator_esm.js
parentfix missing variable for medic export (diff)
add prototype for table of users
Diffstat (limited to 'static/tabulator/js/tabulator_esm.js')
1 files changed, 26115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/static/tabulator/js/tabulator_esm.js b/static/tabulator/js/tabulator_esm.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eced838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/tabulator/js/tabulator_esm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26115 @@
+/* Tabulator v5.4.4 (c) Oliver Folkerd 2023 */
+class CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table){
+ this.table = table;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////// DataLoad /////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ reloadData(data, silent, columnsChanged){
+ return this.table.dataLoader.load(data, undefined, undefined, undefined, silent, columnsChanged);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////// Localization ///////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ langText(){
+ return this.table.modules.localize.getText(...arguments);
+ }
+ langBind(){
+ return this.table.modules.localize.bind(...arguments);
+ }
+ langLocale(){
+ return this.table.modules.localize.getLocale(...arguments);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////// Inter Table Comms /////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ commsConnections(){
+ return this.table.modules.comms.getConnections(...arguments);
+ }
+ commsSend(){
+ return this.table.modules.comms.send(...arguments);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////// Layout /////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ layoutMode(){
+ return this.table.modules.layout.getMode();
+ }
+ layoutRefresh(force){
+ return this.table.modules.layout.layout(force);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////////// Event Bus ////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ subscribe(){
+ return this.table.eventBus.subscribe(...arguments);
+ }
+ unsubscribe(){
+ return this.table.eventBus.unsubscribe(...arguments);
+ }
+ subscribed(key){
+ return this.table.eventBus.subscribed(key);
+ }
+ subscriptionChange(){
+ return this.table.eventBus.subscriptionChange(...arguments);
+ }
+ dispatch(){
+ return this.table.eventBus.dispatch(...arguments);
+ }
+ chain(){
+ return this.table.eventBus.chain(...arguments);
+ }
+ confirm(){
+ return this.table.eventBus.confirm(...arguments);
+ }
+ dispatchExternal(){
+ return this.table.externalEvents.dispatch(...arguments);
+ }
+ subscribedExternal(key){
+ return this.table.externalEvents.subscribed(key);
+ }
+ subscriptionChangeExternal(){
+ return this.table.externalEvents.subscriptionChange(...arguments);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////// Options /////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ options(key){
+ return this.table.options[key];
+ }
+ setOption(key, value){
+ if(typeof value !== "undefined"){
+ this.table.options[key] = value;
+ }
+ return this.table.options[key];
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////// Deprecation Checks ///////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ deprecationCheck(oldOption, newOption){
+ return this.table.deprecationAdvisor.check(oldOption, newOption);
+ }
+ deprecationCheckMsg(oldOption, msg){
+ return this.table.deprecationAdvisor.checkMsg(oldOption, msg);
+ }
+ deprecationMsg(msg){
+ return this.table.deprecationAdvisor.msg(msg);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////// Modules /////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////////
+ module(key){
+ return this.table.module(key);
+ }
+class Helpers{
+ static elVisible(el){
+ return !(el.offsetWidth <= 0 && el.offsetHeight <= 0);
+ }
+ static elOffset(el){
+ var box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return {
+ top: box.top + window.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.clientTop,
+ left: box.left + window.pageXOffset - document.documentElement.clientLeft
+ };
+ }
+ static deepClone(obj, clone, list = []){
+ var objectProto = {}.__proto__,
+ arrayProto = [].__proto__;
+ if (!clone){
+ clone = Object.assign(Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {}, obj);
+ }
+ for(var i in obj) {
+ let subject = obj[i],
+ match, copy;
+ if(subject != null && typeof subject === "object" && (subject.__proto__ === objectProto || subject.__proto__ === arrayProto)){
+ match = list.findIndex((item) => {
+ return item.subject === subject;
+ });
+ if(match > -1){
+ clone[i] = list[match].copy;
+ }else {
+ copy = Object.assign(Array.isArray(subject) ? [] : {}, subject);
+ list.unshift({subject, copy});
+ clone[i] = this.deepClone(subject, copy, list);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return clone;
+ }
+class Popup extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table, element, parent){
+ super(table);
+ this.element = element;
+ this.container = this._lookupContainer();
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.reversedX = false;
+ this.childPopup = null;
+ this.blurable = false;
+ this.blurCallback = null;
+ this.blurEventsBound = false;
+ this.renderedCallback = null;
+ this.visible = false;
+ this.hideable = true;
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-popup-container");
+ this.blurEvent = this.hide.bind(this, false);
+ this.escEvent = this._escapeCheck.bind(this);
+ this.destroyBinding = this.tableDestroyed.bind(this);
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ }
+ tableDestroyed(){
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ this.hide(true);
+ }
+ _lookupContainer(){
+ var container = this.table.options.popupContainer;
+ if(typeof container === "string"){
+ container = document.querySelector(container);
+ if(!container){
+ console.warn("Menu Error - no container element found matching selector:", this.table.options.popupContainer , "(defaulting to document body)");
+ }
+ }else if (container === true){
+ container = this.table.element;
+ }
+ if(container && !this._checkContainerIsParent(container)){
+ container = false;
+ console.warn("Menu Error - container element does not contain this table:", this.table.options.popupContainer , "(defaulting to document body)");
+ }
+ if(!container){
+ container = document.body;
+ }
+ return container;
+ }
+ _checkContainerIsParent(container, element = this.table.element){
+ if(container === element){
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ return element.parentNode ? this._checkContainerIsParent(container, element.parentNode) : false;
+ }
+ }
+ renderCallback(callback){
+ this.renderedCallback = callback;
+ }
+ containerEventCoords(e){
+ var touch = !(e instanceof MouseEvent);
+ var x = touch ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX;
+ var y = touch ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY;
+ if(this.container !== document.body){
+ let parentOffset = Helpers.elOffset(this.container);
+ x -= parentOffset.left;
+ y -= parentOffset.top;
+ }
+ return {x, y};
+ }
+ elementPositionCoords(element, position = "right"){
+ var offset = Helpers.elOffset(element),
+ containerOffset, x, y;
+ if(this.container !== document.body){
+ containerOffset = Helpers.elOffset(this.container);
+ offset.left -= containerOffset.left;
+ offset.top -= containerOffset.top;
+ }
+ switch(position){
+ case "right":
+ x = offset.left + element.offsetWidth;
+ y = offset.top - 1;
+ break;
+ case "bottom":
+ x = offset.left;
+ y = offset.top + element.offsetHeight;
+ break;
+ case "left":
+ x = offset.left;
+ y = offset.top - 1;
+ break;
+ case "top":
+ x = offset.left;
+ y = offset.top;
+ break;
+ case "center":
+ x = offset.left + (element.offsetWidth / 2);
+ y = offset.top + (element.offsetHeight / 2);
+ break;
+ }
+ return {x, y, offset};
+ }
+ show(origin, position){
+ var x, y, parentEl, parentOffset, coords;
+ if(this.destroyed || this.table.destroyed){
+ return this;
+ }
+ if(origin instanceof HTMLElement){
+ parentEl = origin;
+ coords = this.elementPositionCoords(origin, position);
+ parentOffset = coords.offset;
+ x = coords.x;
+ y = coords.y;
+ }else if(typeof origin === "number"){
+ parentOffset = {top:0, left:0};
+ x = origin;
+ y = position;
+ }else {
+ coords = this.containerEventCoords(origin);
+ x = coords.x;
+ y = coords.y;
+ this.reversedX = false;
+ }
+ this.element.style.top = y + "px";
+ this.element.style.left = x + "px";
+ this.container.appendChild(this.element);
+ if(typeof this.renderedCallback === "function"){
+ this.renderedCallback();
+ }
+ this._fitToScreen(x, y, parentEl, parentOffset, position);
+ this.visible = true;
+ this.subscribe("table-destroy", this.destroyBinding);
+ this.element.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ _fitToScreen(x, y, parentEl, parentOffset, position){
+ var scrollTop = this.container === document.body ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : this.container.scrollTop;
+ //move menu to start on right edge if it is too close to the edge of the screen
+ if((x + this.element.offsetWidth) >= this.container.offsetWidth || this.reversedX){
+ this.element.style.left = "";
+ if(parentEl){
+ this.element.style.right = (this.container.offsetWidth - parentOffset.left) + "px";
+ }else {
+ this.element.style.right = (this.container.offsetWidth - x) + "px";
+ }
+ this.reversedX = true;
+ }
+ //move menu to start on bottom edge if it is too close to the edge of the screen
+ if((y + this.element.offsetHeight) > Math.max(this.container.offsetHeight, scrollTop ? this.container.scrollHeight : 0)) {
+ if(parentEl){
+ switch(position){
+ case "bottom":
+ this.element.style.top = (parseInt(this.element.style.top) - this.element.offsetHeight - parentEl.offsetHeight - 1) + "px";
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.element.style.top = (parseInt(this.element.style.top) - this.element.offsetHeight + parentEl.offsetHeight + 1) + "px";
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.element.style.top = (parseInt(this.element.style.top) - this.element.offsetHeight) + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ isVisible(){
+ return this.visible;
+ }
+ hideOnBlur(callback){
+ this.blurable = true;
+ if(this.visible){
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if(this.visible){
+ this.table.rowManager.element.addEventListener("scroll", this.blurEvent);
+ this.subscribe("cell-editing", this.blurEvent);
+ document.body.addEventListener("click", this.blurEvent);
+ document.body.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.blurEvent);
+ document.body.addEventListener("mousedown", this.blurEvent);
+ window.addEventListener("resize", this.blurEvent);
+ document.body.addEventListener("keydown", this.escEvent);
+ this.blurEventsBound = true;
+ }
+ }, 100);
+ this.blurCallback = callback;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ _escapeCheck(e){
+ if(e.keyCode == 27){
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ blockHide(){
+ this.hideable = false;
+ }
+ restoreHide(){
+ this.hideable = true;
+ }
+ hide(silent = false){
+ if(this.visible && this.hideable){
+ if(this.blurable && this.blurEventsBound){
+ document.body.removeEventListener("keydown", this.escEvent);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("click", this.blurEvent);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this.blurEvent);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.blurEvent);
+ window.removeEventListener("resize", this.blurEvent);
+ this.table.rowManager.element.removeEventListener("scroll", this.blurEvent);
+ this.unsubscribe("cell-editing", this.blurEvent);
+ this.blurEventsBound = false;
+ }
+ if(this.childPopup){
+ this.childPopup.hide();
+ }
+ if(this.parent){
+ this.parent.childPopup = null;
+ }
+ if(this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ this.visible = false;
+ if(this.blurCallback && !silent){
+ this.blurCallback();
+ }
+ this.unsubscribe("table-destroy", this.destroyBinding);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ child(element){
+ if(this.childPopup){
+ this.childPopup.hide();
+ }
+ this.childPopup = new Popup(this.table, element, this);
+ return this.childPopup;
+ }
+class Module extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table, name){
+ super(table);
+ this._handler = null;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ // setup module when table is initialized, to be overridden in module
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ////// Options Registration ///////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ registerTableOption(key, value){
+ this.table.optionsList.register(key, value);
+ }
+ registerColumnOption(key, value){
+ this.table.columnManager.optionsList.register(key, value);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ /// Public Function Registration ///
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ registerTableFunction(name, func){
+ if(typeof this.table[name] === "undefined"){
+ this.table[name] = (...args) => {
+ this.table.initGuard(name);
+ return func(...args);
+ };
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Unable to bind table function, name already in use", name);
+ }
+ }
+ registerComponentFunction(component, func, handler){
+ return this.table.componentFunctionBinder.bind(component, func, handler);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ////////// Data Pipeline //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ registerDataHandler(handler, priority){
+ this.table.rowManager.registerDataPipelineHandler(handler, priority);
+ this._handler = handler;
+ }
+ registerDisplayHandler(handler, priority){
+ this.table.rowManager.registerDisplayPipelineHandler(handler, priority);
+ this._handler = handler;
+ }
+ displayRows(adjust){
+ var index = this.table.rowManager.displayRows.length - 1,
+ lookupIndex;
+ if(this._handler){
+ lookupIndex = this.table.rowManager.displayPipeline.findIndex((item) => {
+ return item.handler === this._handler;
+ });
+ if(lookupIndex > -1){
+ index = lookupIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ if(adjust){
+ index = index + adjust;
+ }
+ if(this._handler){
+ if(index > -1){
+ return this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows(index);
+ }else {
+ return this.activeRows();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ activeRows(){
+ return this.table.rowManager.activeRows;
+ }
+ refreshData(renderInPosition, handler){
+ if(!handler){
+ handler = this._handler;
+ }
+ if(handler){
+ this.table.rowManager.refreshActiveData(handler, false, renderInPosition);
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //////// Footer Management ////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ footerAppend(element){
+ return this.table.footerManager.append(element);
+ }
+ footerPrepend(element){
+ return this.table.footerManager.prepend(element);
+ }
+ footerRemove(element){
+ return this.table.footerManager.remove(element);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //////// Popups Management ////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ popup(menuEl, menuContainer){
+ return new Popup(this.table, menuEl, menuContainer);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //////// Alert Management ////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ alert(content, type){
+ return this.table.alertManager.alert(content, type);
+ }
+ clearAlert(){
+ return this.table.alertManager.clear();
+ }
+var defaultAccessors = {};
+class Accessor extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.allowedTypes = ["", "data", "download", "clipboard", "print", "htmlOutput"]; //list of accessor types
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessor");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorData");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorDataParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorDownload");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorDownloadParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorClipboard");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorClipboardParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorPrint");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorPrintParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorHtmlOutput");
+ this.registerColumnOption("accessorHtmlOutputParams");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("column-layout", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-data-retrieve", this.transformRow.bind(this));
+ }
+ //initialize column accessor
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var match = false,
+ config = {};
+ this.allowedTypes.forEach((type) => {
+ var key = "accessor" + (type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1)),
+ accessor;
+ if(column.definition[key]){
+ accessor = this.lookupAccessor(column.definition[key]);
+ if(accessor){
+ match = true;
+ config[key] = {
+ accessor:accessor,
+ params: column.definition[key + "Params"] || {},
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(match){
+ column.modules.accessor = config;
+ }
+ }
+ lookupAccessor(value){
+ var accessor = false;
+ //set column accessor
+ switch(typeof value){
+ case "string":
+ if(Accessor.accessors[value]){
+ accessor = Accessor.accessors[value];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Accessor Error - No such accessor found, ignoring: ", value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ accessor = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ return accessor;
+ }
+ //apply accessor to row
+ transformRow(row, type){
+ var key = "accessor" + (type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1)),
+ rowComponent = row.getComponent();
+ //clone data object with deep copy to isolate internal data from returned result
+ var data = Helpers.deepClone(row.data || {});
+ this.table.columnManager.traverse(function(column){
+ var value, accessor, params, colComponent;
+ if(column.modules.accessor){
+ accessor = column.modules.accessor[key] || column.modules.accessor.accessor || false;
+ if(accessor){
+ value = column.getFieldValue(data);
+ if(value != "undefined"){
+ colComponent = column.getComponent();
+ params = typeof accessor.params === "function" ? accessor.params(value, data, type, colComponent, rowComponent) : accessor.params;
+ column.setFieldValue(data, accessor.accessor(value, data, type, params, colComponent, rowComponent));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+//load defaults
+Accessor.moduleName = "accessor";
+Accessor.accessors = defaultAccessors;
+var defaultConfig = {
+ method: "GET",
+function generateParamsList(data, prefix){
+ var output = [];
+ prefix = prefix || "";
+ if(Array.isArray(data)){
+ data.forEach((item, i) => {
+ output = output.concat(generateParamsList(item, prefix ? prefix + "[" + i + "]" : i));
+ });
+ }else if (typeof data === "object"){
+ for (var key in data){
+ output = output.concat(generateParamsList(data[key], prefix ? prefix + "[" + key + "]" : key));
+ }
+ }else {
+ output.push({key:prefix, value:data});
+ }
+ return output;
+function serializeParams(params){
+ var output = generateParamsList(params),
+ encoded = [];
+ output.forEach(function(item){
+ encoded.push(encodeURIComponent(item.key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(item.value));
+ });
+ return encoded.join("&");
+function urlBuilder(url, config, params){
+ if(url){
+ if(params && Object.keys(params).length){
+ if(!config.method || config.method.toLowerCase() == "get"){
+ config.method = "get";
+ url += (url.includes("?") ? "&" : "?") + serializeParams(params);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return url;
+function defaultLoaderPromise(url, config, params){
+ var contentType;
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ //set url
+ url = this.urlGenerator.call(this.table, url, config, params);
+ //set body content if not GET request
+ if(config.method.toUpperCase() != "GET"){
+ contentType = typeof this.table.options.ajaxContentType === "object" ? this.table.options.ajaxContentType : this.contentTypeFormatters[this.table.options.ajaxContentType];
+ if(contentType){
+ for(var key in contentType.headers){
+ if(!config.headers){
+ config.headers = {};
+ }
+ if(typeof config.headers[key] === "undefined"){
+ config.headers[key] = contentType.headers[key];
+ }
+ }
+ config.body = contentType.body.call(this, url, config, params);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Ajax Error - Invalid ajaxContentType value:", this.table.options.ajaxContentType);
+ }
+ }
+ if(url){
+ //configure headers
+ if(typeof config.headers === "undefined"){
+ config.headers = {};
+ }
+ if(typeof config.headers.Accept === "undefined"){
+ config.headers.Accept = "application/json";
+ }
+ if(typeof config.headers["X-Requested-With"] === "undefined"){
+ config.headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest";
+ }
+ if(typeof config.mode === "undefined"){
+ config.mode = "cors";
+ }
+ if(config.mode == "cors"){
+ if(typeof config.headers["Origin"] === "undefined"){
+ config.headers["Origin"] = window.location.origin;
+ }
+ if(typeof config.credentials === "undefined"){
+ config.credentials = 'same-origin';
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(typeof config.credentials === "undefined"){
+ config.credentials = 'include';
+ }
+ }
+ //send request
+ fetch(url, config)
+ .then((response)=>{
+ if(response.ok) {
+ response.json()
+ .then((data)=>{
+ resolve(data);
+ }).catch((error)=>{
+ reject(error);
+ console.warn("Ajax Load Error - Invalid JSON returned", error);
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.error("Ajax Load Error - Connection Error: " + response.status, response.statusText);
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error)=>{
+ console.error("Ajax Load Error - Connection Error: ", error);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Ajax Load Error - No URL Set");
+ resolve([]);
+ }
+ });
+function generateParamsList$1(data, prefix){
+ var output = [];
+ prefix = prefix || "";
+ if(Array.isArray(data)){
+ data.forEach((item, i) => {
+ output = output.concat(generateParamsList$1(item, prefix ? prefix + "[" + i + "]" : i));
+ });
+ }else if (typeof data === "object"){
+ for (var key in data){
+ output = output.concat(generateParamsList$1(data[key], prefix ? prefix + "[" + key + "]" : key));
+ }
+ }else {
+ output.push({key:prefix, value:data});
+ }
+ return output;
+var defaultContentTypeFormatters = {
+ "json":{
+ headers:{
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ },
+ body:function(url, config, params){
+ return JSON.stringify(params);
+ },
+ },
+ "form":{
+ headers:{
+ },
+ body:function(url, config, params){
+ var output = generateParamsList$1(params),
+ form = new FormData();
+ output.forEach(function(item){
+ form.append(item.key, item.value);
+ });
+ return form;
+ },
+ },
+class Ajax extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.config = {}; //hold config object for ajax request
+ this.url = ""; //request URL
+ this.urlGenerator = false;
+ this.params = false; //request parameters
+ this.loaderPromise = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxURL", false); //url for ajax loading
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxURLGenerator", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxParams", {}); //params for ajax loading
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxConfig", "get"); //ajax request type
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxContentType", "form"); //ajax request type
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxRequestFunc", false); //promise function
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxRequesting", function(){});
+ this.registerTableOption("ajaxResponse", false);
+ this.contentTypeFormatters = Ajax.contentTypeFormatters;
+ }
+ //initialize setup options
+ initialize(){
+ this.loaderPromise = this.table.options.ajaxRequestFunc || Ajax.defaultLoaderPromise;
+ this.urlGenerator = this.table.options.ajaxURLGenerator || Ajax.defaultURLGenerator;
+ if(this.table.options.ajaxURL){
+ this.setUrl(this.table.options.ajaxURL);
+ }
+ this.setDefaultConfig(this.table.options.ajaxConfig);
+ this.registerTableFunction("getAjaxUrl", this.getUrl.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-loading", this.requestDataCheck.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-params", this.requestParams.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-load", this.requestData.bind(this));
+ }
+ requestParams(data, config, silent, params){
+ var ajaxParams = this.table.options.ajaxParams;
+ if(ajaxParams){
+ if(typeof ajaxParams === "function"){
+ ajaxParams = ajaxParams.call(this.table);
+ }
+ params = Object.assign(params, ajaxParams);
+ }
+ return params;
+ }
+ requestDataCheck(data, params, config, silent){
+ return !!((!data && this.url) || typeof data === "string");
+ }
+ requestData(url, params, config, silent, previousData){
+ var ajaxConfig;
+ if(!previousData && this.requestDataCheck(url)){
+ if(url){
+ this.setUrl(url);
+ }
+ ajaxConfig = this.generateConfig(config);
+ return this.sendRequest(this.url, params, ajaxConfig);
+ }else {
+ return previousData;
+ }
+ }
+ setDefaultConfig(config = {}){
+ this.config = Object.assign({}, Ajax.defaultConfig);
+ if(typeof config == "string"){
+ this.config.method = config;
+ }else {
+ Object.assign(this.config, config);
+ }
+ }
+ //load config object
+ generateConfig(config = {}){
+ var ajaxConfig = Object.assign({}, this.config);
+ if(typeof config == "string"){
+ ajaxConfig.method = config;
+ }else {
+ Object.assign(ajaxConfig, config);
+ }
+ return ajaxConfig;
+ }
+ //set request url
+ setUrl(url){
+ this.url = url;
+ }
+ //get request url
+ getUrl(){
+ return this.url;
+ }
+ //send ajax request
+ sendRequest(url, params, config){
+ if(this.table.options.ajaxRequesting.call(this.table, url, params) !== false){
+ return this.loaderPromise(url, config, params)
+ .then((data)=>{
+ if(this.table.options.ajaxResponse){
+ data = this.table.options.ajaxResponse.call(this.table, url, params, data);
+ }
+ return data;
+ });
+ }else {
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+Ajax.moduleName = "ajax";
+//load defaults
+Ajax.defaultConfig = defaultConfig;
+Ajax.defaultURLGenerator = urlBuilder;
+Ajax.defaultLoaderPromise = defaultLoaderPromise;
+Ajax.contentTypeFormatters = defaultContentTypeFormatters;
+var defaultPasteActions = {
+ replace:function(rows){
+ return this.table.setData(rows);
+ },
+ update:function(rows){
+ return this.table.updateOrAddData(rows);
+ },
+ insert:function(rows){
+ return this.table.addData(rows);
+ },
+var defaultPasteParsers = {
+ table:function(clipboard){
+ var data = [],
+ headerFindSuccess = true,
+ columns = this.table.columnManager.columns,
+ columnMap = [],
+ rows = [];
+ //get data from clipboard into array of columns and rows.
+ clipboard = clipboard.split("\n");
+ clipboard.forEach(function(row){
+ data.push(row.split("\t"));
+ });
+ if(data.length && !(data.length === 1 && data[0].length < 2)){
+ //check if headers are present by title
+ data[0].forEach(function(value){
+ var column = columns.find(function(column){
+ return value && column.definition.title && value.trim() && column.definition.title.trim() === value.trim();
+ });
+ if(column){
+ columnMap.push(column);
+ }else {
+ headerFindSuccess = false;
+ }
+ });
+ //check if column headers are present by field
+ if(!headerFindSuccess){
+ headerFindSuccess = true;
+ columnMap = [];
+ data[0].forEach(function(value){
+ var column = columns.find(function(column){
+ return value && column.field && value.trim() && column.field.trim() === value.trim();
+ });
+ if(column){
+ columnMap.push(column);
+ }else {
+ headerFindSuccess = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(!headerFindSuccess){
+ columnMap = this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ //remove header row if found
+ if(headerFindSuccess){
+ data.shift();
+ }
+ data.forEach(function(item){
+ var row = {};
+ item.forEach(function(value, i){
+ if(columnMap[i]){
+ row[columnMap[i].field] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(row);
+ });
+ return rows;
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+class Clipboard extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.mode = true;
+ this.pasteParser = function(){};
+ this.pasteAction = function(){};
+ this.customSelection = false;
+ this.rowRange = false;
+ this.blocked = true; //block copy actions not originating from this command
+ this.registerTableOption("clipboard", false); //enable clipboard
+ this.registerTableOption("clipboardCopyStyled", true); //formatted table data
+ this.registerTableOption("clipboardCopyConfig", false); //clipboard config
+ this.registerTableOption("clipboardCopyFormatter", false); //DEPRECATED - REMOVE in 5.0
+ this.registerTableOption("clipboardCopyRowRange", "active"); //restrict clipboard to visible rows only
+ this.registerTableOption("clipboardPasteParser", "table"); //convert pasted clipboard data to rows
+ this.registerTableOption("clipboardPasteAction", "insert"); //how to insert pasted data into the table
+ this.registerColumnOption("clipboard");
+ this.registerColumnOption("titleClipboard");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.mode = this.table.options.clipboard;
+ this.rowRange = this.table.options.clipboardCopyRowRange;
+ if(this.mode === true || this.mode === "copy"){
+ this.table.element.addEventListener("copy", (e) => {
+ var plain, html, list;
+ if(!this.blocked){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(this.customSelection){
+ plain = this.customSelection;
+ if(this.table.options.clipboardCopyFormatter){
+ plain = this.table.options.clipboardCopyFormatter("plain", plain);
+ }
+ }else {
+ list = this.table.modules.export.generateExportList(this.table.options.clipboardCopyConfig, this.table.options.clipboardCopyStyled, this.rowRange, "clipboard");
+ html = this.table.modules.export.generateHTMLTable(list);
+ plain = html ? this.generatePlainContent(list) : "";
+ if(this.table.options.clipboardCopyFormatter){
+ plain = this.table.options.clipboardCopyFormatter("plain", plain);
+ html = this.table.options.clipboardCopyFormatter("html", html);
+ }
+ }
+ if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) {
+ window.clipboardData.setData('Text', plain);
+ } else if (e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.setData) {
+ e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', plain);
+ if(html){
+ e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', html);
+ }
+ } else if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.clipboardData.setData) {
+ e.originalEvent.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', plain);
+ if(html){
+ e.originalEvent.clipboardData.setData('text/html', html);
+ }
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("clipboardCopied", plain, html);
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if(this.mode === true || this.mode === "paste"){
+ this.table.element.addEventListener("paste", (e) => {
+ this.paste(e);
+ });
+ }
+ this.setPasteParser(this.table.options.clipboardPasteParser);
+ this.setPasteAction(this.table.options.clipboardPasteAction);
+ this.registerTableFunction("copyToClipboard", this.copy.bind(this));
+ }
+ reset(){
+ this.blocked = true;
+ this.customSelection = false;
+ }
+ generatePlainContent (list) {
+ var output = [];
+ list.forEach((row) => {
+ var rowData = [];
+ row.columns.forEach((col) => {
+ var value = "";
+ if(col){
+ if(row.type === "group"){
+ col.value = col.component.getKey();
+ }
+ if(col.value === null){
+ value = "";
+ }else {
+ switch(typeof col.value){
+ case "object":
+ value = JSON.stringify(col.value);
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ value = "";
+ break;
+ default:
+ value = col.value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rowData.push(value);
+ });
+ output.push(rowData.join("\t"));
+ });
+ return output.join("\n");
+ }
+ copy (range, internal) {
+ var sel, textRange;
+ this.blocked = false;
+ this.customSelection = false;
+ if (this.mode === true || this.mode === "copy") {
+ this.rowRange = range || this.table.options.clipboardCopyRowRange;
+ if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined" && typeof document.createRange != "undefined") {
+ range = document.createRange();
+ range.selectNodeContents(this.table.element);
+ sel = window.getSelection();
+ if (sel.toString() && internal) {
+ this.customSelection = sel.toString();
+ }
+ sel.removeAllRanges();
+ sel.addRange(range);
+ } else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined" && typeof document.body.createTextRange != "undefined") {
+ textRange = document.body.createTextRange();
+ textRange.moveToElementText(this.table.element);
+ textRange.select();
+ }
+ document.execCommand('copy');
+ if (sel) {
+ sel.removeAllRanges();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setPasteAction(action){
+ switch(typeof action){
+ case "string":
+ this.pasteAction = Clipboard.pasteActions[action];
+ if(!this.pasteAction){
+ console.warn("Clipboard Error - No such paste action found:", action);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ this.pasteAction = action;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ setPasteParser(parser){
+ switch(typeof parser){
+ case "string":
+ this.pasteParser = Clipboard.pasteParsers[parser];
+ if(!this.pasteParser){
+ console.warn("Clipboard Error - No such paste parser found:", parser);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ this.pasteParser = parser;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ paste(e){
+ var data, rowData, rows;
+ if(this.checkPaseOrigin(e)){
+ data = this.getPasteData(e);
+ rowData = this.pasteParser.call(this, data);
+ if(rowData){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(this.table.modExists("mutator")){
+ rowData = this.mutateData(rowData);
+ }
+ rows = this.pasteAction.call(this, rowData);
+ this.dispatchExternal("clipboardPasted", data, rowData, rows);
+ }else {
+ this.dispatchExternal("clipboardPasteError", data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mutateData(data){
+ var output = [];
+ if(Array.isArray(data)){
+ data.forEach((row) => {
+ output.push(this.table.modules.mutator.transformRow(row, "clipboard"));
+ });
+ }else {
+ output = data;
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ checkPaseOrigin(e){
+ var valid = true;
+ if(e.target.tagName != "DIV" || this.table.modules.edit.currentCell){
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ getPasteData(e){
+ var data;
+ if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData) {
+ data = window.clipboardData.getData('Text');
+ } else if (e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData) {
+ data = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
+ } else if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData) {
+ data = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+Clipboard.moduleName = "clipboard";
+//load defaults
+Clipboard.pasteActions = defaultPasteActions;
+Clipboard.pasteParsers = defaultPasteParsers;
+class CalcComponent{
+ constructor (row){
+ this._row = row;
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get: function(target, name, receiver) {
+ if (typeof target[name] !== "undefined") {
+ return target[name];
+ }else {
+ return target._row.table.componentFunctionBinder.handle("row", target._row, name);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ getData(transform){
+ return this._row.getData(transform);
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ return this._row.getElement();
+ }
+ getTable(){
+ return this._row.table;
+ }
+ getCells(){
+ var cells = [];
+ this._row.getCells().forEach(function(cell){
+ cells.push(cell.getComponent());
+ });
+ return cells;
+ }
+ getCell(column){
+ var cell = this._row.getCell(column);
+ return cell ? cell.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ _getSelf(){
+ return this._row;
+ }
+//public cell object
+class CellComponent {
+ constructor (cell){
+ this._cell = cell;
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get: function(target, name, receiver) {
+ if (typeof target[name] !== "undefined") {
+ return target[name];
+ }else {
+ return target._cell.table.componentFunctionBinder.handle("cell", target._cell, name);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ getValue(){
+ return this._cell.getValue();
+ }
+ getOldValue(){
+ return this._cell.getOldValue();
+ }
+ getInitialValue(){
+ return this._cell.initialValue;
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ return this._cell.getElement();
+ }
+ getRow(){
+ return this._cell.row.getComponent();
+ }
+ getData(){
+ return this._cell.row.getData();
+ }
+ getField(){
+ return this._cell.column.getField();
+ }
+ getColumn(){
+ return this._cell.column.getComponent();
+ }
+ setValue(value, mutate){
+ if(typeof mutate == "undefined"){
+ mutate = true;
+ }
+ this._cell.setValue(value, mutate);
+ }
+ restoreOldValue(){
+ this._cell.setValueActual(this._cell.getOldValue());
+ }
+ restoreInitialValue(){
+ this._cell.setValueActual(this._cell.initialValue);
+ }
+ checkHeight(){
+ this._cell.checkHeight();
+ }
+ getTable(){
+ return this._cell.table;
+ }
+ _getSelf(){
+ return this._cell;
+ }
+class Cell extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(column, row){
+ super(column.table);
+ this.table = column.table;
+ this.column = column;
+ this.row = row;
+ this.element = null;
+ this.value = null;
+ this.initialValue;
+ this.oldValue = null;
+ this.modules = {};
+ this.height = null;
+ this.width = null;
+ this.minWidth = null;
+ this.component = null;
+ this.loaded = false; //track if the cell has been added to the DOM yet
+ this.build();
+ }
+ //////////////// Setup Functions /////////////////
+ //generate element
+ build(){
+ this.generateElement();
+ this.setWidth();
+ this._configureCell();
+ this.setValueActual(this.column.getFieldValue(this.row.data));
+ this.initialValue = this.value;
+ }
+ generateElement(){
+ this.element = document.createElement('div');
+ this.element.className = "tabulator-cell";
+ this.element.setAttribute("role", "gridcell");
+ }
+ _configureCell(){
+ var element = this.element,
+ field = this.column.getField(),
+ vertAligns = {
+ top:"flex-start",
+ bottom:"flex-end",
+ middle:"center",
+ },
+ hozAligns = {
+ left:"flex-start",
+ right:"flex-end",
+ center:"center",
+ };
+ //set text alignment
+ element.style.textAlign = this.column.hozAlign;
+ if(this.column.vertAlign){
+ element.style.display = "inline-flex";
+ element.style.alignItems = vertAligns[this.column.vertAlign] || "";
+ if(this.column.hozAlign){
+ element.style.justifyContent = hozAligns[this.column.hozAlign] || "";
+ }
+ }
+ if(field){
+ element.setAttribute("tabulator-field", field);
+ }
+ //add class to cell if needed
+ if(this.column.definition.cssClass){
+ var classNames = this.column.definition.cssClass.split(" ");
+ classNames.forEach((className) => {
+ element.classList.add(className);
+ });
+ }
+ this.dispatch("cell-init", this);
+ //hide cell if not visible
+ if(!this.column.visible){
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ //generate cell contents
+ _generateContents(){
+ var val;
+ val = this.chain("cell-format", this, null, () => {
+ return this.element.innerHTML = this.value;
+ });
+ switch(typeof val){
+ case "object":
+ if(val instanceof Node){
+ //clear previous cell contents
+ while(this.element.firstChild) this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild);
+ this.element.appendChild(val);
+ }else {
+ this.element.innerHTML = "";
+ if(val != null){
+ console.warn("Format Error - Formatter has returned a type of object, the only valid formatter object return is an instance of Node, the formatter returned:", val);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ this.element.innerHTML = "";
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.element.innerHTML = val;
+ }
+ }
+ cellRendered(){
+ this.dispatch("cell-rendered", this);
+ }
+ //////////////////// Getters ////////////////////
+ getElement(containerOnly){
+ if(!this.loaded){
+ this.loaded = true;
+ if(!containerOnly){
+ this.layoutElement();
+ }
+ }
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ getValue(){
+ return this.value;
+ }
+ getOldValue(){
+ return this.oldValue;
+ }
+ //////////////////// Actions ////////////////////
+ setValue(value, mutate, force){
+ var changed = this.setValueProcessData(value, mutate, force);
+ if(changed){
+ this.dispatch("cell-value-updated", this);
+ this.cellRendered();
+ if(this.column.definition.cellEdited){
+ this.column.definition.cellEdited.call(this.table, this.getComponent());
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("cellEdited", this.getComponent());
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataChanged")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataChanged", this.table.rowManager.getData());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setValueProcessData(value, mutate, force){
+ var changed = false;
+ if(this.value !== value || force){
+ changed = true;
+ if(mutate){
+ value = this.chain("cell-value-changing", [this, value], null, value);
+ }
+ }
+ this.setValueActual(value);
+ if(changed){
+ this.dispatch("cell-value-changed", this);
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ setValueActual(value){
+ this.oldValue = this.value;
+ this.value = value;
+ this.dispatch("cell-value-save-before", this);
+ this.column.setFieldValue(this.row.data, value);
+ this.dispatch("cell-value-save-after", this);
+ if(this.loaded){
+ this.layoutElement();
+ }
+ }
+ layoutElement(){
+ this._generateContents();
+ this.dispatch("cell-layout", this);
+ }
+ setWidth(){
+ this.width = this.column.width;
+ this.element.style.width = this.column.widthStyled;
+ }
+ clearWidth(){
+ this.width = "";
+ this.element.style.width = "";
+ }
+ getWidth(){
+ return this.width || this.element.offsetWidth;
+ }
+ setMinWidth(){
+ this.minWidth = this.column.minWidth;
+ this.element.style.minWidth = this.column.minWidthStyled;
+ }
+ setMaxWidth(){
+ this.maxWidth = this.column.maxWidth;
+ this.element.style.maxWidth = this.column.maxWidthStyled;
+ }
+ checkHeight(){
+ // var height = this.element.css("height");
+ this.row.reinitializeHeight();
+ }
+ clearHeight(){
+ this.element.style.height = "";
+ this.height = null;
+ this.dispatch("cell-height", this, "");
+ }
+ setHeight(){
+ this.height = this.row.height;
+ this.element.style.height = this.row.heightStyled;
+ this.dispatch("cell-height", this, this.row.heightStyled);
+ }
+ getHeight(){
+ return this.height || this.element.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ show(){
+ this.element.style.display = this.column.vertAlign ? "inline-flex" : "";
+ }
+ hide(){
+ this.element.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ delete(){
+ this.dispatch("cell-delete", this);
+ if(!this.table.rowManager.redrawBlock && this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ this.element = false;
+ this.column.deleteCell(this);
+ this.row.deleteCell(this);
+ this.calcs = {};
+ }
+ getIndex(){
+ return this.row.getCellIndex(this);
+ }
+ //////////////// Object Generation /////////////////
+ getComponent(){
+ if(!this.component){
+ this.component = new CellComponent(this);
+ }
+ return this.component;
+ }
+//public column object
+class ColumnComponent {
+ constructor (column){
+ this._column = column;
+ this.type = "ColumnComponent";
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get: function(target, name, receiver) {
+ if (typeof target[name] !== "undefined") {
+ return target[name];
+ }else {
+ return target._column.table.componentFunctionBinder.handle("column", target._column, name);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ return this._column.getElement();
+ }
+ getDefinition(){
+ return this._column.getDefinition();
+ }
+ getField(){
+ return this._column.getField();
+ }
+ getTitleDownload() {
+ return this._column.getTitleDownload();
+ }
+ getCells(){
+ var cells = [];
+ this._column.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cells.push(cell.getComponent());
+ });
+ return cells;
+ }
+ isVisible(){
+ return this._column.visible;
+ }
+ show(){
+ if(this._column.isGroup){
+ this._column.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.show();
+ });
+ }else {
+ this._column.show();
+ }
+ }
+ hide(){
+ if(this._column.isGroup){
+ this._column.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.hide();
+ });
+ }else {
+ this._column.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ toggle(){
+ if(this._column.visible){
+ this.hide();
+ }else {
+ this.show();
+ }
+ }
+ delete(){
+ return this._column.delete();
+ }
+ getSubColumns(){
+ var output = [];
+ if(this._column.columns.length){
+ this._column.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ output.push(column.getComponent());
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ getParentColumn(){
+ return this._column.parent instanceof Column ? this._column.parent.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ _getSelf(){
+ return this._column;
+ }
+ scrollTo(){
+ return this._column.table.columnManager.scrollToColumn(this._column);
+ }
+ getTable(){
+ return this._column.table;
+ }
+ move(to, after){
+ var toColumn = this._column.table.columnManager.findColumn(to);
+ if(toColumn){
+ this._column.table.columnManager.moveColumn(this._column, toColumn, after);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Move Error - No matching column found:", toColumn);
+ }
+ }
+ getNextColumn(){
+ var nextCol = this._column.nextColumn();
+ return nextCol ? nextCol.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ getPrevColumn(){
+ var prevCol = this._column.prevColumn();
+ return prevCol ? prevCol.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ updateDefinition(updates){
+ return this._column.updateDefinition(updates);
+ }
+ getWidth(){
+ return this._column.getWidth();
+ }
+ setWidth(width){
+ var result;
+ if(width === true){
+ result = this._column.reinitializeWidth(true);
+ }else {
+ result = this._column.setWidth(width);
+ }
+ this._column.table.columnManager.rerenderColumns(true);
+ return result;
+ }
+var defaultColumnOptions = {
+ "title": undefined,
+ "field": undefined,
+ "columns": undefined,
+ "visible": undefined,
+ "hozAlign": undefined,
+ "vertAlign": undefined,
+ "width": undefined,
+ "minWidth": 40,
+ "maxWidth": undefined,
+ "maxInitialWidth": undefined,
+ "cssClass": undefined,
+ "variableHeight": undefined,
+ "headerVertical": undefined,
+ "headerHozAlign": undefined,
+ "headerWordWrap": false,
+ "editableTitle": undefined,
+class Column extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(def, parent){
+ super(parent.table);
+ this.definition = def; //column definition
+ this.parent = parent; //hold parent object
+ this.type = "column"; //type of element
+ this.columns = []; //child columns
+ this.cells = []; //cells bound to this column
+ this.element = this.createElement(); //column header element
+ this.contentElement = false;
+ this.titleHolderElement = false;
+ this.titleElement = false;
+ this.groupElement = this.createGroupElement(); //column group holder element
+ this.isGroup = false;
+ this.hozAlign = ""; //horizontal text alignment
+ this.vertAlign = ""; //vert text alignment
+ //multi dimensional filed handling
+ this.field ="";
+ this.fieldStructure = "";
+ this.getFieldValue = "";
+ this.setFieldValue = "";
+ this.titleDownload = null;
+ this.titleFormatterRendered = false;
+ this.mapDefinitions();
+ this.setField(this.definition.field);
+ this.modules = {}; //hold module variables;
+ this.width = null; //column width
+ this.widthStyled = ""; //column width pre-styled to improve render efficiency
+ this.maxWidth = null; //column maximum width
+ this.maxWidthStyled = ""; //column maximum pre-styled to improve render efficiency
+ this.maxInitialWidth = null;
+ this.minWidth = null; //column minimum width
+ this.minWidthStyled = ""; //column minimum pre-styled to improve render efficiency
+ this.widthFixed = false; //user has specified a width for this column
+ this.visible = true; //default visible state
+ this.component = null;
+ //initialize column
+ if(this.definition.columns){
+ this.isGroup = true;
+ this.definition.columns.forEach((def, i) => {
+ var newCol = new Column(def, this);
+ this.attachColumn(newCol);
+ });
+ this.checkColumnVisibility();
+ }else {
+ parent.registerColumnField(this);
+ }
+ this._initialize();
+ }
+ createElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-col");
+ el.setAttribute("role", "columnheader");
+ el.setAttribute("aria-sort", "none");
+ switch(this.table.options.columnHeaderVertAlign){
+ case "middle":
+ el.style.justifyContent = "center";
+ break;
+ case "bottom":
+ el.style.justifyContent = "flex-end";
+ break;
+ }
+ return el;
+ }
+ createGroupElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-col-group-cols");
+ return el;
+ }
+ mapDefinitions(){
+ var defaults = this.table.options.columnDefaults;
+ //map columnDefaults onto column definitions
+ if(defaults){
+ for(let key in defaults){
+ if(typeof this.definition[key] === "undefined"){
+ this.definition[key] = defaults[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.definition = this.table.columnManager.optionsList.generate(Column.defaultOptionList, this.definition);
+ }
+ checkDefinition(){
+ Object.keys(this.definition).forEach((key) => {
+ if(Column.defaultOptionList.indexOf(key) === -1){
+ console.warn("Invalid column definition option in '" + (this.field || this.definition.title) + "' column:", key);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ setField(field){
+ this.field = field;
+ this.fieldStructure = field ? (this.table.options.nestedFieldSeparator ? field.split(this.table.options.nestedFieldSeparator) : [field]) : [];
+ this.getFieldValue = this.fieldStructure.length > 1 ? this._getNestedData : this._getFlatData;
+ this.setFieldValue = this.fieldStructure.length > 1 ? this._setNestedData : this._setFlatData;
+ }
+ //register column position with column manager
+ registerColumnPosition(column){
+ this.parent.registerColumnPosition(column);
+ }
+ //register column position with column manager
+ registerColumnField(column){
+ this.parent.registerColumnField(column);
+ }
+ //trigger position registration
+ reRegisterPosition(){
+ if(this.isGroup){
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.reRegisterPosition();
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.registerColumnPosition(this);
+ }
+ }
+ //build header element
+ _initialize(){
+ var def = this.definition;
+ while(this.element.firstChild) this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild);
+ if(def.headerVertical){
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-col-vertical");
+ if(def.headerVertical === "flip"){
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-col-vertical-flip");
+ }
+ }
+ this.contentElement = this._buildColumnHeaderContent();
+ this.element.appendChild(this.contentElement);
+ if(this.isGroup){
+ this._buildGroupHeader();
+ }else {
+ this._buildColumnHeader();
+ }
+ this.dispatch("column-init", this);
+ }
+ //build header element for header
+ _buildColumnHeader(){
+ var def = this.definition;
+ this.dispatch("column-layout", this);
+ //set column visibility
+ if(typeof def.visible != "undefined"){
+ if(def.visible){
+ this.show(true);
+ }else {
+ this.hide(true);
+ }
+ }
+ //assign additional css classes to column header
+ if(def.cssClass){
+ var classNames = def.cssClass.split(" ");
+ classNames.forEach((className) => {
+ this.element.classList.add(className);
+ });
+ }
+ if(def.field){
+ this.element.setAttribute("tabulator-field", def.field);
+ }
+ //set min width if present
+ this.setMinWidth(parseInt(def.minWidth));
+ if (def.maxInitialWidth) {
+ this.maxInitialWidth = parseInt(def.maxInitialWidth);
+ }
+ if(def.maxWidth){
+ this.setMaxWidth(parseInt(def.maxWidth));
+ }
+ this.reinitializeWidth();
+ //set horizontal text alignment
+ this.hozAlign = this.definition.hozAlign;
+ this.vertAlign = this.definition.vertAlign;
+ this.titleElement.style.textAlign = this.definition.headerHozAlign;
+ }
+ _buildColumnHeaderContent(){
+ var contentElement = document.createElement("div");
+ contentElement.classList.add("tabulator-col-content");
+ this.titleHolderElement = document.createElement("div");
+ this.titleHolderElement.classList.add("tabulator-col-title-holder");
+ contentElement.appendChild(this.titleHolderElement);
+ this.titleElement = this._buildColumnHeaderTitle();
+ this.titleHolderElement.appendChild(this.titleElement);
+ return contentElement;
+ }
+ //build title element of column
+ _buildColumnHeaderTitle(){
+ var def = this.definition;
+ var titleHolderElement = document.createElement("div");
+ titleHolderElement.classList.add("tabulator-col-title");
+ if(def.headerWordWrap){
+ titleHolderElement.classList.add("tabulator-col-title-wrap");
+ }
+ if(def.editableTitle){
+ var titleElement = document.createElement("input");
+ titleElement.classList.add("tabulator-title-editor");
+ titleElement.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ titleElement.focus();
+ });
+ titleElement.addEventListener("change", () => {
+ def.title = titleElement.value;
+ this.dispatchExternal("columnTitleChanged", this.getComponent());
+ });
+ titleHolderElement.appendChild(titleElement);
+ if(def.field){
+ this.langBind("columns|" + def.field, (text) => {
+ titleElement.value = text || (def.title || "&nbsp;");
+ });
+ }else {
+ titleElement.value = def.title || "&nbsp;";
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(def.field){
+ this.langBind("columns|" + def.field, (text) => {
+ this._formatColumnHeaderTitle(titleHolderElement, text || (def.title || "&nbsp;"));
+ });
+ }else {
+ this._formatColumnHeaderTitle(titleHolderElement, def.title || "&nbsp;");
+ }
+ }
+ return titleHolderElement;
+ }
+ _formatColumnHeaderTitle(el, title){
+ var contents = this.chain("column-format", [this, title, el], null, () => {
+ return title;
+ });
+ switch(typeof contents){
+ case "object":
+ if(contents instanceof Node){
+ el.appendChild(contents);
+ }else {
+ el.innerHTML = "";
+ console.warn("Format Error - Title formatter has returned a type of object, the only valid formatter object return is an instance of Node, the formatter returned:", contents);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ el.innerHTML = "";
+ break;
+ default:
+ el.innerHTML = contents;
+ }
+ }
+ //build header element for column group
+ _buildGroupHeader(){
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-col-group");
+ this.element.setAttribute("role", "columngroup");
+ this.element.setAttribute("aria-title", this.definition.title);
+ //asign additional css classes to column header
+ if(this.definition.cssClass){
+ var classNames = this.definition.cssClass.split(" ");
+ classNames.forEach((className) => {
+ this.element.classList.add(className);
+ });
+ }
+ this.titleElement.style.textAlign = this.definition.headerHozAlign;
+ this.element.appendChild(this.groupElement);
+ }
+ //flat field lookup
+ _getFlatData(data){
+ return data[this.field];
+ }
+ //nested field lookup
+ _getNestedData(data){
+ var dataObj = data,
+ structure = this.fieldStructure,
+ length = structure.length,
+ output;
+ for(let i = 0; i < length; i++){
+ dataObj = dataObj[structure[i]];
+ output = dataObj;
+ if(!dataObj){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ //flat field set
+ _setFlatData(data, value){
+ if(this.field){
+ data[this.field] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ //nested field set
+ _setNestedData(data, value){
+ var dataObj = data,
+ structure = this.fieldStructure,
+ length = structure.length;
+ for(let i = 0; i < length; i++){
+ if(i == length -1){
+ dataObj[structure[i]] = value;
+ }else {
+ if(!dataObj[structure[i]]){
+ if(typeof value !== "undefined"){
+ dataObj[structure[i]] = {};
+ }else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dataObj = dataObj[structure[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //attach column to this group
+ attachColumn(column){
+ if(this.groupElement){
+ this.columns.push(column);
+ this.groupElement.appendChild(column.getElement());
+ column.columnRendered();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Warning - Column being attached to another column instead of column group");
+ }
+ }
+ //vertically align header in column
+ verticalAlign(alignment, height){
+ //calculate height of column header and group holder element
+ var parentHeight = this.parent.isGroup ? this.parent.getGroupElement().clientHeight : (height || this.parent.getHeadersElement().clientHeight);
+ // var parentHeight = this.parent.isGroup ? this.parent.getGroupElement().clientHeight : this.parent.getHeadersElement().clientHeight;
+ this.element.style.height = parentHeight + "px";
+ this.dispatch("column-height", this, this.element.style.height);
+ if(this.isGroup){
+ this.groupElement.style.minHeight = (parentHeight - this.contentElement.offsetHeight) + "px";
+ }
+ //vertically align cell contents
+ // if(!this.isGroup && alignment !== "top"){
+ // if(alignment === "bottom"){
+ // this.element.style.paddingTop = (this.element.clientHeight - this.contentElement.offsetHeight) + "px";
+ // }else{
+ // this.element.style.paddingTop = ((this.element.clientHeight - this.contentElement.offsetHeight) / 2) + "px";
+ // }
+ // }
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.verticalAlign(alignment);
+ });
+ }
+ //clear vertical alignment
+ clearVerticalAlign(){
+ this.element.style.paddingTop = "";
+ this.element.style.height = "";
+ this.element.style.minHeight = "";
+ this.groupElement.style.minHeight = "";
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.clearVerticalAlign();
+ });
+ this.dispatch("column-height", this, "");
+ }
+ //// Retrieve Column Information ////
+ //return column header element
+ getElement(){
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ //return column group element
+ getGroupElement(){
+ return this.groupElement;
+ }
+ //return field name
+ getField(){
+ return this.field;
+ }
+ getTitleDownload() {
+ return this.titleDownload;
+ }
+ //return the first column in a group
+ getFirstColumn(){
+ if(!this.isGroup){
+ return this;
+ }else {
+ if(this.columns.length){
+ return this.columns[0].getFirstColumn();
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //return the last column in a group
+ getLastColumn(){
+ if(!this.isGroup){
+ return this;
+ }else {
+ if(this.columns.length){
+ return this.columns[this.columns.length -1].getLastColumn();
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //return all columns in a group
+ getColumns(traverse){
+ var columns = [];
+ if(traverse){
+ this.columns.forEach((column) => {
+ columns.push(column);
+ columns = columns.concat(column.getColumns(true));
+ });
+ }else {
+ columns = this.columns;
+ }
+ return columns;
+ }
+ //return all columns in a group
+ getCells(){
+ return this.cells;
+ }
+ //retrieve the top column in a group of columns
+ getTopColumn(){
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ return this.parent.getTopColumn();
+ }else {
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ //return column definition object
+ getDefinition(updateBranches){
+ var colDefs = [];
+ if(this.isGroup && updateBranches){
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ colDefs.push(column.getDefinition(true));
+ });
+ this.definition.columns = colDefs;
+ }
+ return this.definition;
+ }
+ //////////////////// Actions ////////////////////
+ checkColumnVisibility(){
+ var visible = false;
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.visible){
+ visible = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if(visible){
+ this.show();
+ this.dispatchExternal("columnVisibilityChanged", this.getComponent(), false);
+ }else {
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ //show column
+ show(silent, responsiveToggle){
+ if(!this.visible){
+ this.visible = true;
+ this.element.style.display = "";
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ this.parent.checkColumnVisibility();
+ }
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cell.show();
+ });
+ if(!this.isGroup && this.width === null){
+ this.reinitializeWidth();
+ }
+ this.table.columnManager.verticalAlignHeaders();
+ this.dispatch("column-show", this, responsiveToggle);
+ if(!silent){
+ this.dispatchExternal("columnVisibilityChanged", this.getComponent(), true);
+ }
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ this.parent.matchChildWidths();
+ }
+ if(!this.silent){
+ this.table.columnManager.rerenderColumns();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //hide column
+ hide(silent, responsiveToggle){
+ if(this.visible){
+ this.visible = false;
+ this.element.style.display = "none";
+ this.table.columnManager.verticalAlignHeaders();
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ this.parent.checkColumnVisibility();
+ }
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cell.hide();
+ });
+ this.dispatch("column-hide", this, responsiveToggle);
+ if(!silent){
+ this.dispatchExternal("columnVisibilityChanged", this.getComponent(), false);
+ }
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ this.parent.matchChildWidths();
+ }
+ if(!this.silent){
+ this.table.columnManager.rerenderColumns();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ matchChildWidths(){
+ var childWidth = 0;
+ if(this.contentElement && this.columns.length){
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.visible){
+ childWidth += column.getWidth();
+ }
+ });
+ this.contentElement.style.maxWidth = (childWidth - 1) + "px";
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ this.parent.matchChildWidths();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ removeChild(child){
+ var index = this.columns.indexOf(child);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.columns.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ if(!this.columns.length){
+ this.delete();
+ }
+ }
+ setWidth(width){
+ this.widthFixed = true;
+ this.setWidthActual(width);
+ }
+ setWidthActual(width){
+ if(isNaN(width)){
+ width = Math.floor((this.table.element.clientWidth/100) * parseInt(width));
+ }
+ width = Math.max(this.minWidth, width);
+ if(this.maxWidth){
+ width = Math.min(this.maxWidth, width);
+ }
+ this.width = width;
+ this.widthStyled = width ? width + "px" : "";
+ this.element.style.width = this.widthStyled;
+ if(!this.isGroup){
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cell.setWidth();
+ });
+ }
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ this.parent.matchChildWidths();
+ }
+ this.dispatch("column-width", this);
+ }
+ checkCellHeights(){
+ var rows = [];
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ if(cell.row.heightInitialized){
+ if(cell.row.getElement().offsetParent !== null){
+ rows.push(cell.row);
+ cell.row.clearCellHeight();
+ }else {
+ cell.row.heightInitialized = false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ rows.forEach(function(row){
+ row.calcHeight();
+ });
+ rows.forEach(function(row){
+ row.setCellHeight();
+ });
+ }
+ getWidth(){
+ var width = 0;
+ if(this.isGroup){
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.visible){
+ width += column.getWidth();
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ width = this.width;
+ }
+ return width;
+ }
+ getLeftOffset(){
+ var offset = this.element.offsetLeft;
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ offset += this.parent.getLeftOffset();
+ }
+ return offset;
+ }
+ getHeight(){
+ return Math.ceil(this.element.getBoundingClientRect().height);
+ }
+ setMinWidth(minWidth){
+ if(this.maxWidth && minWidth > this.maxWidth){
+ minWidth = this.maxWidth;
+ console.warn("the minWidth ("+ minWidth + "px) for column '" + this.field + "' cannot be bigger that its maxWidth ("+ this.maxWidthStyled + ")");
+ }
+ this.minWidth = minWidth;
+ this.minWidthStyled = minWidth ? minWidth + "px" : "";
+ this.element.style.minWidth = this.minWidthStyled;
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cell.setMinWidth();
+ });
+ }
+ setMaxWidth(maxWidth){
+ if(this.minWidth && maxWidth < this.minWidth){
+ maxWidth = this.minWidth;
+ console.warn("the maxWidth ("+ maxWidth + "px) for column '" + this.field + "' cannot be smaller that its minWidth ("+ this.minWidthStyled + ")");
+ }
+ this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
+ this.maxWidthStyled = maxWidth ? maxWidth + "px" : "";
+ this.element.style.maxWidth = this.maxWidthStyled;
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cell.setMaxWidth();
+ });
+ }
+ delete(){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if(this.isGroup){
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.delete();
+ });
+ }
+ this.dispatch("column-delete", this);
+ var cellCount = this.cells.length;
+ for(let i = 0; i < cellCount; i++){
+ this.cells[0].delete();
+ }
+ if(this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ this.element = false;
+ this.contentElement = false;
+ this.titleElement = false;
+ this.groupElement = false;
+ if(this.parent.isGroup){
+ this.parent.removeChild(this);
+ }
+ this.table.columnManager.deregisterColumn(this);
+ this.table.columnManager.rerenderColumns(true);
+ resolve();
+ });
+ }
+ columnRendered(){
+ if(this.titleFormatterRendered){
+ this.titleFormatterRendered();
+ }
+ this.dispatch("column-rendered", this);
+ }
+ //////////////// Cell Management /////////////////
+ //generate cell for this column
+ generateCell(row){
+ var cell = new Cell(this, row);
+ this.cells.push(cell);
+ return cell;
+ }
+ nextColumn(){
+ var index = this.table.columnManager.findColumnIndex(this);
+ return index > -1 ? this._nextVisibleColumn(index + 1) : false;
+ }
+ _nextVisibleColumn(index){
+ var column = this.table.columnManager.getColumnByIndex(index);
+ return !column || column.visible ? column : this._nextVisibleColumn(index + 1);
+ }
+ prevColumn(){
+ var index = this.table.columnManager.findColumnIndex(this);
+ return index > -1 ? this._prevVisibleColumn(index - 1) : false;
+ }
+ _prevVisibleColumn(index){
+ var column = this.table.columnManager.getColumnByIndex(index);
+ return !column || column.visible ? column : this._prevVisibleColumn(index - 1);
+ }
+ reinitializeWidth(force){
+ this.widthFixed = false;
+ //set width if present
+ if(typeof this.definition.width !== "undefined" && !force){
+ // maxInitialWidth ignored here as width specified
+ this.setWidth(this.definition.width);
+ }
+ this.dispatch("column-width-fit-before", this);
+ this.fitToData(force);
+ this.dispatch("column-width-fit-after", this);
+ }
+ //set column width to maximum cell width for non group columns
+ fitToData(force){
+ if(this.isGroup){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!this.widthFixed){
+ this.element.style.width = "";
+ this.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ cell.clearWidth();
+ });
+ }
+ var maxWidth = this.element.offsetWidth;
+ if(!this.width || !this.widthFixed){
+ this.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ var width = cell.getWidth();
+ if(width > maxWidth){
+ maxWidth = width;
+ }
+ });
+ if(maxWidth){
+ var setTo = maxWidth + 1;
+ if (this.maxInitialWidth && !force) {
+ setTo = Math.min(setTo, this.maxInitialWidth);
+ }
+ this.setWidthActual(setTo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateDefinition(updates){
+ var definition;
+ if(!this.isGroup){
+ if(!this.parent.isGroup){
+ definition = Object.assign({}, this.getDefinition());
+ definition = Object.assign(definition, updates);
+ return this.table.columnManager.addColumn(definition, false, this)
+ .then((column) => {
+ if(definition.field == this.field){
+ this.field = false; //clear field name to prevent deletion of duplicate column from arrays
+ }
+ return this.delete()
+ .then(() => {
+ return column.getComponent();
+ });
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.error("Column Update Error - The updateDefinition function is only available on ungrouped columns");
+ return Promise.reject("Column Update Error - The updateDefinition function is only available on columns, not column groups");
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.error("Column Update Error - The updateDefinition function is only available on ungrouped columns");
+ return Promise.reject("Column Update Error - The updateDefinition function is only available on columns, not column groups");
+ }
+ }
+ deleteCell(cell){
+ var index = this.cells.indexOf(cell);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.cells.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////// Object Generation /////////////////
+ getComponent(){
+ if(!this.component){
+ this.component = new ColumnComponent(this);
+ }
+ return this.component;
+ }
+Column.defaultOptionList = defaultColumnOptions;
+//public row object
+class RowComponent {
+ constructor (row){
+ this._row = row;
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get: function(target, name, receiver) {
+ if (typeof target[name] !== "undefined") {
+ return target[name];
+ }else {
+ return target._row.table.componentFunctionBinder.handle("row", target._row, name);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ getData(transform){
+ return this._row.getData(transform);
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ return this._row.getElement();
+ }
+ getCells(){
+ var cells = [];
+ this._row.getCells().forEach(function(cell){
+ cells.push(cell.getComponent());
+ });
+ return cells;
+ }
+ getCell(column){
+ var cell = this._row.getCell(column);
+ return cell ? cell.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ getIndex(){
+ return this._row.getData("data")[this._row.table.options.index];
+ }
+ getPosition(){
+ return this._row.getPosition();
+ }
+ watchPosition(callback){
+ return this._row.watchPosition(callback);
+ }
+ delete(){
+ return this._row.delete();
+ }
+ scrollTo(){
+ return this._row.table.rowManager.scrollToRow(this._row);
+ }
+ move(to, after){
+ this._row.moveToRow(to, after);
+ }
+ update(data){
+ return this._row.updateData(data);
+ }
+ normalizeHeight(){
+ this._row.normalizeHeight(true);
+ }
+ _getSelf(){
+ return this._row;
+ }
+ reformat(){
+ return this._row.reinitialize();
+ }
+ getTable(){
+ return this._row.table;
+ }
+ getNextRow(){
+ var row = this._row.nextRow();
+ return row ? row.getComponent() : row;
+ }
+ getPrevRow(){
+ var row = this._row.prevRow();
+ return row ? row.getComponent() : row;
+ }
+class Row extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor (data, parent, type = "row"){
+ super(parent.table);
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.data = {};
+ this.type = type; //type of element
+ this.element = false;
+ this.modules = {}; //hold module variables;
+ this.cells = [];
+ this.height = 0; //hold element height
+ this.heightStyled = ""; //hold element height pre-styled to improve render efficiency
+ this.manualHeight = false; //user has manually set row height
+ this.outerHeight = 0; //hold elements outer height
+ this.initialized = false; //element has been rendered
+ this.heightInitialized = false; //element has resized cells to fit
+ this.position = 0; //store position of element in row list
+ this.positionWatchers = [];
+ this.component = null;
+ this.created = false;
+ this.setData(data);
+ }
+ create(){
+ if(!this.created){
+ this.created = true;
+ this.generateElement();
+ }
+ }
+ createElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-row");
+ el.setAttribute("role", "row");
+ this.element = el;
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ this.create();
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ detachElement(){
+ if (this.element && this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ }
+ generateElement(){
+ this.createElement();
+ this.dispatch("row-init", this);
+ }
+ generateCells(){
+ this.cells = this.table.columnManager.generateCells(this);
+ }
+ //functions to setup on first render
+ initialize(force){
+ this.create();
+ if(!this.initialized || force){
+ this.deleteCells();
+ while(this.element.firstChild) this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild);
+ this.dispatch("row-layout-before", this);
+ this.generateCells();
+ this.initialized = true;
+ this.table.columnManager.renderer.renderRowCells(this);
+ if(force){
+ this.normalizeHeight();
+ }
+ this.dispatch("row-layout", this);
+ if(this.table.options.rowFormatter){
+ this.table.options.rowFormatter(this.getComponent());
+ }
+ this.dispatch("row-layout-after", this);
+ }else {
+ this.table.columnManager.renderer.rerenderRowCells(this);
+ }
+ }
+ reinitializeHeight(){
+ this.heightInitialized = false;
+ if(this.element && this.element.offsetParent !== null){
+ this.normalizeHeight(true);
+ }
+ }
+ deinitialize(){
+ this.initialized = false;
+ }
+ deinitializeHeight(){
+ this.heightInitialized = false;
+ }
+ reinitialize(children){
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.heightInitialized = false;
+ if(!this.manualHeight){
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.heightStyled = "";
+ }
+ if(this.element && this.element.offsetParent !== null){
+ this.initialize(true);
+ }
+ this.dispatch("row-relayout", this);
+ }
+ //get heights when doing bulk row style calcs in virtual DOM
+ calcHeight(force){
+ var maxHeight = 0,
+ minHeight;
+ if(this.table.options.rowHeight){
+ this.height = this.table.options.rowHeight;
+ }else {
+ minHeight = this.table.options.resizableRows ? this.element.clientHeight : 0;
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ var height = cell.getHeight();
+ if(height > maxHeight){
+ maxHeight = height;
+ }
+ });
+ if(force){
+ this.height = Math.max(maxHeight, minHeight);
+ }else {
+ this.height = this.manualHeight ? this.height : Math.max(maxHeight, minHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ this.heightStyled = this.height ? this.height + "px" : "";
+ this.outerHeight = this.element.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ //set of cells
+ setCellHeight(){
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cell.setHeight();
+ });
+ this.heightInitialized = true;
+ }
+ clearCellHeight(){
+ this.cells.forEach(function(cell){
+ cell.clearHeight();
+ });
+ }
+ //normalize the height of elements in the row
+ normalizeHeight(force){
+ if(force && !this.table.options.rowHeight){
+ this.clearCellHeight();
+ }
+ this.calcHeight(force);
+ this.setCellHeight();
+ }
+ //set height of rows
+ setHeight(height, force){
+ if(this.height != height || force){
+ this.manualHeight = true;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.heightStyled = height ? height + "px" : "";
+ this.setCellHeight();
+ // this.outerHeight = this.element.outerHeight();
+ this.outerHeight = this.element.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ //return rows outer height
+ getHeight(){
+ return this.outerHeight;
+ }
+ //return rows outer Width
+ getWidth(){
+ return this.element.offsetWidth;
+ }
+ //////////////// Cell Management /////////////////
+ deleteCell(cell){
+ var index = this.cells.indexOf(cell);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.cells.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////// Data Management /////////////////
+ setData(data){
+ this.data = this.chain("row-data-init-before", [this, data], undefined, data);
+ this.dispatch("row-data-init-after", this);
+ }
+ //update the rows data
+ updateData(updatedData){
+ var visible = this.element && Helpers.elVisible(this.element),
+ tempData = {},
+ newRowData;
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if(typeof updatedData === "string"){
+ updatedData = JSON.parse(updatedData);
+ }
+ this.dispatch("row-data-save-before", this);
+ if(this.subscribed("row-data-changing")){
+ tempData = Object.assign(tempData, this.data);
+ tempData = Object.assign(tempData, updatedData);
+ }
+ newRowData = this.chain("row-data-changing", [this, tempData, updatedData], null, updatedData);
+ //set data
+ for (let attrname in newRowData) {
+ this.data[attrname] = newRowData[attrname];
+ }
+ this.dispatch("row-data-save-after", this);
+ //update affected cells only
+ for (let attrname in updatedData) {
+ let columns = this.table.columnManager.getColumnsByFieldRoot(attrname);
+ columns.forEach((column) => {
+ let cell = this.getCell(column.getField());
+ if(cell){
+ let value = column.getFieldValue(newRowData);
+ if(cell.getValue() !== value){
+ cell.setValueProcessData(value);
+ if(visible){
+ cell.cellRendered();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //Partial reinitialization if visible
+ if(visible){
+ this.normalizeHeight(true);
+ if(this.table.options.rowFormatter){
+ this.table.options.rowFormatter(this.getComponent());
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.heightStyled = "";
+ }
+ this.dispatch("row-data-changed", this, visible, updatedData);
+ //this.reinitialize();
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowUpdated", this.getComponent());
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataChanged")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataChanged", this.table.rowManager.getData());
+ }
+ resolve();
+ });
+ }
+ getData(transform){
+ if(transform){
+ return this.chain("row-data-retrieve", [this, transform], null, this.data);
+ }
+ return this.data;
+ }
+ getCell(column){
+ var match = false;
+ column = this.table.columnManager.findColumn(column);
+ if(!this.initialized && this.cells.length === 0){
+ this.generateCells();
+ }
+ match = this.cells.find(function(cell){
+ return cell.column === column;
+ });
+ return match;
+ }
+ getCellIndex(findCell){
+ return this.cells.findIndex(function(cell){
+ return cell === findCell;
+ });
+ }
+ findCell(subject){
+ return this.cells.find((cell) => {
+ return cell.element === subject;
+ });
+ }
+ getCells(){
+ if(!this.initialized && this.cells.length === 0){
+ this.generateCells();
+ }
+ return this.cells;
+ }
+ nextRow(){
+ var row = this.table.rowManager.nextDisplayRow(this, true);
+ return row || false;
+ }
+ prevRow(){
+ var row = this.table.rowManager.prevDisplayRow(this, true);
+ return row || false;
+ }
+ moveToRow(to, before){
+ var toRow = this.table.rowManager.findRow(to);
+ if(toRow){
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRowActual(this, toRow, !before);
+ this.table.rowManager.refreshActiveData("display", false, true);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Move Error - No matching row found:", to);
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////// Actions /////////////////////
+ delete(){
+ this.dispatch("row-delete", this);
+ this.deleteActual();
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ }
+ deleteActual(blockRedraw){
+ this.detachModules();
+ this.table.rowManager.deleteRow(this, blockRedraw);
+ this.deleteCells();
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.heightInitialized = false;
+ this.element = false;
+ this.dispatch("row-deleted", this);
+ }
+ detachModules(){
+ this.dispatch("row-deleting", this);
+ }
+ deleteCells(){
+ var cellCount = this.cells.length;
+ for(let i = 0; i < cellCount; i++){
+ this.cells[0].delete();
+ }
+ }
+ wipe(){
+ this.detachModules();
+ this.deleteCells();
+ if(this.element){
+ while(this.element.firstChild) this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild);
+ if(this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ }
+ this.element = false;
+ this.modules = {};
+ }
+ isDisplayed(){
+ return this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().includes(this);
+ }
+ getPosition(){
+ return this.isDisplayed() ? this.position : false;
+ }
+ setPosition(position){
+ if(position != this.position){
+ this.position = position;
+ this.positionWatchers.forEach((callback) => {
+ callback(this.position);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ watchPosition(callback){
+ this.positionWatchers.push(callback);
+ callback(this.position);
+ }
+ getGroup(){
+ return this.modules.group || false;
+ }
+ //////////////// Object Generation /////////////////
+ getComponent(){
+ if(!this.component){
+ this.component = new RowComponent(this);
+ }
+ return this.component;
+ }
+var defaultCalculations = {
+ "avg":function(values, data, calcParams){
+ var output = 0,
+ precision = typeof calcParams.precision !== "undefined" ? calcParams.precision : 2;
+ if(values.length){
+ output = values.reduce(function(sum, value){
+ return Number(sum) + Number(value);
+ });
+ output = output / values.length;
+ output = precision !== false ? output.toFixed(precision) : output;
+ }
+ return parseFloat(output).toString();
+ },
+ "max":function(values, data, calcParams){
+ var output = null,
+ precision = typeof calcParams.precision !== "undefined" ? calcParams.precision : false;
+ values.forEach(function(value){
+ value = Number(value);
+ if(value > output || output === null){
+ output = value;
+ }
+ });
+ return output !== null ? (precision !== false ? output.toFixed(precision) : output) : "";
+ },
+ "min":function(values, data, calcParams){
+ var output = null,
+ precision = typeof calcParams.precision !== "undefined" ? calcParams.precision : false;
+ values.forEach(function(value){
+ value = Number(value);
+ if(value < output || output === null){
+ output = value;
+ }
+ });
+ return output !== null ? (precision !== false ? output.toFixed(precision) : output) : "";
+ },
+ "sum":function(values, data, calcParams){
+ var output = 0,
+ precision = typeof calcParams.precision !== "undefined" ? calcParams.precision : false;
+ if(values.length){
+ values.forEach(function(value){
+ value = Number(value);
+ output += !isNaN(value) ? Number(value) : 0;
+ });
+ }
+ return precision !== false ? output.toFixed(precision) : output;
+ },
+ "concat":function(values, data, calcParams){
+ var output = 0;
+ if(values.length){
+ output = values.reduce(function(sum, value){
+ return String(sum) + String(value);
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ },
+ "count":function(values, data, calcParams){
+ var output = 0;
+ if(values.length){
+ values.forEach(function(value){
+ if(value){
+ output ++;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ },
+class ColumnCalcs extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.topCalcs = [];
+ this.botCalcs = [];
+ this.genColumn = false;
+ this.topElement = this.createElement();
+ this.botElement = this.createElement();
+ this.topRow = false;
+ this.botRow = false;
+ this.topInitialized = false;
+ this.botInitialized = false;
+ this.blocked = false;
+ this.recalcAfterBlock = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("columnCalcs", true);
+ this.registerColumnOption("topCalc");
+ this.registerColumnOption("topCalcParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("topCalcFormatter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("topCalcFormatterParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("bottomCalc");
+ this.registerColumnOption("bottomCalcParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("bottomCalcFormatter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("bottomCalcFormatterParams");
+ }
+ createElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-calcs-holder");
+ return el;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.genColumn = new Column({field:"value"}, this);
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-changed", this.cellValueChanged.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumnCheck.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-deleted", this.rowsUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("scroll-horizontal", this.scrollHorizontal.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-added", this.rowsUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-moved", this.recalcActiveRows.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-add", this.recalcActiveRows.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-refreshed", this.recalcActiveRowsRefresh.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-redraw", this.tableRedraw.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-visible", this.visibleRows.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("scrollbar-vertical", this.adjustForScrollbar.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("redraw-blocked", this.blockRedraw.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("redraw-restored", this.restoreRedraw.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-redrawing", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-resized", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-show", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-hide", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getCalcResults", this.getResults.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("recalc", this.userRecalc.bind(this));
+ this.resizeHolderWidth();
+ }
+ resizeHolderWidth(){
+ this.topElement.style.minWidth = this.table.columnManager.headersElement.offsetWidth + "px";
+ }
+ tableRedraw(force){
+ this.recalc(this.table.rowManager.activeRows);
+ if(force){
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ }
+ blockRedraw(){
+ this.blocked = true;
+ this.recalcAfterBlock = false;
+ }
+ restoreRedraw(){
+ this.blocked = false;
+ if(this.recalcAfterBlock){
+ this.recalcAfterBlock = false;
+ this.recalcActiveRowsRefresh();
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ userRecalc(){
+ this.recalc(this.table.rowManager.activeRows);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ blockCheck(){
+ if(this.blocked){
+ this.recalcAfterBlock = true;
+ }
+ return this.blocked;
+ }
+ visibleRows(viewable, rows){
+ if(this.topRow){
+ rows.unshift(this.topRow);
+ }
+ if(this.botRow){
+ rows.push(this.botRow);
+ }
+ return rows;
+ }
+ rowsUpdated(row){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ this.recalcRowGroup(row);
+ }else {
+ this.recalcActiveRows();
+ }
+ }
+ recalcActiveRowsRefresh(){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy && this.table.options.dataTreeStartExpanded && this.table.options.dataTree){
+ this.recalcAll();
+ }else {
+ this.recalcActiveRows();
+ }
+ }
+ recalcActiveRows(){
+ this.recalc(this.table.rowManager.activeRows);
+ }
+ cellValueChanged(cell){
+ if(cell.column.definition.topCalc || cell.column.definition.bottomCalc){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ if(this.table.options.columnCalcs == "table" || this.table.options.columnCalcs == "both"){
+ this.recalcActiveRows();
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.columnCalcs != "table"){
+ this.recalcRowGroup(cell.row);
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.recalcActiveRows();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumnCheck(column){
+ if(column.definition.topCalc || column.definition.bottomCalc){
+ this.initializeColumn(column);
+ }
+ }
+ //initialize column calcs
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var def = column.definition;
+ var config = {
+ topCalcParams:def.topCalcParams || {},
+ botCalcParams:def.bottomCalcParams || {},
+ };
+ if(def.topCalc){
+ switch(typeof def.topCalc){
+ case "string":
+ if(ColumnCalcs.calculations[def.topCalc]){
+ config.topCalc = ColumnCalcs.calculations[def.topCalc];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Calc Error - No such calculation found, ignoring: ", def.topCalc);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ config.topCalc = def.topCalc;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(config.topCalc){
+ column.modules.columnCalcs = config;
+ this.topCalcs.push(column);
+ if(this.table.options.columnCalcs != "group"){
+ this.initializeTopRow();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(def.bottomCalc){
+ switch(typeof def.bottomCalc){
+ case "string":
+ if(ColumnCalcs.calculations[def.bottomCalc]){
+ config.botCalc = ColumnCalcs.calculations[def.bottomCalc];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Calc Error - No such calculation found, ignoring: ", def.bottomCalc);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ config.botCalc = def.bottomCalc;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(config.botCalc){
+ column.modules.columnCalcs = config;
+ this.botCalcs.push(column);
+ if(this.table.options.columnCalcs != "group"){
+ this.initializeBottomRow();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //dummy functions to handle being mock column manager
+ registerColumnField(){}
+ removeCalcs(){
+ var changed = false;
+ if(this.topInitialized){
+ this.topInitialized = false;
+ this.topElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.topElement);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if(this.botInitialized){
+ this.botInitialized = false;
+ this.footerRemove(this.botElement);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ if(changed){
+ this.table.rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ }
+ }
+ reinitializeCalcs(){
+ if(this.topCalcs.length){
+ this.initializeTopRow();
+ }
+ if(this.botCalcs.length){
+ this.initializeBottomRow();
+ }
+ }
+ initializeTopRow(){
+ if(!this.topInitialized){
+ this.table.columnManager.getContentsElement().insertBefore(this.topElement, this.table.columnManager.headersElement.nextSibling);
+ this.topInitialized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ initializeBottomRow(){
+ if(!this.botInitialized){
+ this.footerPrepend(this.botElement);
+ this.botInitialized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ scrollHorizontal(left){
+ if(this.botInitialized && this.botRow){
+ this.botElement.scrollLeft = left;
+ }
+ }
+ recalc(rows){
+ var data, row;
+ if(!this.blockCheck()){
+ if(this.topInitialized || this.botInitialized){
+ data = this.rowsToData(rows);
+ if(this.topInitialized){
+ if(this.topRow){
+ this.topRow.deleteCells();
+ }
+ row = this.generateRow("top", data);
+ this.topRow = row;
+ while(this.topElement.firstChild) this.topElement.removeChild(this.topElement.firstChild);
+ this.topElement.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ row.initialize(true);
+ }
+ if(this.botInitialized){
+ if(this.botRow){
+ this.botRow.deleteCells();
+ }
+ row = this.generateRow("bottom", data);
+ this.botRow = row;
+ while(this.botElement.firstChild) this.botElement.removeChild(this.botElement.firstChild);
+ this.botElement.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ row.initialize(true);
+ }
+ this.table.rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ //set resizable handles
+ if(this.table.modExists("frozenColumns")){
+ this.table.modules.frozenColumns.layout();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ recalcRowGroup(row){
+ this.recalcGroup(this.table.modules.groupRows.getRowGroup(row));
+ }
+ recalcAll(){
+ if(this.topCalcs.length || this.botCalcs.length){
+ if(this.table.options.columnCalcs !== "group"){
+ this.recalcActiveRows();
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy && this.table.options.columnCalcs !== "table"){
+ var groups = this.table.modules.groupRows.getChildGroups();
+ groups.forEach((group) => {
+ this.recalcGroup(group);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ recalcGroup(group){
+ var data, rowData;
+ if(!this.blockCheck()){
+ if(group){
+ if(group.calcs){
+ if(group.calcs.bottom){
+ data = this.rowsToData(group.rows);
+ rowData = this.generateRowData("bottom", data);
+ group.calcs.bottom.updateData(rowData);
+ group.calcs.bottom.reinitialize();
+ }
+ if(group.calcs.top){
+ data = this.rowsToData(group.rows);
+ rowData = this.generateRowData("top", data);
+ group.calcs.top.updateData(rowData);
+ group.calcs.top.reinitialize();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //generate top stats row
+ generateTopRow(rows){
+ return this.generateRow("top", this.rowsToData(rows));
+ }
+ //generate bottom stats row
+ generateBottomRow(rows){
+ return this.generateRow("bottom", this.rowsToData(rows));
+ }
+ rowsToData(rows){
+ var data = [];
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ data.push(row.getData());
+ if(this.table.options.dataTree && this.table.options.dataTreeChildColumnCalcs){
+ if(row.modules.dataTree && row.modules.dataTree.open){
+ var children = this.rowsToData(this.table.modules.dataTree.getFilteredTreeChildren(row));
+ data = data.concat(children);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ //generate stats row
+ generateRow(pos, data){
+ var rowData = this.generateRowData(pos, data),
+ row;
+ if(this.table.modExists("mutator")){
+ this.table.modules.mutator.disable();
+ }
+ row = new Row(rowData, this, "calc");
+ if(this.table.modExists("mutator")){
+ this.table.modules.mutator.enable();
+ }
+ row.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-calcs", "tabulator-calcs-" + pos);
+ row.component = false;
+ row.getComponent = () => {
+ if(!row.component){
+ row.component = new CalcComponent(row);
+ }
+ return row.component;
+ };
+ row.generateCells = () => {
+ var cells = [];
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ //set field name of mock column
+ this.genColumn.setField(column.getField());
+ this.genColumn.hozAlign = column.hozAlign;
+ if(column.definition[pos + "CalcFormatter"] && this.table.modExists("format")){
+ this.genColumn.modules.format = {
+ formatter: this.table.modules.format.getFormatter(column.definition[pos + "CalcFormatter"]),
+ params: column.definition[pos + "CalcFormatterParams"] || {},
+ };
+ }else {
+ this.genColumn.modules.format = {
+ formatter: this.table.modules.format.getFormatter("plaintext"),
+ params:{}
+ };
+ }
+ //ensure css class definition is replicated to calculation cell
+ this.genColumn.definition.cssClass = column.definition.cssClass;
+ //generate cell and assign to correct column
+ var cell = new Cell(this.genColumn, row);
+ cell.getElement();
+ cell.column = column;
+ cell.setWidth();
+ column.cells.push(cell);
+ cells.push(cell);
+ if(!column.visible){
+ cell.hide();
+ }
+ });
+ row.cells = cells;
+ };
+ return row;
+ }
+ //generate stats row
+ generateRowData(pos, data){
+ var rowData = {},
+ calcs = pos == "top" ? this.topCalcs : this.botCalcs,
+ type = pos == "top" ? "topCalc" : "botCalc",
+ params, paramKey;
+ calcs.forEach(function(column){
+ var values = [];
+ if(column.modules.columnCalcs && column.modules.columnCalcs[type]){
+ data.forEach(function(item){
+ values.push(column.getFieldValue(item));
+ });
+ paramKey = type + "Params";
+ params = typeof column.modules.columnCalcs[paramKey] === "function" ? column.modules.columnCalcs[paramKey](values, data) : column.modules.columnCalcs[paramKey];
+ column.setFieldValue(rowData, column.modules.columnCalcs[type](values, data, params));
+ }
+ });
+ return rowData;
+ }
+ hasTopCalcs(){
+ return !!(this.topCalcs.length);
+ }
+ hasBottomCalcs(){
+ return !!(this.botCalcs.length);
+ }
+ //handle table redraw
+ redraw(){
+ if(this.topRow){
+ this.topRow.normalizeHeight(true);
+ }
+ if(this.botRow){
+ this.botRow.normalizeHeight(true);
+ }
+ }
+ //return the calculated
+ getResults(){
+ var results = {},
+ groups;
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy && this.table.modExists("groupRows")){
+ groups = this.table.modules.groupRows.getGroups(true);
+ groups.forEach((group) => {
+ results[group.getKey()] = this.getGroupResults(group);
+ });
+ }else {
+ results = {
+ top: this.topRow ? this.topRow.getData() : {},
+ bottom: this.botRow ? this.botRow.getData() : {},
+ };
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ //get results from a group
+ getGroupResults(group){
+ var groupObj = group._getSelf(),
+ subGroups = group.getSubGroups(),
+ subGroupResults = {},
+ results = {};
+ subGroups.forEach((subgroup) => {
+ subGroupResults[subgroup.getKey()] = this.getGroupResults(subgroup);
+ });
+ results = {
+ top: groupObj.calcs.top ? groupObj.calcs.top.getData() : {},
+ bottom: groupObj.calcs.bottom ? groupObj.calcs.bottom.getData() : {},
+ groups: subGroupResults,
+ };
+ return results;
+ }
+ adjustForScrollbar(width){
+ if(this.botRow){
+ if(this.table.rtl){
+ this.botElement.style.paddingLeft = width + "px";
+ }else {
+ this.botElement.style.paddingRight = width + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ColumnCalcs.moduleName = "columnCalcs";
+//load defaults
+ColumnCalcs.calculations = defaultCalculations;
+class DataTree extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.indent = 10;
+ this.field = "";
+ this.collapseEl = null;
+ this.expandEl = null;
+ this.branchEl = null;
+ this.elementField = false;
+ this.startOpen = function(){};
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTree", false); //enable data tree
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeFilter", true); //filter child rows
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeSort", true); //sort child rows
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeElementColumn", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeBranchElement", true);//show data tree branch element
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeChildIndent", 9); //data tree child indent in px
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeChildField", "_children");//data tre column field to look for child rows
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeCollapseElement", false);//data tree row collapse element
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeExpandElement", false);//data tree row expand element
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeStartExpanded", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeChildColumnCalcs", false);//include visible data tree rows in column calculations
+ this.registerTableOption("dataTreeSelectPropagate", false);//selecting a parent row selects its children
+ //register component functions
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "treeCollapse", this.collapseRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "treeExpand", this.expandRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "treeToggle", this.toggleRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "getTreeParent", this.getTreeParent.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "getTreeChildren", this.getRowChildren.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "addTreeChild", this.addTreeChildRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "isTreeExpanded", this.isRowExpanded.bind(this));
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.dataTree){
+ var dummyEl = null,
+ options = this.table.options;
+ this.field = options.dataTreeChildField;
+ this.indent = options.dataTreeChildIndent;
+ if(this.options("movableRows")){
+ console.warn("The movableRows option is not available with dataTree enabled, moving of child rows could result in unpredictable behavior");
+ }
+ if(options.dataTreeBranchElement){
+ if(options.dataTreeBranchElement === true){
+ this.branchEl = document.createElement("div");
+ this.branchEl.classList.add("tabulator-data-tree-branch");
+ }else {
+ if(typeof options.dataTreeBranchElement === "string"){
+ dummyEl = document.createElement("div");
+ dummyEl.innerHTML = options.dataTreeBranchElement;
+ this.branchEl = dummyEl.firstChild;
+ }else {
+ this.branchEl = options.dataTreeBranchElement;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(options.dataTreeCollapseElement){
+ if(typeof options.dataTreeCollapseElement === "string"){
+ dummyEl = document.createElement("div");
+ dummyEl.innerHTML = options.dataTreeCollapseElement;
+ this.collapseEl = dummyEl.firstChild;
+ }else {
+ this.collapseEl = options.dataTreeCollapseElement;
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.collapseEl = document.createElement("div");
+ this.collapseEl.classList.add("tabulator-data-tree-control");
+ this.collapseEl.tabIndex = 0;
+ this.collapseEl.innerHTML = "<div class='tabulator-data-tree-control-collapse'></div>";
+ }
+ if(options.dataTreeExpandElement){
+ if(typeof options.dataTreeExpandElement === "string"){
+ dummyEl = document.createElement("div");
+ dummyEl.innerHTML = options.dataTreeExpandElement;
+ this.expandEl = dummyEl.firstChild;
+ }else {
+ this.expandEl = options.dataTreeExpandElement;
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.expandEl = document.createElement("div");
+ this.expandEl.classList.add("tabulator-data-tree-control");
+ this.expandEl.tabIndex = 0;
+ this.expandEl.innerHTML = "<div class='tabulator-data-tree-control-expand'></div>";
+ }
+ switch(typeof options.dataTreeStartExpanded){
+ case "boolean":
+ this.startOpen = function(row, index){
+ return options.dataTreeStartExpanded;
+ };
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ this.startOpen = options.dataTreeStartExpanded;
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.startOpen = function(row, index){
+ return options.dataTreeStartExpanded[index];
+ };
+ break;
+ }
+ this.subscribe("row-init", this.initializeRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-layout-after", this.layoutRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-deleted", this.rowDelete.bind(this),0);
+ this.subscribe("row-data-changed", this.rowDataChanged.bind(this), 10);
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-updated", this.cellValueChanged.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("edit-cancelled", this.cellValueChanged.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-moving-rows", this.columnMoving.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-built", this.initializeElementField.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-redrawing", this.tableRedrawing.bind(this));
+ this.registerDisplayHandler(this.getRows.bind(this), 30);
+ }
+ }
+ tableRedrawing(force){
+ var rows;
+ if(force){
+ rows = this.table.rowManager.getRows();
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ this.reinitializeRowChildren(row);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ initializeElementField(){
+ var firstCol = this.table.columnManager.getFirstVisibleColumn();
+ this.elementField = this.table.options.dataTreeElementColumn || (firstCol ? firstCol.field : false);
+ }
+ getRowChildren(row){
+ return this.getTreeChildren(row, true);
+ }
+ columnMoving(){
+ var rows = [];
+ this.table.rowManager.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ rows = rows.concat(this.getTreeChildren(row, false, true));
+ });
+ return rows;
+ }
+ rowDataChanged(row, visible, updatedData){
+ if(this.redrawNeeded(updatedData)){
+ this.initializeRow(row);
+ if(visible){
+ this.layoutRow(row);
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cellValueChanged(cell){
+ var field = cell.column.getField();
+ if(field === this.elementField){
+ this.layoutRow(cell.row);
+ }
+ }
+ initializeRow(row){
+ var childArray = row.getData()[this.field];
+ var isArray = Array.isArray(childArray);
+ var children = isArray || (!isArray && typeof childArray === "object" && childArray !== null);
+ if(!children && row.modules.dataTree && row.modules.dataTree.branchEl){
+ row.modules.dataTree.branchEl.parentNode.removeChild(row.modules.dataTree.branchEl);
+ }
+ if(!children && row.modules.dataTree && row.modules.dataTree.controlEl){
+ row.modules.dataTree.controlEl.parentNode.removeChild(row.modules.dataTree.controlEl);
+ }
+ row.modules.dataTree = {
+ index: row.modules.dataTree ? row.modules.dataTree.index : 0,
+ open: children ? (row.modules.dataTree ? row.modules.dataTree.open : this.startOpen(row.getComponent(), 0)) : false,
+ controlEl: row.modules.dataTree && children ? row.modules.dataTree.controlEl : false,
+ branchEl: row.modules.dataTree && children ? row.modules.dataTree.branchEl : false,
+ parent: row.modules.dataTree ? row.modules.dataTree.parent : false,
+ children:children,
+ };
+ }
+ reinitializeRowChildren(row){
+ var children = this.getTreeChildren(row, false, true);
+ children.forEach(function(child){
+ child.reinitialize(true);
+ });
+ }
+ layoutRow(row){
+ var cell = this.elementField ? row.getCell(this.elementField) : row.getCells()[0],
+ el = cell.getElement(),
+ config = row.modules.dataTree;
+ if(config.branchEl){
+ if(config.branchEl.parentNode){
+ config.branchEl.parentNode.removeChild(config.branchEl);
+ }
+ config.branchEl = false;
+ }
+ if(config.controlEl){
+ if(config.controlEl.parentNode){
+ config.controlEl.parentNode.removeChild(config.controlEl);
+ }
+ config.controlEl = false;
+ }
+ this.generateControlElement(row, el);
+ row.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-tree-level-" + config.index);
+ if(config.index){
+ if(this.branchEl){
+ config.branchEl = this.branchEl.cloneNode(true);
+ el.insertBefore(config.branchEl, el.firstChild);
+ if(this.table.rtl){
+ config.branchEl.style.marginRight = (((config.branchEl.offsetWidth + config.branchEl.style.marginLeft) * (config.index - 1)) + (config.index * this.indent)) + "px";
+ }else {
+ config.branchEl.style.marginLeft = (((config.branchEl.offsetWidth + config.branchEl.style.marginRight) * (config.index - 1)) + (config.index * this.indent)) + "px";
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.table.rtl){
+ el.style.paddingRight = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-right')) + (config.index * this.indent) + "px";
+ }else {
+ el.style.paddingLeft = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('padding-left')) + (config.index * this.indent) + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generateControlElement(row, el){
+ var config = row.modules.dataTree,
+ oldControl = config.controlEl;
+ el = el || row.getCells()[0].getElement();
+ if(config.children !== false){
+ if(config.open){
+ config.controlEl = this.collapseEl.cloneNode(true);
+ config.controlEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ this.collapseRow(row);
+ });
+ }else {
+ config.controlEl = this.expandEl.cloneNode(true);
+ config.controlEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ this.expandRow(row);
+ });
+ }
+ config.controlEl.addEventListener("mousedown", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ if(oldControl && oldControl.parentNode === el){
+ oldControl.parentNode.replaceChild(config.controlEl,oldControl);
+ }else {
+ el.insertBefore(config.controlEl, el.firstChild);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getRows(rows){
+ var output = [];
+ rows.forEach((row, i) => {
+ var config, children;
+ output.push(row);
+ if(row instanceof Row){
+ row.create();
+ config = row.modules.dataTree.children;
+ if(!config.index && config.children !== false){
+ children = this.getChildren(row);
+ children.forEach((child) => {
+ child.create();
+ output.push(child);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ getChildren(row, allChildren){
+ var config = row.modules.dataTree,
+ children = [],
+ output = [];
+ if(config.children !== false && (config.open || allChildren)){
+ if(!Array.isArray(config.children)){
+ config.children = this.generateChildren(row);
+ }
+ if(this.table.modExists("filter") && this.table.options.dataTreeFilter){
+ children = this.table.modules.filter.filter(config.children);
+ }else {
+ children = config.children;
+ }
+ if(this.table.modExists("sort") && this.table.options.dataTreeSort){
+ this.table.modules.sort.sort(children);
+ }
+ children.forEach((child) => {
+ output.push(child);
+ var subChildren = this.getChildren(child);
+ subChildren.forEach((sub) => {
+ output.push(sub);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ generateChildren(row){
+ var children = [];
+ var childArray = row.getData()[this.field];
+ if(!Array.isArray(childArray)){
+ childArray = [childArray];
+ }
+ childArray.forEach((childData) => {
+ var childRow = new Row(childData || {}, this.table.rowManager);
+ childRow.create();
+ childRow.modules.dataTree.index = row.modules.dataTree.index + 1;
+ childRow.modules.dataTree.parent = row;
+ if(childRow.modules.dataTree.children){
+ childRow.modules.dataTree.open = this.startOpen(childRow.getComponent(), childRow.modules.dataTree.index);
+ }
+ children.push(childRow);
+ });
+ return children;
+ }
+ expandRow(row, silent){
+ var config = row.modules.dataTree;
+ if(config.children !== false){
+ config.open = true;
+ row.reinitialize();
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataTreeRowExpanded", row.getComponent(), row.modules.dataTree.index);
+ }
+ }
+ collapseRow(row){
+ var config = row.modules.dataTree;
+ if(config.children !== false){
+ config.open = false;
+ row.reinitialize();
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataTreeRowCollapsed", row.getComponent(), row.modules.dataTree.index);
+ }
+ }
+ toggleRow(row){
+ var config = row.modules.dataTree;
+ if(config.children !== false){
+ if(config.open){
+ this.collapseRow(row);
+ }else {
+ this.expandRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ isRowExpanded(row){
+ return row.modules.dataTree.open;
+ }
+ getTreeParent(row){
+ return row.modules.dataTree.parent ? row.modules.dataTree.parent.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ getTreeParentRoot(row){
+ return row.modules.dataTree && row.modules.dataTree.parent ? this.getTreeParentRoot(row.modules.dataTree.parent) : row;
+ }
+ getFilteredTreeChildren(row){
+ var config = row.modules.dataTree,
+ output = [], children;
+ if(config.children){
+ if(!Array.isArray(config.children)){
+ config.children = this.generateChildren(row);
+ }
+ if(this.table.modExists("filter") && this.table.options.dataTreeFilter){
+ children = this.table.modules.filter.filter(config.children);
+ }else {
+ children = config.children;
+ }
+ children.forEach((childRow) => {
+ if(childRow instanceof Row){
+ output.push(childRow);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ rowDelete(row){
+ var parent = row.modules.dataTree.parent,
+ childIndex;
+ if(parent){
+ childIndex = this.findChildIndex(row, parent);
+ if(childIndex !== false){
+ parent.data[this.field].splice(childIndex, 1);
+ }
+ if(!parent.data[this.field].length){
+ delete parent.data[this.field];
+ }
+ this.initializeRow(parent);
+ this.layoutRow(parent);
+ }
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ }
+ addTreeChildRow(row, data, top, index){
+ var childIndex = false;
+ if(typeof data === "string"){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if(!Array.isArray(row.data[this.field])){
+ row.data[this.field] = [];
+ row.modules.dataTree.open = this.startOpen(row.getComponent(), row.modules.dataTree.index);
+ }
+ if(typeof index !== "undefined"){
+ childIndex = this.findChildIndex(index, row);
+ if(childIndex !== false){
+ row.data[this.field].splice((top ? childIndex : childIndex + 1), 0, data);
+ }
+ }
+ if(childIndex === false){
+ if(top){
+ row.data[this.field].unshift(data);
+ }else {
+ row.data[this.field].push(data);
+ }
+ }
+ this.initializeRow(row);
+ this.layoutRow(row);
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ }
+ findChildIndex(subject, parent){
+ var match = false;
+ if(typeof subject == "object"){
+ if(subject instanceof Row){
+ //subject is row element
+ match = subject.data;
+ }else if(subject instanceof RowComponent){
+ //subject is public row component
+ match = subject._getSelf().data;
+ }else if(typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && subject instanceof HTMLElement){
+ if(parent.modules.dataTree){
+ match = parent.modules.dataTree.children.find((childRow) => {
+ return childRow instanceof Row ? childRow.element === subject : false;
+ });
+ if(match){
+ match = match.data;
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(subject === null){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ }else if(typeof subject == "undefined"){
+ match = false;
+ }else {
+ //subject should be treated as the index of the row
+ match = parent.data[this.field].find((row) => {
+ return row.data[this.table.options.index] == subject;
+ });
+ }
+ if(match){
+ if(Array.isArray(parent.data[this.field])){
+ match = parent.data[this.field].indexOf(match);
+ }
+ if(match == -1){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //catch all for any other type of input
+ return match;
+ }
+ getTreeChildren(row, component, recurse){
+ var config = row.modules.dataTree,
+ output = [];
+ if(config.children){
+ if(!Array.isArray(config.children)){
+ config.children = this.generateChildren(row);
+ }
+ config.children.forEach((childRow) => {
+ if(childRow instanceof Row){
+ output.push(component ? childRow.getComponent() : childRow);
+ if(recurse){
+ output = output.concat(this.getTreeChildren(childRow, component, recurse));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ getChildField(){
+ return this.field;
+ }
+ redrawNeeded(data){
+ return (this.field ? typeof data[this.field] !== "undefined" : false) || (this.elementField ? typeof data[this.elementField] !== "undefined" : false);
+ }
+DataTree.moduleName = "dataTree";
+function csv(list, options = {}, setFileContents){
+ var delimiter = options.delimiter ? options.delimiter : ",",
+ fileContents = [],
+ headers = [];
+ list.forEach((row) => {
+ var item = [];
+ switch(row.type){
+ case "group":
+ console.warn("Download Warning - CSV downloader cannot process row groups");
+ break;
+ case "calc":
+ console.warn("Download Warning - CSV downloader cannot process column calculations");
+ break;
+ case "header":
+ row.columns.forEach((col, i) => {
+ if(col && col.depth === 1){
+ headers[i] = typeof col.value == "undefined" || col.value === null ? "" : ('"' + String(col.value).split('"').join('""') + '"');
+ }
+ });
+ break;
+ case "row":
+ row.columns.forEach((col) => {
+ if(col){
+ switch(typeof col.value){
+ case "object":
+ col.value = col.value !== null ? JSON.stringify(col.value) : "";
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ col.value = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ item.push('"' + String(col.value).split('"').join('""') + '"');
+ }
+ });
+ fileContents.push(item.join(delimiter));
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(headers.length){
+ fileContents.unshift(headers.join(delimiter));
+ }
+ fileContents = fileContents.join("\n");
+ if(options.bom){
+ fileContents = "\ufeff" + fileContents;
+ }
+ setFileContents(fileContents, "text/csv");
+function json(list, options, setFileContents){
+ var fileContents = [];
+ list.forEach((row) => {
+ var item = {};
+ switch(row.type){
+ case "header":
+ break;
+ case "group":
+ console.warn("Download Warning - JSON downloader cannot process row groups");
+ break;
+ case "calc":
+ console.warn("Download Warning - JSON downloader cannot process column calculations");
+ break;
+ case "row":
+ row.columns.forEach((col) => {
+ if(col){
+ item[col.component.getTitleDownload() || col.component.getField()] = col.value;
+ }
+ });
+ fileContents.push(item);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ fileContents = JSON.stringify(fileContents, null, '\t');
+ setFileContents(fileContents, "application/json");
+function pdf(list, options = {}, setFileContents){
+ var header = [],
+ body = [],
+ autoTableParams = {},
+ rowGroupStyles = options.rowGroupStyles || {
+ fontStyle: "bold",
+ fontSize: 12,
+ cellPadding: 6,
+ fillColor: 220,
+ },
+ rowCalcStyles = options.rowCalcStyles || {
+ fontStyle: "bold",
+ fontSize: 10,
+ cellPadding: 4,
+ fillColor: 232,
+ },
+ jsPDFParams = options.jsPDF || {},
+ title = options.title ? options.title : "";
+ if(!jsPDFParams.orientation){
+ jsPDFParams.orientation = options.orientation || "landscape";
+ }
+ if(!jsPDFParams.unit){
+ jsPDFParams.unit = "pt";
+ }
+ //parse row list
+ list.forEach((row) => {
+ switch(row.type){
+ case "header":
+ header.push(parseRow(row));
+ break;
+ case "group":
+ body.push(parseRow(row, rowGroupStyles));
+ break;
+ case "calc":
+ body.push(parseRow(row, rowCalcStyles));
+ break;
+ case "row":
+ body.push(parseRow(row));
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ function parseRow(row, styles){
+ var rowData = [];
+ row.columns.forEach((col) =>{
+ var cell;
+ if(col){
+ switch(typeof col.value){
+ case "object":
+ col.value = col.value !== null ? JSON.stringify(col.value) : "";
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ col.value = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ cell = {
+ content:col.value,
+ colSpan:col.width,
+ rowSpan:col.height,
+ };
+ if(styles){
+ cell.styles = styles;
+ }
+ rowData.push(cell);
+ }
+ });
+ return rowData;
+ }
+ //configure PDF
+ var doc = new jspdf.jsPDF(jsPDFParams); //set document to landscape, better for most tables
+ if(options.autoTable){
+ if(typeof options.autoTable === "function"){
+ autoTableParams = options.autoTable(doc) || {};
+ }else {
+ autoTableParams = options.autoTable;
+ }
+ }
+ if(title){
+ autoTableParams.didDrawPage = function(data) {
+ doc.text(title, 40, 30);
+ };
+ }
+ autoTableParams.head = header;
+ autoTableParams.body = body;
+ doc.autoTable(autoTableParams);
+ if(options.documentProcessing){
+ options.documentProcessing(doc);
+ }
+ setFileContents(doc.output("arraybuffer"), "application/pdf");
+function xlsx(list, options, setFileContents){
+ var self = this,
+ sheetName = options.sheetName || "Sheet1",
+ workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new(),
+ tableFeatures = new CoreFeature(this),
+ compression = 'compress' in options ? options.compress : true,
+ output;
+ workbook.SheetNames = [];
+ workbook.Sheets = {};
+ function generateSheet(){
+ var rows = [],
+ merges = [],
+ worksheet = {},
+ range = {s: {c:0, r:0}, e: {c:(list[0] ? list[0].columns.reduce((a, b) => a + (b && b.width ? b.width : 1), 0) : 0), r:list.length }};
+ //parse row list
+ list.forEach((row, i) => {
+ var rowData = [];
+ row.columns.forEach(function(col, j){
+ if(col){
+ rowData.push(!(col.value instanceof Date) && typeof col.value === "object" ? JSON.stringify(col.value) : col.value);
+ if(col.width > 1 || col.height > -1){
+ if(col.height > 1 || col.width > 1){
+ merges.push({s:{r:i,c:j},e:{r:i + col.height - 1,c:j + col.width - 1}});
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ rowData.push("");
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(rowData);
+ });
+ //convert rows to worksheet
+ XLSX.utils.sheet_add_aoa(worksheet, rows);
+ worksheet['!ref'] = XLSX.utils.encode_range(range);
+ if(merges.length){
+ worksheet["!merges"] = merges;
+ }
+ return worksheet;
+ }
+ if(options.sheetOnly){
+ setFileContents(generateSheet());
+ return;
+ }
+ if(options.sheets){
+ for(var sheet in options.sheets){
+ if(options.sheets[sheet] === true){
+ workbook.SheetNames.push(sheet);
+ workbook.Sheets[sheet] = generateSheet();
+ }else {
+ workbook.SheetNames.push(sheet);
+ tableFeatures.commsSend(options.sheets[sheet], "download", "intercept",{
+ type:"xlsx",
+ options:{sheetOnly:true},
+ active:self.active,
+ intercept:function(data){
+ workbook.Sheets[sheet] = data;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ workbook.SheetNames.push(sheetName);
+ workbook.Sheets[sheetName] = generateSheet();
+ }
+ if(options.documentProcessing){
+ workbook = options.documentProcessing(workbook);
+ }
+ //convert workbook to binary array
+ function s2ab(s) {
+ var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);
+ var view = new Uint8Array(buf);
+ for (var i=0; i!=s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
+ return buf;
+ }
+ output = XLSX.write(workbook, {bookType:'xlsx', bookSST:true, type: 'binary', compression });
+ setFileContents(s2ab(output), "application/octet-stream");
+function html(list, options, setFileContents){
+ if(this.modExists("export", true)){
+ setFileContents(this.modules.export.generateHTMLTable(list), "text/html");
+ }
+function jsonLines (list, options, setFileContents) {
+ const fileContents = [];
+ list.forEach((row) => {
+ const item = {};
+ switch (row.type) {
+ case "header":
+ break;
+ case "group":
+ console.warn("Download Warning - JSON downloader cannot process row groups");
+ break;
+ case "calc":
+ console.warn("Download Warning - JSON downloader cannot process column calculations");
+ break;
+ case "row":
+ row.columns.forEach((col) => {
+ if (col) {
+ item[col.component.getTitleDownload() || col.component.getField()] = col.value;
+ }
+ });
+ fileContents.push(JSON.stringify(item));
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ setFileContents(fileContents.join("\n"), "application/x-ndjson");
+var defaultDownloaders = {
+ csv:csv,
+ json:json,
+ jsonLines:jsonLines,
+ pdf:pdf,
+ xlsx:xlsx,
+ html:html,
+class Download extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.registerTableOption("downloadEncoder", function(data, mimeType){
+ return new Blob([data],{type:mimeType});
+ }); //function to manipulate download data
+ this.registerTableOption("downloadReady", undefined); //warn of function deprecation
+ this.registerTableOption("downloadConfig", {}); //download config
+ this.registerTableOption("downloadRowRange", "active"); //restrict download to active rows only
+ this.registerColumnOption("download");
+ this.registerColumnOption("titleDownload");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.deprecatedOptionsCheck();
+ this.registerTableFunction("download", this.download.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("downloadToTab", this.downloadToTab.bind(this));
+ }
+ deprecatedOptionsCheck(){
+ this.deprecationCheck("downloadReady", "downloadEncoder");
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ downloadToTab(type, filename, options, active){
+ this.download(type, filename, options, active, true);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //trigger file download
+ download(type, filename, options, range, interceptCallback){
+ var downloadFunc = false;
+ function buildLink(data, mime){
+ if(interceptCallback){
+ if(interceptCallback === true){
+ this.triggerDownload(data, mime, type, filename, true);
+ }else {
+ interceptCallback(data);
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.triggerDownload(data, mime, type, filename);
+ }
+ }
+ if(typeof type == "function"){
+ downloadFunc = type;
+ }else {
+ if(Download.downloaders[type]){
+ downloadFunc = Download.downloaders[type];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Download Error - No such download type found: ", type);
+ }
+ }
+ if(downloadFunc){
+ var list = this.generateExportList(range);
+ downloadFunc.call(this.table, list , options || {}, buildLink.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ generateExportList(range){
+ var list = this.table.modules.export.generateExportList(this.table.options.downloadConfig, false, range || this.table.options.downloadRowRange, "download");
+ //assign group header formatter
+ var groupHeader = this.table.options.groupHeaderDownload;
+ if(groupHeader && !Array.isArray(groupHeader)){
+ groupHeader = [groupHeader];
+ }
+ list.forEach((row) => {
+ var group;
+ if(row.type === "group"){
+ group = row.columns[0];
+ if(groupHeader && groupHeader[row.indent]){
+ group.value = groupHeader[row.indent](group.value, row.component._group.getRowCount(), row.component._group.getData(), row.component);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return list;
+ }
+ triggerDownload(data, mime, type, filename, newTab){
+ var element = document.createElement('a'),
+ blob = this.table.options.downloadEncoder(data, mime);
+ if(blob){
+ if(newTab){
+ window.open(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
+ }else {
+ filename = filename || "Tabulator." + (typeof type === "function" ? "txt" : type);
+ if(navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob){
+ navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, filename);
+ }else {
+ element.setAttribute('href', window.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
+ //set file title
+ element.setAttribute('download', filename);
+ //trigger download
+ element.style.display = 'none';
+ document.body.appendChild(element);
+ element.click();
+ //remove temporary link element
+ document.body.removeChild(element);
+ }
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("downloadComplete");
+ }
+ }
+ commsReceived(table, action, data){
+ switch(action){
+ case "intercept":
+ this.download(data.type, "", data.options, data.active, data.intercept);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+Download.moduleName = "download";
+//load defaults
+Download.downloaders = defaultDownloaders;
+function maskInput(el, options){
+ var mask = options.mask,
+ maskLetter = typeof options.maskLetterChar !== "undefined" ? options.maskLetterChar : "A",
+ maskNumber = typeof options.maskNumberChar !== "undefined" ? options.maskNumberChar : "9",
+ maskWildcard = typeof options.maskWildcardChar !== "undefined" ? options.maskWildcardChar : "*";
+ function fillSymbols(index){
+ var symbol = mask[index];
+ if(typeof symbol !== "undefined" && symbol !== maskWildcard && symbol !== maskLetter && symbol !== maskNumber){
+ el.value = el.value + "" + symbol;
+ fillSymbols(index+1);
+ }
+ }
+ el.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
+ var index = el.value.length,
+ char = e.key;
+ if(e.keyCode > 46 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey){
+ if(index >= mask.length){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }else {
+ switch(mask[index]){
+ case maskLetter:
+ if(char.toUpperCase() == char.toLowerCase()){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case maskNumber:
+ if(isNaN(char)){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ case maskWildcard:
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(char !== mask[index]){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ });
+ el.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => {
+ if(e.keyCode > 46){
+ if(options.maskAutoFill){
+ fillSymbols(el.value.length);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(!el.placeholder){
+ el.placeholder = mask;
+ }
+ if(options.maskAutoFill){
+ fillSymbols(el.value.length);
+ }
+//input element
+function input(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ //create and style input
+ var cellValue = cell.getValue(),
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute("type", editorParams.search ? "search" : "text");
+ input.style.padding = "4px";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = typeof cellValue !== "undefined" ? cellValue : "";
+ onRendered(function(){
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ if(editorParams.selectContents){
+ input.select();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function onChange(e){
+ if(((cellValue === null || typeof cellValue === "undefined") && input.value !== "") || input.value !== cellValue){
+ if(success(input.value)){
+ cellValue = input.value; //persist value if successfully validated incase editor is used as header filter
+ }
+ }else {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on blur or change
+ input.addEventListener("change", onChange);
+ input.addEventListener("blur", onChange);
+ //submit new value on enter
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ // case 9:
+ case 13:
+ onChange();
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ case 36:
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(editorParams.mask){
+ maskInput(input, editorParams);
+ }
+ return input;
+//resizable text area element
+function textarea(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var cellValue = cell.getValue(),
+ vertNav = editorParams.verticalNavigation || "hybrid",
+ value = String(cellValue !== null && typeof cellValue !== "undefined" ? cellValue : ""),
+ input = document.createElement("textarea"),
+ scrollHeight = 0;
+ //create and style input
+ input.style.display = "block";
+ input.style.padding = "2px";
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ input.style.whiteSpace = "pre-wrap";
+ input.style.resize = "none";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = value;
+ onRendered(function(){
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ input.scrollHeight;
+ input.style.height = input.scrollHeight + "px";
+ cell.getRow().normalizeHeight();
+ if(editorParams.selectContents){
+ input.select();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function onChange(e){
+ if(((cellValue === null || typeof cellValue === "undefined") && input.value !== "") || input.value !== cellValue){
+ if(success(input.value)){
+ cellValue = input.value; //persist value if successfully validated incase editor is used as header filter
+ }
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ cell.getRow().normalizeHeight();
+ },300);
+ }else {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on blur or change
+ input.addEventListener("change", onChange);
+ input.addEventListener("blur", onChange);
+ input.addEventListener("keyup", function(){
+ input.style.height = "";
+ var heightNow = input.scrollHeight;
+ input.style.height = heightNow + "px";
+ if(heightNow != scrollHeight){
+ scrollHeight = heightNow;
+ cell.getRow().normalizeHeight();
+ }
+ });
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ case 13:
+ if(e.shiftKey && editorParams.shiftEnterSubmit){
+ onChange();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ case 38: //up arrow
+ if(vertNav == "editor" || (vertNav == "hybrid" && input.selectionStart)){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 40: //down arrow
+ if(vertNav == "editor" || (vertNav == "hybrid" && input.selectionStart !== input.value.length)){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ case 36:
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(editorParams.mask){
+ maskInput(input, editorParams);
+ }
+ return input;
+//input element with type of number
+function number(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var cellValue = cell.getValue(),
+ vertNav = editorParams.verticalNavigation || "editor",
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute("type", "number");
+ if(typeof editorParams.max != "undefined"){
+ input.setAttribute("max", editorParams.max);
+ }
+ if(typeof editorParams.min != "undefined"){
+ input.setAttribute("min", editorParams.min);
+ }
+ if(typeof editorParams.step != "undefined"){
+ input.setAttribute("step", editorParams.step);
+ }
+ //create and style input
+ input.style.padding = "4px";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = cellValue;
+ var blurFunc = function(e){
+ onChange();
+ };
+ onRendered(function () {
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ //submit new value on blur
+ input.removeEventListener("blur", blurFunc);
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ //submit new value on blur
+ input.addEventListener("blur", blurFunc);
+ if(editorParams.selectContents){
+ input.select();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function onChange(){
+ var value = input.value;
+ if(!isNaN(value) && value !==""){
+ value = Number(value);
+ }
+ if(value !== cellValue){
+ if(success(value)){
+ cellValue = value; //persist value if successfully validated incase editor is used as header filter
+ }
+ }else {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on enter
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ case 13:
+ // case 9:
+ onChange();
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ case 38: //up arrow
+ case 40: //down arrow
+ if(vertNav == "editor"){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ case 36:
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(editorParams.mask){
+ maskInput(input, editorParams);
+ }
+ return input;
+//input element with type of number
+function range(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var cellValue = cell.getValue(),
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute("type", "range");
+ if (typeof editorParams.max != "undefined") {
+ input.setAttribute("max", editorParams.max);
+ }
+ if (typeof editorParams.min != "undefined") {
+ input.setAttribute("min", editorParams.min);
+ }
+ if (typeof editorParams.step != "undefined") {
+ input.setAttribute("step", editorParams.step);
+ }
+ //create and style input
+ input.style.padding = "4px";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = cellValue;
+ onRendered(function () {
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ }
+ });
+ function onChange(){
+ var value = input.value;
+ if(!isNaN(value) && value !==""){
+ value = Number(value);
+ }
+ if(value != cellValue){
+ if(success(value)){
+ cellValue = value; //persist value if successfully validated incase editor is used as header filter
+ }
+ }else {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on blur
+ input.addEventListener("blur", function(e){
+ onChange();
+ });
+ //submit new value on enter
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ case 13:
+ // case 9:
+ onChange();
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ return input;
+//input element
+function date(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var inputFormat = editorParams.format,
+ vertNav = editorParams.verticalNavigation || "editor",
+ DT = inputFormat ? (window.DateTime || luxon.DateTime) : null;
+ //create and style input
+ var cellValue = cell.getValue(),
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ function convertDate(value){
+ var newDatetime;
+ if(DT.isDateTime(value)){
+ newDatetime = value;
+ }else if(inputFormat === "iso"){
+ newDatetime = DT.fromISO(String(value));
+ }else {
+ newDatetime = DT.fromFormat(String(value), inputFormat);
+ }
+ return newDatetime.toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
+ }
+ input.type = "date";
+ input.style.padding = "4px";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(editorParams.max){
+ input.setAttribute("max", inputFormat ? convertDate(editorParams.max) : editorParams.max);
+ }
+ if(editorParams.min){
+ input.setAttribute("min", inputFormat ? convertDate(editorParams.min) : editorParams.min);
+ }
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cellValue = typeof cellValue !== "undefined" ? cellValue : "";
+ if(inputFormat){
+ if(DT){
+ cellValue = convertDate(cellValue);
+ }else {
+ console.error("Editor Error - 'date' editor 'format' param is dependant on luxon.js");
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = cellValue;
+ onRendered(function(){
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ if(editorParams.selectContents){
+ input.select();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function onChange(){
+ var value = input.value,
+ luxDate;
+ if(((cellValue === null || typeof cellValue === "undefined") && value !== "") || value !== cellValue){
+ if(value && inputFormat){
+ luxDate = DT.fromFormat(String(value), "yyyy-MM-dd");
+ switch(inputFormat){
+ case true:
+ value = luxDate;
+ break;
+ case "iso":
+ value = luxDate.toISO();
+ break;
+ default:
+ value = luxDate.toFormat(inputFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ if(success(value)){
+ cellValue = input.value; //persist value if successfully validated incase editor is used as header filter
+ }
+ }else {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on blur
+ input.addEventListener("blur", function(e) {
+ if (e.relatedTarget || e.rangeParent || e.explicitOriginalTarget !== input) {
+ onChange(); // only on a "true" blur; not when focusing browser's date/time picker
+ }
+ });
+ //submit new value on enter
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ // case 9:
+ case 13:
+ onChange();
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ case 36:
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ break;
+ case 38: //up arrow
+ case 40: //down arrow
+ if(vertNav == "editor"){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ return input;
+//input element
+function time(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var inputFormat = editorParams.format,
+ vertNav = editorParams.verticalNavigation || "editor",
+ DT = inputFormat ? (window.DateTime || luxon.DateTime) : null,
+ newDatetime;
+ //create and style input
+ var cellValue = cell.getValue(),
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.type = "time";
+ input.style.padding = "4px";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cellValue = typeof cellValue !== "undefined" ? cellValue : "";
+ if(inputFormat){
+ if(DT){
+ if(DT.isDateTime(cellValue)){
+ newDatetime = cellValue;
+ }else if(inputFormat === "iso"){
+ newDatetime = DT.fromISO(String(cellValue));
+ }else {
+ newDatetime = DT.fromFormat(String(cellValue), inputFormat);
+ }
+ cellValue = newDatetime.toFormat("hh:mm");
+ }else {
+ console.error("Editor Error - 'date' editor 'format' param is dependant on luxon.js");
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = cellValue;
+ onRendered(function(){
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ if(editorParams.selectContents){
+ input.select();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function onChange(){
+ var value = input.value,
+ luxTime;
+ if(((cellValue === null || typeof cellValue === "undefined") && value !== "") || value !== cellValue){
+ if(value && inputFormat){
+ luxTime = DT.fromFormat(String(value), "hh:mm");
+ switch(inputFormat){
+ case true:
+ value = luxTime;
+ break;
+ case "iso":
+ value = luxTime.toISO();
+ break;
+ default:
+ value = luxTime.toFormat(inputFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ if(success(value)){
+ cellValue = input.value; //persist value if successfully validated incase editor is used as header filter
+ }
+ }else {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on blur
+ input.addEventListener("blur", function(e) {
+ if (e.relatedTarget || e.rangeParent || e.explicitOriginalTarget !== input) {
+ onChange(); // only on a "true" blur; not when focusing browser's date/time picker
+ }
+ });
+ //submit new value on enter
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ // case 9:
+ case 13:
+ onChange();
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ case 36:
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ break;
+ case 38: //up arrow
+ case 40: //down arrow
+ if(vertNav == "editor"){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ return input;
+//input element
+function datetime(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var inputFormat = editorParams.format,
+ vertNav = editorParams.verticalNavigation || "editor",
+ DT = inputFormat ? (window.DateTime || luxon.DateTime) : null,
+ newDatetime;
+ //create and style input
+ var cellValue = cell.getValue(),
+ input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.type = "datetime-local";
+ input.style.padding = "4px";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cellValue = typeof cellValue !== "undefined" ? cellValue : "";
+ if(inputFormat){
+ if(DT){
+ if(DT.isDateTime(cellValue)){
+ newDatetime = cellValue;
+ }else if(inputFormat === "iso"){
+ newDatetime = DT.fromISO(String(cellValue));
+ }else {
+ newDatetime = DT.fromFormat(String(cellValue), inputFormat);
+ }
+ cellValue = newDatetime.toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") + "T" + newDatetime.toFormat("hh:mm");
+ }else {
+ console.error("Editor Error - 'date' editor 'format' param is dependant on luxon.js");
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = cellValue;
+ onRendered(function(){
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ input.style.height = "100%";
+ if(editorParams.selectContents){
+ input.select();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function onChange(){
+ var value = input.value,
+ luxDateTime;
+ if(((cellValue === null || typeof cellValue === "undefined") && value !== "") || value !== cellValue){
+ if(value && inputFormat){
+ luxDateTime = DT.fromISO(String(value));
+ switch(inputFormat){
+ case true:
+ value = luxDateTime;
+ break;
+ case "iso":
+ value = luxDateTime.toISO();
+ break;
+ default:
+ value = luxDateTime.toFormat(inputFormat);
+ }
+ }
+ if(success(value)){
+ cellValue = input.value; //persist value if successfully validated incase editor is used as header filter
+ }
+ }else {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on blur
+ input.addEventListener("blur", function(e) {
+ if (e.relatedTarget || e.rangeParent || e.explicitOriginalTarget !== input) {
+ onChange(); // only on a "true" blur; not when focusing browser's date/time picker
+ }
+ });
+ //submit new value on enter
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ // case 9:
+ case 13:
+ onChange();
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ case 35:
+ case 36:
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ break;
+ case 38: //up arrow
+ case 40: //down arrow
+ if(vertNav == "editor"){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ return input;
+class Edit{
+ constructor(editor, cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ this.edit = editor;
+ this.table = editor.table;
+ this.cell = cell;
+ this.params = this._initializeParams(editorParams);
+ this.data = [];
+ this.displayItems = [];
+ this.currentItems = [];
+ this.focusedItem = null;
+ this.input = this._createInputElement();
+ this.listEl = this._createListElement();
+ this.initialValues = null;
+ this.isFilter = !cell._getSelf;
+ this.filterTimeout = null;
+ this.filtered = false;
+ this.typing = false;
+ this.values = [];
+ this.popup = null;
+ this.listIteration = 0;
+ this.lastAction="";
+ this.filterTerm="";
+ this.blurable = true;
+ this.actions = {
+ success:success,
+ cancel:cancel
+ };
+ this._deprecatedOptionsCheck();
+ this._initializeValue();
+ onRendered(this._onRendered.bind(this));
+ }
+ _deprecatedOptionsCheck(){
+ if(this.params.listItemFormatter){
+ this.cell.getTable().deprecationAdvisor.msg("The listItemFormatter editor param has been deprecated, please see the latest editor documentation for updated options");
+ }
+ if(this.params.sortValuesList){
+ this.cell.getTable().deprecationAdvisor.msg("The sortValuesList editor param has been deprecated, please see the latest editor documentation for updated options");
+ }
+ if(this.params.searchFunc){
+ this.cell.getTable().deprecationAdvisor.msg("The searchFunc editor param has been deprecated, please see the latest editor documentation for updated options");
+ }
+ if(this.params.searchingPlaceholder){
+ this.cell.getTable().deprecationAdvisor.msg("The searchingPlaceholder editor param has been deprecated, please see the latest editor documentation for updated options");
+ }
+ }
+ _initializeValue(){
+ var initialValue = this.cell.getValue();
+ if(typeof initialValue === "undefined" && typeof this.params.defaultValue !== "undefined"){
+ initialValue = this.params.defaultValue;
+ }
+ this.initialValues = this.params.multiselect ? initialValue : [initialValue];
+ if(this.isFilter){
+ this.input.value = this.initialValues ? this.initialValues.join(",") : "";
+ this.headerFilterInitialListGen();
+ }
+ }
+ _onRendered(){
+ var cellEl = this.cell.getElement();
+ function clickStop(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ if(!this.isFilter){
+ this.input.style.height = "100%";
+ this.input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ }
+ cellEl.addEventListener("click", clickStop);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ cellEl.removeEventListener("click", clickStop);
+ }, 1000);
+ this.input.addEventListener("mousedown", this._preventPopupBlur.bind(this));
+ }
+ _createListElement(){
+ var listEl = document.createElement("div");
+ listEl.classList.add("tabulator-edit-list");
+ listEl.addEventListener("mousedown", this._preventBlur.bind(this));
+ listEl.addEventListener("keydown", this._inputKeyDown.bind(this));
+ return listEl;
+ }
+ _setListWidth(){
+ var element = this.isFilter ? this.input : this.cell.getElement();
+ this.listEl.style.minWidth = element.offsetWidth + "px";
+ if(this.params.maxWidth){
+ if(this.params.maxWidth === true){
+ this.listEl.style.maxWidth = element.offsetWidth + "px";
+ }else if(typeof this.params.maxWidth === "number"){
+ this.listEl.style.maxWidth = this.params.maxWidth + "px";
+ }else {
+ this.listEl.style.maxWidth = this.params.maxWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _createInputElement(){
+ var attribs = this.params.elementAttributes;
+ var input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.setAttribute("type", this.params.clearable ? "search" : "text");
+ input.style.padding = "4px";
+ input.style.width = "100%";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(!this.params.autocomplete){
+ input.style.cursor = "default";
+ input.style.caretColor = "transparent";
+ // input.readOnly = (this.edit.currentCell != false);
+ }
+ if(attribs && typeof attribs == "object"){
+ for (let key in attribs){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + attribs["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, attribs[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.params.mask){
+ maskInput(input, this.params);
+ }
+ this._bindInputEvents(input);
+ return input;
+ }
+ _initializeParams(params){
+ var valueKeys = ["values", "valuesURL", "valuesLookup"],
+ valueCheck;
+ params = Object.assign({}, params);
+ params.verticalNavigation = params.verticalNavigation || "editor";
+ params.placeholderLoading = typeof params.placeholderLoading === "undefined" ? "Searching ..." : params.placeholderLoading;
+ params.placeholderEmpty = typeof params.placeholderEmpty === "undefined" ? "No Results Found" : params.placeholderEmpty;
+ params.filterDelay = typeof params.filterDelay === "undefined" ? 300 : params.filterDelay;
+ params.emptyValue = Object.keys(params).includes("emptyValue") ? params.emptyValue : "";
+ valueCheck = Object.keys(params).filter(key => valueKeys.includes(key)).length;
+ if(!valueCheck){
+ console.warn("list editor config error - either the values, valuesURL, or valuesLookup option must be set");
+ }else if(valueCheck > 1){
+ console.warn("list editor config error - only one of the values, valuesURL, or valuesLookup options can be set on the same editor");
+ }
+ if(params.autocomplete){
+ if(params.multiselect){
+ params.multiselect = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - multiselect option is not available when autocomplete is enabled");
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(params.freetext){
+ params.freetext = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - freetext option is only available when autocomplete is enabled");
+ }
+ if(params.filterFunc){
+ params.filterFunc = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - filterFunc option is only available when autocomplete is enabled");
+ }
+ if(params.filterRemote){
+ params.filterRemote = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - filterRemote option is only available when autocomplete is enabled");
+ }
+ if(params.mask){
+ params.mask = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - mask option is only available when autocomplete is enabled");
+ }
+ if(params.allowEmpty){
+ params.allowEmpty = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - allowEmpty option is only available when autocomplete is enabled");
+ }
+ if(params.listOnEmpty){
+ params.listOnEmpty = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - listOnEmpty option is only available when autocomplete is enabled");
+ }
+ }
+ if(params.filterRemote && !(typeof params.valuesLookup === "function" || params.valuesURL)){
+ params.filterRemote = false;
+ console.warn("list editor config error - filterRemote option should only be used when values list is populated from a remote source");
+ }
+ return params;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////// Event Handling ////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ _bindInputEvents(input){
+ input.addEventListener("focus", this._inputFocus.bind(this));
+ input.addEventListener("click", this._inputClick.bind(this));
+ input.addEventListener("blur", this._inputBlur.bind(this));
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", this._inputKeyDown.bind(this));
+ input.addEventListener("search", this._inputSearch.bind(this));
+ if(this.params.autocomplete){
+ input.addEventListener("keyup", this._inputKeyUp.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ _inputFocus(e){
+ this.rebuildOptionsList();
+ }
+ _filter(){
+ if(this.params.filterRemote){
+ clearTimeout(this.filterTimeout);
+ this.filterTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.rebuildOptionsList();
+ }, this.params.filterDelay);
+ }else {
+ this._filterList();
+ }
+ }
+ _inputClick(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ _inputBlur(e){
+ if(this.blurable){
+ if(this.popup){
+ this.popup.hide();
+ }else {
+ this._resolveValue(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _inputSearch(){
+ this._clearChoices();
+ }
+ _inputKeyDown(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ case 38: //up arrow
+ this._keyUp(e);
+ break;
+ case 40: //down arrow
+ this._keyDown(e);
+ break;
+ case 37: //left arrow
+ case 39: //right arrow
+ this._keySide(e);
+ break;
+ case 13: //enter
+ this._keyEnter();
+ break;
+ case 27: //escape
+ this._keyEsc();
+ break;
+ case 36: //home
+ case 35: //end
+ this._keyHomeEnd(e);
+ break;
+ case 9: //tab
+ break;
+ default:
+ this._keySelectLetter(e);
+ }
+ }
+ _inputKeyUp(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ case 38: //up arrow
+ case 37: //left arrow
+ case 39: //up arrow
+ case 40: //right arrow
+ case 13: //enter
+ case 27: //escape
+ break;
+ default:
+ this._keyAutoCompLetter(e);
+ }
+ }
+ _preventPopupBlur(){
+ if(this.popup){
+ this.popup.blockHide();
+ }
+ setTimeout(() =>{
+ if(this.popup){
+ this.popup.restoreHide();
+ }
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ _preventBlur(){
+ this.blurable = false;
+ setTimeout(() =>{
+ this.blurable = true;
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ //////// Keyboard Navigation /////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ _keyUp(e){
+ var index = this.displayItems.indexOf(this.focusedItem);
+ if(this.params.verticalNavigation == "editor" || (this.params.verticalNavigation == "hybrid" && index)){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(index > 0){
+ this._focusItem(this.displayItems[index - 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _keyDown(e){
+ var index = this.displayItems.indexOf(this.focusedItem);
+ if(this.params.verticalNavigation == "editor" || (this.params.verticalNavigation == "hybrid" && index < this.displayItems.length - 1)){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(index < this.displayItems.length - 1){
+ if(index == -1){
+ this._focusItem(this.displayItems[0]);
+ }else {
+ this._focusItem(this.displayItems[index + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _keySide(e){
+ if(!this.params.autocomplete){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ _keyEnter(e){
+ if(this.params.autocomplete && this.lastAction === "typing"){
+ this._resolveValue(true);
+ }else {
+ if(this.focusedItem){
+ this._chooseItem(this.focusedItem);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _keyEsc(e){
+ this._cancel();
+ }
+ _keyHomeEnd(e){
+ if(this.params.autocomplete){
+ //prevent table navigation while using input element
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ _keySelectLetter(e){
+ if(!this.params.autocomplete){
+ // if(this.edit.currentCell === false){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // }
+ if(e.keyCode >= 38 && e.keyCode <= 90){
+ this._scrollToValue(e.keyCode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _keyAutoCompLetter(e){
+ this._filter();
+ this.lastAction = "typing";
+ this.typing = true;
+ }
+ _scrollToValue(char){
+ clearTimeout(this.filterTimeout);
+ var character = String.fromCharCode(char).toLowerCase();
+ this.filterTerm += character.toLowerCase();
+ var match = this.displayItems.find((item) => {
+ return typeof item.label !== "undefined" && item.label.toLowerCase().startsWith(this.filterTerm);
+ });
+ if(match){
+ this._focusItem(match);
+ }
+ this.filterTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.filterTerm = "";
+ }, 800);
+ }
+ _focusItem(item){
+ this.lastAction = "focus";
+ if(this.focusedItem && this.focusedItem.element){
+ this.focusedItem.element.classList.remove("focused");
+ }
+ this.focusedItem = item;
+ if(item && item.element){
+ item.element.classList.add("focused");
+ item.element.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', inline: 'start'});
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ /////// Data List Generation /////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ headerFilterInitialListGen(){
+ this._generateOptions(true);
+ }
+ rebuildOptionsList(){
+ this._generateOptions()
+ .then(this._sortOptions.bind(this))
+ .then(this._buildList.bind(this))
+ .then(this._showList.bind(this))
+ .catch((e) => {
+ if(!Number.isInteger(e)){
+ console.error("List generation error", e);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _filterList(){
+ this._buildList(this._filterOptions());
+ this._showList();
+ }
+ _generateOptions(silent){
+ var values = [];
+ var iteration = ++ this.listIteration;
+ this.filtered = false;
+ if(this.params.values){
+ values = this.params.values;
+ }else if (this.params.valuesURL){
+ values = this._ajaxRequest(this.params.valuesURL, this.input.value);
+ }else {
+ if(typeof this.params.valuesLookup === "function"){
+ values = this.params.valuesLookup(this.cell, this.input.value);
+ }else if(this.params.valuesLookup){
+ values = this._uniqueColumnValues(this.params.valuesLookupField);
+ }
+ }
+ if(values instanceof Promise){
+ if(!silent){
+ this._addPlaceholder(this.params.placeholderLoading);
+ }
+ return values.then()
+ .then((responseValues) => {
+ if(this.listIteration === iteration){
+ return this._parseList(responseValues);
+ }else {
+ return Promise.reject(iteration);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ return Promise.resolve(this._parseList(values));
+ }
+ }
+ _addPlaceholder(contents){
+ var placeholder = document.createElement("div");
+ if(typeof contents === "function"){
+ contents = contents(this.cell.getComponent(), this.listEl);
+ }
+ if(contents){
+ this._clearList();
+ if(contents instanceof HTMLElement){
+ placeholder = contents;
+ }else {
+ placeholder.classList.add("tabulator-edit-list-placeholder");
+ placeholder.innerHTML = contents;
+ }
+ this.listEl.appendChild(placeholder);
+ this._showList();
+ }
+ }
+ _ajaxRequest(url, term){
+ var params = this.params.filterRemote ? {term:term} : {};
+ url = urlBuilder(url, {}, params);
+ return fetch(url)
+ .then((response)=>{
+ if(response.ok) {
+ return response.json()
+ .catch((error)=>{
+ console.warn("List Ajax Load Error - Invalid JSON returned", error);
+ return Promise.reject(error);
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.error("List Ajax Load Error - Connection Error: " + response.status, response.statusText);
+ return Promise.reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error)=>{
+ console.error("List Ajax Load Error - Connection Error: ", error);
+ return Promise.reject(error);
+ });
+ }
+ _uniqueColumnValues(field){
+ var output = {},
+ data = this.table.getData(this.params.valuesLookup),
+ column;
+ if(field){
+ column = this.table.columnManager.getColumnByField(field);
+ }else {
+ column = this.cell.getColumn()._getSelf();
+ }
+ if(column){
+ data.forEach((row) => {
+ var val = column.getFieldValue(row);
+ if(val !== null && typeof val !== "undefined" && val !== ""){
+ output[val] = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.warn("unable to find matching column to create select lookup list:", field);
+ output = [];
+ }
+ return Object.keys(output);
+ }
+ _parseList(inputValues){
+ var data = [];
+ if(!Array.isArray(inputValues)){
+ inputValues = Object.entries(inputValues).map(([key, value]) => {
+ return {
+ label:value,
+ value:key,
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ inputValues.forEach((value) => {
+ if(typeof value !== "object"){
+ value = {
+ label:value,
+ value:value,
+ };
+ }
+ this._parseListItem(value, data, 0);
+ });
+ if(!this.currentItems.length && this.params.freetext){
+ this.input.value = this.initialValues;
+ this.typing = true;
+ this.lastAction = "typing";
+ }
+ this.data = data;
+ return data;
+ }
+ _parseListItem(option, data, level){
+ var item = {};
+ if(option.options){
+ item = this._parseListGroup(option, level + 1);
+ }else {
+ item = {
+ label:option.label,
+ value:option.value,
+ itemParams:option.itemParams,
+ elementAttributes: option.elementAttributes,
+ element:false,
+ selected:false,
+ visible:true,
+ level:level,
+ original:option,
+ };
+ if(this.initialValues && this.initialValues.indexOf(option.value) > -1){
+ this._chooseItem(item, true);
+ }
+ }
+ data.push(item);
+ }
+ _parseListGroup(option, level){
+ var item = {
+ label:option.label,
+ group:true,
+ itemParams:option.itemParams,
+ elementAttributes:option.elementAttributes,
+ element:false,
+ visible:true,
+ level:level,
+ options:[],
+ original:option,
+ };
+ option.options.forEach((child) => {
+ this._parseListItem(child, item.options, level);
+ });
+ return item;
+ }
+ _sortOptions(options){
+ var sorter;
+ if(this.params.sort){
+ sorter = typeof this.params.sort === "function" ? this.params.sort : this._defaultSortFunction.bind(this);
+ this._sortGroup(sorter, options);
+ }
+ return options;
+ }
+ _sortGroup(sorter, options){
+ options.sort((a,b) => {
+ return sorter(a.label, b.label, a.value, b.value, a.original, b.original);
+ });
+ options.forEach((option) => {
+ if(option.group){
+ this._sortGroup(sorter, option.options);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _defaultSortFunction(as, bs){
+ var a, b, a1, b1, i= 0, L, rx = /(\d+)|(\D+)/g, rd = /\d/;
+ var emptyAlign = 0;
+ if(this.params.sort === "desc"){
+ [as, bs] = [bs, as];
+ }
+ //handle empty values
+ if(!as && as!== 0){
+ emptyAlign = !bs && bs!== 0 ? 0 : -1;
+ }else if(!bs && bs!== 0){
+ emptyAlign = 1;
+ }else {
+ if(isFinite(as) && isFinite(bs)) return as - bs;
+ a = String(as).toLowerCase();
+ b = String(bs).toLowerCase();
+ if(a === b) return 0;
+ if(!(rd.test(a) && rd.test(b))) return a > b ? 1 : -1;
+ a = a.match(rx);
+ b = b.match(rx);
+ L = a.length > b.length ? b.length : a.length;
+ while(i < L){
+ a1= a[i];
+ b1= b[i++];
+ if(a1 !== b1){
+ if(isFinite(a1) && isFinite(b1)){
+ if(a1.charAt(0) === "0") a1 = "." + a1;
+ if(b1.charAt(0) === "0") b1 = "." + b1;
+ return a1 - b1;
+ }
+ else return a1 > b1 ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return a.length > b.length;
+ }
+ return emptyAlign;
+ }
+ _filterOptions(){
+ var filterFunc = this.params.filterFunc || this._defaultFilterFunc,
+ term = this.input.value;
+ if(term){
+ this.filtered = true;
+ this.data.forEach((item) => {
+ this._filterItem(filterFunc, term, item);
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.filtered = false;
+ }
+ return this.data;
+ }
+ _filterItem(func, term, item){
+ var matches = false;
+ if(!item.group){
+ item.visible = func(term, item.label, item.value, item.original);
+ }else {
+ item.options.forEach((option) => {
+ if(this._filterItem(func, term, option)){
+ matches = true;
+ }
+ });
+ item.visible = matches;
+ }
+ return item.visible;
+ }
+ _defaultFilterFunc(term, label, value, item){
+ term = String(term).toLowerCase();
+ if(label !== null && typeof label !== "undefined"){
+ if(String(label).toLowerCase().indexOf(term) > -1 || String(value).toLowerCase().indexOf(term) > -1){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ /////////// Display List /////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ _clearList(){
+ while(this.listEl.firstChild) this.listEl.removeChild(this.listEl.firstChild);
+ this.displayItems = [];
+ }
+ _buildList(data){
+ this._clearList();
+ data.forEach((option) => {
+ this._buildItem(option);
+ });
+ if(!this.displayItems.length){
+ this._addPlaceholder(this.params.placeholderEmpty);
+ }
+ }
+ _buildItem(item){
+ var el = item.element,
+ contents;
+ if(!this.filtered || item.visible){
+ if(!el){
+ el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.tabIndex = 0;
+ contents = this.params.itemFormatter ? this.params.itemFormatter(item.label, item.value, item.original, el) : item.label;
+ if(contents instanceof HTMLElement){
+ el.appendChild(contents);
+ }else {
+ el.innerHTML = contents;
+ }
+ if(item.group){
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-edit-list-group");
+ }else {
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-edit-list-item");
+ }
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-edit-list-group-level-" + item.level);
+ if(item.elementAttributes && typeof item.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in item.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ el.setAttribute(key, this.input.getAttribute(key) + item.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ el.setAttribute(key, item.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(item.group){
+ el.addEventListener("click", this._groupClick.bind(this, item));
+ }else {
+ el.addEventListener("click", this._itemClick.bind(this, item));
+ }
+ el.addEventListener("mousedown", this._preventBlur.bind(this));
+ item.element = el;
+ }
+ this._styleItem(item);
+ this.listEl.appendChild(el);
+ if(item.group){
+ item.options.forEach((option) => {
+ this._buildItem(option);
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.displayItems.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _showList(){
+ var startVis = this.popup && this.popup.isVisible();
+ if(this.input.parentNode){
+ if(this.params.autocomplete && this.input.value === "" && !this.params.listOnEmpty){
+ if(this.popup){
+ this.popup.hide(true);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ this._setListWidth();
+ if(!this.popup){
+ this.popup = this.edit.popup(this.listEl);
+ }
+ this.popup.show(this.cell.getElement(), "bottom");
+ if(!startVis){
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.popup.hideOnBlur(this._resolveValue.bind(this, true));
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _styleItem(item){
+ if(item && item.element){
+ if(item.selected){
+ item.element.classList.add("active");
+ }else {
+ item.element.classList.remove("active");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// User Interaction ///////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ _itemClick(item, e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ this._chooseItem(item);
+ }
+ _groupClick(item, e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ ////// Current Item Management ///////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ _cancel(){
+ this.popup.hide(true);
+ this.actions.cancel();
+ }
+ _clearChoices(){
+ this.typing = true;
+ this.currentItems.forEach((item) => {
+ item.selected = false;
+ this._styleItem(item);
+ });
+ this.currentItems = [];
+ this.focusedItem = null;
+ }
+ _chooseItem(item, silent){
+ var index;
+ this.typing = false;
+ if(this.params.multiselect){
+ index = this.currentItems.indexOf(item);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.currentItems.splice(index, 1);
+ item.selected = false;
+ }else {
+ this.currentItems.push(item);
+ item.selected = true;
+ }
+ this.input.value = this.currentItems.map(item => item.label).join(",");
+ this._styleItem(item);
+ }else {
+ this.currentItems = [item];
+ item.selected = true;
+ this.input.value = item.label;
+ this._styleItem(item);
+ if(!silent){
+ this._resolveValue();
+ }
+ }
+ this._focusItem(item);
+ }
+ _resolveValue(blur){
+ var output, initialValue;
+ if(this.popup){
+ this.popup.hide(true);
+ }
+ if(this.params.multiselect){
+ output = this.currentItems.map(item => item.value);
+ }else {
+ if(blur && this.params.autocomplete && this.typing){
+ if(this.params.freetext || (this.params.allowEmpty && this.input.value === "")){
+ output = this.input.value;
+ }else {
+ this.actions.cancel();
+ return;
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.currentItems[0]){
+ output = this.currentItems[0].value;
+ }else {
+ initialValue = Array.isArray(this.initialValues) ? this.initialValues[0] : this.initialValues;
+ if(initialValue === null || typeof initialValue === "undefined" || initialValue === ""){
+ output = initialValue;
+ }else {
+ output = this.params.emptyValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(output === ""){
+ output = this.params.emptyValue;
+ }
+ this.actions.success(output);
+ if(this.isFilter){
+ this.initialValues = output && !Array.isArray(output) ? [output] : output;
+ this.currentItems = [];
+ }
+ }
+function select(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ this.deprecationMsg("The select editor has been deprecated, please use the new list editor");
+ var list = new Edit(this, cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams);
+ return list.input;
+function list(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var list = new Edit(this, cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams);
+ return list.input;
+function autocomplete(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ this.deprecationMsg("The autocomplete editor has been deprecated, please use the new list editor with the 'autocomplete' editorParam");
+ editorParams.autocomplete = true;
+ var list = new Edit(this, cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams);
+ return list.input;
+//star rating
+function star(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var self = this,
+ element = cell.getElement(),
+ value = cell.getValue(),
+ maxStars = element.getElementsByTagName("svg").length || 5,
+ size = element.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0] ? element.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0].getAttribute("width") : 14,
+ stars = [],
+ starsHolder = document.createElement("div"),
+ star = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', "svg");
+ //change star type
+ function starChange(val){
+ stars.forEach(function(star, i){
+ if(i < val){
+ if(self.table.browser == "ie"){
+ star.setAttribute("class", "tabulator-star-active");
+ }else {
+ star.classList.replace("tabulator-star-inactive", "tabulator-star-active");
+ }
+ star.innerHTML = '<polygon fill="#488CE9" stroke="#014AAE" stroke-width="37.6152" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="259.216,29.942 330.27,173.919 489.16,197.007 374.185,309.08 401.33,467.31 259.216,392.612 117.104,467.31 144.25,309.08 29.274,197.007 188.165,173.919 "/>';
+ }else {
+ if(self.table.browser == "ie"){
+ star.setAttribute("class", "tabulator-star-inactive");
+ }else {
+ star.classList.replace("tabulator-star-active", "tabulator-star-inactive");
+ }
+ star.innerHTML = '<polygon fill="#010155" stroke="#686868" stroke-width="37.6152" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="259.216,29.942 330.27,173.919 489.16,197.007 374.185,309.08 401.33,467.31 259.216,392.612 117.104,467.31 144.25,309.08 29.274,197.007 188.165,173.919 "/>';
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //build stars
+ function buildStar(i){
+ var starHolder = document.createElement("span");
+ var nextStar = star.cloneNode(true);
+ stars.push(nextStar);
+ starHolder.addEventListener("mouseenter", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ starChange(i);
+ });
+ starHolder.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ });
+ starHolder.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ success(i);
+ element.blur();
+ });
+ starHolder.appendChild(nextStar);
+ starsHolder.appendChild(starHolder);
+ }
+ //handle keyboard navigation value change
+ function changeValue(val){
+ value = val;
+ starChange(val);
+ }
+ //style cell
+ element.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+ element.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ element.style.textOverflow = "ellipsis";
+ //style holding element
+ starsHolder.style.verticalAlign = "middle";
+ starsHolder.style.display = "inline-block";
+ starsHolder.style.padding = "4px";
+ //style star
+ star.setAttribute("width", size);
+ star.setAttribute("height", size);
+ star.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 512 512");
+ star.setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve");
+ star.style.padding = "0 1px";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ starsHolder.setAttribute(key, starsHolder.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ starsHolder.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //create correct number of stars
+ for(var i=1;i<= maxStars;i++){
+ buildStar(i);
+ }
+ //ensure value does not exceed number of stars
+ value = Math.min(parseInt(value), maxStars);
+ // set initial styling of stars
+ starChange(value);
+ starsHolder.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){
+ starChange(0);
+ });
+ starsHolder.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ success(0);
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("blur", function(e){
+ cancel();
+ });
+ //allow key based navigation
+ element.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ case 39: //right arrow
+ changeValue(value + 1);
+ break;
+ case 37: //left arrow
+ changeValue(value - 1);
+ break;
+ case 13: //enter
+ success(value);
+ break;
+ case 27: //escape
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ return starsHolder;
+//draggable progress bar
+function progress(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var element = cell.getElement(),
+ max = typeof editorParams.max === "undefined" ? ((element.getElementsByTagName("div")[0] && element.getElementsByTagName("div")[0].getAttribute("max")) || 100) : editorParams.max,
+ min = typeof editorParams.min === "undefined" ? ((element.getElementsByTagName("div")[0] && element.getElementsByTagName("div")[0].getAttribute("min")) || 0) : editorParams.min,
+ percent = (max - min) / 100,
+ value = cell.getValue() || 0,
+ handle = document.createElement("div"),
+ bar = document.createElement("div"),
+ mouseDrag, mouseDragWidth;
+ //set new value
+ function updateValue(){
+ var style = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
+ var calcVal = (percent * Math.round(bar.offsetWidth / ((element.clientWidth - parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("padding-left")) - parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("padding-right")))/100))) + min;
+ success(calcVal);
+ element.setAttribute("aria-valuenow", calcVal);
+ element.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ }
+ //style handle
+ handle.style.position = "absolute";
+ handle.style.right = "0";
+ handle.style.top = "0";
+ handle.style.bottom = "0";
+ handle.style.width = "5px";
+ handle.classList.add("tabulator-progress-handle");
+ //style bar
+ bar.style.display = "inline-block";
+ bar.style.position = "relative";
+ // bar.style.top = "8px";
+ // bar.style.bottom = "8px";
+ // bar.style.left = "4px";
+ // bar.style.marginRight = "4px";
+ bar.style.height = "100%";
+ bar.style.backgroundColor = "#488CE9";
+ bar.style.maxWidth = "100%";
+ bar.style.minWidth = "0%";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ bar.setAttribute(key, bar.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ bar.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //style cell
+ element.style.padding = "4px 4px";
+ //make sure value is in range
+ value = Math.min(parseFloat(value), max);
+ value = Math.max(parseFloat(value), min);
+ //workout percentage
+ value = Math.round((value - min) / percent);
+ // bar.style.right = value + "%";
+ bar.style.width = value + "%";
+ element.setAttribute("aria-valuemin", min);
+ element.setAttribute("aria-valuemax", max);
+ bar.appendChild(handle);
+ handle.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){
+ mouseDrag = e.screenX;
+ mouseDragWidth = bar.offsetWidth;
+ });
+ handle.addEventListener("mouseover", function(){
+ handle.style.cursor = "ew-resize";
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e){
+ if(mouseDrag){
+ bar.style.width = (mouseDragWidth + e.screenX - mouseDrag) + "px";
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e){
+ if(mouseDrag){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ mouseDrag = false;
+ mouseDragWidth = false;
+ updateValue();
+ }
+ });
+ //allow key based navigation
+ element.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ switch(e.keyCode){
+ case 39: //right arrow
+ e.preventDefault();
+ bar.style.width = (bar.clientWidth + element.clientWidth/100) + "px";
+ break;
+ case 37: //left arrow
+ e.preventDefault();
+ bar.style.width = (bar.clientWidth - element.clientWidth/100) + "px";
+ break;
+ case 9: //tab
+ case 13: //enter
+ updateValue();
+ break;
+ case 27: //escape
+ cancel();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("blur", function(){
+ cancel();
+ });
+ return bar;
+function tickCross(cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams){
+ var value = cell.getValue(),
+ input = document.createElement("input"),
+ tristate = editorParams.tristate,
+ indetermValue = typeof editorParams.indeterminateValue === "undefined" ? null : editorParams.indeterminateValue,
+ indetermState = false,
+ trueValueSet = Object.keys(editorParams).includes("trueValue"),
+ falseValueSet = Object.keys(editorParams).includes("falseValue");
+ input.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
+ input.style.marginTop = "5px";
+ input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ if(editorParams.elementAttributes && typeof editorParams.elementAttributes == "object"){
+ for (let key in editorParams.elementAttributes){
+ if(key.charAt(0) == "+"){
+ key = key.slice(1);
+ input.setAttribute(key, input.getAttribute(key) + editorParams.elementAttributes["+" + key]);
+ }else {
+ input.setAttribute(key, editorParams.elementAttributes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ input.value = value;
+ if(tristate && (typeof value === "undefined" || value === indetermValue || value === "")){
+ indetermState = true;
+ input.indeterminate = true;
+ }
+ if(this.table.browser != "firefox" && this.table.browser != "safari"){ //prevent blur issue on mac firefox
+ onRendered(function(){
+ if(cell._getSelf){
+ input.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ input.checked = trueValueSet ? value === editorParams.trueValue : (value === true || value === "true" || value === "True" || value === 1);
+ function setValue(blur){
+ var checkedValue = input.checked;
+ if(trueValueSet && checkedValue){
+ checkedValue = editorParams.trueValue;
+ }else if(falseValueSet && !checkedValue){
+ checkedValue = editorParams.falseValue;
+ }
+ if(tristate){
+ if(!blur){
+ if(input.checked && !indetermState){
+ input.checked = false;
+ input.indeterminate = true;
+ indetermState = true;
+ return indetermValue;
+ }else {
+ indetermState = false;
+ return checkedValue;
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(indetermState){
+ return indetermValue;
+ }else {
+ return checkedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ return checkedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ //submit new value on blur
+ input.addEventListener("change", function(e){
+ success(setValue());
+ });
+ input.addEventListener("blur", function(e){
+ success(setValue(true));
+ });
+ //submit new value on enter
+ input.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){
+ if(e.keyCode == 13){
+ success(setValue());
+ }
+ if(e.keyCode == 27){
+ cancel();
+ }
+ });
+ return input;
+var defaultEditors = {
+ input:input,
+ textarea:textarea,
+ number:number,
+ range:range,
+ date:date,
+ time:time,
+ datetime:datetime,
+ select:select,
+ list:list,
+ autocomplete:autocomplete,
+ star:star,
+ progress:progress,
+ tickCross:tickCross,
+class Edit$1 extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.currentCell = false; //hold currently editing cell
+ this.mouseClick = false; //hold mousedown state to prevent click binding being overridden by editor opening
+ this.recursionBlock = false; //prevent focus recursion
+ this.invalidEdit = false;
+ this.editedCells = [];
+ this.editors = Edit$1.editors;
+ this.registerColumnOption("editable");
+ this.registerColumnOption("editor");
+ this.registerColumnOption("editorParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellEditing");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellEdited");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellEditCancelled");
+ this.registerTableFunction("getEditedCells", this.getEditedCells.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("clearCellEdited", this.clearCellEdited.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("navigatePrev", this.navigatePrev.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("navigateNext", this.navigateNext.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("navigateLeft", this.navigateLeft.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("navigateRight", this.navigateRight.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("navigateUp", this.navigateUp.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("navigateDown", this.navigateDown.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "isEdited", this.cellIsEdited.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "clearEdited", this.clearEdited.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "edit", this.editCell.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "cancelEdit", this.cellCancelEdit.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "navigatePrev", this.navigatePrev.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "navigateNext", this.navigateNext.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "navigateLeft", this.navigateLeft.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "navigateRight", this.navigateRight.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "navigateUp", this.navigateUp.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "navigateDown", this.navigateDown.bind(this));
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("cell-init", this.bindEditor.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-delete", this.clearEdited.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-changed", this.updateCellClass.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-layout", this.initializeColumnCheck.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-delete", this.columnDeleteCheck.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-deleting", this.rowDeleteCheck.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-layout", this.rowEditableCheck.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-refreshing", this.cancelEdit.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("keybinding-nav-prev", this.navigatePrev.bind(this, undefined));
+ this.subscribe("keybinding-nav-next", this.keybindingNavigateNext.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("keybinding-nav-left", this.navigateLeft.bind(this, undefined));
+ this.subscribe("keybinding-nav-right", this.navigateRight.bind(this, undefined));
+ this.subscribe("keybinding-nav-up", this.navigateUp.bind(this, undefined));
+ this.subscribe("keybinding-nav-down", this.navigateDown.bind(this, undefined));
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ////// Keybinding Functions ///////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ keybindingNavigateNext(e){
+ var cell = this.currentCell,
+ newRow = this.options("tabEndNewRow");
+ if(cell){
+ if(!this.navigateNext(cell, e)){
+ if(newRow){
+ cell.getElement().firstChild.blur();
+ if(newRow === true){
+ newRow = this.table.addRow({});
+ }else {
+ if(typeof newRow == "function"){
+ newRow = this.table.addRow(newRow(cell.row.getComponent()));
+ }else {
+ newRow = this.table.addRow(Object.assign({}, newRow));
+ }
+ }
+ newRow.then(() => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ cell.getComponent().navigateNext();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Cell Functions //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ cellIsEdited(cell){
+ return !! cell.modules.edit && cell.modules.edit.edited;
+ }
+ cellCancelEdit(cell){
+ if(cell === this.currentCell){
+ this.table.modules.edit.cancelEdit();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Cancel Editor Error - This cell is not currently being edited ");
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ updateCellClass(cell){
+ if(this.allowEdit(cell)) {
+ cell.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-editable");
+ }
+ else {
+ cell.getElement().classList.remove("tabulator-editable");
+ }
+ }
+ clearCellEdited(cells){
+ if(!cells){
+ cells = this.table.modules.edit.getEditedCells();
+ }
+ if(!Array.isArray(cells)){
+ cells = [cells];
+ }
+ cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ this.table.modules.edit.clearEdited(cell._getSelf());
+ });
+ }
+ navigatePrev(cell = this.currentCell, e){
+ var nextCell, prevRow;
+ if(cell){
+ if(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ nextCell = this.navigateLeft();
+ if(nextCell){
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ prevRow = this.table.rowManager.prevDisplayRow(cell.row, true);
+ if(prevRow){
+ nextCell = this.findPrevEditableCell(prevRow, prevRow.cells.length);
+ if(nextCell){
+ nextCell.getComponent().edit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ navigateNext(cell = this.currentCell, e){
+ var nextCell, nextRow;
+ if(cell){
+ if(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ nextCell = this.navigateRight();
+ if(nextCell){
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ nextRow = this.table.rowManager.nextDisplayRow(cell.row, true);
+ if(nextRow){
+ nextCell = this.findNextEditableCell(nextRow, -1);
+ if(nextCell){
+ nextCell.getComponent().edit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ navigateLeft(cell = this.currentCell, e){
+ var index, nextCell;
+ if(cell){
+ if(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ index = cell.getIndex();
+ nextCell = this.findPrevEditableCell(cell.row, index);
+ if(nextCell){
+ nextCell.getComponent().edit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ navigateRight(cell = this.currentCell, e){
+ var index, nextCell;
+ if(cell){
+ if(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ index = cell.getIndex();
+ nextCell = this.findNextEditableCell(cell.row, index);
+ if(nextCell){
+ nextCell.getComponent().edit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ navigateUp(cell = this.currentCell, e){
+ var index, nextRow;
+ if(cell){
+ if(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ index = cell.getIndex();
+ nextRow = this.table.rowManager.prevDisplayRow(cell.row, true);
+ if(nextRow){
+ nextRow.cells[index].getComponent().edit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ navigateDown(cell = this.currentCell, e){
+ var index, nextRow;
+ if(cell){
+ if(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ index = cell.getIndex();
+ nextRow = this.table.rowManager.nextDisplayRow(cell.row, true);
+ if(nextRow){
+ nextRow.cells[index].getComponent().edit();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ findNextEditableCell(row, index){
+ var nextCell = false;
+ if(index < row.cells.length-1){
+ for(var i = index+1; i < row.cells.length; i++){
+ let cell = row.cells[i];
+ if(cell.column.modules.edit && Helpers.elVisible(cell.getElement())){
+ let allowEdit = this.allowEdit(cell);
+ if(allowEdit){
+ nextCell = cell;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nextCell;
+ }
+ findPrevEditableCell(row, index){
+ var prevCell = false;
+ if(index > 0){
+ for(var i = index-1; i >= 0; i--){
+ let cell = row.cells[i];
+ if(cell.column.modules.edit && Helpers.elVisible(cell.getElement())){
+ let allowEdit = this.allowEdit(cell);
+ if(allowEdit){
+ prevCell = cell;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return prevCell;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ initializeColumnCheck(column){
+ if(typeof column.definition.editor !== "undefined"){
+ this.initializeColumn(column);
+ }
+ }
+ columnDeleteCheck(column){
+ if(this.currentCell && this.currentCell.column === column){
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ }
+ }
+ rowDeleteCheck(row){
+ if(this.currentCell && this.currentCell.row === row){
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ }
+ }
+ rowEditableCheck(row){
+ row.getCells().forEach((cell) => {
+ if(cell.column.modules.edit && typeof cell.column.modules.edit.check === "function"){
+ this.updateCellClass(cell);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //initialize column editor
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var config = {
+ editor:false,
+ blocked:false,
+ check:column.definition.editable,
+ params:column.definition.editorParams || {}
+ };
+ //set column editor
+ switch(typeof column.definition.editor){
+ case "string":
+ if(this.editors[column.definition.editor]){
+ config.editor = this.editors[column.definition.editor];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Editor Error - No such editor found: ", column.definition.editor);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ config.editor = column.definition.editor;
+ break;
+ case "boolean":
+ if(column.definition.editor === true){
+ if(typeof column.definition.formatter !== "function"){
+ if(this.editors[column.definition.formatter]){
+ config.editor = this.editors[column.definition.formatter];
+ }else {
+ config.editor = this.editors["input"];
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Editor Error - Cannot auto lookup editor for a custom formatter: ", column.definition.formatter);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(config.editor){
+ column.modules.edit = config;
+ }
+ }
+ getCurrentCell(){
+ return this.currentCell ? this.currentCell.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ clearEditor(cancel){
+ var cell = this.currentCell,
+ cellEl;
+ this.invalidEdit = false;
+ if(cell){
+ this.currentCell = false;
+ cellEl = cell.getElement();
+ this.dispatch("edit-editor-clear", cell, cancel);
+ cellEl.classList.remove("tabulator-editing");
+ while(cellEl.firstChild) cellEl.removeChild(cellEl.firstChild);
+ cell.row.getElement().classList.remove("tabulator-editing");
+ cell.table.element.classList.remove("tabulator-editing");
+ }
+ }
+ cancelEdit(){
+ if(this.currentCell){
+ var cell = this.currentCell;
+ var component = this.currentCell.getComponent();
+ this.clearEditor(true);
+ cell.setValueActual(cell.getValue());
+ cell.cellRendered();
+ if(cell.column.definition.editor == "textarea" || cell.column.definition.variableHeight){
+ cell.row.normalizeHeight(true);
+ }
+ if(cell.column.definition.cellEditCancelled){
+ cell.column.definition.cellEditCancelled.call(this.table, component);
+ }
+ this.dispatch("edit-cancelled", cell);
+ this.dispatchExternal("cellEditCancelled", component);
+ }
+ }
+ //return a formatted value for a cell
+ bindEditor(cell){
+ if(cell.column.modules.edit){
+ var self = this,
+ element = cell.getElement(true);
+ this.updateCellClass(cell);
+ element.setAttribute("tabindex", 0);
+ element.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ if(!element.classList.contains("tabulator-editing")){
+ element.focus({preventScroll: true});
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){
+ if (e.button === 2) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }else {
+ self.mouseClick = true;
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("focus", function(e){
+ if(!self.recursionBlock){
+ self.edit(cell, e, false);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ focusCellNoEvent(cell, block){
+ this.recursionBlock = true;
+ if(!(block && this.table.browser === "ie")){
+ cell.getElement().focus({preventScroll: true});
+ }
+ this.recursionBlock = false;
+ }
+ editCell(cell, forceEdit){
+ this.focusCellNoEvent(cell);
+ this.edit(cell, false, forceEdit);
+ }
+ focusScrollAdjust(cell){
+ if(this.table.rowManager.getRenderMode() == "virtual"){
+ var topEdge = this.table.rowManager.element.scrollTop,
+ bottomEdge = this.table.rowManager.element.clientHeight + this.table.rowManager.element.scrollTop,
+ rowEl = cell.row.getElement();
+ if(rowEl.offsetTop < topEdge){
+ this.table.rowManager.element.scrollTop -= (topEdge - rowEl.offsetTop);
+ }else {
+ if(rowEl.offsetTop + rowEl.offsetHeight > bottomEdge){
+ this.table.rowManager.element.scrollTop += (rowEl.offsetTop + rowEl.offsetHeight - bottomEdge);
+ }
+ }
+ var leftEdge = this.table.rowManager.element.scrollLeft,
+ rightEdge = this.table.rowManager.element.clientWidth + this.table.rowManager.element.scrollLeft,
+ cellEl = cell.getElement();
+ if(this.table.modExists("frozenColumns")){
+ leftEdge += parseInt(this.table.modules.frozenColumns.leftMargin);
+ rightEdge -= parseInt(this.table.modules.frozenColumns.rightMargin);
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.renderHorizontal === "virtual"){
+ leftEdge -= parseInt(this.table.columnManager.renderer.vDomPadLeft);
+ rightEdge -= parseInt(this.table.columnManager.renderer.vDomPadLeft);
+ }
+ if(cellEl.offsetLeft < leftEdge){
+ this.table.rowManager.element.scrollLeft -= (leftEdge - cellEl.offsetLeft);
+ }else {
+ if(cellEl.offsetLeft + cellEl.offsetWidth > rightEdge){
+ this.table.rowManager.element.scrollLeft += (cellEl.offsetLeft + cellEl.offsetWidth - rightEdge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ allowEdit(cell) {
+ var check = cell.column.modules.edit ? true : false;
+ if(cell.column.modules.edit){
+ switch(typeof cell.column.modules.edit.check){
+ case "function":
+ if(cell.row.initialized){
+ check = cell.column.modules.edit.check(cell.getComponent());
+ }
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ check = !!cell.row.data[cell.column.modules.edit.check];
+ break;
+ case "boolean":
+ check = cell.column.modules.edit.check;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return check;
+ }
+ edit(cell, e, forceEdit){
+ var self = this,
+ allowEdit = true,
+ rendered = function(){},
+ element = cell.getElement(),
+ cellEditor, component, params;
+ //prevent editing if another cell is refusing to leave focus (eg. validation fail)
+ if(this.currentCell){
+ if(!this.invalidEdit && this.currentCell !== cell){
+ this.cancelEdit();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ //handle successful value change
+ function success(value){
+ if(self.currentCell === cell){
+ var valid = self.chain("edit-success", [cell, value], true, true);
+ if(valid === true || self.table.options.validationMode === "highlight"){
+ self.clearEditor();
+ if(!cell.modules.edit){
+ cell.modules.edit = {};
+ }
+ cell.modules.edit.edited = true;
+ if(self.editedCells.indexOf(cell) == -1){
+ self.editedCells.push(cell);
+ }
+ cell.setValue(value, true);
+ return valid === true;
+ }else {
+ self.invalidEdit = true;
+ self.focusCellNoEvent(cell, true);
+ rendered();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //handle aborted edit
+ function cancel(){
+ if(self.currentCell === cell){
+ self.cancelEdit();
+ }
+ }
+ function onRendered(callback){
+ rendered = callback;
+ }
+ if(!cell.column.modules.edit.blocked){
+ if(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ allowEdit = this.allowEdit(cell);
+ if(allowEdit || forceEdit){
+ self.cancelEdit();
+ self.currentCell = cell;
+ this.focusScrollAdjust(cell);
+ component = cell.getComponent();
+ if(this.mouseClick){
+ this.mouseClick = false;
+ if(cell.column.definition.cellClick){
+ cell.column.definition.cellClick.call(this.table, e, component);
+ }
+ }
+ if(cell.column.definition.cellEditing){
+ cell.column.definition.cellEditing.call(this.table, component);
+ }
+ this.dispatch("cell-editing", cell);
+ this.dispatchExternal("cellEditing", component);
+ params = typeof cell.column.modules.edit.params === "function" ? cell.column.modules.edit.params(component) : cell.column.modules.edit.params;
+ cellEditor = cell.column.modules.edit.editor.call(self, component, onRendered, success, cancel, params);
+ //if editor returned, add to DOM, if false, abort edit
+ if(this.currentCell && cellEditor !== false){
+ if(cellEditor instanceof Node){
+ element.classList.add("tabulator-editing");
+ cell.row.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-editing");
+ cell.table.element.classList.add("tabulator-editing");
+ while(element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+ element.appendChild(cellEditor);
+ //trigger onRendered Callback
+ rendered();
+ //prevent editing from triggering rowClick event
+ var children = element.children;
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ children[i].addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Edit Error - Editor should return an instance of Node, the editor returned:", cellEditor);
+ element.blur();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ element.blur();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ this.mouseClick = false;
+ element.blur();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.mouseClick = false;
+ element.blur();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ getEditedCells(){
+ var output = [];
+ this.editedCells.forEach((cell) => {
+ output.push(cell.getComponent());
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ clearEdited(cell){
+ var editIndex;
+ if(cell.modules.edit && cell.modules.edit.edited){
+ cell.modules.edit.edited = false;
+ this.dispatch("edit-edited-clear", cell);
+ }
+ editIndex = this.editedCells.indexOf(cell);
+ if(editIndex > -1){
+ this.editedCells.splice(editIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }
+Edit$1.moduleName = "edit";
+//load defaults
+Edit$1.editors = defaultEditors;
+class ExportRow{
+ constructor(type, columns, component, indent){
+ this.type = type;
+ this.columns = columns;
+ this.component = component || false;
+ this.indent = indent || 0;
+ }
+class ExportColumn{
+ constructor(value, component, width, height, depth){
+ this.value = value;
+ this.component = component || false;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.depth = depth;
+ }
+class Export extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.config = {};
+ this.cloneTableStyle = true;
+ this.colVisProp = "";
+ this.registerTableOption("htmlOutputConfig", false); //html output config
+ this.registerColumnOption("htmlOutput");
+ this.registerColumnOption("titleHtmlOutput");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.registerTableFunction("getHtml", this.getHtml.bind(this));
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ generateExportList(config, style, range, colVisProp){
+ this.cloneTableStyle = style;
+ this.config = config || {};
+ this.colVisProp = colVisProp;
+ var headers = this.config.columnHeaders !== false ? this.headersToExportRows(this.generateColumnGroupHeaders()) : [];
+ var body = this.bodyToExportRows(this.rowLookup(range));
+ return headers.concat(body);
+ }
+ generateTable(config, style, range, colVisProp){
+ var list = this.generateExportList(config, style, range, colVisProp);
+ return this.generateTableElement(list);
+ }
+ rowLookup(range){
+ var rows = [];
+ if(typeof range == "function"){
+ range.call(this.table).forEach((row) =>{
+ row = this.table.rowManager.findRow(row);
+ if(row){
+ rows.push(row);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ switch(range){
+ case true:
+ case "visible":
+ rows = this.table.rowManager.getVisibleRows(false, true);
+ break;
+ case "all":
+ rows = this.table.rowManager.rows;
+ break;
+ case "selected":
+ rows = this.table.modules.selectRow.selectedRows;
+ break;
+ case "active":
+ default:
+ if(this.table.options.pagination){
+ rows = this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows(this.table.rowManager.displayRows.length - 2);
+ }else {
+ rows = this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Object.assign([], rows);
+ }
+ generateColumnGroupHeaders(){
+ var output = [];
+ var columns = this.config.columnGroups !== false ? this.table.columnManager.columns : this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex;
+ columns.forEach((column) => {
+ var colData = this.processColumnGroup(column);
+ if(colData){
+ output.push(colData);
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ processColumnGroup(column){
+ var subGroups = column.columns,
+ maxDepth = 0,
+ title = column.definition["title" + (this.colVisProp.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.colVisProp.slice(1))] || column.definition.title;
+ var groupData = {
+ title:title,
+ column:column,
+ depth:1,
+ };
+ if(subGroups.length){
+ groupData.subGroups = [];
+ groupData.width = 0;
+ subGroups.forEach((subGroup) => {
+ var subGroupData = this.processColumnGroup(subGroup);
+ if(subGroupData){
+ groupData.width += subGroupData.width;
+ groupData.subGroups.push(subGroupData);
+ if(subGroupData.depth > maxDepth){
+ maxDepth = subGroupData.depth;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ groupData.depth += maxDepth;
+ if(!groupData.width){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.columnVisCheck(column)){
+ groupData.width = 1;
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return groupData;
+ }
+ columnVisCheck(column){
+ var visProp = column.definition[this.colVisProp];
+ if(typeof visProp === "function"){
+ visProp = visProp.call(this.table, column.getComponent());
+ }
+ return visProp !== false && (column.visible || (!column.visible && visProp));
+ }
+ headersToExportRows(columns){
+ var headers = [],
+ headerDepth = 0,
+ exportRows = [];
+ function parseColumnGroup(column, level){
+ var depth = headerDepth - level;
+ if(typeof headers[level] === "undefined"){
+ headers[level] = [];
+ }
+ column.height = column.subGroups ? 1 : (depth - column.depth) + 1;
+ headers[level].push(column);
+ if(column.height > 1){
+ for(let i = 1; i < column.height; i ++){
+ if(typeof headers[level + i] === "undefined"){
+ headers[level + i] = [];
+ }
+ headers[level + i].push(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(column.width > 1){
+ for(let i = 1; i < column.width; i ++){
+ headers[level].push(false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(column.subGroups){
+ column.subGroups.forEach(function(subGroup){
+ parseColumnGroup(subGroup, level+1);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //calculate maximum header depth
+ columns.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.depth > headerDepth){
+ headerDepth = column.depth;
+ }
+ });
+ columns.forEach(function(column){
+ parseColumnGroup(column,0);
+ });
+ headers.forEach((header) => {
+ var columns = [];
+ header.forEach((col) => {
+ if(col){
+ let title = typeof col.title === "undefined" ? "" : col.title;
+ columns.push(new ExportColumn(title, col.column.getComponent(), col.width, col.height, col.depth));
+ }else {
+ columns.push(null);
+ }
+ });
+ exportRows.push(new ExportRow("header", columns));
+ });
+ return exportRows;
+ }
+ bodyToExportRows(rows){
+ var columns = [];
+ var exportRows = [];
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ if (this.columnVisCheck(column)) {
+ columns.push(column.getComponent());
+ }
+ });
+ if(this.config.columnCalcs !== false && this.table.modExists("columnCalcs")){
+ if(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.topInitialized){
+ rows.unshift(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.topRow);
+ }
+ if(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.botInitialized){
+ rows.push(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.botRow);
+ }
+ }
+ rows = rows.filter((row) => {
+ switch(row.type){
+ case "group":
+ return this.config.rowGroups !== false;
+ case "calc":
+ return this.config.columnCalcs !== false;
+ case "row":
+ return !(this.table.options.dataTree && this.config.dataTree === false && row.modules.dataTree.parent);
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ rows.forEach((row, i) => {
+ var rowData = row.getData(this.colVisProp);
+ var exportCols = [];
+ var indent = 0;
+ switch(row.type){
+ case "group":
+ indent = row.level;
+ exportCols.push(new ExportColumn(row.key, row.getComponent(), columns.length, 1));
+ break;
+ case "calc" :
+ case "row" :
+ columns.forEach((col) => {
+ exportCols.push(new ExportColumn(col._column.getFieldValue(rowData), col, 1, 1));
+ });
+ if(this.table.options.dataTree && this.config.dataTree !== false){
+ indent = row.modules.dataTree.index;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ exportRows.push(new ExportRow(row.type, exportCols, row.getComponent(), indent));
+ });
+ return exportRows;
+ }
+ generateTableElement(list){
+ var table = document.createElement("table"),
+ headerEl = document.createElement("thead"),
+ bodyEl = document.createElement("tbody"),
+ styles = this.lookupTableStyles(),
+ rowFormatter = this.table.options["rowFormatter" + (this.colVisProp.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.colVisProp.slice(1))],
+ setup = {};
+ setup.rowFormatter = rowFormatter !== null ? rowFormatter : this.table.options.rowFormatter;
+ if(this.table.options.dataTree &&this.config.dataTree !== false && this.table.modExists("columnCalcs")){
+ setup.treeElementField = this.table.modules.dataTree.elementField;
+ }
+ //assign group header formatter
+ setup.groupHeader = this.table.options["groupHeader" + (this.colVisProp.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.colVisProp.slice(1))];
+ if(setup.groupHeader && !Array.isArray(setup.groupHeader)){
+ setup.groupHeader = [setup.groupHeader];
+ }
+ table.classList.add("tabulator-print-table");
+ this.mapElementStyles(this.table.columnManager.getHeadersElement(), headerEl, ["border-top", "border-left", "border-right", "border-bottom", "background-color", "color", "font-weight", "font-family", "font-size"]);
+ if(list.length > 1000){
+ console.warn("It may take a long time to render an HTML table with more than 1000 rows");
+ }
+ list.forEach((row, i) => {
+ let rowEl;
+ switch(row.type){
+ case "header":
+ headerEl.appendChild(this.generateHeaderElement(row, setup, styles));
+ break;
+ case "group":
+ bodyEl.appendChild(this.generateGroupElement(row, setup, styles));
+ break;
+ case "calc":
+ bodyEl.appendChild(this.generateCalcElement(row, setup, styles));
+ break;
+ case "row":
+ rowEl = this.generateRowElement(row, setup, styles);
+ this.mapElementStyles(((i % 2) && styles.evenRow) ? styles.evenRow : styles.oddRow, rowEl, ["border-top", "border-left", "border-right", "border-bottom", "color", "font-weight", "font-family", "font-size", "background-color"]);
+ bodyEl.appendChild(rowEl);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if(headerEl.innerHTML){
+ table.appendChild(headerEl);
+ }
+ table.appendChild(bodyEl);
+ this.mapElementStyles(this.table.element, table, ["border-top", "border-left", "border-right", "border-bottom"]);
+ return table;
+ }
+ lookupTableStyles(){
+ var styles = {};
+ //lookup row styles
+ if(this.cloneTableStyle && window.getComputedStyle){
+ styles.oddRow = this.table.element.querySelector(".tabulator-row-odd:not(.tabulator-group):not(.tabulator-calcs)");
+ styles.evenRow = this.table.element.querySelector(".tabulator-row-even:not(.tabulator-group):not(.tabulator-calcs)");
+ styles.calcRow = this.table.element.querySelector(".tabulator-row.tabulator-calcs");
+ styles.firstRow = this.table.element.querySelector(".tabulator-row:not(.tabulator-group):not(.tabulator-calcs)");
+ styles.firstGroup = this.table.element.getElementsByClassName("tabulator-group")[0];
+ if(styles.firstRow){
+ styles.styleCells = styles.firstRow.getElementsByClassName("tabulator-cell");
+ styles.firstCell = styles.styleCells[0];
+ styles.lastCell = styles.styleCells[styles.styleCells.length - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ return styles;
+ }
+ generateHeaderElement(row, setup, styles){
+ var rowEl = document.createElement("tr");
+ row.columns.forEach((column) => {
+ if(column){
+ var cellEl = document.createElement("th");
+ var classNames = column.component._column.definition.cssClass ? column.component._column.definition.cssClass.split(" ") : [];
+ cellEl.colSpan = column.width;
+ cellEl.rowSpan = column.height;
+ cellEl.innerHTML = column.value;
+ if(this.cloneTableStyle){
+ cellEl.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
+ }
+ classNames.forEach(function(className) {
+ cellEl.classList.add(className);
+ });
+ this.mapElementStyles(column.component.getElement(), cellEl, ["text-align", "border-top", "border-left", "border-right", "border-bottom", "background-color", "color", "font-weight", "font-family", "font-size"]);
+ this.mapElementStyles(column.component._column.contentElement, cellEl, ["padding-top", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-bottom"]);
+ if(column.component._column.visible){
+ this.mapElementStyles(column.component.getElement(), cellEl, ["width"]);
+ }else {
+ if(column.component._column.definition.width){
+ cellEl.style.width = column.component._column.definition.width + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ if(column.component._column.parent){
+ this.mapElementStyles(column.component._column.parent.groupElement, cellEl, ["border-top"]);
+ }
+ rowEl.appendChild(cellEl);
+ }
+ });
+ return rowEl;
+ }
+ generateGroupElement(row, setup, styles){
+ var rowEl = document.createElement("tr"),
+ cellEl = document.createElement("td"),
+ group = row.columns[0];
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-print-table-row");
+ if(setup.groupHeader && setup.groupHeader[row.indent]){
+ group.value = setup.groupHeader[row.indent](group.value, row.component._group.getRowCount(), row.component._group.getData(), row.component);
+ }else {
+ if(setup.groupHeader !== false){
+ group.value = row.component._group.generator(group.value, row.component._group.getRowCount(), row.component._group.getData(), row.component);
+ }
+ }
+ cellEl.colSpan = group.width;
+ cellEl.innerHTML = group.value;
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-print-table-group");
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-group-level-" + row.indent);
+ if(group.component.isVisible()){
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-group-visible");
+ }
+ this.mapElementStyles(styles.firstGroup, rowEl, ["border-top", "border-left", "border-right", "border-bottom", "color", "font-weight", "font-family", "font-size", "background-color"]);
+ this.mapElementStyles(styles.firstGroup, cellEl, ["padding-top", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-bottom"]);
+ rowEl.appendChild(cellEl);
+ return rowEl;
+ }
+ generateCalcElement(row, setup, styles){
+ var rowEl = this.generateRowElement(row, setup, styles);
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-print-table-calcs");
+ this.mapElementStyles(styles.calcRow, rowEl, ["border-top", "border-left", "border-right", "border-bottom", "color", "font-weight", "font-family", "font-size", "background-color"]);
+ return rowEl;
+ }
+ generateRowElement(row, setup, styles){
+ var rowEl = document.createElement("tr");
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-print-table-row");
+ row.columns.forEach((col, i) => {
+ if(col){
+ var cellEl = document.createElement("td"),
+ column = col.component._column,
+ index = this.table.columnManager.findColumnIndex(column),
+ value = col.value,
+ cellStyle;
+ var cellWrapper = {
+ modules:{},
+ getValue:function(){
+ return value;
+ },
+ getField:function(){
+ return column.definition.field;
+ },
+ getElement:function(){
+ return cellEl;
+ },
+ getColumn:function(){
+ return column.getComponent();
+ },
+ getData:function(){
+ return row.component.getData();
+ },
+ getRow:function(){
+ return row.component;
+ },
+ getComponent:function(){
+ return cellWrapper;
+ },
+ column:column,
+ };
+ var classNames = column.definition.cssClass ? column.definition.cssClass.split(" ") : [];
+ classNames.forEach(function(className) {
+ cellEl.classList.add(className);
+ });
+ if(this.table.modExists("format") && this.config.formatCells !== false){
+ value = this.table.modules.format.formatExportValue(cellWrapper, this.colVisProp);
+ }else {
+ switch(typeof value){
+ case "object":
+ value = value !== null ? JSON.stringify(value) : "";
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ value = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(value instanceof Node){
+ cellEl.appendChild(value);
+ }else {
+ cellEl.innerHTML = value;
+ }
+ cellStyle = styles.styleCells && styles.styleCells[index] ? styles.styleCells[index] : styles.firstCell;
+ if(cellStyle){
+ this.mapElementStyles(cellStyle, cellEl, ["padding-top", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-bottom", "border-top", "border-left", "border-right", "border-bottom", "color", "font-weight", "font-family", "font-size", "text-align"]);
+ if(column.definition.align){
+ cellEl.style.textAlign = column.definition.align;
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.dataTree && this.config.dataTree !== false){
+ if((setup.treeElementField && setup.treeElementField == column.field) || (!setup.treeElementField && i == 0)){
+ if(row.component._row.modules.dataTree.controlEl){
+ cellEl.insertBefore(row.component._row.modules.dataTree.controlEl.cloneNode(true), cellEl.firstChild);
+ }
+ if(row.component._row.modules.dataTree.branchEl){
+ cellEl.insertBefore(row.component._row.modules.dataTree.branchEl.cloneNode(true), cellEl.firstChild);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rowEl.appendChild(cellEl);
+ if(cellWrapper.modules.format && cellWrapper.modules.format.renderedCallback){
+ cellWrapper.modules.format.renderedCallback();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(setup.rowFormatter && row.type === "row" && this.config.formatCells !== false){
+ let formatComponent = Object.assign(row.component);
+ formatComponent.getElement = function(){return rowEl;};
+ setup.rowFormatter(row.component);
+ }
+ return rowEl;
+ }
+ generateHTMLTable(list){
+ var holder = document.createElement("div");
+ holder.appendChild(this.generateTableElement(list));
+ return holder.innerHTML;
+ }
+ getHtml(visible, style, config, colVisProp){
+ var list = this.generateExportList(config || this.table.options.htmlOutputConfig, style, visible, colVisProp || "htmlOutput");
+ return this.generateHTMLTable(list);
+ }
+ mapElementStyles(from, to, props){
+ if(this.cloneTableStyle && from && to){
+ var lookup = {
+ "background-color" : "backgroundColor",
+ "color" : "fontColor",
+ "width" : "width",
+ "font-weight" : "fontWeight",
+ "font-family" : "fontFamily",
+ "font-size" : "fontSize",
+ "text-align" : "textAlign",
+ "border-top" : "borderTop",
+ "border-left" : "borderLeft",
+ "border-right" : "borderRight",
+ "border-bottom" : "borderBottom",
+ "padding-top" : "paddingTop",
+ "padding-left" : "paddingLeft",
+ "padding-right" : "paddingRight",
+ "padding-bottom" : "paddingBottom",
+ };
+ if(window.getComputedStyle){
+ var fromStyle = window.getComputedStyle(from);
+ props.forEach(function(prop){
+ if(!to.style[lookup[prop]]){
+ to.style[lookup[prop]] = fromStyle.getPropertyValue(prop);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Export.moduleName = "export";
+var defaultFilters = {
+ //equal to
+ "=":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ return rowVal == filterVal ? true : false;
+ },
+ //less than
+ "<":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ return rowVal < filterVal ? true : false;
+ },
+ //less than or equal to
+ "<=":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ return rowVal <= filterVal ? true : false;
+ },
+ //greater than
+ ">":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ return rowVal > filterVal ? true : false;
+ },
+ //greater than or equal to
+ ">=":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ return rowVal >= filterVal ? true : false;
+ },
+ //not equal to
+ "!=":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ return rowVal != filterVal ? true : false;
+ },
+ "regex":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ if(typeof filterVal == "string"){
+ filterVal = new RegExp(filterVal);
+ }
+ return filterVal.test(rowVal);
+ },
+ //contains the string
+ "like":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ if(filterVal === null || typeof filterVal === "undefined"){
+ return rowVal === filterVal ? true : false;
+ }else {
+ if(typeof rowVal !== 'undefined' && rowVal !== null){
+ return String(rowVal).toLowerCase().indexOf(filterVal.toLowerCase()) > -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //contains the keywords
+ "keywords":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ var keywords = filterVal.toLowerCase().split(typeof filterParams.separator === "undefined" ? " " : filterParams.separator),
+ value = String(rowVal === null || typeof rowVal === "undefined" ? "" : rowVal).toLowerCase(),
+ matches = [];
+ keywords.forEach((keyword) =>{
+ if(value.includes(keyword)){
+ matches.push(true);
+ }
+ });
+ return filterParams.matchAll ? matches.length === keywords.length : !!matches.length;
+ },
+ //starts with the string
+ "starts":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ if(filterVal === null || typeof filterVal === "undefined"){
+ return rowVal === filterVal ? true : false;
+ }else {
+ if(typeof rowVal !== 'undefined' && rowVal !== null){
+ return String(rowVal).toLowerCase().startsWith(filterVal.toLowerCase());
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //ends with the string
+ "ends":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ if(filterVal === null || typeof filterVal === "undefined"){
+ return rowVal === filterVal ? true : false;
+ }else {
+ if(typeof rowVal !== 'undefined' && rowVal !== null){
+ return String(rowVal).toLowerCase().endsWith(filterVal.toLowerCase());
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //in array
+ "in":function(filterVal, rowVal, rowData, filterParams){
+ if(Array.isArray(filterVal)){
+ return filterVal.length ? filterVal.indexOf(rowVal) > -1 : true;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Filter Error - filter value is not an array:", filterVal);
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+class Filter extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.filterList = []; //hold filter list
+ this.headerFilters = {}; //hold column filters
+ this.headerFilterColumns = []; //hold columns that use header filters
+ this.prevHeaderFilterChangeCheck = "";
+ this.prevHeaderFilterChangeCheck = "{}";
+ this.changed = false; //has filtering changed since last render
+ this.tableInitialized = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("filterMode", "local"); //local or remote filtering
+ this.registerTableOption("initialFilter", false); //initial filtering criteria
+ this.registerTableOption("initialHeaderFilter", false); //initial header filtering criteria
+ this.registerTableOption("headerFilterLiveFilterDelay", 300); //delay before updating column after user types in header filter
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerFilter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerFilterPlaceholder");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerFilterParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerFilterEmptyCheck");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerFilterFunc");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerFilterFuncParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerFilterLiveFilter");
+ this.registerTableFunction("searchRows", this.searchRows.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("searchData", this.searchData.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setFilter", this.userSetFilter.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("refreshFilter", this.userRefreshFilter.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("addFilter", this.userAddFilter.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getFilters", this.getFilters.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setHeaderFilterFocus", this.userSetHeaderFilterFocus.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getHeaderFilterValue", this.userGetHeaderFilterValue.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setHeaderFilterValue", this.userSetHeaderFilterValue.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getHeaderFilters", this.getHeaderFilters.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("removeFilter", this.userRemoveFilter.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("clearFilter", this.userClearFilter.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("clearHeaderFilter", this.userClearHeaderFilter.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("column", "headerFilterFocus", this.setHeaderFilterFocus.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("column", "reloadHeaderFilter", this.reloadHeaderFilter.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("column", "getHeaderFilterValue", this.getHeaderFilterValue.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("column", "setHeaderFilterValue", this.setHeaderFilterValue.bind(this));
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumnHeaderFilter.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-width-fit-before", this.hideHeaderFilterElements.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-width-fit-after", this.showHeaderFilterElements.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-built", this.tableBuilt.bind(this));
+ if(this.table.options.filterMode === "remote"){
+ this.subscribe("data-params", this.remoteFilterParams.bind(this));
+ }
+ this.registerDataHandler(this.filter.bind(this), 10);
+ }
+ tableBuilt(){
+ if(this.table.options.initialFilter){
+ this.setFilter(this.table.options.initialFilter);
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.initialHeaderFilter){
+ this.table.options.initialHeaderFilter.forEach((item) => {
+ var column = this.table.columnManager.findColumn(item.field);
+ if(column){
+ this.setHeaderFilterValue(column, item.value);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Error - No matching column found:", item.field);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ this.tableInitialized = true;
+ }
+ remoteFilterParams(data, config, silent, params){
+ params.filter = this.getFilters(true, true);
+ return params;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //set standard filters
+ userSetFilter(field, type, value, params){
+ this.setFilter(field, type, value, params);
+ this.refreshFilter();
+ }
+ //set standard filters
+ userRefreshFilter(){
+ this.refreshFilter();
+ }
+ //add filter to array
+ userAddFilter(field, type, value, params){
+ this.addFilter(field, type, value, params);
+ this.refreshFilter();
+ }
+ userSetHeaderFilterFocus(field){
+ var column = this.table.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ if(column){
+ this.setHeaderFilterFocus(column);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Focus Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ userGetHeaderFilterValue(field) {
+ var column = this.table.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ if(column){
+ return this.getHeaderFilterValue(column);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ }
+ }
+ userSetHeaderFilterValue(field, value){
+ var column = this.table.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ if(column){
+ this.setHeaderFilterValue(column, value);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //remove filter from array
+ userRemoveFilter(field, type, value){
+ this.removeFilter(field, type, value);
+ this.refreshFilter();
+ }
+ //clear filters
+ userClearFilter(all){
+ this.clearFilter(all);
+ this.refreshFilter();
+ }
+ //clear header filters
+ userClearHeaderFilter(){
+ this.clearHeaderFilter();
+ this.refreshFilter();
+ }
+ //search for specific row components
+ searchRows(field, type, value){
+ return this.search("rows", field, type, value);
+ }
+ //search for specific data
+ searchData(field, type, value){
+ return this.search("data", field, type, value);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ initializeColumnHeaderFilter(column){
+ var def = column.definition;
+ if(def.headerFilter){
+ this.initializeColumn(column);
+ }
+ }
+ //initialize column header filter
+ initializeColumn(column, value){
+ var self = this,
+ field = column.getField();
+ //handle successfully value change
+ function success(value){
+ var filterType = (column.modules.filter.tagType == "input" && column.modules.filter.attrType == "text") || column.modules.filter.tagType == "textarea" ? "partial" : "match",
+ type = "",
+ filterChangeCheck = "",
+ filterFunc;
+ if(typeof column.modules.filter.prevSuccess === "undefined" || column.modules.filter.prevSuccess !== value){
+ column.modules.filter.prevSuccess = value;
+ if(!column.modules.filter.emptyFunc(value)){
+ column.modules.filter.value = value;
+ switch(typeof column.definition.headerFilterFunc){
+ case "string":
+ if(Filter.filters[column.definition.headerFilterFunc]){
+ type = column.definition.headerFilterFunc;
+ filterFunc = function(data){
+ var params = column.definition.headerFilterFuncParams || {};
+ var fieldVal = column.getFieldValue(data);
+ params = typeof params === "function" ? params(value, fieldVal, data) : params;
+ return Filter.filters[column.definition.headerFilterFunc](value, fieldVal, data, params);
+ };
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Header Filter Error - Matching filter function not found: ", column.definition.headerFilterFunc);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ filterFunc = function(data){
+ var params = column.definition.headerFilterFuncParams || {};
+ var fieldVal = column.getFieldValue(data);
+ params = typeof params === "function" ? params(value, fieldVal, data) : params;
+ return column.definition.headerFilterFunc(value, fieldVal, data, params);
+ };
+ type = filterFunc;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!filterFunc){
+ switch(filterType){
+ case "partial":
+ filterFunc = function(data){
+ var colVal = column.getFieldValue(data);
+ if(typeof colVal !== 'undefined' && colVal !== null){
+ return String(colVal).toLowerCase().indexOf(String(value).toLowerCase()) > -1;
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ type = "like";
+ break;
+ default:
+ filterFunc = function(data){
+ return column.getFieldValue(data) == value;
+ };
+ type = "=";
+ }
+ }
+ self.headerFilters[field] = {value:value, func:filterFunc, type:type};
+ }else {
+ delete self.headerFilters[field];
+ }
+ column.modules.filter.value = value;
+ filterChangeCheck = JSON.stringify(self.headerFilters);
+ if(self.prevHeaderFilterChangeCheck !== filterChangeCheck){
+ self.prevHeaderFilterChangeCheck = filterChangeCheck;
+ self.trackChanges();
+ self.refreshFilter();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ column.modules.filter = {
+ success:success,
+ attrType:false,
+ tagType:false,
+ emptyFunc:false,
+ };
+ this.generateHeaderFilterElement(column);
+ }
+ generateHeaderFilterElement(column, initialValue, reinitialize){
+ var self = this,
+ success = column.modules.filter.success,
+ field = column.getField(),
+ filterElement, editor, editorElement, cellWrapper, typingTimer, searchTrigger, params, onRenderedCallback;
+ column.modules.filter.value = initialValue;
+ //handle aborted edit
+ function cancel(){}
+ function onRendered(callback){
+ onRenderedCallback = callback;
+ }
+ if(column.modules.filter.headerElement && column.modules.filter.headerElement.parentNode){
+ column.contentElement.removeChild(column.modules.filter.headerElement.parentNode);
+ }
+ if(field){
+ //set empty value function
+ column.modules.filter.emptyFunc = column.definition.headerFilterEmptyCheck || function(value){
+ return !value && value !== 0;
+ };
+ filterElement = document.createElement("div");
+ filterElement.classList.add("tabulator-header-filter");
+ //set column editor
+ switch(typeof column.definition.headerFilter){
+ case "string":
+ if(self.table.modules.edit.editors[column.definition.headerFilter]){
+ editor = self.table.modules.edit.editors[column.definition.headerFilter];
+ if((column.definition.headerFilter === "tick" || column.definition.headerFilter === "tickCross") && !column.definition.headerFilterEmptyCheck){
+ column.modules.filter.emptyFunc = function(value){
+ return value !== true && value !== false;
+ };
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Filter Error - Cannot build header filter, No such editor found: ", column.definition.editor);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ editor = column.definition.headerFilter;
+ break;
+ case "boolean":
+ if(column.modules.edit && column.modules.edit.editor){
+ editor = column.modules.edit.editor;
+ }else {
+ if(column.definition.formatter && self.table.modules.edit.editors[column.definition.formatter]){
+ editor = self.table.modules.edit.editors[column.definition.formatter];
+ if((column.definition.formatter === "tick" || column.definition.formatter === "tickCross") && !column.definition.headerFilterEmptyCheck){
+ column.modules.filter.emptyFunc = function(value){
+ return value !== true && value !== false;
+ };
+ }
+ }else {
+ editor = self.table.modules.edit.editors["input"];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(editor){
+ cellWrapper = {
+ getValue:function(){
+ return typeof initialValue !== "undefined" ? initialValue : "";
+ },
+ getField:function(){
+ return column.definition.field;
+ },
+ getElement:function(){
+ return filterElement;
+ },
+ getColumn:function(){
+ return column.getComponent();
+ },
+ getTable:() => {
+ return this.table;
+ },
+ getRow:function(){
+ return {
+ normalizeHeight:function(){
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ params = column.definition.headerFilterParams || {};
+ params = typeof params === "function" ? params.call(self.table, cellWrapper) : params;
+ editorElement = editor.call(this.table.modules.edit, cellWrapper, onRendered, success, cancel, params);
+ if(!editorElement){
+ console.warn("Filter Error - Cannot add filter to " + field + " column, editor returned a value of false");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!(editorElement instanceof Node)){
+ console.warn("Filter Error - Cannot add filter to " + field + " column, editor should return an instance of Node, the editor returned:", editorElement);
+ return;
+ }
+ //set Placeholder Text
+ self.langBind("headerFilters|columns|" + column.definition.field, function(value){
+ editorElement.setAttribute("placeholder", typeof value !== "undefined" && value ? value : (column.definition.headerFilterPlaceholder || self.langText("headerFilters|default")));
+ });
+ //focus on element on click
+ editorElement.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ editorElement.focus();
+ });
+ editorElement.addEventListener("focus", (e) => {
+ var left = this.table.columnManager.contentsElement.scrollLeft;
+ var headerPos = this.table.rowManager.element.scrollLeft;
+ if(left !== headerPos){
+ this.table.rowManager.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ this.table.columnManager.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ }
+ });
+ //live update filters as user types
+ typingTimer = false;
+ searchTrigger = function(e){
+ if(typingTimer){
+ clearTimeout(typingTimer);
+ }
+ typingTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ success(editorElement.value);
+ },self.table.options.headerFilterLiveFilterDelay);
+ };
+ column.modules.filter.headerElement = editorElement;
+ column.modules.filter.attrType = editorElement.hasAttribute("type") ? editorElement.getAttribute("type").toLowerCase() : "" ;
+ column.modules.filter.tagType = editorElement.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ if(column.definition.headerFilterLiveFilter !== false){
+ if (
+ !(
+ column.definition.headerFilter === 'autocomplete' ||
+ column.definition.headerFilter === 'tickCross' ||
+ ((column.definition.editor === 'autocomplete' ||
+ column.definition.editor === 'tickCross') &&
+ column.definition.headerFilter === true)
+ )
+ ) {
+ editorElement.addEventListener("keyup", searchTrigger);
+ editorElement.addEventListener("search", searchTrigger);
+ //update number filtered columns on change
+ if(column.modules.filter.attrType == "number"){
+ editorElement.addEventListener("change", function(e){
+ success(editorElement.value);
+ });
+ }
+ //change text inputs to search inputs to allow for clearing of field
+ if(column.modules.filter.attrType == "text" && this.table.browser !== "ie"){
+ editorElement.setAttribute("type", "search");
+ // editorElement.off("change blur"); //prevent blur from triggering filter and preventing selection click
+ }
+ }
+ //prevent input and select elements from propagating click to column sorters etc
+ if(column.modules.filter.tagType == "input" || column.modules.filter.tagType == "select" || column.modules.filter.tagType == "textarea"){
+ editorElement.addEventListener("mousedown",function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ filterElement.appendChild(editorElement);
+ column.contentElement.appendChild(filterElement);
+ if(!reinitialize){
+ self.headerFilterColumns.push(column);
+ }
+ if(onRenderedCallback){
+ onRenderedCallback();
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Filter Error - Cannot add header filter, column has no field set:", column.definition.title);
+ }
+ }
+ //hide all header filter elements (used to ensure correct column widths in "fitData" layout mode)
+ hideHeaderFilterElements(){
+ this.headerFilterColumns.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.modules.filter && column.modules.filter.headerElement){
+ column.modules.filter.headerElement.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //show all header filter elements (used to ensure correct column widths in "fitData" layout mode)
+ showHeaderFilterElements(){
+ this.headerFilterColumns.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.modules.filter && column.modules.filter.headerElement){
+ column.modules.filter.headerElement.style.display = '';
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //programmatically set focus of header filter
+ setHeaderFilterFocus(column){
+ if(column.modules.filter && column.modules.filter.headerElement){
+ column.modules.filter.headerElement.focus();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Focus Error - No header filter set on column:", column.getField());
+ }
+ }
+ //programmatically get value of header filter
+ getHeaderFilterValue(column){
+ if(column.modules.filter && column.modules.filter.headerElement){
+ return column.modules.filter.value;
+ } else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Error - No header filter set on column:", column.getField());
+ }
+ }
+ //programmatically set value of header filter
+ setHeaderFilterValue(column, value){
+ if (column){
+ if(column.modules.filter && column.modules.filter.headerElement){
+ this.generateHeaderFilterElement(column, value, true);
+ column.modules.filter.success(value);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Error - No header filter set on column:", column.getField());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ reloadHeaderFilter(column){
+ if (column){
+ if(column.modules.filter && column.modules.filter.headerElement){
+ this.generateHeaderFilterElement(column, column.modules.filter.value, true);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Filter Error - No header filter set on column:", column.getField());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ refreshFilter(){
+ if(this.tableInitialized){
+ if(this.table.options.filterMode === "remote"){
+ this.reloadData(null, false, false);
+ }else {
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO - Persist left position of row manager
+ // left = this.scrollLeft;
+ // this.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ }
+ //check if the filters has changed since last use
+ trackChanges(){
+ this.changed = true;
+ this.dispatch("filter-changed");
+ }
+ //check if the filters has changed since last use
+ hasChanged(){
+ var changed = this.changed;
+ this.changed = false;
+ return changed;
+ }
+ //set standard filters
+ setFilter(field, type, value, params){
+ this.filterList = [];
+ if(!Array.isArray(field)){
+ field = [{field:field, type:type, value:value, params:params}];
+ }
+ this.addFilter(field);
+ }
+ //add filter to array
+ addFilter(field, type, value, params){
+ var changed = false;
+ if(!Array.isArray(field)){
+ field = [{field:field, type:type, value:value, params:params}];
+ }
+ field.forEach((filter) => {
+ filter = this.findFilter(filter);
+ if(filter){
+ this.filterList.push(filter);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if(changed){
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ }
+ findFilter(filter){
+ var column;
+ if(Array.isArray(filter)){
+ return this.findSubFilters(filter);
+ }
+ var filterFunc = false;
+ if(typeof filter.field == "function"){
+ filterFunc = function(data){
+ return filter.field(data, filter.type || {});// pass params to custom filter function
+ };
+ }else {
+ if(Filter.filters[filter.type]){
+ column = this.table.columnManager.getColumnByField(filter.field);
+ if(column){
+ filterFunc = function(data){
+ return Filter.filters[filter.type](filter.value, column.getFieldValue(data), data, filter.params || {});
+ };
+ }else {
+ filterFunc = function(data){
+ return Filter.filters[filter.type](filter.value, data[filter.field], data, filter.params || {});
+ };
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Filter Error - No such filter type found, ignoring: ", filter.type);
+ }
+ }
+ filter.func = filterFunc;
+ return filter.func ? filter : false;
+ }
+ findSubFilters(filters){
+ var output = [];
+ filters.forEach((filter) => {
+ filter = this.findFilter(filter);
+ if(filter){
+ output.push(filter);
+ }
+ });
+ return output.length ? output : false;
+ }
+ //get all filters
+ getFilters(all, ajax){
+ var output = [];
+ if(all){
+ output = this.getHeaderFilters();
+ }
+ if(ajax){
+ output.forEach(function(item){
+ if(typeof item.type == "function"){
+ item.type = "function";
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ output = output.concat(this.filtersToArray(this.filterList, ajax));
+ return output;
+ }
+ //filter to Object
+ filtersToArray(filterList, ajax){
+ var output = [];
+ filterList.forEach((filter) => {
+ var item;
+ if(Array.isArray(filter)){
+ output.push(this.filtersToArray(filter, ajax));
+ }else {
+ item = {field:filter.field, type:filter.type, value:filter.value};
+ if(ajax){
+ if(typeof item.type == "function"){
+ item.type = "function";
+ }
+ }
+ output.push(item);
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ //get all filters
+ getHeaderFilters(){
+ var output = [];
+ for(var key in this.headerFilters){
+ output.push({field:key, type:this.headerFilters[key].type, value:this.headerFilters[key].value});
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ //remove filter from array
+ removeFilter(field, type, value){
+ if(!Array.isArray(field)){
+ field = [{field:field, type:type, value:value}];
+ }
+ field.forEach((filter) => {
+ var index = -1;
+ if(typeof filter.field == "object"){
+ index = this.filterList.findIndex((element) => {
+ return filter === element;
+ });
+ }else {
+ index = this.filterList.findIndex((element) => {
+ return filter.field === element.field && filter.type === element.type && filter.value === element.value;
+ });
+ }
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.filterList.splice(index, 1);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Filter Error - No matching filter type found, ignoring: ", filter.type);
+ }
+ });
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ //clear filters
+ clearFilter(all){
+ this.filterList = [];
+ if(all){
+ this.clearHeaderFilter();
+ }
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ //clear header filters
+ clearHeaderFilter(){
+ this.headerFilters = {};
+ this.prevHeaderFilterChangeCheck = "{}";
+ this.headerFilterColumns.forEach((column) => {
+ if(typeof column.modules.filter.value !== "undefined"){
+ delete column.modules.filter.value;
+ }
+ column.modules.filter.prevSuccess = undefined;
+ this.reloadHeaderFilter(column);
+ });
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ //search data and return matching rows
+ search (searchType, field, type, value){
+ var activeRows = [],
+ filterList = [];
+ if(!Array.isArray(field)){
+ field = [{field:field, type:type, value:value}];
+ }
+ field.forEach((filter) => {
+ filter = this.findFilter(filter);
+ if(filter){
+ filterList.push(filter);
+ }
+ });
+ this.table.rowManager.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ var match = true;
+ filterList.forEach((filter) => {
+ if(!this.filterRecurse(filter, row.getData())){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(match){
+ activeRows.push(searchType === "data" ? row.getData("data") : row.getComponent());
+ }
+ });
+ return activeRows;
+ }
+ //filter row array
+ filter(rowList, filters){
+ var activeRows = [],
+ activeRowComponents = [];
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataFiltering")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataFiltering", this.getFilters(true));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.filterMode !== "remote" && (this.filterList.length || Object.keys(this.headerFilters).length)){
+ rowList.forEach((row) => {
+ if(this.filterRow(row)){
+ activeRows.push(row);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ activeRows = rowList.slice(0);
+ }
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataFiltered")){
+ activeRows.forEach((row) => {
+ activeRowComponents.push(row.getComponent());
+ });
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataFiltered", this.getFilters(true), activeRowComponents);
+ }
+ return activeRows;
+ }
+ //filter individual row
+ filterRow(row, filters){
+ var match = true,
+ data = row.getData();
+ this.filterList.forEach((filter) => {
+ if(!this.filterRecurse(filter, data)){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ });
+ for(var field in this.headerFilters){
+ if(!this.headerFilters[field].func(data)){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ filterRecurse(filter, data){
+ var match = false;
+ if(Array.isArray(filter)){
+ filter.forEach((subFilter) => {
+ if(this.filterRecurse(subFilter, data)){
+ match = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ match = filter.func(data);
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+Filter.moduleName = "filter";
+//load defaults
+Filter.filters = defaultFilters;
+function plaintext(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ return this.emptyToSpace(this.sanitizeHTML(cell.getValue()));
+function html$1(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ return cell.getValue();
+function textarea$1(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ cell.getElement().style.whiteSpace = "pre-wrap";
+ return this.emptyToSpace(this.sanitizeHTML(cell.getValue()));
+function money(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var floatVal = parseFloat(cell.getValue()),
+ sign = "",
+ number, integer, decimal, rgx;
+ var decimalSym = formatterParams.decimal || ".";
+ var thousandSym = formatterParams.thousand || ",";
+ var negativeSign = formatterParams.negativeSign || "-";
+ var symbol = formatterParams.symbol || "";
+ var after = !!formatterParams.symbolAfter;
+ var precision = typeof formatterParams.precision !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.precision : 2;
+ if(isNaN(floatVal)){
+ return this.emptyToSpace(this.sanitizeHTML(cell.getValue()));
+ }
+ if(floatVal < 0){
+ floatVal = Math.abs(floatVal);
+ sign = negativeSign;
+ }
+ number = precision !== false ? floatVal.toFixed(precision) : floatVal;
+ number = String(number).split(".");
+ integer = number[0];
+ decimal = number.length > 1 ? decimalSym + number[1] : "";
+ if (formatterParams.thousand !== false) {
+ rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
+ while (rgx.test(integer)){
+ integer = integer.replace(rgx, "$1" + thousandSym + "$2");
+ }
+ }
+ return after ? sign + integer + decimal + symbol : sign + symbol + integer + decimal;
+function link(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var value = cell.getValue(),
+ urlPrefix = formatterParams.urlPrefix || "",
+ download = formatterParams.download,
+ label = value,
+ el = document.createElement("a"),
+ data;
+ function labelTraverse(path, data){
+ var item = path.shift(),
+ value = data[item];
+ if(path.length && typeof value === "object"){
+ return labelTraverse(path, value);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ if(formatterParams.labelField){
+ data = cell.getData();
+ label = labelTraverse(formatterParams.labelField.split(this.table.options.nestedFieldSeparator), data);
+ }
+ if(formatterParams.label){
+ switch(typeof formatterParams.label){
+ case "string":
+ label = formatterParams.label;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ label = formatterParams.label(cell);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(label){
+ if(formatterParams.urlField){
+ data = cell.getData();
+ value = data[formatterParams.urlField];
+ }
+ if(formatterParams.url){
+ switch(typeof formatterParams.url){
+ case "string":
+ value = formatterParams.url;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ value = formatterParams.url(cell);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ el.setAttribute("href", urlPrefix + value);
+ if(formatterParams.target){
+ el.setAttribute("target", formatterParams.target);
+ }
+ if(formatterParams.download){
+ if(typeof download == "function"){
+ download = download(cell);
+ }else {
+ download = download === true ? "" : download;
+ }
+ el.setAttribute("download", download);
+ }
+ el.innerHTML = this.emptyToSpace(this.sanitizeHTML(label));
+ return el;
+ }else {
+ return "&nbsp;";
+ }
+function image(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var el = document.createElement("img"),
+ src = cell.getValue();
+ if(formatterParams.urlPrefix){
+ src = formatterParams.urlPrefix + cell.getValue();
+ }
+ if(formatterParams.urlSuffix){
+ src = src + formatterParams.urlSuffix;
+ }
+ el.setAttribute("src", src);
+ switch(typeof formatterParams.height){
+ case "number":
+ el.style.height = formatterParams.height + "px";
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ el.style.height = formatterParams.height;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(typeof formatterParams.width){
+ case "number":
+ el.style.width = formatterParams.width + "px";
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ el.style.width = formatterParams.width;
+ break;
+ }
+ el.addEventListener("load", function(){
+ cell.getRow().normalizeHeight();
+ });
+ return el;
+function tickCross$1(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var value = cell.getValue(),
+ element = cell.getElement(),
+ empty = formatterParams.allowEmpty,
+ truthy = formatterParams.allowTruthy,
+ trueValueSet = Object.keys(formatterParams).includes("trueValue"),
+ tick = typeof formatterParams.tickElement !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.tickElement : '<svg enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xml:space="preserve" ><path fill="#2DC214" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21.652,3.211c-0.293-0.295-0.77-0.295-1.061,0L9.41,14.34 c-0.293,0.297-0.771,0.297-1.062,0L3.449,9.351C3.304,9.203,3.114,9.13,2.923,9.129C2.73,9.128,2.534,9.201,2.387,9.351 l-2.165,1.946C0.078,11.445,0,11.63,0,11.823c0,0.194,0.078,0.397,0.223,0.544l4.94,5.184c0.292,0.296,0.771,0.776,1.062,1.07 l2.124,2.141c0.292,0.293,0.769,0.293,1.062,0l14.366-14.34c0.293-0.294,0.293-0.777,0-1.071L21.652,3.211z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>',
+ cross = typeof formatterParams.crossElement !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.crossElement : '<svg enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xml:space="preserve" ><path fill="#CE1515" d="M22.245,4.015c0.313,0.313,0.313,0.826,0,1.139l-6.276,6.27c-0.313,0.312-0.313,0.826,0,1.14l6.273,6.272 c0.313,0.313,0.313,0.826,0,1.14l-2.285,2.277c-0.314,0.312-0.828,0.312-1.142,0l-6.271-6.271c-0.313-0.313-0.828-0.313-1.141,0 l-6.276,6.267c-0.313,0.313-0.828,0.313-1.141,0l-2.282-2.28c-0.313-0.313-0.313-0.826,0-1.14l6.278-6.269 c0.313-0.312,0.313-0.826,0-1.14L1.709,5.147c-0.314-0.313-0.314-0.827,0-1.14l2.284-2.278C4.308,1.417,4.821,1.417,5.135,1.73 L11.405,8c0.314,0.314,0.828,0.314,1.141,0.001l6.276-6.267c0.312-0.312,0.826-0.312,1.141,0L22.245,4.015z"/></svg>';
+ if((trueValueSet && value === formatterParams.trueValue) || (!trueValueSet && ((truthy && value) || (value === true || value === "true" || value === "True" || value === 1 || value === "1")))){
+ element.setAttribute("aria-checked", true);
+ return tick || "";
+ }else {
+ if(empty && (value === "null" || value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined")){
+ element.setAttribute("aria-checked", "mixed");
+ return "";
+ }else {
+ element.setAttribute("aria-checked", false);
+ return cross || "";
+ }
+ }
+function datetime$1(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var DT = window.DateTime || luxon.DateTime;
+ var inputFormat = formatterParams.inputFormat || "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
+ var outputFormat = formatterParams.outputFormat || "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss";
+ var invalid = typeof formatterParams.invalidPlaceholder !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.invalidPlaceholder : "";
+ var value = cell.getValue();
+ if(typeof DT != "undefined"){
+ var newDatetime;
+ if(DT.isDateTime(value)){
+ newDatetime = value;
+ }else if(inputFormat === "iso"){
+ newDatetime = DT.fromISO(String(value));
+ }else {
+ newDatetime = DT.fromFormat(String(value), inputFormat);
+ }
+ if(newDatetime.isValid){
+ if(formatterParams.timezone){
+ newDatetime = newDatetime.setZone(formatterParams.timezone);
+ }
+ return newDatetime.toFormat(outputFormat);
+ }else {
+ if(invalid === true || !value){
+ return value;
+ }else if(typeof invalid === "function"){
+ return invalid(value);
+ }else {
+ return invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.error("Format Error - 'datetime' formatter is dependant on luxon.js");
+ }
+function datetimediff (cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
+ var DT = window.DateTime || luxon.DateTime;
+ var inputFormat = formatterParams.inputFormat || "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
+ var invalid = typeof formatterParams.invalidPlaceholder !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.invalidPlaceholder : "";
+ var suffix = typeof formatterParams.suffix !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.suffix : false;
+ var unit = typeof formatterParams.unit !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.unit : "days";
+ var humanize = typeof formatterParams.humanize !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.humanize : false;
+ var date = typeof formatterParams.date !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.date : DT.now();
+ var value = cell.getValue();
+ if(typeof DT != "undefined"){
+ var newDatetime;
+ if(DT.isDateTime(value)){
+ newDatetime = value;
+ }else if(inputFormat === "iso"){
+ newDatetime = DT.fromISO(String(value));
+ }else {
+ newDatetime = DT.fromFormat(String(value), inputFormat);
+ }
+ if (newDatetime.isValid){
+ if(humanize){
+ return newDatetime.diff(date, unit).toHuman() + (suffix ? " " + suffix : "");
+ }else {
+ return parseInt(newDatetime.diff(date, unit)[unit]) + (suffix ? " " + suffix : "");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (invalid === true) {
+ return value;
+ } else if (typeof invalid === "function") {
+ return invalid(value);
+ } else {
+ return invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.error("Format Error - 'datetimediff' formatter is dependant on luxon.js");
+ }
+function lookup (cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
+ var value = cell.getValue();
+ if (typeof formatterParams[value] === "undefined") {
+ console.warn('Missing display value for ' + value);
+ return value;
+ }
+ return formatterParams[value];
+function star$1(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var value = cell.getValue(),
+ element = cell.getElement(),
+ maxStars = formatterParams && formatterParams.stars ? formatterParams.stars : 5,
+ stars = document.createElement("span"),
+ star = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', "svg"),
+ starActive = '<polygon fill="#FFEA00" stroke="#C1AB60" stroke-width="37.6152" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="259.216,29.942 330.27,173.919 489.16,197.007 374.185,309.08 401.33,467.31 259.216,392.612 117.104,467.31 144.25,309.08 29.274,197.007 188.165,173.919 "/>',
+ starInactive = '<polygon fill="#D2D2D2" stroke="#686868" stroke-width="37.6152" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="259.216,29.942 330.27,173.919 489.16,197.007 374.185,309.08 401.33,467.31 259.216,392.612 117.104,467.31 144.25,309.08 29.274,197.007 188.165,173.919 "/>';
+ //style stars holder
+ stars.style.verticalAlign = "middle";
+ //style star
+ star.setAttribute("width", "14");
+ star.setAttribute("height", "14");
+ star.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 512 512");
+ star.setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve");
+ star.style.padding = "0 1px";
+ value = value && !isNaN(value) ? parseInt(value) : 0;
+ value = Math.max(0, Math.min(value, maxStars));
+ for(var i=1;i<= maxStars;i++){
+ var nextStar = star.cloneNode(true);
+ nextStar.innerHTML = i <= value ? starActive : starInactive;
+ stars.appendChild(nextStar);
+ }
+ element.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+ element.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ element.style.textOverflow = "ellipsis";
+ element.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ return stars;
+function traffic(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var value = this.sanitizeHTML(cell.getValue()) || 0,
+ el = document.createElement("span"),
+ max = formatterParams && formatterParams.max ? formatterParams.max : 100,
+ min = formatterParams && formatterParams.min ? formatterParams.min : 0,
+ colors = formatterParams && typeof formatterParams.color !== "undefined" ? formatterParams.color : ["red", "orange", "green"],
+ color = "#666666",
+ percent, percentValue;
+ if(isNaN(value) || typeof cell.getValue() === "undefined"){
+ return;
+ }
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-traffic-light");
+ //make sure value is in range
+ percentValue = parseFloat(value) <= max ? parseFloat(value) : max;
+ percentValue = parseFloat(percentValue) >= min ? parseFloat(percentValue) : min;
+ //workout percentage
+ percent = (max - min) / 100;
+ percentValue = Math.round((percentValue - min) / percent);
+ //set color
+ switch(typeof colors){
+ case "string":
+ color = colors;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ color = colors(value);
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ if(Array.isArray(colors)){
+ var unit = 100 / colors.length;
+ var index = Math.floor(percentValue / unit);
+ index = Math.min(index, colors.length - 1);
+ index = Math.max(index, 0);
+ color = colors[index];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ el.style.backgroundColor = color;
+ return el;
+function progress$1(cell, formatterParams = {}, onRendered){ //progress bar
+ var value = this.sanitizeHTML(cell.getValue()) || 0,
+ element = cell.getElement(),
+ max = formatterParams.max ? formatterParams.max : 100,
+ min = formatterParams.min ? formatterParams.min : 0,
+ legendAlign = formatterParams.legendAlign ? formatterParams.legendAlign : "center",
+ percent, percentValue, color, legend, legendColor;
+ //make sure value is in range
+ percentValue = parseFloat(value) <= max ? parseFloat(value) : max;
+ percentValue = parseFloat(percentValue) >= min ? parseFloat(percentValue) : min;
+ //workout percentage
+ percent = (max - min) / 100;
+ percentValue = Math.round((percentValue - min) / percent);
+ //set bar color
+ switch(typeof formatterParams.color){
+ case "string":
+ color = formatterParams.color;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ color = formatterParams.color(value);
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ if(Array.isArray(formatterParams.color)){
+ let unit = 100 / formatterParams.color.length;
+ let index = Math.floor(percentValue / unit);
+ index = Math.min(index, formatterParams.color.length - 1);
+ index = Math.max(index, 0);
+ color = formatterParams.color[index];
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ color = "#2DC214";
+ }
+ //generate legend
+ switch(typeof formatterParams.legend){
+ case "string":
+ legend = formatterParams.legend;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ legend = formatterParams.legend(value);
+ break;
+ case "boolean":
+ legend = value;
+ break;
+ default:
+ legend = false;
+ }
+ //set legend color
+ switch(typeof formatterParams.legendColor){
+ case "string":
+ legendColor = formatterParams.legendColor;
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ legendColor = formatterParams.legendColor(value);
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ if(Array.isArray(formatterParams.legendColor)){
+ let unit = 100 / formatterParams.legendColor.length;
+ let index = Math.floor(percentValue / unit);
+ index = Math.min(index, formatterParams.legendColor.length - 1);
+ index = Math.max(index, 0);
+ legendColor = formatterParams.legendColor[index];
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ legendColor = "#000";
+ }
+ element.style.minWidth = "30px";
+ element.style.position = "relative";
+ element.setAttribute("aria-label", percentValue);
+ var barEl = document.createElement("div");
+ barEl.style.display = "inline-block";
+ barEl.style.width = percentValue + "%";
+ barEl.style.backgroundColor = color;
+ barEl.style.height = "100%";
+ barEl.setAttribute('data-max', max);
+ barEl.setAttribute('data-min', min);
+ var barContainer = document.createElement("div");
+ barContainer.style.position = "relative";
+ barContainer.style.width = "100%";
+ barContainer.style.height = "100%";
+ if(legend){
+ var legendEl = document.createElement("div");
+ legendEl.style.position = "absolute";
+ legendEl.style.top = 0;
+ legendEl.style.left = 0;
+ legendEl.style.textAlign = legendAlign;
+ legendEl.style.width = "100%";
+ legendEl.style.color = legendColor;
+ legendEl.innerHTML = legend;
+ }
+ onRendered(function(){
+ //handle custom element needed if formatter is to be included in printed/downloaded output
+ if(!(cell instanceof CellComponent)){
+ var holderEl = document.createElement("div");
+ holderEl.style.position = "absolute";
+ holderEl.style.top = "4px";
+ holderEl.style.bottom = "4px";
+ holderEl.style.left = "4px";
+ holderEl.style.right = "4px";
+ element.appendChild(holderEl);
+ element = holderEl;
+ }
+ element.appendChild(barContainer);
+ barContainer.appendChild(barEl);
+ if(legend){
+ barContainer.appendChild(legendEl);
+ }
+ });
+ return "";
+function color(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ cell.getElement().style.backgroundColor = this.sanitizeHTML(cell.getValue());
+ return "";
+function buttonTick(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ return '<svg enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xml:space="preserve" ><path fill="#2DC214" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M21.652,3.211c-0.293-0.295-0.77-0.295-1.061,0L9.41,14.34 c-0.293,0.297-0.771,0.297-1.062,0L3.449,9.351C3.304,9.203,3.114,9.13,2.923,9.129C2.73,9.128,2.534,9.201,2.387,9.351 l-2.165,1.946C0.078,11.445,0,11.63,0,11.823c0,0.194,0.078,0.397,0.223,0.544l4.94,5.184c0.292,0.296,0.771,0.776,1.062,1.07 l2.124,2.141c0.292,0.293,0.769,0.293,1.062,0l14.366-14.34c0.293-0.294,0.293-0.777,0-1.071L21.652,3.211z" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg>';
+function buttonCross(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ return '<svg enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" height="14" width="14" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xml:space="preserve" ><path fill="#CE1515" d="M22.245,4.015c0.313,0.313,0.313,0.826,0,1.139l-6.276,6.27c-0.313,0.312-0.313,0.826,0,1.14l6.273,6.272 c0.313,0.313,0.313,0.826,0,1.14l-2.285,2.277c-0.314,0.312-0.828,0.312-1.142,0l-6.271-6.271c-0.313-0.313-0.828-0.313-1.141,0 l-6.276,6.267c-0.313,0.313-0.828,0.313-1.141,0l-2.282-2.28c-0.313-0.313-0.313-0.826,0-1.14l6.278-6.269 c0.313-0.312,0.313-0.826,0-1.14L1.709,5.147c-0.314-0.313-0.314-0.827,0-1.14l2.284-2.278C4.308,1.417,4.821,1.417,5.135,1.73 L11.405,8c0.314,0.314,0.828,0.314,1.141,0.001l6.276-6.267c0.312-0.312,0.826-0.312,1.141,0L22.245,4.015z"/></svg>';
+function rownum(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var content = document.createElement("span");
+ var row = cell.getRow();
+ row.watchPosition((position) => {
+ content.innerText = position;
+ });
+ return content;
+function handle(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ cell.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-row-handle");
+ return "<div class='tabulator-row-handle-box'><div class='tabulator-row-handle-bar'></div><div class='tabulator-row-handle-bar'></div><div class='tabulator-row-handle-bar'></div></div>";
+function responsiveCollapse(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var el = document.createElement("div"),
+ config = cell.getRow()._row.modules.responsiveLayout;
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-responsive-collapse-toggle");
+ el.innerHTML = `<svg class='tabulator-responsive-collapse-toggle-open' viewbox="0 0 24 24">
+ <line x1="7" y1="12" x2="17" y2="12" fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" />
+ <line y1="7" x1="12" y2="17" x2="12" fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" />
+<svg class='tabulator-responsive-collapse-toggle-close' viewbox="0 0 24 24">
+ <line x1="7" y1="12" x2="17" y2="12" fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" />
+ cell.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-row-handle");
+ function toggleList(isOpen){
+ var collapseEl = config.element;
+ config.open = isOpen;
+ if(collapseEl){
+ if(config.open){
+ el.classList.add("open");
+ collapseEl.style.display = '';
+ }else {
+ el.classList.remove("open");
+ collapseEl.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ el.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ toggleList(!config.open);
+ cell.getTable().rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ });
+ toggleList(config.open);
+ return el;
+function rowSelection(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
+ var checkbox = document.createElement("input");
+ var blocked = false;
+ checkbox.type = 'checkbox';
+ checkbox.setAttribute("aria-label", "Select Row");
+ if(this.table.modExists("selectRow", true)){
+ checkbox.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ if(typeof cell.getRow == 'function'){
+ var row = cell.getRow();
+ if(row instanceof RowComponent){
+ checkbox.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ if(this.table.options.selectableRangeMode === "click"){
+ if(!blocked){
+ row.toggleSelect();
+ }else {
+ blocked = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ row.toggleSelect();
+ }
+ });
+ if(this.table.options.selectableRangeMode === "click"){
+ checkbox.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ blocked = true;
+ this.table.modules.selectRow.handleComplexRowClick(row._row, e);
+ });
+ }
+ checkbox.checked = row.isSelected && row.isSelected();
+ this.table.modules.selectRow.registerRowSelectCheckbox(row, checkbox);
+ }else {
+ checkbox = "";
+ }
+ }else {
+ checkbox.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ if(this.table.modules.selectRow.selectedRows.length){
+ this.table.deselectRow();
+ }else {
+ this.table.selectRow(formatterParams.rowRange);
+ }
+ });
+ this.table.modules.selectRow.registerHeaderSelectCheckbox(checkbox);
+ }
+ }
+ return checkbox;
+var defaultFormatters = {
+ plaintext:plaintext,
+ html:html$1,
+ textarea:textarea$1,
+ money:money,
+ link:link,
+ image:image,
+ tickCross:tickCross$1,
+ datetime:datetime$1,
+ datetimediff:datetimediff,
+ lookup:lookup,
+ star:star$1,
+ traffic:traffic,
+ progress:progress$1,
+ color:color,
+ buttonTick:buttonTick,
+ buttonCross:buttonCross,
+ rownum:rownum,
+ handle:handle,
+ responsiveCollapse:responsiveCollapse,
+ rowSelection:rowSelection,
+class Format extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatterParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatterPrint");
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatterPrintParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatterClipboard");
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatterClipboardParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatterHtmlOutput");
+ this.registerColumnOption("formatterHtmlOutputParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("titleFormatter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("titleFormatterParams");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("cell-format", this.formatValue.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-rendered", this.cellRendered.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-layout", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-format", this.formatHeader.bind(this));
+ }
+ //initialize column formatter
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ column.modules.format = this.lookupFormatter(column, "");
+ if(typeof column.definition.formatterPrint !== "undefined"){
+ column.modules.format.print = this.lookupFormatter(column, "Print");
+ }
+ if(typeof column.definition.formatterClipboard !== "undefined"){
+ column.modules.format.clipboard = this.lookupFormatter(column, "Clipboard");
+ }
+ if(typeof column.definition.formatterHtmlOutput !== "undefined"){
+ column.modules.format.htmlOutput = this.lookupFormatter(column, "HtmlOutput");
+ }
+ }
+ lookupFormatter(column, type){
+ var config = {params:column.definition["formatter" + type + "Params"] || {}},
+ formatter = column.definition["formatter" + type];
+ //set column formatter
+ switch(typeof formatter){
+ case "string":
+ if(Format.formatters[formatter]){
+ config.formatter = Format.formatters[formatter];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Formatter Error - No such formatter found: ", formatter);
+ config.formatter = Format.formatters.plaintext;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ config.formatter = formatter;
+ break;
+ default:
+ config.formatter = Format.formatters.plaintext;
+ break;
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ cellRendered(cell){
+ if(cell.modules.format && cell.modules.format.renderedCallback && !cell.modules.format.rendered){
+ cell.modules.format.renderedCallback();
+ cell.modules.format.rendered = true;
+ }
+ }
+ //return a formatted value for a column header
+ formatHeader(column, title, el){
+ var formatter, params, onRendered, mockCell;
+ if(column.definition.titleFormatter){
+ formatter = this.getFormatter(column.definition.titleFormatter);
+ onRendered = (callback) => {
+ column.titleFormatterRendered = callback;
+ };
+ mockCell = {
+ getValue:function(){
+ return title;
+ },
+ getElement:function(){
+ return el;
+ },
+ getColumn:function(){
+ return column.getComponent();
+ },
+ getTable:() => {
+ return this.table;
+ }
+ };
+ params = column.definition.titleFormatterParams || {};
+ params = typeof params === "function" ? params() : params;
+ return formatter.call(this, mockCell, params, onRendered);
+ }else {
+ return title;
+ }
+ }
+ //return a formatted value for a cell
+ formatValue(cell){
+ var component = cell.getComponent(),
+ params = typeof cell.column.modules.format.params === "function" ? cell.column.modules.format.params(component) : cell.column.modules.format.params;
+ function onRendered(callback){
+ if(!cell.modules.format){
+ cell.modules.format = {};
+ }
+ cell.modules.format.renderedCallback = callback;
+ cell.modules.format.rendered = false;
+ }
+ return cell.column.modules.format.formatter.call(this, component, params, onRendered);
+ }
+ formatExportValue(cell, type){
+ var formatter = cell.column.modules.format[type],
+ params;
+ if(formatter){
+ params = typeof formatter.params === "function" ? formatter.params(cell.getComponent()) : formatter.params;
+ function onRendered(callback){
+ if(!cell.modules.format){
+ cell.modules.format = {};
+ }
+ cell.modules.format.renderedCallback = callback;
+ cell.modules.format.rendered = false;
+ }
+ return formatter.formatter.call(this, cell.getComponent(), params, onRendered);
+ }else {
+ return this.formatValue(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ sanitizeHTML(value){
+ if(value){
+ var entityMap = {
+ '&': '&amp;',
+ '<': '&lt;',
+ '>': '&gt;',
+ '"': '&quot;',
+ "'": '&#39;',
+ '/': '&#x2F;',
+ '`': '&#x60;',
+ '=': '&#x3D;'
+ };
+ return String(value).replace(/[&<>"'`=/]/g, function (s) {
+ return entityMap[s];
+ });
+ }else {
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ emptyToSpace(value){
+ return value === null || typeof value === "undefined" || value === "" ? "&nbsp;" : value;
+ }
+ //get formatter for cell
+ getFormatter(formatter){
+ switch(typeof formatter){
+ case "string":
+ if(Format.formatters[formatter]){
+ formatter = Format.formatters[formatter];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Formatter Error - No such formatter found: ", formatter);
+ formatter = Format.formatters.plaintext;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ //Custom formatter Function, do nothing
+ break;
+ default:
+ formatter = Format.formatters.plaintext;
+ break;
+ }
+ return formatter;
+ }
+Format.moduleName = "format";
+//load defaults
+Format.formatters = defaultFormatters;
+class FrozenColumns extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.leftColumns = [];
+ this.rightColumns = [];
+ this.initializationMode = "left";
+ this.active = false;
+ this.blocked = true;
+ this.registerColumnOption("frozen");
+ }
+ //reset initial state
+ reset(){
+ this.initializationMode = "left";
+ this.leftColumns = [];
+ this.rightColumns = [];
+ this.active = false;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("cell-layout", this.layoutCell.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-width", this.layout.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-layout-after", this.layoutRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-layout", this.layout.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("columns-loading", this.reset.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-add", this.reinitializeColumns.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-delete", this.reinitializeColumns.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-redraw", this.layout.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("layout-refreshing", this.blockLayout.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("layout-refreshed", this.unblockLayout.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("scrollbar-vertical", this.adjustForScrollbar.bind(this));
+ }
+ blockLayout(){
+ this.blocked = true;
+ }
+ unblockLayout(){
+ this.blocked = false;
+ }
+ layoutCell(cell){
+ this.layoutElement(cell.element, cell.column);
+ }
+ reinitializeColumns(){
+ this.reset();
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ this.initializeColumn(column);
+ });
+ }
+ //initialize specific column
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var config = {margin:0, edge:false};
+ if(!column.isGroup){
+ if(this.frozenCheck(column)){
+ config.position = this.initializationMode;
+ if(this.initializationMode == "left"){
+ this.leftColumns.push(column);
+ }else {
+ this.rightColumns.unshift(column);
+ }
+ this.active = true;
+ column.modules.frozen = config;
+ }else {
+ this.initializationMode = "right";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ frozenCheck(column){
+ if(column.parent.isGroup && column.definition.frozen){
+ console.warn("Frozen Column Error - Parent column group must be frozen, not individual columns or sub column groups");
+ }
+ if(column.parent.isGroup){
+ return this.frozenCheck(column.parent);
+ }else {
+ return column.definition.frozen;
+ }
+ }
+ //layout calculation rows
+ layoutCalcRows(){
+ if(this.table.modExists("columnCalcs")){
+ if(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.topInitialized && this.table.modules.columnCalcs.topRow){
+ this.layoutRow(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.topRow);
+ }
+ if(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.botInitialized && this.table.modules.columnCalcs.botRow){
+ this.layoutRow(this.table.modules.columnCalcs.botRow);
+ }
+ if(this.table.modExists("groupRows")){
+ this.layoutGroupCalcs(this.table.modules.groupRows.getGroups());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ layoutGroupCalcs(groups){
+ groups.forEach((group) => {
+ if(group.calcs.top){
+ this.layoutRow(group.calcs.top);
+ }
+ if(group.calcs.bottom){
+ this.layoutRow(group.calcs.bottom);
+ }
+ if(group.groupList && group.groupList.length){
+ this.layoutGroupCalcs(group.groupList);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //calculate column positions and layout headers
+ layoutColumnPosition(allCells){
+ var leftParents = [];
+ var leftMargin = 0;
+ var rightMargin = 0;
+ this.leftColumns.forEach((column, i) => {
+ column.modules.frozen.marginValue = leftMargin;
+ column.modules.frozen.margin = column.modules.frozen.marginValue + "px";
+ if(column.visible){
+ leftMargin += column.getWidth();
+ }
+ if(i == this.leftColumns.length - 1){
+ column.modules.frozen.edge = true;
+ }else {
+ column.modules.frozen.edge = false;
+ }
+ if(column.parent.isGroup){
+ var parentEl = this.getColGroupParentElement(column);
+ if(!leftParents.includes(parentEl)){
+ this.layoutElement(parentEl, column);
+ leftParents.push(parentEl);
+ }
+ if(column.modules.frozen.edge){
+ parentEl.classList.add("tabulator-frozen-" + column.modules.frozen.position);
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.layoutElement(column.getElement(), column);
+ }
+ if(allCells){
+ column.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ this.layoutElement(cell.getElement(true), column);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ this.rightColumns.forEach((column, i) => {
+ column.modules.frozen.marginValue = rightMargin;
+ column.modules.frozen.margin = column.modules.frozen.marginValue + "px";
+ if(column.visible){
+ rightMargin += column.getWidth();
+ }
+ if(i == this.rightColumns.length - 1){
+ column.modules.frozen.edge = true;
+ }else {
+ column.modules.frozen.edge = false;
+ }
+ if(column.parent.isGroup){
+ this.layoutElement(this.getColGroupParentElement(column), column);
+ }else {
+ this.layoutElement(column.getElement(), column);
+ }
+ if(allCells){
+ column.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ this.layoutElement(cell.getElement(true), column);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ getColGroupParentElement(column){
+ return column.parent.isGroup ? this.getColGroupParentElement(column.parent) : column.getElement();
+ }
+ //layout columns appropriately
+ layout(){
+ if(this.active && !this.blocked){
+ //calculate left columns
+ this.layoutColumnPosition();
+ this.reinitializeRows();
+ this.layoutCalcRows();
+ }
+ }
+ reinitializeRows(){
+ var visibleRows = this.table.rowManager.getVisibleRows(true);
+ var otherRows = this.table.rowManager.getRows().filter(row => !visibleRows.includes(row));
+ otherRows.forEach((row) =>{
+ row.deinitialize();
+ });
+ visibleRows.forEach((row) =>{
+ if(row.type === "row"){
+ this.layoutRow(row);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ layoutRow(row){
+ if(this.table.options.layout === "fitDataFill" && this.rightColumns.length){
+ this.table.rowManager.getTableElement().style.minWidth = "calc(100% - " + this.rightMargin + ")";
+ }
+ this.leftColumns.forEach((column) => {
+ var cell = row.getCell(column);
+ if(cell){
+ this.layoutElement(cell.getElement(true), column);
+ }
+ });
+ this.rightColumns.forEach((column) => {
+ var cell = row.getCell(column);
+ if(cell){
+ this.layoutElement(cell.getElement(true), column);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ layoutElement(element, column){
+ var position;
+ if(column.modules.frozen){
+ element.style.position = "sticky";
+ if(this.table.rtl){
+ position = column.modules.frozen.position === "left" ? "right" : "left";
+ }else {
+ position = column.modules.frozen.position;
+ }
+ element.style[position] = column.modules.frozen.margin;
+ element.classList.add("tabulator-frozen");
+ if(column.modules.frozen.edge){
+ element.classList.add("tabulator-frozen-" + column.modules.frozen.position);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ adjustForScrollbar(width){
+ if(this.rightColumns.length){
+ this.table.columnManager.getContentsElement().style.width = "calc(100% - " + width + "px)";
+ }
+ }
+ _calcSpace(columns, index){
+ var width = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i < index; i++){
+ if(columns[i].visible){
+ width += columns[i].getWidth();
+ }
+ }
+ return width;
+ }
+FrozenColumns.moduleName = "frozenColumns";
+class FrozenRows extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.topElement = document.createElement("div");
+ this.rows = [];
+ //register component functions
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "freeze", this.freezeRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "unfreeze", this.unfreezeRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "isFrozen", this.isRowFrozen.bind(this));
+ //register table options
+ this.registerTableOption("frozenRowsField", "id"); //field to choose frozen rows by
+ this.registerTableOption("frozenRows", false); //holder for frozen row identifiers
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.rows = [];
+ this.topElement.classList.add("tabulator-frozen-rows-holder");
+ // this.table.columnManager.element.append(this.topElement);
+ this.table.columnManager.getContentsElement().insertBefore(this.topElement, this.table.columnManager.headersElement.nextSibling);
+ this.subscribe("row-deleting", this.detachRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-visible", this.visibleRows.bind(this));
+ this.registerDisplayHandler(this.getRows.bind(this), 10);
+ if(this.table.options.frozenRows){
+ this.subscribe("data-processed", this.initializeRows.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-added", this.initializeRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-redrawing", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-resized", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-show", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-hide", this.resizeHolderWidth.bind(this));
+ }
+ this.resizeHolderWidth();
+ }
+ resizeHolderWidth(){
+ this.topElement.style.minWidth = this.table.columnManager.headersElement.offsetWidth + "px";
+ }
+ initializeRows(){
+ this.table.rowManager.getRows().forEach((row) => {
+ this.initializeRow(row);
+ });
+ }
+ initializeRow(row){
+ var frozenRows = this.table.options.frozenRows,
+ rowType = typeof frozenRows;
+ if(rowType === "number"){
+ if(row.getPosition() && (row.getPosition() + this.rows.length) <= frozenRows){
+ this.freezeRow(row);
+ }
+ }else if(rowType === "function"){
+ if(frozenRows.call(this.table, row.getComponent())){
+ this.freezeRow(row);
+ }
+ }else if(Array.isArray(frozenRows)){
+ if(frozenRows.includes(row.data[this.options("frozenRowsField")])){
+ this.freezeRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ isRowFrozen(row){
+ var index = this.rows.indexOf(row);
+ return index > -1;
+ }
+ isFrozen(){
+ return !!this.rows.length;
+ }
+ visibleRows(viewable, rows){
+ this.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ rows.push(row);
+ });
+ return rows;
+ }
+ //filter frozen rows out of display data
+ getRows(rows){
+ var output = rows.slice(0);
+ this.rows.forEach(function(row){
+ var index = output.indexOf(row);
+ if(index > -1){
+ output.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ freezeRow(row){
+ if(!row.modules.frozen){
+ row.modules.frozen = true;
+ this.topElement.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ row.initialize();
+ row.normalizeHeight();
+ this.rows.push(row);
+ this.refreshData(false, "display");
+ this.table.rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ this.styleRows();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Freeze Error - Row is already frozen");
+ }
+ }
+ unfreezeRow(row){
+ if(row.modules.frozen){
+ row.modules.frozen = false;
+ this.detachRow(row);
+ this.table.rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ this.refreshData(false, "display");
+ if(this.rows.length){
+ this.styleRows();
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Freeze Error - Row is already unfrozen");
+ }
+ }
+ detachRow(row){
+ var index = this.rows.indexOf(row);
+ if(index > -1){
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ if(rowEl.parentNode){
+ rowEl.parentNode.removeChild(rowEl);
+ }
+ this.rows.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ styleRows(row){
+ this.rows.forEach((row, i) => {
+ this.table.rowManager.styleRow(row, i);
+ });
+ }
+FrozenRows.moduleName = "frozenRows";
+//public group object
+class GroupComponent {
+ constructor (group){
+ this._group = group;
+ this.type = "GroupComponent";
+ return new Proxy(this, {
+ get: function(target, name, receiver) {
+ if (typeof target[name] !== "undefined") {
+ return target[name];
+ }else {
+ return target._group.groupManager.table.componentFunctionBinder.handle("group", target._group, name);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ getKey(){
+ return this._group.key;
+ }
+ getField(){
+ return this._group.field;
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ return this._group.element;
+ }
+ getRows(){
+ return this._group.getRows(true);
+ }
+ getSubGroups(){
+ return this._group.getSubGroups(true);
+ }
+ getParentGroup(){
+ return this._group.parent ? this._group.parent.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ isVisible(){
+ return this._group.visible;
+ }
+ show(){
+ this._group.show();
+ }
+ hide(){
+ this._group.hide();
+ }
+ toggle(){
+ this._group.toggleVisibility();
+ }
+ _getSelf(){
+ return this._group;
+ }
+ getTable(){
+ return this._group.groupManager.table;
+ }
+//Group functions
+class Group{
+ constructor(groupManager, parent, level, key, field, generator, oldGroup){
+ this.groupManager = groupManager;
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.key = key;
+ this.level = level;
+ this.field = field;
+ this.hasSubGroups = level < (groupManager.groupIDLookups.length - 1);
+ this.addRow = this.hasSubGroups ? this._addRowToGroup : this._addRow;
+ this.type = "group"; //type of element
+ this.old = oldGroup;
+ this.rows = [];
+ this.groups = [];
+ this.groupList = [];
+ this.generator = generator;
+ this.element = false;
+ this.elementContents = false;
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.outerHeight = 0;
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.calcs = {};
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.modules = {};
+ this.arrowElement = false;
+ this.visible = oldGroup ? oldGroup.visible : (typeof groupManager.startOpen[level] !== "undefined" ? groupManager.startOpen[level] : groupManager.startOpen[0]);
+ this.component = null;
+ this.createElements();
+ this.addBindings();
+ this.createValueGroups();
+ }
+ wipe(elementsOnly){
+ if(!elementsOnly){
+ if(this.groupList.length){
+ this.groupList.forEach(function(group){
+ group.wipe();
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.modules){
+ delete row.modules.group;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this.element = false;
+ this.arrowElement = false;
+ this.elementContents = false;
+ }
+ createElements(){
+ var arrow = document.createElement("div");
+ arrow.classList.add("tabulator-arrow");
+ this.element = document.createElement("div");
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-row");
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-group");
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-group-level-" + this.level);
+ this.element.setAttribute("role", "rowgroup");
+ this.arrowElement = document.createElement("div");
+ this.arrowElement.classList.add("tabulator-group-toggle");
+ this.arrowElement.appendChild(arrow);
+ //setup movable rows
+ if(this.groupManager.table.options.movableRows !== false && this.groupManager.table.modExists("moveRow")){
+ this.groupManager.table.modules.moveRow.initializeGroupHeader(this);
+ }
+ }
+ createValueGroups(){
+ var level = this.level + 1;
+ if(this.groupManager.allowedValues && this.groupManager.allowedValues[level]){
+ this.groupManager.allowedValues[level].forEach((value) => {
+ this._createGroup(value, level);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ addBindings(){
+ var toggleElement;
+ if(this.groupManager.table.options.groupToggleElement){
+ toggleElement = this.groupManager.table.options.groupToggleElement == "arrow" ? this.arrowElement : this.element;
+ toggleElement.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ this.toggleVisibility();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _createGroup(groupID, level){
+ var groupKey = level + "_" + groupID;
+ var group = new Group(this.groupManager, this, level, groupID, this.groupManager.groupIDLookups[level].field, this.groupManager.headerGenerator[level] || this.groupManager.headerGenerator[0], this.old ? this.old.groups[groupKey] : false);
+ this.groups[groupKey] = group;
+ this.groupList.push(group);
+ }
+ _addRowToGroup(row){
+ var level = this.level + 1;
+ if(this.hasSubGroups){
+ var groupID = this.groupManager.groupIDLookups[level].func(row.getData()),
+ groupKey = level + "_" + groupID;
+ if(this.groupManager.allowedValues && this.groupManager.allowedValues[level]){
+ if(this.groups[groupKey]){
+ this.groups[groupKey].addRow(row);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(!this.groups[groupKey]){
+ this._createGroup(groupID, level);
+ }
+ this.groups[groupKey].addRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _addRow(row){
+ this.rows.push(row);
+ row.modules.group = this;
+ }
+ insertRow(row, to, after){
+ var data = this.conformRowData({});
+ row.updateData(data);
+ var toIndex = this.rows.indexOf(to);
+ if(toIndex > -1){
+ if(after){
+ this.rows.splice(toIndex+1, 0, row);
+ }else {
+ this.rows.splice(toIndex, 0, row);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(after){
+ this.rows.push(row);
+ }else {
+ this.rows.unshift(row);
+ }
+ }
+ row.modules.group = this;
+ // this.generateGroupHeaderContents();
+ if(this.groupManager.table.modExists("columnCalcs") && this.groupManager.table.options.columnCalcs != "table"){
+ this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.recalcGroup(this);
+ }
+ this.groupManager.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }
+ scrollHeader(left){
+ if(this.arrowElement){
+ this.arrowElement.style.marginLeft = left;
+ this.groupList.forEach(function(child){
+ child.scrollHeader(left);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ getRowIndex(row){}
+ //update row data to match grouping constraints
+ conformRowData(data){
+ if(this.field){
+ data[this.field] = this.key;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Data Conforming Error - Cannot conform row data to match new group as groupBy is a function");
+ }
+ if(this.parent){
+ data = this.parent.conformRowData(data);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ removeRow(row){
+ var index = this.rows.indexOf(row);
+ var el = row.getElement();
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.rows.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ if(!this.groupManager.table.options.groupValues && !this.rows.length){
+ if(this.parent){
+ this.parent.removeGroup(this);
+ }else {
+ this.groupManager.removeGroup(this);
+ }
+ this.groupManager.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }else {
+ if(el.parentNode){
+ el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
+ }
+ if(!this.groupManager.blockRedraw){
+ this.generateGroupHeaderContents();
+ if(this.groupManager.table.modExists("columnCalcs") && this.groupManager.table.options.columnCalcs != "table"){
+ this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.recalcGroup(this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ removeGroup(group){
+ var groupKey = group.level + "_" + group.key,
+ index;
+ if(this.groups[groupKey]){
+ delete this.groups[groupKey];
+ index = this.groupList.indexOf(group);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.groupList.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ if(!this.groupList.length){
+ if(this.parent){
+ this.parent.removeGroup(this);
+ }else {
+ this.groupManager.removeGroup(this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getHeadersAndRows(){
+ var output = [];
+ output.push(this);
+ this._visSet();
+ if(this.calcs.top){
+ this.calcs.top.detachElement();
+ this.calcs.top.deleteCells();
+ }
+ if(this.calcs.bottom){
+ this.calcs.bottom.detachElement();
+ this.calcs.bottom.deleteCells();
+ }
+ if(this.visible){
+ if(this.groupList.length){
+ this.groupList.forEach(function(group){
+ output = output.concat(group.getHeadersAndRows());
+ });
+ }else {
+ if(this.groupManager.table.options.columnCalcs != "table" && this.groupManager.table.modExists("columnCalcs") && this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.hasTopCalcs()){
+ this.calcs.top = this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.generateTopRow(this.rows);
+ output.push(this.calcs.top);
+ }
+ output = output.concat(this.rows);
+ if(this.groupManager.table.options.columnCalcs != "table" && this.groupManager.table.modExists("columnCalcs") && this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.hasBottomCalcs()){
+ this.calcs.bottom = this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.generateBottomRow(this.rows);
+ output.push(this.calcs.bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(!this.groupList.length && this.groupManager.table.options.columnCalcs != "table"){
+ if(this.groupManager.table.modExists("columnCalcs")){
+ if(this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.hasTopCalcs()){
+ if(this.groupManager.table.options.groupClosedShowCalcs){
+ this.calcs.top = this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.generateTopRow(this.rows);
+ output.push(this.calcs.top);
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.hasBottomCalcs()){
+ if(this.groupManager.table.options.groupClosedShowCalcs){
+ this.calcs.bottom = this.groupManager.table.modules.columnCalcs.generateBottomRow(this.rows);
+ output.push(this.calcs.bottom);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ getData(visible, transform){
+ var output = [];
+ this._visSet();
+ if(!visible || (visible && this.visible)){
+ this.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ output.push(row.getData(transform || "data"));
+ });
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ getRowCount(){
+ var count = 0;
+ if(this.groupList.length){
+ this.groupList.forEach((group) => {
+ count += group.getRowCount();
+ });
+ }else {
+ count = this.rows.length;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ toggleVisibility(){
+ if(this.visible){
+ this.hide();
+ }else {
+ this.show();
+ }
+ }
+ hide(){
+ this.visible = false;
+ if(this.groupManager.table.rowManager.getRenderMode() == "basic" && !this.groupManager.table.options.pagination){
+ this.element.classList.remove("tabulator-group-visible");
+ if(this.groupList.length){
+ this.groupList.forEach((group) => {
+ var rows = group.getHeadersAndRows();
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ row.detachElement();
+ });
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ rowEl.parentNode.removeChild(rowEl);
+ });
+ }
+ this.groupManager.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }else {
+ this.groupManager.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }
+ this.groupManager.table.externalEvents.dispatch("groupVisibilityChanged", this.getComponent(), false);
+ }
+ show(){
+ this.visible = true;
+ if(this.groupManager.table.rowManager.getRenderMode() == "basic" && !this.groupManager.table.options.pagination){
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-group-visible");
+ var prev = this.generateElement();
+ if(this.groupList.length){
+ this.groupList.forEach((group) => {
+ var rows = group.getHeadersAndRows();
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ prev.parentNode.insertBefore(rowEl, prev.nextSibling);
+ row.initialize();
+ prev = rowEl;
+ });
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ prev.parentNode.insertBefore(rowEl, prev.nextSibling);
+ row.initialize();
+ prev = rowEl;
+ });
+ }
+ this.groupManager.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }else {
+ this.groupManager.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }
+ this.groupManager.table.externalEvents.dispatch("groupVisibilityChanged", this.getComponent(), true);
+ }
+ _visSet(){
+ var data = [];
+ if(typeof this.visible == "function"){
+ this.rows.forEach(function(row){
+ data.push(row.getData());
+ });
+ this.visible = this.visible(this.key, this.getRowCount(), data, this.getComponent());
+ }
+ }
+ getRowGroup(row){
+ var match = false;
+ if(this.groupList.length){
+ this.groupList.forEach(function(group){
+ var result = group.getRowGroup(row);
+ if(result){
+ match = result;
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ if(this.rows.find(function(item){
+ return item === row;
+ })){
+ match = this;
+ }
+ }
+ return match;
+ }
+ getSubGroups(component){
+ var output = [];
+ this.groupList.forEach(function(child){
+ output.push(component ? child.getComponent() : child);
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ getRows(component){
+ var output = [];
+ this.rows.forEach(function(row){
+ output.push(component ? row.getComponent() : row);
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ generateGroupHeaderContents(){
+ var data = [];
+ this.rows.forEach(function(row){
+ data.push(row.getData());
+ });
+ this.elementContents = this.generator(this.key, this.getRowCount(), data, this.getComponent());
+ while(this.element.firstChild) this.element.removeChild(this.element.firstChild);
+ if(typeof this.elementContents === "string"){
+ this.element.innerHTML = this.elementContents;
+ }else {
+ this.element.appendChild(this.elementContents);
+ }
+ this.element.insertBefore(this.arrowElement, this.element.firstChild);
+ }
+ getPath(path = []) {
+ path.unshift(this.key);
+ if(this.parent) {
+ this.parent.getPath(path);
+ }
+ return path;
+ }
+ ////////////// Standard Row Functions //////////////
+ getElement(){
+ return this.elementContents ? this.element : this.generateElement();
+ }
+ generateElement(){
+ this.addBindings = false;
+ this._visSet();
+ if(this.visible){
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-group-visible");
+ }else {
+ this.element.classList.remove("tabulator-group-visible");
+ }
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.element.childNodes.length; ++i){
+ this.element.childNodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(this.element.childNodes[i]);
+ }
+ this.generateGroupHeaderContents();
+ // this.addBindings();
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ detachElement(){
+ if (this.element && this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ }
+ //normalize the height of elements in the row
+ normalizeHeight(){
+ this.setHeight(this.element.clientHeight);
+ }
+ initialize(force){
+ if(!this.initialized || force){
+ this.normalizeHeight();
+ this.initialized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ reinitialize(){
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.height = 0;
+ if(Helpers.elVisible(this.element)){
+ this.initialize(true);
+ }
+ }
+ setHeight(height){
+ if(this.height != height){
+ this.height = height;
+ this.outerHeight = this.element.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ //return rows outer height
+ getHeight(){
+ return this.outerHeight;
+ }
+ getGroup(){
+ return this;
+ }
+ reinitializeHeight(){}
+ calcHeight(){}
+ setCellHeight(){}
+ clearCellHeight(){}
+ deinitializeHeight(){}
+ //////////////// Object Generation /////////////////
+ getComponent(){
+ if(!this.component){
+ this.component = new GroupComponent(this);
+ }
+ return this.component;
+ }
+class GroupRows extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.groupIDLookups = false; //enable table grouping and set field to group by
+ this.startOpen = [function(){return false;}]; //starting state of group
+ this.headerGenerator = [function(){return "";}];
+ this.groupList = []; //ordered list of groups
+ this.allowedValues = false;
+ this.groups = {}; //hold row groups
+ this.displayHandler = this.getRows.bind(this);
+ this.blockRedraw = false;
+ //register table options
+ this.registerTableOption("groupBy", false); //enable table grouping and set field to group by
+ this.registerTableOption("groupStartOpen", true); //starting state of group
+ this.registerTableOption("groupValues", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupUpdateOnCellEdit", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupHeader", false); //header generation function
+ this.registerTableOption("groupHeaderPrint", null);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupHeaderClipboard", null);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupHeaderHtmlOutput", null);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupHeaderDownload", null);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupToggleElement", "arrow");
+ this.registerTableOption("groupClosedShowCalcs", false);
+ //register table functions
+ this.registerTableFunction("setGroupBy", this.setGroupBy.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setGroupValues", this.setGroupValues.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setGroupStartOpen", this.setGroupStartOpen.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setGroupHeader", this.setGroupHeader.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getGroups", this.userGetGroups.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getGroupedData", this.userGetGroupedData.bind(this));
+ //register component functions
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "getGroup", this.rowGetGroup.bind(this));
+ }
+ //initialize group configuration
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("table-destroy", this._blockRedrawing.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-wipe", this._blockRedrawing.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-wiped", this._restore_redrawing.bind(this));
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ if(this.table.options.groupUpdateOnCellEdit){
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-updated", this.cellUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-data-changed", this.reassignRowToGroup.bind(this), 0);
+ }
+ this.subscribe("table-built", this.configureGroupSetup.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-deleting", this.rowDeleting.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-deleted", this.rowsUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("scroll-horizontal", this.scrollHeaders.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-wipe", this.wipe.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-added", this.rowsUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-moving", this.rowMoving.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-adding-index", this.rowAddingIndex.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-sample", this.rowSample.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("render-virtual-fill", this.virtualRenderFill.bind(this));
+ this.registerDisplayHandler(this.displayHandler, 20);
+ this.initialized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ _blockRedrawing(){
+ this.blockRedraw = true;
+ }
+ _restore_redrawing(){
+ this.blockRedraw = false;
+ }
+ configureGroupSetup(){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ var groupBy = this.table.options.groupBy,
+ startOpen = this.table.options.groupStartOpen,
+ groupHeader = this.table.options.groupHeader;
+ this.allowedValues = this.table.options.groupValues;
+ if(Array.isArray(groupBy) && Array.isArray(groupHeader) && groupBy.length > groupHeader.length){
+ console.warn("Error creating group headers, groupHeader array is shorter than groupBy array");
+ }
+ this.headerGenerator = [function(){return "";}];
+ this.startOpen = [function(){return false;}]; //starting state of group
+ this.langBind("groups|item", (langValue, lang) => {
+ this.headerGenerator[0] = (value, count, data) => { //header layout function
+ return (typeof value === "undefined" ? "" : value) + "<span>(" + count + " " + ((count === 1) ? langValue : lang.groups.items) + ")</span>";
+ };
+ });
+ this.groupIDLookups = [];
+ if(groupBy){
+ if(this.table.modExists("columnCalcs") && this.table.options.columnCalcs != "table" && this.table.options.columnCalcs != "both"){
+ this.table.modules.columnCalcs.removeCalcs();
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.table.modExists("columnCalcs") && this.table.options.columnCalcs != "group"){
+ var cols = this.table.columnManager.getRealColumns();
+ cols.forEach((col) => {
+ if(col.definition.topCalc){
+ this.table.modules.columnCalcs.initializeTopRow();
+ }
+ if(col.definition.bottomCalc){
+ this.table.modules.columnCalcs.initializeBottomRow();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if(!Array.isArray(groupBy)){
+ groupBy = [groupBy];
+ }
+ groupBy.forEach((group, i) => {
+ var lookupFunc, column;
+ if(typeof group == "function"){
+ lookupFunc = group;
+ }else {
+ column = this.table.columnManager.getColumnByField(group);
+ if(column){
+ lookupFunc = function(data){
+ return column.getFieldValue(data);
+ };
+ }else {
+ lookupFunc = function(data){
+ return data[group];
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ this.groupIDLookups.push({
+ field: typeof group === "function" ? false : group,
+ func:lookupFunc,
+ values:this.allowedValues ? this.allowedValues[i] : false,
+ });
+ });
+ if(startOpen){
+ if(!Array.isArray(startOpen)){
+ startOpen = [startOpen];
+ }
+ startOpen.forEach((level) => {
+ });
+ this.startOpen = startOpen;
+ }
+ if(groupHeader){
+ this.headerGenerator = Array.isArray(groupHeader) ? groupHeader : [groupHeader];
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.groupList = [];
+ this.groups = {};
+ }
+ }
+ rowSample(rows, prevValue){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ var group = this.getGroups(false)[0];
+ prevValue.push(group.getRows(false)[0]);
+ }
+ return prevValue;
+ }
+ virtualRenderFill(){
+ var el = this.table.rowManager.tableElement;
+ var rows = this.table.rowManager.getVisibleRows();
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ rows = rows.filter((row) => {
+ return row.type !== "group";
+ });
+ el.style.minWidth = !rows.length ? this.table.columnManager.getWidth() + "px" : "";
+ }else {
+ return rows;
+ }
+ }
+ rowAddingIndex(row, index, top){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ this.assignRowToGroup(row);
+ var groupRows = row.modules.group.rows;
+ if(groupRows.length > 1){
+ if(!index || (index && groupRows.indexOf(index) == -1)){
+ if(top){
+ if(groupRows[0] !== row){
+ index = groupRows[0];
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRowInArray(row.modules.group.rows, row, index, !top);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(groupRows[groupRows.length -1] !== row){
+ index = groupRows[groupRows.length -1];
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRowInArray(row.modules.group.rows, row, index, !top);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRowInArray(row.modules.group.rows, row, index, !top);
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ }
+ trackChanges(){
+ this.dispatch("group-changed");
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ setGroupBy(groups){
+ this.table.options.groupBy = groups;
+ if(!this.initialized){
+ this.initialize();
+ }
+ this.configureGroupSetup();
+ if(!groups && this.table.modExists("columnCalcs") && this.table.options.columnCalcs === true){
+ this.table.modules.columnCalcs.reinitializeCalcs();
+ }
+ this.refreshData();
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ setGroupValues(groupValues){
+ this.table.options.groupValues = groupValues;
+ this.configureGroupSetup();
+ this.refreshData();
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ setGroupStartOpen(values){
+ this.table.options.groupStartOpen = values;
+ this.configureGroupSetup();
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ this.refreshData();
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Grouping Update - cant refresh view, no groups have been set");
+ }
+ }
+ setGroupHeader(values){
+ this.table.options.groupHeader = values;
+ this.configureGroupSetup();
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ this.refreshData();
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Grouping Update - cant refresh view, no groups have been set");
+ }
+ }
+ userGetGroups(values){
+ return this.getGroups(true);
+ }
+ // get grouped table data in the same format as getData()
+ userGetGroupedData(){
+ return this.table.options.groupBy ? this.getGroupedData() : this.getData();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Component Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ rowGetGroup(row){
+ return row.modules.group ? row.modules.group.getComponent() : false;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ rowMoving(from, to, after){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ if(!after && to instanceof Group){
+ to = this.table.rowManager.prevDisplayRow(from) || to;
+ }
+ var toGroup = to instanceof Group ? to : to.modules.group;
+ var fromGroup = from instanceof Group ? from : from.modules.group;
+ if(toGroup === fromGroup){
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRowInArray(toGroup.rows, from, to, after);
+ }else {
+ if(fromGroup){
+ fromGroup.removeRow(from);
+ }
+ toGroup.insertRow(from, to, after);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rowDeleting(row){
+ //remove from group
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy && row.modules.group){
+ row.modules.group.removeRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ rowsUpdated(row){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ this.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }
+ }
+ cellUpdated(cell){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ this.reassignRowToGroup(cell.row);
+ }
+ }
+ //return appropriate rows with group headers
+ getRows(rows){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy && this.groupIDLookups.length){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataGrouping");
+ this.generateGroups(rows);
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataGrouped")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataGrouped", this.getGroups(true));
+ }
+ return this.updateGroupRows();
+ }else {
+ return rows.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ getGroups(component){
+ var groupComponents = [];
+ this.groupList.forEach(function(group){
+ groupComponents.push(component ? group.getComponent() : group);
+ });
+ return groupComponents;
+ }
+ getChildGroups(group){
+ var groupComponents = [];
+ if(!group){
+ group = this;
+ }
+ group.groupList.forEach((child) => {
+ if(child.groupList.length){
+ groupComponents = groupComponents.concat(this.getChildGroups(child));
+ }else {
+ groupComponents.push(child);
+ }
+ });
+ return groupComponents;
+ }
+ wipe(){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ this.groupList.forEach(function(group){
+ group.wipe();
+ });
+ this.groupList = [];
+ this.groups = {};
+ }
+ }
+ pullGroupListData(groupList) {
+ var groupListData = [];
+ groupList.forEach((group) => {
+ var groupHeader = {};
+ groupHeader.level = 0;
+ groupHeader.rowCount = 0;
+ groupHeader.headerContent = "";
+ var childData = [];
+ if (group.hasSubGroups) {
+ childData = this.pullGroupListData(group.groupList);
+ groupHeader.level = group.level;
+ groupHeader.rowCount = childData.length - group.groupList.length; // data length minus number of sub-headers
+ groupHeader.headerContent = group.generator(group.key, groupHeader.rowCount, group.rows, group);
+ groupListData.push(groupHeader);
+ groupListData = groupListData.concat(childData);
+ }
+ else {
+ groupHeader.level = group.level;
+ groupHeader.headerContent = group.generator(group.key, group.rows.length, group.rows, group);
+ groupHeader.rowCount = group.getRows().length;
+ groupListData.push(groupHeader);
+ group.getRows().forEach((row) => {
+ groupListData.push(row.getData("data"));
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return groupListData;
+ }
+ getGroupedData(){
+ return this.pullGroupListData(this.groupList);
+ }
+ getRowGroup(row){
+ var match = false;
+ if(this.options("dataTree")){
+ row = this.table.modules.dataTree.getTreeParentRoot(row);
+ }
+ this.groupList.forEach((group) => {
+ var result = group.getRowGroup(row);
+ if(result){
+ match = result;
+ }
+ });
+ return match;
+ }
+ countGroups(){
+ return this.groupList.length;
+ }
+ generateGroups(rows){
+ var oldGroups = this.groups;
+ this.groups = {};
+ this.groupList = [];
+ if(this.allowedValues && this.allowedValues[0]){
+ this.allowedValues[0].forEach((value) => {
+ this.createGroup(value, 0, oldGroups);
+ });
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ this.assignRowToExistingGroup(row, oldGroups);
+ });
+ }else {
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ this.assignRowToGroup(row, oldGroups);
+ });
+ }
+ Object.values(oldGroups).forEach((group) => {
+ group.wipe(true);
+ });
+ }
+ createGroup(groupID, level, oldGroups){
+ var groupKey = level + "_" + groupID,
+ group;
+ oldGroups = oldGroups || [];
+ group = new Group(this, false, level, groupID, this.groupIDLookups[0].field, this.headerGenerator[0], oldGroups[groupKey]);
+ this.groups[groupKey] = group;
+ this.groupList.push(group);
+ }
+ assignRowToExistingGroup(row, oldGroups){
+ var groupID = this.groupIDLookups[0].func(row.getData()),
+ groupKey = "0_" + groupID;
+ if(this.groups[groupKey]){
+ this.groups[groupKey].addRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ assignRowToGroup(row, oldGroups){
+ var groupID = this.groupIDLookups[0].func(row.getData()),
+ newGroupNeeded = !this.groups["0_" + groupID];
+ if(newGroupNeeded){
+ this.createGroup(groupID, 0, oldGroups);
+ }
+ this.groups["0_" + groupID].addRow(row);
+ return !newGroupNeeded;
+ }
+ reassignRowToGroup(row){
+ if(row.type === "row"){
+ var oldRowGroup = row.modules.group,
+ oldGroupPath = oldRowGroup.getPath(),
+ newGroupPath = this.getExpectedPath(row),
+ samePath;
+ // figure out if new group path is the same as old group path
+ samePath = (oldGroupPath.length == newGroupPath.length) && oldGroupPath.every((element, index) => {
+ return element === newGroupPath[index];
+ });
+ // refresh if they new path and old path aren't the same (aka the row's groupings have changed)
+ if(!samePath) {
+ oldRowGroup.removeRow(row);
+ this.assignRowToGroup(row, this.groups);
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getExpectedPath(row) {
+ var groupPath = [], rowData = row.getData();
+ this.groupIDLookups.forEach((groupId) => {
+ groupPath.push(groupId.func(rowData));
+ });
+ return groupPath;
+ }
+ updateGroupRows(force){
+ var output = [];
+ if(!this.blockRedraw){
+ this.groupList.forEach((group) => {
+ output = output.concat(group.getHeadersAndRows());
+ });
+ if(force){
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ scrollHeaders(left){
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ if(this.table.options.renderHorizontal === "virtual"){
+ left -= this.table.columnManager.renderer.vDomPadLeft;
+ }
+ left = left + "px";
+ this.groupList.forEach((group) => {
+ group.scrollHeader(left);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ removeGroup(group){
+ var groupKey = group.level + "_" + group.key,
+ index;
+ if(this.groups[groupKey]){
+ delete this.groups[groupKey];
+ index = this.groupList.indexOf(group);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.groupList.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ checkBasicModeGroupHeaderWidth(){
+ var element = this.table.rowManager.tableElement,
+ onlyGroupHeaders = true;
+ this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().forEach((row, index) =>{
+ this.table.rowManager.styleRow(row, index);
+ element.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ row.initialize(true);
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ onlyGroupHeaders = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(onlyGroupHeaders){
+ element.style.minWidth = this.table.columnManager.getWidth() + "px";
+ }else {
+ element.style.minWidth = "";
+ }
+ }
+GroupRows.moduleName = "groupRows";
+var defaultUndoers = {
+ cellEdit: function(action){
+ action.component.setValueProcessData(action.data.oldValue);
+ action.component.cellRendered();
+ },
+ rowAdd: function(action){
+ action.component.deleteActual();
+ },
+ rowDelete: function(action){
+ var newRow = this.table.rowManager.addRowActual(action.data.data, action.data.pos, action.data.index);
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy && this.table.modExists("groupRows")){
+ this.table.modules.groupRows.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }
+ this._rebindRow(action.component, newRow);
+ },
+ rowMove: function(action){
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRowActual(action.component, this.table.rowManager.rows[action.data.posFrom], !action.data.after);
+ this.table.rowManager.redraw();
+ },
+var defaultRedoers = {
+ cellEdit: function(action){
+ action.component.setValueProcessData(action.data.newValue);
+ action.component.cellRendered();
+ },
+ rowAdd: function(action){
+ var newRow = this.table.rowManager.addRowActual(action.data.data, action.data.pos, action.data.index);
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy && this.table.modExists("groupRows")){
+ this.table.modules.groupRows.updateGroupRows(true);
+ }
+ this._rebindRow(action.component, newRow);
+ },
+ rowDelete:function(action){
+ action.component.deleteActual();
+ },
+ rowMove: function(action){
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRowActual(action.component, this.table.rowManager.rows[action.data.posTo], action.data.after);
+ this.table.rowManager.redraw();
+ },
+class History extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.history = [];
+ this.index = -1;
+ this.registerTableOption("history", false); //enable edit history
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.history){
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-updated", this.cellUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-delete", this.clearComponentHistory.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-delete", this.rowDeleted.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-wipe", this.clear.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-added", this.rowAdded.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-move", this.rowMoved.bind(this));
+ }
+ this.registerTableFunction("undo", this.undo.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("redo", this.redo.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getHistoryUndoSize", this.getHistoryUndoSize.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getHistoryRedoSize", this.getHistoryRedoSize.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("clearHistory", this.clear.bind(this));
+ }
+ rowMoved(from, to, after){
+ this.action("rowMove", from, {posFrom:from.getPosition(), posTo:to.getPosition(), to:to, after:after});
+ }
+ rowAdded(row, data, pos, index){
+ this.action("rowAdd", row, {data:data, pos:pos, index:index});
+ }
+ rowDeleted(row){
+ var index, rows;
+ if(this.table.options.groupBy){
+ rows = row.getComponent().getGroup()._getSelf().rows;
+ index = rows.indexOf(row);
+ if(index){
+ index = rows[index-1];
+ }
+ }else {
+ index = row.table.rowManager.getRowIndex(row);
+ if(index){
+ index = row.table.rowManager.rows[index-1];
+ }
+ }
+ this.action("rowDelete", row, {data:row.getData(), pos:!index, index:index});
+ }
+ cellUpdated(cell){
+ this.action("cellEdit", cell, {oldValue:cell.oldValue, newValue:cell.value});
+ }
+ clear(){
+ this.history = [];
+ this.index = -1;
+ }
+ action(type, component, data){
+ this.history = this.history.slice(0, this.index + 1);
+ this.history.push({
+ type:type,
+ component:component,
+ data:data,
+ });
+ this.index ++;
+ }
+ getHistoryUndoSize(){
+ return this.index + 1;
+ }
+ getHistoryRedoSize(){
+ return this.history.length - (this.index + 1);
+ }
+ clearComponentHistory(component){
+ var index = this.history.findIndex(function(item){
+ return item.component === component;
+ });
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.history.splice(index, 1);
+ if(index <= this.index){
+ this.index--;
+ }
+ this.clearComponentHistory(component);
+ }
+ }
+ undo(){
+ if(this.index > -1){
+ let action = this.history[this.index];
+ History.undoers[action.type].call(this, action);
+ this.index--;
+ this.dispatchExternal("historyUndo", action.type, action.component.getComponent(), action.data);
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("History Undo Error - No more history to undo");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ redo(){
+ if(this.history.length-1 > this.index){
+ this.index++;
+ let action = this.history[this.index];
+ History.redoers[action.type].call(this, action);
+ this.dispatchExternal("historyRedo", action.type, action.component.getComponent(), action.data);
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("History Redo Error - No more history to redo");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //rebind rows to new element after deletion
+ _rebindRow(oldRow, newRow){
+ this.history.forEach(function(action){
+ if(action.component instanceof Row){
+ if(action.component === oldRow){
+ action.component = newRow;
+ }
+ }else if(action.component instanceof Cell){
+ if(action.component.row === oldRow){
+ var field = action.component.column.getField();
+ if(field){
+ action.component = newRow.getCell(field);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+History.moduleName = "history";
+//load defaults
+History.undoers = defaultUndoers;
+History.redoers = defaultRedoers;
+class HtmlTableImport extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.fieldIndex = [];
+ this.hasIndex = false;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.tableElementCheck();
+ }
+ tableElementCheck(){
+ if(this.table.originalElement && this.table.originalElement.tagName === "TABLE"){
+ if(this.table.originalElement.childNodes.length){
+ this.parseTable();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Unable to parse data from empty table tag, Tabulator should be initialized on a div tag unless importing data from a table element.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parseTable(){
+ var element = this.table.originalElement,
+ options = this.table.options,
+ headers = element.getElementsByTagName("th"),
+ rows = element.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0],
+ data = [];
+ this.hasIndex = false;
+ this.dispatchExternal("htmlImporting");
+ rows = rows ? rows.getElementsByTagName("tr") : [];
+ //check for Tabulator inline options
+ this._extractOptions(element, options);
+ if(headers.length){
+ this._extractHeaders(headers, rows);
+ }else {
+ this._generateBlankHeaders(headers, rows);
+ }
+ //iterate through table rows and build data set
+ for(var index = 0; index < rows.length; index++){
+ var row = rows[index],
+ cells = row.getElementsByTagName("td"),
+ item = {};
+ //create index if the don't exist in table
+ if(!this.hasIndex){
+ item[options.index] = index;
+ }
+ for(var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++){
+ var cell = cells[i];
+ if(typeof this.fieldIndex[i] !== "undefined"){
+ item[this.fieldIndex[i]] = cell.innerHTML;
+ }
+ }
+ //add row data to item
+ data.push(item);
+ }
+ options.data = data;
+ this.dispatchExternal("htmlImported");
+ }
+ //extract tabulator attribute options
+ _extractOptions(element, options, defaultOptions){
+ var attributes = element.attributes;
+ var optionsArr = defaultOptions ? Object.keys(defaultOptions) : Object.keys(options);
+ var optionsList = {};
+ optionsArr.forEach((item) => {
+ optionsList[item.toLowerCase()] = item;
+ });
+ for(var index in attributes){
+ var attrib = attributes[index];
+ var name;
+ if(attrib && typeof attrib == "object" && attrib.name && attrib.name.indexOf("tabulator-") === 0){
+ name = attrib.name.replace("tabulator-", "");
+ if(typeof optionsList[name] !== "undefined"){
+ options[optionsList[name]] = this._attribValue(attrib.value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //get value of attribute
+ _attribValue(value){
+ if(value === "true"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(value === "false"){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ //find column if it has already been defined
+ _findCol(title){
+ var match = this.table.options.columns.find((column) => {
+ return column.title === title;
+ });
+ return match || false;
+ }
+ //extract column from headers
+ _extractHeaders(headers, rows){
+ for(var index = 0; index < headers.length; index++){
+ var header = headers[index],
+ exists = false,
+ col = this._findCol(header.textContent),
+ width;
+ if(col){
+ exists = true;
+ }else {
+ col = {title:header.textContent.trim()};
+ }
+ if(!col.field) {
+ col.field = header.textContent.trim().toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_");
+ }
+ width = header.getAttribute("width");
+ if(width && !col.width) {
+ col.width = width;
+ }
+ //check for Tabulator inline options
+ this._extractOptions(header, col, this.table.columnManager.optionsList.registeredDefaults);
+ this.fieldIndex[index] = col.field;
+ if(col.field == this.table.options.index){
+ this.hasIndex = true;
+ }
+ if(!exists){
+ this.table.options.columns.push(col);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //generate blank headers
+ _generateBlankHeaders(headers, rows){
+ for(var index = 0; index < headers.length; index++){
+ var header = headers[index],
+ col = {title:"", field:"col" + index};
+ this.fieldIndex[index] = col.field;
+ var width = header.getAttribute("width");
+ if(width){
+ col.width = width;
+ }
+ this.table.options.columns.push(col);
+ }
+ }
+HtmlTableImport.moduleName = "htmlTableImport";
+function csvImporter(input){
+ var data = [],
+ row = 0,
+ col = 0,
+ inQuote = false;
+ //Iterate over each character
+ for (let index = 0; index < input.length; index++) {
+ let char = input[index],
+ nextChar = input[index+1];
+ //Initialize empty row
+ if(!data[row]){
+ data[row] = [];
+ }
+ //Initialize empty column
+ if(!data[row][col]){
+ data[row][col] = "";
+ }
+ //Handle quotation mark inside string
+ if (char == '"' && inQuote && nextChar == '"') {
+ data[row][col] += char;
+ index++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Begin / End Quote
+ if (char == '"') {
+ inQuote = !inQuote;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Next column (if not in quote)
+ if (char == ',' && !inQuote) {
+ col++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //New row if new line and not in quote (CRLF)
+ if (char == '\r' && nextChar == '\n' && !inQuote) {
+ col = 0;
+ row++;
+ index++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //New row if new line and not in quote (CR or LF)
+ if ((char == '\r' || char == '\n') && !inQuote) {
+ col = 0;
+ row++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Normal Character, append to column
+ data[row][col] += char;
+ }
+ return data;
+function json$1(input){
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(input);
+ } catch(e) {
+ console.warn("JSON Import Error - File contents is invalid JSON", e);
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+function arrayImporter(input){
+ return input;
+var defaultImporters = {
+ csv:csvImporter,
+ json:json$1,
+ array:arrayImporter,
+class Import extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.registerTableOption("importFormat");
+ this.registerTableOption("importReader", "text");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.registerTableFunction("import", this.importFromFile.bind(this));
+ if(this.table.options.importFormat){
+ this.subscribe("data-loading", this.loadDataCheck.bind(this), 10);
+ this.subscribe("data-load", this.loadData.bind(this), 10);
+ }
+ }
+ loadDataCheck(data){
+ return this.table.options.importFormat && (typeof data === "string" || (Array.isArray(data) && data.length && Array.isArray(data)));
+ }
+ loadData(data, params, config, silent, previousData){
+ return this.importData(this.lookupImporter(), data)
+ .then(this.structureData.bind(this))
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error("Import Error:", err || "Unable to import data");
+ return Promise.reject(err);
+ });
+ }
+ lookupImporter(importFormat){
+ var importer;
+ if(!importFormat){
+ importFormat = this.table.options.importFormat;
+ }
+ if(typeof importFormat === "string"){
+ importer = Import.importers[importFormat];
+ }else {
+ importer = importFormat;
+ }
+ if(!importer){
+ console.error("Import Error - Importer not found:", importFormat);
+ }
+ return importer;
+ }
+ importFromFile(importFormat, extension){
+ var importer = this.lookupImporter(importFormat);
+ if(importer){
+ return this.pickFile(extension)
+ .then(this.importData.bind(this, importer))
+ .then(this.structureData.bind(this))
+ .then(this.setData.bind(this))
+ .catch((err) => {
+ console.error("Import Error:", err || "Unable to import file");
+ return Promise.reject(err);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ pickFile(extensions){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var input = document.createElement("input");
+ input.type = "file";
+ input.accept = extensions;
+ input.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ var file = input.files[0],
+ reader = new FileReader();
+ switch(this.table.options.importReader){
+ case "buffer":
+ reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
+ break;
+ case "binary":
+ reader.readAsBinaryString(file);
+ break;
+ case "url":
+ reader.readAsDataURL(file);
+ break;
+ case "text":
+ default:
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ }
+ reader.onload = (e) => {
+ resolve(reader.result);
+ };
+ reader.onerror = (e) => {
+ console.warn("File Load Error - Unable to read file");
+ reject();
+ };
+ });
+ input.click();
+ });
+ }
+ importData(importer, fileContents){
+ var data = importer.call(this.table, fileContents);
+ if(data instanceof Promise){
+ return data;
+ }else {
+ return data ? Promise.resolve(data) : Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ structureData(parsedData){
+ var data = [];
+ if(Array.isArray(parsedData) && parsedData.length && Array.isArray(parsedData[0])){
+ if(this.table.options.autoColumns){
+ data = this.structureArrayToObject(parsedData);
+ }else {
+ data = this.structureArrayToColumns(parsedData);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }else {
+ return parsedData;
+ }
+ }
+ structureArrayToObject(parsedData){
+ var columns = parsedData.shift();
+ var data = parsedData.map((values) => {
+ var row = {};
+ columns.forEach((key, i) => {
+ row[key] = values[i];
+ });
+ return row;
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ structureArrayToColumns(parsedData){
+ var data = [],
+ columns = this.table.getColumns();
+ //remove first row if it is the column names
+ if(columns[0] && parsedData[0][0]){
+ if(columns[0].getDefinition().title === parsedData[0][0]){
+ parsedData.shift();
+ }
+ }
+ //convert row arrays to objects
+ parsedData.forEach((rowData) => {
+ var row = {};
+ rowData.forEach((value, index) => {
+ var column = columns[index];
+ if(column){
+ row[column.getField()] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ data.push(row);
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ setData(data){
+ return this.table.setData(data);
+ }
+Import.moduleName = "import";
+//load defaults
+Import.importers = defaultImporters;
+class Interaction extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.eventMap = {
+ //row events
+ rowClick:"row-click",
+ rowDblClick:"row-dblclick",
+ rowContext:"row-contextmenu",
+ rowMouseEnter:"row-mouseenter",
+ rowMouseLeave:"row-mouseleave",
+ rowMouseOver:"row-mouseover",
+ rowMouseOut:"row-mouseout",
+ rowMouseMove:"row-mousemove",
+ rowMouseDown:"row-mousedown",
+ rowMouseUp:"row-mouseup",
+ rowTap:"row",
+ rowDblTap:"row",
+ rowTapHold:"row",
+ //cell events
+ cellClick:"cell-click",
+ cellDblClick:"cell-dblclick",
+ cellContext:"cell-contextmenu",
+ cellMouseEnter:"cell-mouseenter",
+ cellMouseLeave:"cell-mouseleave",
+ cellMouseOver:"cell-mouseover",
+ cellMouseOut:"cell-mouseout",
+ cellMouseMove:"cell-mousemove",
+ cellMouseDown:"cell-mousedown",
+ cellMouseUp:"cell-mouseup",
+ cellTap:"cell",
+ cellDblTap:"cell",
+ cellTapHold:"cell",
+ //column header events
+ headerClick:"column-click",
+ headerDblClick:"column-dblclick",
+ headerContext:"column-contextmenu",
+ headerMouseEnter:"column-mouseenter",
+ headerMouseLeave:"column-mouseleave",
+ headerMouseOver:"column-mouseover",
+ headerMouseOut:"column-mouseout",
+ headerMouseMove:"column-mousemove",
+ headerMouseDown:"column-mousedown",
+ headerMouseUp:"column-mouseup",
+ headerTap:"column",
+ headerDblTap:"column",
+ headerTapHold:"column",
+ //group header
+ groupClick:"group-click",
+ groupDblClick:"group-dblclick",
+ groupContext:"group-contextmenu",
+ groupMouseEnter:"group-mouseenter",
+ groupMouseLeave:"group-mouseleave",
+ groupMouseOver:"group-mouseover",
+ groupMouseOut:"group-mouseout",
+ groupMouseMove:"group-mousemove",
+ groupMouseDown:"group-mousedown",
+ groupMouseUp:"group-mouseup",
+ groupTap:"group",
+ groupDblTap:"group",
+ groupTapHold:"group",
+ };
+ this.subscribers = {};
+ this.touchSubscribers = {};
+ this.columnSubscribers = {};
+ this.touchWatchers = {
+ row:{
+ tap:null,
+ tapDbl:null,
+ tapHold:null,
+ },
+ cell:{
+ tap:null,
+ tapDbl:null,
+ tapHold:null,
+ },
+ column:{
+ tap:null,
+ tapDbl:null,
+ tapHold:null,
+ },
+ group:{
+ tap:null,
+ tapDbl:null,
+ tapHold:null,
+ }
+ };
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerClick");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerDblClick");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerContext");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMouseEnter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMouseLeave");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMouseOver");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMouseOut");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMouseMove");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMouseDown");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMouseUp");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerTap");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerDblTap");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerTapHold");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellClick");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellDblClick");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellContext");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellMouseEnter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellMouseLeave");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellMouseOver");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellMouseOut");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellMouseMove");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellMouseDown");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellMouseUp");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellTap");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellDblTap");
+ this.registerColumnOption("cellTapHold");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.initializeExternalEvents();
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-dblclick", this.cellContentsSelectionFixer.bind(this));
+ }
+ cellContentsSelectionFixer(e, cell){
+ var range;
+ if(this.table.modExists("edit")){
+ if (this.table.modules.edit.currentCell === cell){
+ return; //prevent instant selection of editor content
+ }
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ try{
+ if (document.selection) { // IE
+ range = document.body.createTextRange();
+ range.moveToElementText(cell.getElement());
+ range.select();
+ } else if (window.getSelection) {
+ range = document.createRange();
+ range.selectNode(cell.getElement());
+ window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ window.getSelection().addRange(range);
+ }
+ }catch(e){}
+ }
+ initializeExternalEvents(){
+ for(let key in this.eventMap){
+ this.subscriptionChangeExternal(key, this.subscriptionChanged.bind(this, key));
+ }
+ }
+ subscriptionChanged(key, added){
+ if(added){
+ if(!this.subscribers[key]){
+ if(this.eventMap[key].includes("-")){
+ this.subscribers[key] = this.handle.bind(this, key);
+ this.subscribe(this.eventMap[key], this.subscribers[key]);
+ }else {
+ this.subscribeTouchEvents(key);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.eventMap[key].includes("-")){
+ if(this.subscribers[key] && !this.columnSubscribers[key] && !this.subscribedExternal(key)){
+ this.unsubscribe(this.eventMap[key], this.subscribers[key]);
+ delete this.subscribers[key];
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.unsubscribeTouchEvents(key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ subscribeTouchEvents(key){
+ var type = this.eventMap[key];
+ if(!this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchstart"]){
+ this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchstart"] = this.handleTouch.bind(this, type, "start");
+ this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchend"] = this.handleTouch.bind(this, type, "end");
+ this.subscribe(type + "-touchstart", this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchstart"]);
+ this.subscribe(type + "-touchend", this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchend"]);
+ }
+ this.subscribers[key] = true;
+ }
+ unsubscribeTouchEvents(key){
+ var noTouch = true,
+ type = this.eventMap[key];
+ if(this.subscribers[key] && !this.subscribedExternal(key)){
+ delete this.subscribers[key];
+ for(let i in this.eventMap){
+ if(this.eventMap[i] === type){
+ if(this.subscribers[i]){
+ noTouch = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(noTouch){
+ this.unsubscribe(type + "-touchstart", this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchstart"]);
+ this.unsubscribe(type + "-touchend", this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchend"]);
+ delete this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchstart"];
+ delete this.touchSubscribers[type + "-touchend"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var def = column.definition;
+ for(let key in this.eventMap){
+ if(def[key]){
+ this.subscriptionChanged(key, true);
+ if(!this.columnSubscribers[key]){
+ this.columnSubscribers[key] = [];
+ }
+ this.columnSubscribers[key].push(column);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ handle(action, e, component){
+ this.dispatchEvent(action, e, component);
+ }
+ handleTouch(type, action, e, component){
+ var watchers = this.touchWatchers[type];
+ if(type === "column"){
+ type = "header";
+ }
+ switch(action){
+ case "start":
+ watchers.tap = true;
+ clearTimeout(watchers.tapHold);
+ watchers.tapHold = setTimeout(() => {
+ clearTimeout(watchers.tapHold);
+ watchers.tapHold = null;
+ watchers.tap = null;
+ clearTimeout(watchers.tapDbl);
+ watchers.tapDbl = null;
+ this.dispatchEvent(type + "TapHold", e, component);
+ }, 1000);
+ break;
+ case "end":
+ if(watchers.tap){
+ watchers.tap = null;
+ this.dispatchEvent(type + "Tap", e, component);
+ }
+ if(watchers.tapDbl){
+ clearTimeout(watchers.tapDbl);
+ watchers.tapDbl = null;
+ this.dispatchEvent(type + "DblTap", e, component);
+ }else {
+ watchers.tapDbl = setTimeout(() => {
+ clearTimeout(watchers.tapDbl);
+ watchers.tapDbl = null;
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ clearTimeout(watchers.tapHold);
+ watchers.tapHold = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dispatchEvent(action, e, component){
+ var componentObj = component.getComponent(),
+ callback;
+ if(this.columnSubscribers[action]){
+ if(component instanceof Cell){
+ callback = component.column.definition[action];
+ }else if(component instanceof Column){
+ callback = component.definition[action];
+ }
+ if(callback){
+ callback(e, componentObj);
+ }
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal(action, e, componentObj);
+ }
+Interaction.moduleName = "interaction";
+var defaultBindings = {
+ navPrev:"shift + 9",
+ navNext:9,
+ navUp:38,
+ navDown:40,
+ scrollPageUp:33,
+ scrollPageDown:34,
+ scrollToStart:36,
+ scrollToEnd:35,
+ undo:["ctrl + 90", "meta + 90"],
+ redo:["ctrl + 89", "meta + 89"],
+ copyToClipboard:["ctrl + 67", "meta + 89"],
+var defaultActions = {
+ keyBlock:function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ },
+ scrollPageUp:function(e){
+ var rowManager = this.table.rowManager,
+ newPos = rowManager.scrollTop - rowManager.element.clientHeight;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(rowManager.displayRowsCount){
+ if(newPos >= 0){
+ rowManager.element.scrollTop = newPos;
+ }else {
+ rowManager.scrollToRow(rowManager.getDisplayRows()[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.table.element.focus();
+ },
+ scrollPageDown:function(e){
+ var rowManager = this.table.rowManager,
+ newPos = rowManager.scrollTop + rowManager.element.clientHeight,
+ scrollMax = rowManager.element.scrollHeight;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(rowManager.displayRowsCount){
+ if(newPos <= scrollMax){
+ rowManager.element.scrollTop = newPos;
+ }else {
+ rowManager.scrollToRow(rowManager.getDisplayRows()[rowManager.displayRowsCount - 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.table.element.focus();
+ },
+ scrollToStart:function(e){
+ var rowManager = this.table.rowManager;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(rowManager.displayRowsCount){
+ rowManager.scrollToRow(rowManager.getDisplayRows()[0]);
+ }
+ this.table.element.focus();
+ },
+ scrollToEnd:function(e){
+ var rowManager = this.table.rowManager;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ if(rowManager.displayRowsCount){
+ rowManager.scrollToRow(rowManager.getDisplayRows()[rowManager.displayRowsCount - 1]);
+ }
+ this.table.element.focus();
+ },
+ navPrev:function(e){
+ this.dispatch("keybinding-nav-prev", e);
+ },
+ navNext:function(e){
+ this.dispatch("keybinding-nav-next", e);
+ },
+ navLeft:function(e){
+ this.dispatch("keybinding-nav-left", e);
+ },
+ navRight:function(e){
+ this.dispatch("keybinding-nav-right", e);
+ },
+ navUp:function(e){
+ this.dispatch("keybinding-nav-up", e);
+ },
+ navDown:function(e){
+ this.dispatch("keybinding-nav-down", e);
+ },
+ undo:function(e){
+ var cell = false;
+ if(this.table.options.history && this.table.modExists("history") && this.table.modExists("edit")){
+ cell = this.table.modules.edit.currentCell;
+ if(!cell){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.table.modules.history.undo();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ redo:function(e){
+ var cell = false;
+ if(this.table.options.history && this.table.modExists("history") && this.table.modExists("edit")){
+ cell = this.table.modules.edit.currentCell;
+ if(!cell){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.table.modules.history.redo();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ copyToClipboard:function(e){
+ if(!this.table.modules.edit.currentCell){
+ if(this.table.modExists("clipboard", true)){
+ this.table.modules.clipboard.copy(false, true);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+class Keybindings extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.watchKeys = null;
+ this.pressedKeys = null;
+ this.keyupBinding = false;
+ this.keydownBinding = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("keybindings", {}); //array for keybindings
+ this.registerTableOption("tabEndNewRow", false); //create new row when tab to end of table
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ var bindings = this.table.options.keybindings,
+ mergedBindings = {};
+ this.watchKeys = {};
+ this.pressedKeys = [];
+ if(bindings !== false){
+ Object.assign(mergedBindings, Keybindings.bindings);
+ Object.assign(mergedBindings, bindings);
+ this.mapBindings(mergedBindings);
+ this.bindEvents();
+ }
+ this.subscribe("table-destroy", this.clearBindings.bind(this));
+ }
+ mapBindings(bindings){
+ for(let key in bindings){
+ if(Keybindings.actions[key]){
+ if(bindings[key]){
+ if(typeof bindings[key] !== "object"){
+ bindings[key] = [bindings[key]];
+ }
+ bindings[key].forEach((binding) => {
+ var bindingList = Array.isArray(binding) ? binding : [binding];
+ bindingList.forEach((item) => {
+ this.mapBinding(key, item);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Key Binding Error - no such action:", key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mapBinding(action, symbolsList){
+ var binding = {
+ action: Keybindings.actions[action],
+ keys: [],
+ ctrl: false,
+ shift: false,
+ meta: false,
+ };
+ var symbols = symbolsList.toString().toLowerCase().split(" ").join("").split("+");
+ symbols.forEach((symbol) => {
+ switch(symbol){
+ case "ctrl":
+ binding.ctrl = true;
+ break;
+ case "shift":
+ binding.shift = true;
+ break;
+ case "meta":
+ binding.meta = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ symbol = isNaN(symbol) ? symbol.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) : parseInt(symbol);
+ binding.keys.push(symbol);
+ if(!this.watchKeys[symbol]){
+ this.watchKeys[symbol] = [];
+ }
+ this.watchKeys[symbol].push(binding);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ bindEvents(){
+ var self = this;
+ this.keyupBinding = function(e){
+ var code = e.keyCode;
+ var bindings = self.watchKeys[code];
+ if(bindings){
+ self.pressedKeys.push(code);
+ bindings.forEach(function(binding){
+ self.checkBinding(e, binding);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ this.keydownBinding = function(e){
+ var code = e.keyCode;
+ var bindings = self.watchKeys[code];
+ if(bindings){
+ var index = self.pressedKeys.indexOf(code);
+ if(index > -1){
+ self.pressedKeys.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.table.element.addEventListener("keydown", this.keyupBinding);
+ this.table.element.addEventListener("keyup", this.keydownBinding);
+ }
+ clearBindings(){
+ if(this.keyupBinding){
+ this.table.element.removeEventListener("keydown", this.keyupBinding);
+ }
+ if(this.keydownBinding){
+ this.table.element.removeEventListener("keyup", this.keydownBinding);
+ }
+ }
+ checkBinding(e, binding){
+ var match = true;
+ if(e.ctrlKey == binding.ctrl && e.shiftKey == binding.shift && e.metaKey == binding.meta){
+ binding.keys.forEach((key) => {
+ var index = this.pressedKeys.indexOf(key);
+ if(index == -1){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(match){
+ binding.action.call(this, e);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+Keybindings.moduleName = "keybindings";
+//load defaults
+Keybindings.bindings = defaultBindings;
+Keybindings.actions = defaultActions;
+class Menu extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.menuContainer = null;
+ this.nestedMenuBlock = false;
+ this.currentComponent = null;
+ this.rootPopup = null;
+ this.columnSubscribers = {};
+ this.registerTableOption("menuContainer", undefined); //deprecated
+ this.registerTableOption("rowContextMenu", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("rowClickMenu", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("rowDblClickMenu", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupContextMenu", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupClickMenu", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupDblClickMenu", false);
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerContextMenu");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerClickMenu");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerDblClickMenu");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMenu");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerMenuIcon");
+ this.registerColumnOption("contextMenu");
+ this.registerColumnOption("clickMenu");
+ this.registerColumnOption("dblClickMenu");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.deprecatedOptionsCheck();
+ this.initializeRowWatchers();
+ this.initializeGroupWatchers();
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ }
+ deprecatedOptionsCheck(){
+ if(!this.deprecationCheck("menuContainer", "popupContainer")){
+ this.table.options.popupContainer = this.table.options.menuContainer;
+ }
+ }
+ initializeRowWatchers(){
+ if(this.table.options.rowContextMenu){
+ this.subscribe("row-contextmenu", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowContextMenu));
+ this.table.on("rowTapHold", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowContextMenu));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.rowClickMenu){
+ this.subscribe("row-click", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowClickMenu));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.rowDblClickMenu){
+ this.subscribe("row-dblclick", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowDblClickMenu));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeGroupWatchers(){
+ if(this.table.options.groupContextMenu){
+ this.subscribe("group-contextmenu", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupContextMenu));
+ this.table.on("groupTapHold", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupContextMenu));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.groupClickMenu){
+ this.subscribe("group-click", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupClickMenu));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.groupDblClickMenu){
+ this.subscribe("group-dblclick", this.loadMenuEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupDblClickMenu));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var def = column.definition;
+ //handle column events
+ if(def.headerContextMenu && !this.columnSubscribers.headerContextMenu){
+ this.columnSubscribers.headerContextMenu = this.loadMenuTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerContextMenu");
+ this.subscribe("column-contextmenu", this.columnSubscribers.headerContextMenu);
+ this.table.on("headerTapHold", this.loadMenuTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerContextMenu"));
+ }
+ if(def.headerClickMenu && !this.columnSubscribers.headerClickMenu){
+ this.columnSubscribers.headerClickMenu = this.loadMenuTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerClickMenu");
+ this.subscribe("column-click", this.columnSubscribers.headerClickMenu);
+ }
+ if(def.headerDblClickMenu && !this.columnSubscribers.headerDblClickMenu){
+ this.columnSubscribers.headerDblClickMenu = this.loadMenuTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerDblClickMenu");
+ this.subscribe("column-dblclick", this.columnSubscribers.headerDblClickMenu);
+ }
+ if(def.headerMenu){
+ this.initializeColumnHeaderMenu(column);
+ }
+ //handle cell events
+ if(def.contextMenu && !this.columnSubscribers.contextMenu){
+ this.columnSubscribers.contextMenu = this.loadMenuTableCellEvent.bind(this, "contextMenu");
+ this.subscribe("cell-contextmenu", this.columnSubscribers.contextMenu);
+ this.table.on("cellTapHold", this.loadMenuTableCellEvent.bind(this, "contextMenu"));
+ }
+ if(def.clickMenu && !this.columnSubscribers.clickMenu){
+ this.columnSubscribers.clickMenu = this.loadMenuTableCellEvent.bind(this, "clickMenu");
+ this.subscribe("cell-click", this.columnSubscribers.clickMenu);
+ }
+ if(def.dblClickMenu && !this.columnSubscribers.dblClickMenu){
+ this.columnSubscribers.dblClickMenu = this.loadMenuTableCellEvent.bind(this, "dblClickMenu");
+ this.subscribe("cell-dblclick", this.columnSubscribers.dblClickMenu);
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumnHeaderMenu(column){
+ var icon = column.definition.headerMenuIcon,
+ headerMenuEl;
+ headerMenuEl = document.createElement("span");
+ headerMenuEl.classList.add("tabulator-header-popup-button");
+ if(icon){
+ if(typeof icon === "function"){
+ icon = icon(column.getComponent());
+ }
+ if(icon instanceof HTMLElement){
+ headerMenuEl.appendChild(icon);
+ }else {
+ headerMenuEl.innerHTML = icon;
+ }
+ }else {
+ headerMenuEl.innerHTML = "&vellip;";
+ }
+ headerMenuEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.loadMenuEvent(column.definition.headerMenu, e, column);
+ });
+ column.titleElement.insertBefore(headerMenuEl, column.titleElement.firstChild);
+ }
+ loadMenuTableCellEvent(option, e, cell){
+ if(cell._cell){
+ cell = cell._cell;
+ }
+ if(cell.column.definition[option]){
+ this.loadMenuEvent(cell.column.definition[option], e, cell);
+ }
+ }
+ loadMenuTableColumnEvent(option, e, column){
+ if(column._column){
+ column = column._column;
+ }
+ if(column.definition[option]){
+ this.loadMenuEvent(column.definition[option], e, column);
+ }
+ }
+ loadMenuEvent(menu, e, component){
+ if(component._group){
+ component = component._group;
+ }else if(component._row){
+ component = component._row;
+ }
+ menu = typeof menu == "function" ? menu.call(this.table, e, component.getComponent()) : menu;
+ this.loadMenu(e, component, menu);
+ }
+ loadMenu(e, component, menu, parentEl, parentPopup){
+ var touch = !(e instanceof MouseEvent),
+ menuEl = document.createElement("div"),
+ popup;
+ menuEl.classList.add("tabulator-menu");
+ if(!touch){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ //abort if no menu set
+ if(!menu || !menu.length){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!parentEl){
+ if(this.nestedMenuBlock){
+ //abort if child menu already open
+ if(this.rootPopup){
+ return;
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.nestedMenuBlock = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.nestedMenuBlock = false;
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ if(this.rootPopup){
+ this.rootPopup.hide();
+ }
+ this.rootPopup = popup = this.popup(menuEl);
+ }else {
+ popup = parentPopup.child(menuEl);
+ }
+ menu.forEach((item) => {
+ var itemEl = document.createElement("div"),
+ label = item.label,
+ disabled = item.disabled;
+ if(item.separator){
+ itemEl.classList.add("tabulator-menu-separator");
+ }else {
+ itemEl.classList.add("tabulator-menu-item");
+ if(typeof label == "function"){
+ label = label.call(this.table, component.getComponent());
+ }
+ if(label instanceof Node){
+ itemEl.appendChild(label);
+ }else {
+ itemEl.innerHTML = label;
+ }
+ if(typeof disabled == "function"){
+ disabled = disabled.call(this.table, component.getComponent());
+ }
+ if(disabled){
+ itemEl.classList.add("tabulator-menu-item-disabled");
+ itemEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ }else {
+ if(item.menu && item.menu.length){
+ itemEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ this.loadMenu(e, component, item.menu, itemEl, popup);
+ });
+ }else {
+ if(item.action){
+ itemEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ item.action(e, component.getComponent());
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(item.menu && item.menu.length){
+ itemEl.classList.add("tabulator-menu-item-submenu");
+ }
+ }
+ menuEl.appendChild(itemEl);
+ });
+ menuEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ if(this.rootPopup){
+ this.rootPopup.hide();
+ }
+ });
+ popup.show(parentEl || e);
+ if(popup === this.rootPopup){
+ this.rootPopup.hideOnBlur(() => {
+ this.rootPopup = null;
+ if(this.currentComponent){
+ this.dispatchExternal("menuClosed", this.currentComponent.getComponent());
+ this.currentComponent = null;
+ }
+ });
+ this.currentComponent = component;
+ this.dispatchExternal("menuOpened", component.getComponent());
+ }
+ }
+Menu.moduleName = "menu";
+class MoveColumns extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.placeholderElement = this.createPlaceholderElement();
+ this.hoverElement = false; //floating column header element
+ this.checkTimeout = false; //click check timeout holder
+ this.checkPeriod = 250; //period to wait on mousedown to consider this a move and not a click
+ this.moving = false; //currently moving column
+ this.toCol = false; //destination column
+ this.toColAfter = false; //position of moving column relative to the destination column
+ this.startX = 0; //starting position within header element
+ this.autoScrollMargin = 40; //auto scroll on edge when within margin
+ this.autoScrollStep = 5; //auto scroll distance in pixels
+ this.autoScrollTimeout = false; //auto scroll timeout
+ this.touchMove = false;
+ this.moveHover = this.moveHover.bind(this);
+ this.endMove = this.endMove.bind(this);
+ this.registerTableOption("movableColumns", false); //enable movable columns
+ }
+ createPlaceholderElement(){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-col");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-col-placeholder");
+ return el;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.movableColumns){
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var self = this,
+ config = {},
+ colEl;
+ if(!column.modules.frozen && !column.isGroup){
+ colEl = column.getElement();
+ config.mousemove = function(e){
+ if(column.parent === self.moving.parent){
+ if((((self.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX) - Helpers.elOffset(colEl).left) + self.table.columnManager.contentsElement.scrollLeft) > (column.getWidth() / 2)){
+ if(self.toCol !== column || !self.toColAfter){
+ colEl.parentNode.insertBefore(self.placeholderElement, colEl.nextSibling);
+ self.moveColumn(column, true);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(self.toCol !== column || self.toColAfter){
+ colEl.parentNode.insertBefore(self.placeholderElement, colEl);
+ self.moveColumn(column, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }.bind(self);
+ colEl.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){
+ self.touchMove = false;
+ if(e.which === 1){
+ self.checkTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
+ self.startMove(e, column);
+ }, self.checkPeriod);
+ }
+ });
+ colEl.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e){
+ if(e.which === 1){
+ if(self.checkTimeout){
+ clearTimeout(self.checkTimeout);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ self.bindTouchEvents(column);
+ }
+ column.modules.moveColumn = config;
+ }
+ bindTouchEvents(column){
+ var colEl = column.getElement(),
+ startXMove = false, //shifting center position of the cell
+ nextCol, prevCol, nextColWidth, prevColWidth, nextColWidthLast, prevColWidthLast;
+ colEl.addEventListener("touchstart", (e) => {
+ this.checkTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.touchMove = true;
+ nextCol = column.nextColumn();
+ nextColWidth = nextCol ? nextCol.getWidth()/2 : 0;
+ prevCol = column.prevColumn();
+ prevColWidth = prevCol ? prevCol.getWidth()/2 : 0;
+ nextColWidthLast = 0;
+ prevColWidthLast = 0;
+ startXMove = false;
+ this.startMove(e, column);
+ }, this.checkPeriod);
+ }, {passive: true});
+ colEl.addEventListener("touchmove", (e) => {
+ var diff, moveToCol;
+ if(this.moving){
+ this.moveHover(e);
+ if(!startXMove){
+ startXMove = e.touches[0].pageX;
+ }
+ diff = e.touches[0].pageX - startXMove;
+ if(diff > 0){
+ if(nextCol && diff - nextColWidthLast > nextColWidth){
+ moveToCol = nextCol;
+ if(moveToCol !== column){
+ startXMove = e.touches[0].pageX;
+ moveToCol.getElement().parentNode.insertBefore(this.placeholderElement, moveToCol.getElement().nextSibling);
+ this.moveColumn(moveToCol, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(prevCol && -diff - prevColWidthLast > prevColWidth){
+ moveToCol = prevCol;
+ if(moveToCol !== column){
+ startXMove = e.touches[0].pageX;
+ moveToCol.getElement().parentNode.insertBefore(this.placeholderElement, moveToCol.getElement());
+ this.moveColumn(moveToCol, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(moveToCol){
+ nextCol = moveToCol.nextColumn();
+ nextColWidthLast = nextColWidth;
+ nextColWidth = nextCol ? nextCol.getWidth() / 2 : 0;
+ prevCol = moveToCol.prevColumn();
+ prevColWidthLast = prevColWidth;
+ prevColWidth = prevCol ? prevCol.getWidth() / 2 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }, {passive: true});
+ colEl.addEventListener("touchend", (e) => {
+ if(this.checkTimeout){
+ clearTimeout(this.checkTimeout);
+ }
+ if(this.moving){
+ this.endMove(e);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ startMove(e, column){
+ var element = column.getElement(),
+ headerElement = this.table.columnManager.getContentsElement(),
+ headersElement = this.table.columnManager.getHeadersElement();
+ this.moving = column;
+ this.startX = (this.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX) - Helpers.elOffset(element).left;
+ this.table.element.classList.add("tabulator-block-select");
+ //create placeholder
+ this.placeholderElement.style.width = column.getWidth() + "px";
+ this.placeholderElement.style.height = column.getHeight() + "px";
+ element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.placeholderElement, element);
+ element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+ //create hover element
+ this.hoverElement = element.cloneNode(true);
+ this.hoverElement.classList.add("tabulator-moving");
+ headerElement.appendChild(this.hoverElement);
+ this.hoverElement.style.left = "0";
+ this.hoverElement.style.bottom = (headerElement.clientHeight - headersElement.offsetHeight) + "px";
+ if(!this.touchMove){
+ this._bindMouseMove();
+ document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", this.moveHover);
+ document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", this.endMove);
+ }
+ this.moveHover(e);
+ }
+ _bindMouseMove(){
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.modules.moveColumn.mousemove){
+ column.getElement().addEventListener("mousemove", column.modules.moveColumn.mousemove);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _unbindMouseMove(){
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach(function(column){
+ if(column.modules.moveColumn.mousemove){
+ column.getElement().removeEventListener("mousemove", column.modules.moveColumn.mousemove);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ moveColumn(column, after){
+ var movingCells = this.moving.getCells();
+ this.toCol = column;
+ this.toColAfter = after;
+ if(after){
+ column.getCells().forEach(function(cell, i){
+ var cellEl = cell.getElement(true);
+ if(cellEl.parentNode && movingCells[i]){
+ cellEl.parentNode.insertBefore(movingCells[i].getElement(), cellEl.nextSibling);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ column.getCells().forEach(function(cell, i){
+ var cellEl = cell.getElement(true);
+ if(cellEl.parentNode && movingCells[i]){
+ cellEl.parentNode.insertBefore(movingCells[i].getElement(), cellEl);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ endMove(e){
+ if(e.which === 1 || this.touchMove){
+ this._unbindMouseMove();
+ this.placeholderElement.parentNode.insertBefore(this.moving.getElement(), this.placeholderElement.nextSibling);
+ this.placeholderElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.placeholderElement);
+ this.hoverElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.hoverElement);
+ this.table.element.classList.remove("tabulator-block-select");
+ if(this.toCol){
+ this.table.columnManager.moveColumnActual(this.moving, this.toCol, this.toColAfter);
+ }
+ this.moving = false;
+ this.toCol = false;
+ this.toColAfter = false;
+ if(!this.touchMove){
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.moveHover);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.endMove);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ moveHover(e){
+ var columnHolder = this.table.columnManager.getContentsElement(),
+ scrollLeft = columnHolder.scrollLeft,
+ xPos = ((this.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX) - Helpers.elOffset(columnHolder).left) + scrollLeft,
+ scrollPos;
+ this.hoverElement.style.left = (xPos - this.startX) + "px";
+ if(xPos - scrollLeft < this.autoScrollMargin){
+ if(!this.autoScrollTimeout){
+ this.autoScrollTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ scrollPos = Math.max(0,scrollLeft-5);
+ this.table.rowManager.getElement().scrollLeft = scrollPos;
+ this.autoScrollTimeout = false;
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(scrollLeft + columnHolder.clientWidth - xPos < this.autoScrollMargin){
+ if(!this.autoScrollTimeout){
+ this.autoScrollTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ scrollPos = Math.min(columnHolder.clientWidth, scrollLeft+5);
+ this.table.rowManager.getElement().scrollLeft = scrollPos;
+ this.autoScrollTimeout = false;
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+MoveColumns.moduleName = "moveColumn";
+class MoveRows extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.placeholderElement = this.createPlaceholderElement();
+ this.hoverElement = false; //floating row header element
+ this.checkTimeout = false; //click check timeout holder
+ this.checkPeriod = 150; //period to wait on mousedown to consider this a move and not a click
+ this.moving = false; //currently moving row
+ this.toRow = false; //destination row
+ this.toRowAfter = false; //position of moving row relative to the destination row
+ this.hasHandle = false; //row has handle instead of fully movable row
+ this.startY = 0; //starting Y position within header element
+ this.startX = 0; //starting X position within header element
+ this.moveHover = this.moveHover.bind(this);
+ this.endMove = this.endMove.bind(this);
+ this.tableRowDropEvent = false;
+ this.touchMove = false;
+ this.connection = false;
+ this.connectionSelectorsTables = false;
+ this.connectionSelectorsElements = false;
+ this.connectionElements = [];
+ this.connections = [];
+ this.connectedTable = false;
+ this.connectedRow = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("movableRows", false); //enable movable rows
+ this.registerTableOption("movableRowsConnectedTables", false); //tables for movable rows to be connected to
+ this.registerTableOption("movableRowsConnectedElements", false); //other elements for movable rows to be connected to
+ this.registerTableOption("movableRowsSender", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("movableRowsReceiver", "insert");
+ this.registerColumnOption("rowHandle");
+ }
+ createPlaceholderElement(){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-row");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-row-placeholder");
+ return el;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.movableRows){
+ this.connectionSelectorsTables = this.table.options.movableRowsConnectedTables;
+ this.connectionSelectorsElements = this.table.options.movableRowsConnectedElements;
+ this.connection = this.connectionSelectorsTables || this.connectionSelectorsElements;
+ this.subscribe("cell-init", this.initializeCell.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-init", this.initializeRow.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeGroupHeader(group){
+ var self = this,
+ config = {};
+ //inter table drag drop
+ config.mouseup = function(e){
+ self.tableRowDrop(e, group);
+ }.bind(self);
+ //same table drag drop
+ config.mousemove = function(e){
+ var rowEl;
+ if(((e.pageY - Helpers.elOffset(group.element).top) + self.table.rowManager.element.scrollTop) > (group.getHeight() / 2)){
+ if(self.toRow !== group || !self.toRowAfter){
+ rowEl = group.getElement();
+ rowEl.parentNode.insertBefore(self.placeholderElement, rowEl.nextSibling);
+ self.moveRow(group, true);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(self.toRow !== group || self.toRowAfter){
+ rowEl = group.getElement();
+ if(rowEl.previousSibling){
+ rowEl.parentNode.insertBefore(self.placeholderElement, rowEl);
+ self.moveRow(group, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }.bind(self);
+ group.modules.moveRow = config;
+ }
+ initializeRow(row){
+ var self = this,
+ config = {},
+ rowEl;
+ //inter table drag drop
+ config.mouseup = function(e){
+ self.tableRowDrop(e, row);
+ }.bind(self);
+ //same table drag drop
+ config.mousemove = function(e){
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ if(((e.pageY - Helpers.elOffset(rowEl).top) + self.table.rowManager.element.scrollTop) > (row.getHeight() / 2)){
+ if(self.toRow !== row || !self.toRowAfter){
+ rowEl.parentNode.insertBefore(self.placeholderElement, rowEl.nextSibling);
+ self.moveRow(row, true);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(self.toRow !== row || self.toRowAfter){
+ rowEl.parentNode.insertBefore(self.placeholderElement, rowEl);
+ self.moveRow(row, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }.bind(self);
+ if(!this.hasHandle){
+ rowEl = row.getElement();
+ rowEl.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){
+ if(e.which === 1){
+ self.checkTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
+ self.startMove(e, row);
+ }, self.checkPeriod);
+ }
+ });
+ rowEl.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e){
+ if(e.which === 1){
+ if(self.checkTimeout){
+ clearTimeout(self.checkTimeout);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.bindTouchEvents(row, row.getElement());
+ }
+ row.modules.moveRow = config;
+ }
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ if(column.definition.rowHandle && this.table.options.movableRows !== false){
+ this.hasHandle = true;
+ }
+ }
+ initializeCell(cell){
+ if(cell.column.definition.rowHandle && this.table.options.movableRows !== false){
+ var self = this,
+ cellEl = cell.getElement(true);
+ cellEl.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){
+ if(e.which === 1){
+ self.checkTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
+ self.startMove(e, cell.row);
+ }, self.checkPeriod);
+ }
+ });
+ cellEl.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e){
+ if(e.which === 1){
+ if(self.checkTimeout){
+ clearTimeout(self.checkTimeout);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.bindTouchEvents(cell.row, cellEl);
+ }
+ }
+ bindTouchEvents(row, element){
+ var startYMove = false, //shifting center position of the cell
+ nextRow, prevRow, nextRowHeight, prevRowHeight, nextRowHeightLast, prevRowHeightLast;
+ element.addEventListener("touchstart", (e) => {
+ this.checkTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
+ this.touchMove = true;
+ nextRow = row.nextRow();
+ nextRowHeight = nextRow ? nextRow.getHeight()/2 : 0;
+ prevRow = row.prevRow();
+ prevRowHeight = prevRow ? prevRow.getHeight()/2 : 0;
+ nextRowHeightLast = 0;
+ prevRowHeightLast = 0;
+ startYMove = false;
+ this.startMove(e, row);
+ }, this.checkPeriod);
+ }, {passive: true});
+ this.moving, this.toRow, this.toRowAfter;
+ element.addEventListener("touchmove", (e) => {
+ var diff, moveToRow;
+ if(this.moving){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.moveHover(e);
+ if(!startYMove){
+ startYMove = e.touches[0].pageY;
+ }
+ diff = e.touches[0].pageY - startYMove;
+ if(diff > 0){
+ if(nextRow && diff - nextRowHeightLast > nextRowHeight){
+ moveToRow = nextRow;
+ if(moveToRow !== row){
+ startYMove = e.touches[0].pageY;
+ moveToRow.getElement().parentNode.insertBefore(this.placeholderElement, moveToRow.getElement().nextSibling);
+ this.moveRow(moveToRow, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(prevRow && -diff - prevRowHeightLast > prevRowHeight){
+ moveToRow = prevRow;
+ if(moveToRow !== row){
+ startYMove = e.touches[0].pageY;
+ moveToRow.getElement().parentNode.insertBefore(this.placeholderElement, moveToRow.getElement());
+ this.moveRow(moveToRow, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(moveToRow){
+ nextRow = moveToRow.nextRow();
+ nextRowHeightLast = nextRowHeight;
+ nextRowHeight = nextRow ? nextRow.getHeight() / 2 : 0;
+ prevRow = moveToRow.prevRow();
+ prevRowHeightLast = prevRowHeight;
+ prevRowHeight = prevRow ? prevRow.getHeight() / 2 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("touchend", (e) => {
+ if(this.checkTimeout){
+ clearTimeout(this.checkTimeout);
+ }
+ if(this.moving){
+ this.endMove(e);
+ this.touchMove = false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _bindMouseMove(){
+ this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if((row.type === "row" || row.type === "group") && row.modules.moveRow && row.modules.moveRow.mousemove){
+ row.getElement().addEventListener("mousemove", row.modules.moveRow.mousemove);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _unbindMouseMove(){
+ this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if((row.type === "row" || row.type === "group") && row.modules.moveRow && row.modules.moveRow.mousemove){
+ row.getElement().removeEventListener("mousemove", row.modules.moveRow.mousemove);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ startMove(e, row){
+ var element = row.getElement();
+ this.setStartPosition(e, row);
+ this.moving = row;
+ this.table.element.classList.add("tabulator-block-select");
+ //create placeholder
+ this.placeholderElement.style.width = row.getWidth() + "px";
+ this.placeholderElement.style.height = row.getHeight() + "px";
+ if(!this.connection){
+ element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.placeholderElement, element);
+ element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+ }else {
+ this.table.element.classList.add("tabulator-movingrow-sending");
+ this.connectToTables(row);
+ }
+ //create hover element
+ this.hoverElement = element.cloneNode(true);
+ this.hoverElement.classList.add("tabulator-moving");
+ if(this.connection){
+ document.body.appendChild(this.hoverElement);
+ this.hoverElement.style.left = "0";
+ this.hoverElement.style.top = "0";
+ this.hoverElement.style.width = this.table.element.clientWidth + "px";
+ this.hoverElement.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
+ this.hoverElement.style.overflow = "hidden";
+ this.hoverElement.style.pointerEvents = "none";
+ }else {
+ this.table.rowManager.getTableElement().appendChild(this.hoverElement);
+ this.hoverElement.style.left = "0";
+ this.hoverElement.style.top = "0";
+ this._bindMouseMove();
+ }
+ document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", this.moveHover);
+ document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", this.endMove);
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowMoving", row.getComponent());
+ this.moveHover(e);
+ }
+ setStartPosition(e, row){
+ var pageX = this.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX,
+ pageY = this.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY,
+ element, position;
+ element = row.getElement();
+ if(this.connection){
+ position = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+ this.startX = position.left - pageX + window.pageXOffset;
+ this.startY = position.top - pageY + window.pageYOffset;
+ }else {
+ this.startY = (pageY - element.getBoundingClientRect().top);
+ }
+ }
+ endMove(e){
+ if(!e || e.which === 1 || this.touchMove){
+ this._unbindMouseMove();
+ if(!this.connection){
+ this.placeholderElement.parentNode.insertBefore(this.moving.getElement(), this.placeholderElement.nextSibling);
+ this.placeholderElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.placeholderElement);
+ }
+ this.hoverElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.hoverElement);
+ this.table.element.classList.remove("tabulator-block-select");
+ if(this.toRow){
+ this.table.rowManager.moveRow(this.moving, this.toRow, this.toRowAfter);
+ }else {
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowMoveCancelled", this.moving.getComponent());
+ }
+ this.moving = false;
+ this.toRow = false;
+ this.toRowAfter = false;
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.moveHover);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.endMove);
+ if(this.connection){
+ this.table.element.classList.remove("tabulator-movingrow-sending");
+ this.disconnectFromTables();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ moveRow(row, after){
+ this.toRow = row;
+ this.toRowAfter = after;
+ }
+ moveHover(e){
+ if(this.connection){
+ this.moveHoverConnections.call(this, e);
+ }else {
+ this.moveHoverTable.call(this, e);
+ }
+ }
+ moveHoverTable(e){
+ var rowHolder = this.table.rowManager.getElement(),
+ scrollTop = rowHolder.scrollTop,
+ yPos = ((this.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY) - rowHolder.getBoundingClientRect().top) + scrollTop;
+ this.hoverElement.style.top = Math.min(yPos - this.startY, this.table.rowManager.element.scrollHeight - this.hoverElement.offsetHeight) + "px";
+ }
+ moveHoverConnections(e){
+ this.hoverElement.style.left = (this.startX + (this.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX)) + "px";
+ this.hoverElement.style.top = (this.startY + (this.touchMove ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY)) + "px";
+ }
+ elementRowDrop(e, element, row){
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsElementDrop", e, element, row ? row.getComponent() : false);
+ }
+ //establish connection with other tables
+ connectToTables(row){
+ var connectionTables;
+ if(this.connectionSelectorsTables){
+ connectionTables = this.commsConnections(this.connectionSelectorsTables);
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsSendingStart", connectionTables);
+ this.commsSend(this.connectionSelectorsTables, "moveRow", "connect", {
+ row:row,
+ });
+ }
+ if(this.connectionSelectorsElements){
+ this.connectionElements = [];
+ if(!Array.isArray(this.connectionSelectorsElements)){
+ this.connectionSelectorsElements = [this.connectionSelectorsElements];
+ }
+ this.connectionSelectorsElements.forEach((query) => {
+ if(typeof query === "string"){
+ this.connectionElements = this.connectionElements.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(query)));
+ }else {
+ this.connectionElements.push(query);
+ }
+ });
+ this.connectionElements.forEach((element) => {
+ var dropEvent = (e) => {
+ this.elementRowDrop(e, element, this.moving);
+ };
+ element.addEventListener("mouseup", dropEvent);
+ element.tabulatorElementDropEvent = dropEvent;
+ element.classList.add("tabulator-movingrow-receiving");
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //disconnect from other tables
+ disconnectFromTables(){
+ var connectionTables;
+ if(this.connectionSelectorsTables){
+ connectionTables = this.commsConnections(this.connectionSelectorsTables);
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsSendingStop", connectionTables);
+ this.commsSend(this.connectionSelectorsTables, "moveRow", "disconnect");
+ }
+ this.connectionElements.forEach((element) => {
+ element.classList.remove("tabulator-movingrow-receiving");
+ element.removeEventListener("mouseup", element.tabulatorElementDropEvent);
+ delete element.tabulatorElementDropEvent;
+ });
+ }
+ //accept incomming connection
+ connect(table, row){
+ if(!this.connectedTable){
+ this.connectedTable = table;
+ this.connectedRow = row;
+ this.table.element.classList.add("tabulator-movingrow-receiving");
+ this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type === "row" && row.modules.moveRow && row.modules.moveRow.mouseup){
+ row.getElement().addEventListener("mouseup", row.modules.moveRow.mouseup);
+ }
+ });
+ this.tableRowDropEvent = this.tableRowDrop.bind(this);
+ this.table.element.addEventListener("mouseup", this.tableRowDropEvent);
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsReceivingStart", row, table);
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Move Row Error - Table cannot accept connection, already connected to table:", this.connectedTable);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //close incoming connection
+ disconnect(table){
+ if(table === this.connectedTable){
+ this.connectedTable = false;
+ this.connectedRow = false;
+ this.table.element.classList.remove("tabulator-movingrow-receiving");
+ this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().forEach((row) =>{
+ if(row.type === "row" && row.modules.moveRow && row.modules.moveRow.mouseup){
+ row.getElement().removeEventListener("mouseup", row.modules.moveRow.mouseup);
+ }
+ });
+ this.table.element.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.tableRowDropEvent);
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsReceivingStop", table);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Move Row Error - trying to disconnect from non connected table");
+ }
+ }
+ dropComplete(table, row, success){
+ var sender = false;
+ if(success){
+ switch(typeof this.table.options.movableRowsSender){
+ case "string":
+ sender = this.senders[this.table.options.movableRowsSender];
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ sender = this.table.options.movableRowsSender;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(sender){
+ sender.call(this, this.moving ? this.moving.getComponent() : undefined, row ? row.getComponent() : undefined, table);
+ }else {
+ if(this.table.options.movableRowsSender){
+ console.warn("Mover Row Error - no matching sender found:", this.table.options.movableRowsSender);
+ }
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsSent", this.moving.getComponent(), row ? row.getComponent() : undefined, table);
+ }else {
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsSentFailed", this.moving.getComponent(), row ? row.getComponent() : undefined, table);
+ }
+ this.endMove();
+ }
+ tableRowDrop(e, row){
+ var receiver = false,
+ success = false;
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ switch(typeof this.table.options.movableRowsReceiver){
+ case "string":
+ receiver = this.receivers[this.table.options.movableRowsReceiver];
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ receiver = this.table.options.movableRowsReceiver;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(receiver){
+ success = receiver.call(this, this.connectedRow.getComponent(), row ? row.getComponent() : undefined, this.connectedTable);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Mover Row Error - no matching receiver found:", this.table.options.movableRowsReceiver);
+ }
+ if(success){
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsReceived", this.connectedRow.getComponent(), row ? row.getComponent() : undefined, this.connectedTable);
+ }else {
+ this.dispatchExternal("movableRowsReceivedFailed", this.connectedRow.getComponent(), row ? row.getComponent() : undefined, this.connectedTable);
+ }
+ this.commsSend(this.connectedTable, "moveRow", "dropcomplete", {
+ row:row,
+ success:success,
+ });
+ }
+ commsReceived(table, action, data){
+ switch(action){
+ case "connect":
+ return this.connect(table, data.row);
+ case "disconnect":
+ return this.disconnect(table);
+ case "dropcomplete":
+ return this.dropComplete(table, data.row, data.success);
+ }
+ }
+MoveRows.prototype.receivers = {
+ insert:function(fromRow, toRow, fromTable){
+ this.table.addRow(fromRow.getData(), undefined, toRow);
+ return true;
+ },
+ add:function(fromRow, toRow, fromTable){
+ this.table.addRow(fromRow.getData());
+ return true;
+ },
+ update:function(fromRow, toRow, fromTable){
+ if(toRow){
+ toRow.update(fromRow.getData());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ replace:function(fromRow, toRow, fromTable){
+ if(toRow){
+ this.table.addRow(fromRow.getData(), undefined, toRow);
+ toRow.delete();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+MoveRows.prototype.senders = {
+ delete:function(fromRow, toRow, toTable){
+ fromRow.delete();
+ }
+MoveRows.moduleName = "moveRow";
+var defaultMutators = {};
+class Mutator extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.allowedTypes = ["", "data", "edit", "clipboard"]; //list of mutation types
+ this.enabled = true;
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutator");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutatorParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutatorData");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutatorDataParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutatorEdit");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutatorEditParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutatorClipboard");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutatorClipboardParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("mutateLink");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-changing", this.transformCell.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-changed", this.mutateLink.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-layout", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-data-init-before", this.rowDataChanged.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-data-changing", this.rowDataChanged.bind(this));
+ }
+ rowDataChanged(row, tempData, updatedData){
+ return this.transformRow(tempData, "data", updatedData);
+ }
+ //initialize column mutator
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var match = false,
+ config = {};
+ this.allowedTypes.forEach((type) => {
+ var key = "mutator" + (type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1)),
+ mutator;
+ if(column.definition[key]){
+ mutator = this.lookupMutator(column.definition[key]);
+ if(mutator){
+ match = true;
+ config[key] = {
+ mutator:mutator,
+ params: column.definition[key + "Params"] || {},
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(match){
+ column.modules.mutate = config;
+ }
+ }
+ lookupMutator(value){
+ var mutator = false;
+ //set column mutator
+ switch(typeof value){
+ case "string":
+ if(Mutator.mutators[value]){
+ mutator = Mutator.mutators[value];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Mutator Error - No such mutator found, ignoring: ", value);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ mutator = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ return mutator;
+ }
+ //apply mutator to row
+ transformRow(data, type, updatedData){
+ var key = "mutator" + (type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1)),
+ value;
+ if(this.enabled){
+ this.table.columnManager.traverse((column) => {
+ var mutator, params, component;
+ if(column.modules.mutate){
+ mutator = column.modules.mutate[key] || column.modules.mutate.mutator || false;
+ if(mutator){
+ value = column.getFieldValue(typeof updatedData !== "undefined" ? updatedData : data);
+ if((type == "data" && !updatedData)|| typeof value !== "undefined"){
+ component = column.getComponent();
+ params = typeof mutator.params === "function" ? mutator.params(value, data, type, component) : mutator.params;
+ column.setFieldValue(data, mutator.mutator(value, data, type, params, component));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ //apply mutator to new cell value
+ transformCell(cell, value){
+ if(cell.column.modules.mutate){
+ var mutator = cell.column.modules.mutate.mutatorEdit || cell.column.modules.mutate.mutator || false,
+ tempData = {};
+ if(mutator){
+ tempData = Object.assign(tempData, cell.row.getData());
+ cell.column.setFieldValue(tempData, value);
+ return mutator.mutator(value, tempData, "edit", mutator.params, cell.getComponent());
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ mutateLink(cell){
+ var links = cell.column.definition.mutateLink;
+ if(links){
+ if(!Array.isArray(links)){
+ links = [links];
+ }
+ links.forEach((link) => {
+ var linkCell = cell.row.getCell(link);
+ if(linkCell){
+ linkCell.setValue(linkCell.getValue(), true, true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ enable(){
+ this.enabled = true;
+ }
+ disable(){
+ this.enabled = false;
+ }
+Mutator.moduleName = "mutator";
+//load defaults
+Mutator.mutators = defaultMutators;
+function rows(pageSize, currentRow, currentPage, totalRows, totalPages){
+ var el = document.createElement("span"),
+ showingEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ valueEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ ofEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ totalEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ rowsEl = document.createElement("span");
+ this.table.modules.localize.langBind("pagination|counter|showing", (value) => {
+ showingEl.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ this.table.modules.localize.langBind("pagination|counter|of", (value) => {
+ ofEl.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ this.table.modules.localize.langBind("pagination|counter|rows", (value) => {
+ rowsEl.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ if(totalRows){
+ valueEl.innerHTML = " " + currentRow + "-" + Math.min((currentRow + pageSize - 1), totalRows) + " ";
+ totalEl.innerHTML = " " + totalRows + " ";
+ el.appendChild(showingEl);
+ el.appendChild(valueEl);
+ el.appendChild(ofEl);
+ el.appendChild(totalEl);
+ el.appendChild(rowsEl);
+ }else {
+ valueEl.innerHTML = " 0 ";
+ el.appendChild(showingEl);
+ el.appendChild(valueEl);
+ el.appendChild(rowsEl);
+ }
+ return el;
+function pages(pageSize, currentRow, currentPage, totalRows, totalPages){
+ var el = document.createElement("span"),
+ showingEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ valueEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ ofEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ totalEl = document.createElement("span"),
+ rowsEl = document.createElement("span");
+ this.table.modules.localize.langBind("pagination|counter|showing", (value) => {
+ showingEl.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ valueEl.innerHTML = " " + currentPage + " ";
+ this.table.modules.localize.langBind("pagination|counter|of", (value) => {
+ ofEl.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ totalEl.innerHTML = " " + totalPages + " ";
+ this.table.modules.localize.langBind("pagination|counter|pages", (value) => {
+ rowsEl.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ el.appendChild(showingEl);
+ el.appendChild(valueEl);
+ el.appendChild(ofEl);
+ el.appendChild(totalEl);
+ el.appendChild(rowsEl);
+ return el;
+var defaultPageCounters = {
+ rows:rows,
+ pages:pages,
+class Page extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.mode = "local";
+ this.progressiveLoad = false;
+ this.element = null;
+ this.pageCounterElement = null;
+ this.pageCounter = null;
+ this.size = 0;
+ this.page = 1;
+ this.count = 5;
+ this.max = 1;
+ this.remoteRowCountEstimate = null;
+ this.initialLoad = true;
+ this.dataChanging = false; //flag to check if data is being changed by this module
+ this.pageSizes = [];
+ this.registerTableOption("pagination", false); //set pagination type
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationMode", "local"); //local or remote pagination
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationSize", false); //set number of rows to a page
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationInitialPage", 1); //initial page to show on load
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationCounter", false); // set pagination counter
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationCounterElement", false); // set pagination counter
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationButtonCount", 5); // set count of page button
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationSizeSelector", false); //add pagination size selector element
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationElement", false); //element to hold pagination numbers
+ // this.registerTableOption("paginationDataSent", {}); //pagination data sent to the server
+ // this.registerTableOption("paginationDataReceived", {}); //pagination data received from the server
+ this.registerTableOption("paginationAddRow", "page"); //add rows on table or page
+ this.registerTableOption("progressiveLoad", false); //progressive loading
+ this.registerTableOption("progressiveLoadDelay", 0); //delay between requests
+ this.registerTableOption("progressiveLoadScrollMargin", 0); //margin before scroll begins
+ this.registerTableFunction("setMaxPage", this.setMaxPage.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setPage", this.setPage.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setPageToRow", this.userSetPageToRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setPageSize", this.userSetPageSize.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getPageSize", this.getPageSize.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("previousPage", this.previousPage.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("nextPage", this.nextPage.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getPage", this.getPage.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getPageMax", this.getPageMax.bind(this));
+ //register component functions
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "pageTo", this.setPageToRow.bind(this));
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.pagination){
+ this.subscribe("row-deleted", this.rowsUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-added", this.rowsUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-processed", this.initialLoadComplete.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-built", this.calculatePageSizes.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("footer-redraw", this.footerRedraw.bind(this));
+ if(this.table.options.paginationAddRow == "page"){
+ this.subscribe("row-adding-position", this.rowAddingPosition.bind(this));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.paginationMode === "remote"){
+ this.subscribe("data-params", this.remotePageParams.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-loaded", this._parseRemoteData.bind(this));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.progressiveLoad){
+ console.error("Progressive Load Error - Pagination and progressive load cannot be used at the same time");
+ }
+ this.registerDisplayHandler(this.restOnRenderBefore.bind(this), 40);
+ this.registerDisplayHandler(this.getRows.bind(this), 50);
+ this.createElements();
+ this.initializePageCounter();
+ this.initializePaginator();
+ }else if(this.table.options.progressiveLoad){
+ this.subscribe("data-params", this.remotePageParams.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-loaded", this._parseRemoteData.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-built", this.calculatePageSizes.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-processed", this.initialLoadComplete.bind(this));
+ this.initializeProgressive(this.table.options.progressiveLoad);
+ if(this.table.options.progressiveLoad === "scroll"){
+ this.subscribe("scroll-vertical", this.scrollVertical.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rowAddingPosition(row, top){
+ var rowManager = this.table.rowManager,
+ displayRows = rowManager.getDisplayRows(),
+ index;
+ if(top){
+ if(displayRows.length){
+ index = displayRows[0];
+ }else {
+ if(rowManager.activeRows.length){
+ index = rowManager.activeRows[rowManager.activeRows.length-1];
+ top = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(displayRows.length){
+ index = displayRows[displayRows.length - 1];
+ top = displayRows.length < this.size ? false : true;
+ }
+ }
+ return {index, top};
+ }
+ calculatePageSizes(){
+ var testElRow, testElCell;
+ if(this.table.options.paginationSize){
+ this.size = this.table.options.paginationSize;
+ }else {
+ testElRow = document.createElement("div");
+ testElRow.classList.add("tabulator-row");
+ testElRow.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ testElCell = document.createElement("div");
+ testElCell.classList.add("tabulator-cell");
+ testElCell.innerHTML = "Page Row Test";
+ testElRow.appendChild(testElCell);
+ this.table.rowManager.getTableElement().appendChild(testElRow);
+ this.size = Math.floor(this.table.rowManager.getElement().clientHeight / testElRow.offsetHeight);
+ this.table.rowManager.getTableElement().removeChild(testElRow);
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("pageSizeChanged", this.size);
+ this.generatePageSizeSelectList();
+ }
+ initialLoadComplete(){
+ this.initialLoad = false;
+ }
+ remotePageParams(data, config, silent, params){
+ if(!this.initialLoad){
+ if((this.progressiveLoad && !silent) || (!this.progressiveLoad && !this.dataChanging)){
+ this.reset(true);
+ }
+ }
+ //configure request params
+ params.page = this.page;
+ //set page size if defined
+ if(this.size){
+ params.size = this.size;
+ }
+ return params;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ userSetPageToRow(row){
+ if(this.table.options.pagination){
+ row = this.rowManager.findRow(row);
+ if(row){
+ return this.setPageToRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ userSetPageSize(size){
+ if(this.table.options.pagination){
+ this.setPageSize(size);
+ return this.setPage(1);
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ scrollVertical(top, dir){
+ var element, diff, margin;
+ if(!dir && !this.table.dataLoader.loading){
+ element = this.table.rowManager.getElement();
+ diff = element.scrollHeight - element.clientHeight - top;
+ margin = this.table.options.progressiveLoadScrollMargin || (element.clientHeight * 2);
+ if(diff < margin){
+ this.nextPage()
+ .catch(() => {}); //consume the exception thrown when on the last page
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ restOnRenderBefore(rows, renderInPosition){
+ if(!renderInPosition){
+ if(this.mode === "local"){
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ return rows;
+ }
+ rowsUpdated(){
+ this.refreshData(true, "all");
+ }
+ createElements(){
+ var button;
+ this.element = document.createElement("span");
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-paginator");
+ this.pagesElement = document.createElement("span");
+ this.pagesElement.classList.add("tabulator-pages");
+ button = document.createElement("button");
+ button.classList.add("tabulator-page");
+ button.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ button.setAttribute("role", "button");
+ button.setAttribute("aria-label", "");
+ button.setAttribute("title", "");
+ this.firstBut = button.cloneNode(true);
+ this.firstBut.setAttribute("data-page", "first");
+ this.prevBut = button.cloneNode(true);
+ this.prevBut.setAttribute("data-page", "prev");
+ this.nextBut = button.cloneNode(true);
+ this.nextBut.setAttribute("data-page", "next");
+ this.lastBut = button.cloneNode(true);
+ this.lastBut.setAttribute("data-page", "last");
+ if(this.table.options.paginationSizeSelector){
+ this.pageSizeSelect = document.createElement("select");
+ this.pageSizeSelect.classList.add("tabulator-page-size");
+ }
+ }
+ generatePageSizeSelectList(){
+ var pageSizes = [];
+ if(this.pageSizeSelect){
+ if(Array.isArray(this.table.options.paginationSizeSelector)){
+ pageSizes = this.table.options.paginationSizeSelector;
+ this.pageSizes = pageSizes;
+ if(this.pageSizes.indexOf(this.size) == -1){
+ pageSizes.unshift(this.size);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.pageSizes.indexOf(this.size) == -1){
+ pageSizes = [];
+ for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++){
+ pageSizes.push(this.size * i);
+ }
+ this.pageSizes = pageSizes;
+ }else {
+ pageSizes = this.pageSizes;
+ }
+ }
+ while(this.pageSizeSelect.firstChild) this.pageSizeSelect.removeChild(this.pageSizeSelect.firstChild);
+ pageSizes.forEach((item) => {
+ var itemEl = document.createElement("option");
+ itemEl.value = item;
+ if(item === true){
+ this.langBind("pagination|all", function(value){
+ itemEl.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ }else {
+ itemEl.innerHTML = item;
+ }
+ this.pageSizeSelect.appendChild(itemEl);
+ });
+ this.pageSizeSelect.value = this.size;
+ }
+ }
+ initializePageCounter(){
+ var counter = this.table.options.paginationCounter,
+ pageCounter = null;
+ if(counter){
+ if(typeof counter === "function"){
+ pageCounter = counter;
+ }else {
+ pageCounter = Page.pageCounters[counter];
+ }
+ if(pageCounter){
+ this.pageCounter = pageCounter;
+ this.pageCounterElement = document.createElement("span");
+ this.pageCounterElement.classList.add("tabulator-page-counter");
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Pagination Error - No such page counter found: ", counter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //setup pagination
+ initializePaginator(hidden){
+ var pageSelectLabel, paginationCounterHolder;
+ if(!hidden){
+ //build pagination element
+ //bind localizations
+ this.langBind("pagination|first", (value) => {
+ this.firstBut.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ this.langBind("pagination|first_title", (value) => {
+ this.firstBut.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ this.firstBut.setAttribute("title", value);
+ });
+ this.langBind("pagination|prev", (value) => {
+ this.prevBut.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ this.langBind("pagination|prev_title", (value) => {
+ this.prevBut.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ this.prevBut.setAttribute("title", value);
+ });
+ this.langBind("pagination|next", (value) => {
+ this.nextBut.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ this.langBind("pagination|next_title", (value) => {
+ this.nextBut.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ this.nextBut.setAttribute("title", value);
+ });
+ this.langBind("pagination|last", (value) => {
+ this.lastBut.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ this.langBind("pagination|last_title", (value) => {
+ this.lastBut.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ this.lastBut.setAttribute("title", value);
+ });
+ //click bindings
+ this.firstBut.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ this.setPage(1);
+ });
+ this.prevBut.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ this.previousPage();
+ });
+ this.nextBut.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ this.nextPage();
+ });
+ this.lastBut.addEventListener("click", () => {
+ this.setPage(this.max);
+ });
+ if(this.table.options.paginationElement){
+ this.element = this.table.options.paginationElement;
+ }
+ if(this.pageSizeSelect){
+ pageSelectLabel = document.createElement("label");
+ this.langBind("pagination|page_size", (value) => {
+ this.pageSizeSelect.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ this.pageSizeSelect.setAttribute("title", value);
+ pageSelectLabel.innerHTML = value;
+ });
+ this.element.appendChild(pageSelectLabel);
+ this.element.appendChild(this.pageSizeSelect);
+ this.pageSizeSelect.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
+ this.setPageSize(this.pageSizeSelect.value == "true" ? true : this.pageSizeSelect.value);
+ this.setPage(1);
+ });
+ }
+ //append to DOM
+ this.element.appendChild(this.firstBut);
+ this.element.appendChild(this.prevBut);
+ this.element.appendChild(this.pagesElement);
+ this.element.appendChild(this.nextBut);
+ this.element.appendChild(this.lastBut);
+ if(!this.table.options.paginationElement){
+ if(this.table.options.paginationCounter){
+ if(this.table.options.paginationCounterElement){
+ if(this.table.options.paginationCounterElement instanceof HTMLElement){
+ this.table.options.paginationCounterElement.appendChild(this.pageCounterElement);
+ }else if(typeof this.table.options.paginationCounterElement === "string"){
+ paginationCounterHolder = document.querySelector(this.table.options.paginationCounterElement);
+ if(paginationCounterHolder){
+ paginationCounterHolder.appendChild(this.pageCounterElement);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Pagination Error - Unable to find element matching paginationCounterElement selector:", this.table.options.paginationCounterElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.footerAppend(this.pageCounterElement);
+ }
+ }
+ this.footerAppend(this.element);
+ }
+ this.page = this.table.options.paginationInitialPage;
+ this.count = this.table.options.paginationButtonCount;
+ }
+ //set default values
+ this.mode = this.table.options.paginationMode;
+ }
+ initializeProgressive(mode){
+ this.initializePaginator(true);
+ this.mode = "progressive_" + mode;
+ this.progressiveLoad = true;
+ }
+ trackChanges(){
+ this.dispatch("page-changed");
+ }
+ //calculate maximum page from number of rows
+ setMaxRows(rowCount){
+ if(!rowCount){
+ this.max = 1;
+ }else {
+ this.max = this.size === true ? 1 : Math.ceil(rowCount/this.size);
+ }
+ if(this.page > this.max){
+ this.page = this.max;
+ }
+ }
+ //reset to first page without triggering action
+ reset(force){
+ if(!this.initialLoad){
+ if(this.mode == "local" || force){
+ this.page = 1;
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //set the maximum page
+ setMaxPage(max){
+ max = parseInt(max);
+ this.max = max || 1;
+ if(this.page > this.max){
+ this.page = this.max;
+ this.trigger();
+ }
+ }
+ //set current page number
+ setPage(page){
+ switch(page){
+ case "first":
+ return this.setPage(1);
+ case "prev":
+ return this.previousPage();
+ case "next":
+ return this.nextPage();
+ case "last":
+ return this.setPage(this.max);
+ }
+ page = parseInt(page);
+ if((page > 0 && page <= this.max) || this.mode !== "local"){
+ this.page = page;
+ this.trackChanges();
+ return this.trigger();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Pagination Error - Requested page is out of range of 1 - " + this.max + ":", page);
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ setPageToRow(row){
+ var rows = this.displayRows(-1);
+ var index = rows.indexOf(row);
+ if(index > -1){
+ var page = this.size === true ? 1 : Math.ceil((index + 1) / this.size);
+ return this.setPage(page);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Pagination Error - Requested row is not visible");
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ setPageSize(size){
+ if(size !== true){
+ size = parseInt(size);
+ }
+ if(size > 0){
+ this.size = size;
+ this.dispatchExternal("pageSizeChanged", size);
+ }
+ if(this.pageSizeSelect){
+ // this.pageSizeSelect.value = size;
+ this.generatePageSizeSelectList();
+ }
+ this.trackChanges();
+ }
+ _setPageCounter(totalRows, size, currentRow){
+ var content;
+ if(this.pageCounter){
+ if(this.mode === "remote"){
+ size = this.size;
+ currentRow = ((this.page - 1) * this.size) + 1;
+ totalRows = this.remoteRowCountEstimate;
+ }
+ content = this.pageCounter.call(this, size, currentRow, this.page, totalRows, this.max);
+ switch(typeof content){
+ case "object":
+ if(content instanceof Node){
+ //clear previous cell contents
+ while(this.pageCounterElement.firstChild) this.pageCounterElement.removeChild(this.pageCounterElement.firstChild);
+ this.pageCounterElement.appendChild(content);
+ }else {
+ this.pageCounterElement.innerHTML = "";
+ if(content != null){
+ console.warn("Page Counter Error - Page Counter has returned a type of object, the only valid page counter object return is an instance of Node, the page counter returned:", content);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ this.pageCounterElement.innerHTML = "";
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.pageCounterElement.innerHTML = content;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //setup the pagination buttons
+ _setPageButtons(){
+ let leftSize = Math.floor((this.count-1) / 2);
+ let rightSize = Math.ceil((this.count-1) / 2);
+ let min = this.max - this.page + leftSize + 1 < this.count ? this.max-this.count+1: Math.max(this.page-leftSize,1);
+ let max = this.page <= rightSize? Math.min(this.count, this.max) :Math.min(this.page+rightSize, this.max);
+ while(this.pagesElement.firstChild) this.pagesElement.removeChild(this.pagesElement.firstChild);
+ if(this.page == 1){
+ this.firstBut.disabled = true;
+ this.prevBut.disabled = true;
+ }else {
+ this.firstBut.disabled = false;
+ this.prevBut.disabled = false;
+ }
+ if(this.page == this.max){
+ this.lastBut.disabled = true;
+ this.nextBut.disabled = true;
+ }else {
+ this.lastBut.disabled = false;
+ this.nextBut.disabled = false;
+ }
+ for(let i = min; i <= max; i++){
+ if(i>0 && i <= this.max){
+ this.pagesElement.appendChild(this._generatePageButton(i));
+ }
+ }
+ this.footerRedraw();
+ }
+ _generatePageButton(page){
+ var button = document.createElement("button");
+ button.classList.add("tabulator-page");
+ if(page == this.page){
+ button.classList.add("active");
+ }
+ button.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ button.setAttribute("role", "button");
+ this.langBind("pagination|page_title", (value) => {
+ button.setAttribute("aria-label", value + " " + page);
+ button.setAttribute("title", value + " " + page);
+ });
+ button.setAttribute("data-page", page);
+ button.textContent = page;
+ button.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ this.setPage(page);
+ });
+ return button;
+ }
+ //previous page
+ previousPage(){
+ if(this.page > 1){
+ this.page--;
+ this.trackChanges();
+ return this.trigger();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Pagination Error - Previous page would be less than page 1:", 0);
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ //next page
+ nextPage(){
+ if(this.page < this.max){
+ this.page++;
+ this.trackChanges();
+ return this.trigger();
+ }else {
+ if(!this.progressiveLoad){
+ console.warn("Pagination Error - Next page would be greater than maximum page of " + this.max + ":", this.max + 1);
+ }
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ //return current page number
+ getPage(){
+ return this.page;
+ }
+ //return max page number
+ getPageMax(){
+ return this.max;
+ }
+ getPageSize(size){
+ return this.size;
+ }
+ getMode(){
+ return this.mode;
+ }
+ //return appropriate rows for current page
+ getRows(data){
+ var actualRowPageSize = 0,
+ output, start, end, actualStartRow;
+ var actualRows = data.filter((row) => {
+ return row.type === "row";
+ });
+ if(this.mode == "local"){
+ output = [];
+ this.setMaxRows(data.length);
+ if(this.size === true){
+ start = 0;
+ end = data.length;
+ }else {
+ start = this.size * (this.page - 1);
+ end = start + parseInt(this.size);
+ }
+ this._setPageButtons();
+ for(let i = start; i < end; i++){
+ let row = data[i];
+ if(row){
+ output.push(row);
+ if(row.type === "row"){
+ if(!actualStartRow){
+ actualStartRow = row;
+ }
+ actualRowPageSize++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._setPageCounter(actualRows.length, actualRowPageSize, actualStartRow ? (actualRows.indexOf(actualStartRow) + 1) : 0);
+ return output;
+ }else {
+ this._setPageButtons();
+ this._setPageCounter(actualRows.length);
+ return data.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ trigger(){
+ var left;
+ switch(this.mode){
+ case "local":
+ left = this.table.rowManager.scrollLeft;
+ this.refreshData();
+ this.table.rowManager.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ this.dispatchExternal("pageLoaded", this.getPage());
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ case "remote":
+ this.dataChanging = true;
+ return this.reloadData(null)
+ .finally(() => {
+ this.dataChanging = false;
+ });
+ case "progressive_load":
+ case "progressive_scroll":
+ return this.reloadData(null, true);
+ default:
+ console.warn("Pagination Error - no such pagination mode:", this.mode);
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ _parseRemoteData(data){
+ var margin;
+ if(typeof data.last_page === "undefined"){
+ console.warn("Remote Pagination Error - Server response missing '" + (this.options("dataReceiveParams").last_page || "last_page") + "' property");
+ }
+ if(data.data){
+ this.max = parseInt(data.last_page) || 1;
+ this.remoteRowCountEstimate = typeof data.last_row !== "undefined" ? data.last_row : (data.last_page * this.size - (this.page == data.last_page ? (this.size - data.data.length) : 0));
+ if(this.progressiveLoad){
+ switch(this.mode){
+ case "progressive_load":
+ if(this.page == 1){
+ this.table.rowManager.setData(data.data, false, this.page == 1);
+ }else {
+ this.table.rowManager.addRows(data.data);
+ }
+ if(this.page < this.max){
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.nextPage();
+ }, this.table.options.progressiveLoadDelay);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "progressive_scroll":
+ data = this.page === 1 ? data.data : this.table.rowManager.getData().concat(data.data);
+ this.table.rowManager.setData(data, this.page !== 1, this.page == 1);
+ margin = this.table.options.progressiveLoadScrollMargin || (this.table.rowManager.element.clientHeight * 2);
+ if(this.table.rowManager.element.scrollHeight <= (this.table.rowManager.element.clientHeight + margin)){
+ if(this.page < this.max){
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.nextPage();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }else {
+ // left = this.table.rowManager.scrollLeft;
+ this.dispatchExternal("pageLoaded", this.getPage());
+ // this.table.rowManager.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ // this.table.columnManager.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Remote Pagination Error - Server response missing '" + (this.options("dataReceiveParams").data || "data") + "' property");
+ }
+ return data.data;
+ }
+ //handle the footer element being redrawn
+ footerRedraw(){
+ var footer = this.table.footerManager.containerElement;
+ if((Math.ceil(footer.clientWidth) - footer.scrollWidth) < 0){
+ this.pagesElement.style.display = 'none';
+ }else {
+ this.pagesElement.style.display = '';
+ if((Math.ceil(footer.clientWidth) - footer.scrollWidth) < 0){
+ this.pagesElement.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Page.moduleName = "page";
+//load defaults
+Page.pageCounters = defaultPageCounters;
+// read persistance information from storage
+var defaultReaders = {
+ local:function(id, type){
+ var data = localStorage.getItem(id + "-" + type);
+ return data ? JSON.parse(data) : false;
+ },
+ cookie:function(id, type){
+ var cookie = document.cookie,
+ key = id + "-" + type,
+ cookiePos = cookie.indexOf(key + "="),
+ end, data;
+ //if cookie exists, decode and load column data into tabulator
+ if(cookiePos > -1){
+ cookie = cookie.slice(cookiePos);
+ end = cookie.indexOf(";");
+ if(end > -1){
+ cookie = cookie.slice(0, end);
+ }
+ data = cookie.replace(key + "=", "");
+ }
+ return data ? JSON.parse(data) : false;
+ }
+//write persistence information to storage
+var defaultWriters = {
+ local:function(id, type, data){
+ localStorage.setItem(id + "-" + type, JSON.stringify(data));
+ },
+ cookie:function(id, type, data){
+ var expireDate = new Date();
+ expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate() + 10000);
+ document.cookie = id + "-" + type + "=" + JSON.stringify(data) + "; expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString();
+ }
+class Persistence extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.mode = "";
+ this.id = "";
+ // this.persistProps = ["field", "width", "visible"];
+ this.defWatcherBlock = false;
+ this.config = {};
+ this.readFunc = false;
+ this.writeFunc = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("persistence", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("persistenceID", ""); //key for persistent storage
+ this.registerTableOption("persistenceMode", true); //mode for storing persistence information
+ this.registerTableOption("persistenceReaderFunc", false); //function for handling persistence data reading
+ this.registerTableOption("persistenceWriterFunc", false); //function for handling persistence data writing
+ }
+ // Test for whether localStorage is available for use.
+ localStorageTest() {
+ var testKey = "_tabulator_test";
+ try {
+ window.localStorage.setItem( testKey, testKey);
+ window.localStorage.removeItem( testKey );
+ return true;
+ } catch(e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //setup parameters
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.persistence){
+ //determine persistent layout storage type
+ var mode = this.table.options.persistenceMode,
+ id = this.table.options.persistenceID,
+ retrievedData;
+ this.mode = mode !== true ? mode : (this.localStorageTest() ? "local" : "cookie");
+ if(this.table.options.persistenceReaderFunc){
+ if(typeof this.table.options.persistenceReaderFunc === "function"){
+ this.readFunc = this.table.options.persistenceReaderFunc;
+ }else {
+ if(Persistence.readers[this.table.options.persistenceReaderFunc]){
+ this.readFunc = Persistence.readers[this.table.options.persistenceReaderFunc];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Persistence Read Error - invalid reader set", this.table.options.persistenceReaderFunc);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(Persistence.readers[this.mode]){
+ this.readFunc = Persistence.readers[this.mode];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Persistence Read Error - invalid reader set", this.mode);
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.persistenceWriterFunc){
+ if(typeof this.table.options.persistenceWriterFunc === "function"){
+ this.writeFunc = this.table.options.persistenceWriterFunc;
+ }else {
+ if(Persistence.writers[this.table.options.persistenceWriterFunc]){
+ this.writeFunc = Persistence.writers[this.table.options.persistenceWriterFunc];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Persistence Write Error - invalid reader set", this.table.options.persistenceWriterFunc);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(Persistence.writers[this.mode]){
+ this.writeFunc = Persistence.writers[this.mode];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Persistence Write Error - invalid writer set", this.mode);
+ }
+ }
+ //set storage tag
+ this.id = "tabulator-" + (id || (this.table.element.getAttribute("id") || ""));
+ this.config = {
+ sort:this.table.options.persistence === true || this.table.options.persistence.sort,
+ filter:this.table.options.persistence === true || this.table.options.persistence.filter,
+ group:this.table.options.persistence === true || this.table.options.persistence.group,
+ page:this.table.options.persistence === true || this.table.options.persistence.page,
+ columns:this.table.options.persistence === true ? ["title", "width", "visible"] : this.table.options.persistence.columns,
+ };
+ //load pagination data if needed
+ if(this.config.page){
+ retrievedData = this.retrieveData("page");
+ if(retrievedData){
+ if(typeof retrievedData.paginationSize !== "undefined" && (this.config.page === true || this.config.page.size)){
+ this.table.options.paginationSize = retrievedData.paginationSize;
+ }
+ if(typeof retrievedData.paginationInitialPage !== "undefined" && (this.config.page === true || this.config.page.page)){
+ this.table.options.paginationInitialPage = retrievedData.paginationInitialPage;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //load group data if needed
+ if(this.config.group){
+ retrievedData = this.retrieveData("group");
+ if(retrievedData){
+ if(typeof retrievedData.groupBy !== "undefined" && (this.config.group === true || this.config.group.groupBy)){
+ this.table.options.groupBy = retrievedData.groupBy;
+ }
+ if(typeof retrievedData.groupStartOpen !== "undefined" && (this.config.group === true || this.config.group.groupStartOpen)){
+ this.table.options.groupStartOpen = retrievedData.groupStartOpen;
+ }
+ if(typeof retrievedData.groupHeader !== "undefined" && (this.config.group === true || this.config.group.groupHeader)){
+ this.table.options.groupHeader = retrievedData.groupHeader;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.config.columns){
+ this.table.options.columns = this.load("columns", this.table.options.columns);
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-show", this.save.bind(this, "columns"));
+ this.subscribe("column-hide", this.save.bind(this, "columns"));
+ this.subscribe("column-moved", this.save.bind(this, "columns"));
+ }
+ this.subscribe("table-built", this.tableBuilt.bind(this), 0);
+ this.subscribe("table-redraw", this.tableRedraw.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("filter-changed", this.eventSave.bind(this, "filter"));
+ this.subscribe("sort-changed", this.eventSave.bind(this, "sort"));
+ this.subscribe("group-changed", this.eventSave.bind(this, "group"));
+ this.subscribe("page-changed", this.eventSave.bind(this, "page"));
+ this.subscribe("column-resized", this.eventSave.bind(this, "columns"));
+ this.subscribe("column-width", this.eventSave.bind(this, "columns"));
+ this.subscribe("layout-refreshed", this.eventSave.bind(this, "columns"));
+ }
+ this.registerTableFunction("getColumnLayout", this.getColumnLayout.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("setColumnLayout", this.setColumnLayout.bind(this));
+ }
+ eventSave(type){
+ if(this.config[type]){
+ this.save(type);
+ }
+ }
+ tableBuilt(){
+ var sorters, filters;
+ if(this.config.sort){
+ sorters = this.load("sort");
+ if(!sorters === false){
+ this.table.options.initialSort = sorters;
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.config.filter){
+ filters = this.load("filter");
+ if(!filters === false){
+ this.table.options.initialFilter = filters;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tableRedraw(force){
+ if(force && this.config.columns){
+ this.save("columns");
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ getColumnLayout(){
+ return this.parseColumns(this.table.columnManager.getColumns());
+ }
+ setColumnLayout(layout){
+ this.table.columnManager.setColumns(this.mergeDefinition(this.table.options.columns, layout));
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var def, keys;
+ if(this.config.columns){
+ this.defWatcherBlock = true;
+ def = column.getDefinition();
+ keys = this.config.columns === true ? Object.keys(def) : this.config.columns;
+ keys.forEach((key)=>{
+ var props = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(def, key);
+ var value = def[key];
+ if(props){
+ Object.defineProperty(def, key, {
+ set: (newValue) => {
+ value = newValue;
+ if(!this.defWatcherBlock){
+ this.save("columns");
+ }
+ if(props.set){
+ props.set(newValue);
+ }
+ },
+ get:() => {
+ if(props.get){
+ props.get();
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ this.defWatcherBlock = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //load saved definitions
+ load(type, current){
+ var data = this.retrieveData(type);
+ if(current){
+ data = data ? this.mergeDefinition(current, data) : current;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ //retrieve data from memory
+ retrieveData(type){
+ return this.readFunc ? this.readFunc(this.id, type) : false;
+ }
+ //merge old and new column definitions
+ mergeDefinition(oldCols, newCols){
+ var output = [];
+ newCols = newCols || [];
+ newCols.forEach((column, to) => {
+ var from = this._findColumn(oldCols, column),
+ keys;
+ if(from){
+ if(this.config.columns === true || this.config.columns == undefined){
+ keys = Object.keys(from);
+ keys.push("width");
+ }else {
+ keys = this.config.columns;
+ }
+ keys.forEach((key)=>{
+ if(key !== "columns" && typeof column[key] !== "undefined"){
+ from[key] = column[key];
+ }
+ });
+ if(from.columns){
+ from.columns = this.mergeDefinition(from.columns, column.columns);
+ }
+ output.push(from);
+ }
+ });
+ oldCols.forEach((column, i) => {
+ var from = this._findColumn(newCols, column);
+ if (!from) {
+ if(output.length>i){
+ output.splice(i, 0, column);
+ }else {
+ output.push(column);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ //find matching columns
+ _findColumn(columns, subject){
+ var type = subject.columns ? "group" : (subject.field ? "field" : "object");
+ return columns.find(function(col){
+ switch(type){
+ case "group":
+ return col.title === subject.title && col.columns.length === subject.columns.length;
+ case "field":
+ return col.field === subject.field;
+ case "object":
+ return col === subject;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //save data
+ save(type){
+ var data = {};
+ switch(type){
+ case "columns":
+ data = this.parseColumns(this.table.columnManager.getColumns());
+ break;
+ case "filter":
+ data = this.table.modules.filter.getFilters();
+ break;
+ case "sort":
+ data = this.validateSorters(this.table.modules.sort.getSort());
+ break;
+ case "group":
+ data = this.getGroupConfig();
+ break;
+ case "page":
+ data = this.getPageConfig();
+ break;
+ }
+ if(this.writeFunc){
+ this.writeFunc(this.id, type, data);
+ }
+ }
+ //ensure sorters contain no function data
+ validateSorters(data){
+ data.forEach(function(item){
+ item.column = item.field;
+ delete item.field;
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ getGroupConfig(){
+ var data = {};
+ if(this.config.group){
+ if(this.config.group === true || this.config.group.groupBy){
+ data.groupBy = this.table.options.groupBy;
+ }
+ if(this.config.group === true || this.config.group.groupStartOpen){
+ data.groupStartOpen = this.table.options.groupStartOpen;
+ }
+ if(this.config.group === true || this.config.group.groupHeader){
+ data.groupHeader = this.table.options.groupHeader;
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ getPageConfig(){
+ var data = {};
+ if(this.config.page){
+ if(this.config.page === true || this.config.page.size){
+ data.paginationSize = this.table.modules.page.getPageSize();
+ }
+ if(this.config.page === true || this.config.page.page){
+ data.paginationInitialPage = this.table.modules.page.getPage();
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ //parse columns for data to store
+ parseColumns(columns){
+ var definitions = [],
+ excludedKeys = ["headerContextMenu", "headerMenu", "contextMenu", "clickMenu"];
+ columns.forEach((column) => {
+ var defStore = {},
+ colDef = column.getDefinition(),
+ keys;
+ if(column.isGroup){
+ defStore.title = colDef.title;
+ defStore.columns = this.parseColumns(column.getColumns());
+ }else {
+ defStore.field = column.getField();
+ if(this.config.columns === true || this.config.columns == undefined){
+ keys = Object.keys(colDef);
+ keys.push("width");
+ keys.push("visible");
+ }else {
+ keys = this.config.columns;
+ }
+ keys.forEach((key)=>{
+ switch(key){
+ case "width":
+ defStore.width = column.getWidth();
+ break;
+ case "visible":
+ defStore.visible = column.visible;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(typeof colDef[key] !== "function" && excludedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1){
+ defStore[key] = colDef[key];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ definitions.push(defStore);
+ });
+ return definitions;
+ }
+Persistence.moduleName = "persistence";
+Persistence.moduleInitOrder = -10;
+//load defaults
+Persistence.readers = defaultReaders;
+Persistence.writers = defaultWriters;
+class Popup$1 extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.columnSubscribers = {};
+ this.registerTableOption("rowContextPopup", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("rowClickPopup", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("rowDblClickPopup", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupContextPopup", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupClickPopup", false);
+ this.registerTableOption("groupDblClickPopup", false);
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerContextPopup");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerClickPopup");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerDblClickPopup");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerPopup");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerPopupIcon");
+ this.registerColumnOption("contextPopup");
+ this.registerColumnOption("clickPopup");
+ this.registerColumnOption("dblClickPopup");
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "popup", this._componentPopupCall.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("column", "popup", this._componentPopupCall.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "popup", this._componentPopupCall.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("group", "popup", this._componentPopupCall.bind(this));
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.initializeRowWatchers();
+ this.initializeGroupWatchers();
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ }
+ _componentPopupCall(component, contents, position){
+ this.loadPopupEvent(contents, null, component, position);
+ }
+ initializeRowWatchers(){
+ if(this.table.options.rowContextPopup){
+ this.subscribe("row-contextmenu", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowContextPopup));
+ this.table.on("rowTapHold", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowContextPopup));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.rowClickPopup){
+ this.subscribe("row-click", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowClickPopup));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.rowDblClickPopup){
+ this.subscribe("row-dblclick", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.rowDblClickPopup));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeGroupWatchers(){
+ if(this.table.options.groupContextPopup){
+ this.subscribe("group-contextmenu", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupContextPopup));
+ this.table.on("groupTapHold", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupContextPopup));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.groupClickPopup){
+ this.subscribe("group-click", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupClickPopup));
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.groupDblClickPopup){
+ this.subscribe("group-dblclick", this.loadPopupEvent.bind(this, this.table.options.groupDblClickPopup));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var def = column.definition;
+ //handle column events
+ if(def.headerContextPopup && !this.columnSubscribers.headerContextPopup){
+ this.columnSubscribers.headerContextPopup = this.loadPopupTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerContextPopup");
+ this.subscribe("column-contextmenu", this.columnSubscribers.headerContextPopup);
+ this.table.on("headerTapHold", this.loadPopupTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerContextPopup"));
+ }
+ if(def.headerClickPopup && !this.columnSubscribers.headerClickPopup){
+ this.columnSubscribers.headerClickPopup = this.loadPopupTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerClickPopup");
+ this.subscribe("column-click", this.columnSubscribers.headerClickPopup);
+ }if(def.headerDblClickPopup && !this.columnSubscribers.headerDblClickPopup){
+ this.columnSubscribers.headerDblClickPopup = this.loadPopupTableColumnEvent.bind(this, "headerDblClickPopup");
+ this.subscribe("column-dblclick", this.columnSubscribers.headerDblClickPopup);
+ }
+ if(def.headerPopup){
+ this.initializeColumnHeaderPopup(column);
+ }
+ //handle cell events
+ if(def.contextPopup && !this.columnSubscribers.contextPopup){
+ this.columnSubscribers.contextPopup = this.loadPopupTableCellEvent.bind(this, "contextPopup");
+ this.subscribe("cell-contextmenu", this.columnSubscribers.contextPopup);
+ this.table.on("cellTapHold", this.loadPopupTableCellEvent.bind(this, "contextPopup"));
+ }
+ if(def.clickPopup && !this.columnSubscribers.clickPopup){
+ this.columnSubscribers.clickPopup = this.loadPopupTableCellEvent.bind(this, "clickPopup");
+ this.subscribe("cell-click", this.columnSubscribers.clickPopup);
+ }
+ if(def.dblClickPopup && !this.columnSubscribers.dblClickPopup){
+ this.columnSubscribers.dblClickPopup = this.loadPopupTableCellEvent.bind(this, "dblClickPopup");
+ this.subscribe("cell-click", this.columnSubscribers.dblClickPopup);
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumnHeaderPopup(column){
+ var icon = column.definition.headerPopupIcon,
+ headerPopupEl;
+ headerPopupEl = document.createElement("span");
+ headerPopupEl.classList.add("tabulator-header-popup-button");
+ if(icon){
+ if(typeof icon === "function"){
+ icon = icon(column.getComponent());
+ }
+ if(icon instanceof HTMLElement){
+ headerPopupEl.appendChild(icon);
+ }else {
+ headerPopupEl.innerHTML = icon;
+ }
+ }else {
+ headerPopupEl.innerHTML = "&vellip;";
+ }
+ headerPopupEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.loadPopupEvent(column.definition.headerPopup, e, column);
+ });
+ column.titleElement.insertBefore(headerPopupEl, column.titleElement.firstChild);
+ }
+ loadPopupTableCellEvent(option, e, cell){
+ if(cell._cell){
+ cell = cell._cell;
+ }
+ if(cell.column.definition[option]){
+ this.loadPopupEvent(cell.column.definition[option], e, cell);
+ }
+ }
+ loadPopupTableColumnEvent(option, e, column){
+ if(column._column){
+ column = column._column;
+ }
+ if(column.definition[option]){
+ this.loadPopupEvent(column.definition[option], e, column);
+ }
+ }
+ loadPopupEvent(contents, e, component, position){
+ var renderedCallback;
+ function onRendered(callback){
+ renderedCallback = callback;
+ }
+ if(component._group){
+ component = component._group;
+ }else if(component._row){
+ component = component._row;
+ }
+ contents = typeof contents == "function" ? contents.call(this.table, e, component.getComponent(), onRendered) : contents;
+ this.loadPopup(e, component, contents, renderedCallback, position);
+ }
+ loadPopup(e, component, contents, renderedCallback, position){
+ var touch = !(e instanceof MouseEvent),
+ contentsEl, popup;
+ if(contents instanceof HTMLElement){
+ contentsEl = contents;
+ }else {
+ contentsEl = document.createElement("div");
+ contentsEl.innerHTML = contents;
+ }
+ contentsEl.classList.add("tabulator-popup");
+ contentsEl.addEventListener("click", (e) =>{
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ if(!touch){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ popup = this.popup(contentsEl);
+ if(typeof renderedCallback === "function"){
+ popup.renderCallback(renderedCallback);
+ }
+ if(e){
+ popup.show(e);
+ }else {
+ popup.show(component.getElement(), position || "center");
+ }
+ popup.hideOnBlur(() => {
+ this.dispatchExternal("popupClosed", component.getComponent());
+ });
+ this.dispatchExternal("popupOpened", component.getComponent());
+ }
+Popup$1.moduleName = "popup";
+class Print extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.element = false;
+ this.manualBlock = false;
+ this.beforeprintEventHandler = null;
+ this.afterprintEventHandler = null;
+ this.registerTableOption("printAsHtml", false); //enable print as html
+ this.registerTableOption("printFormatter", false); //printing page formatter
+ this.registerTableOption("printHeader", false); //page header contents
+ this.registerTableOption("printFooter", false); //page footer contents
+ this.registerTableOption("printStyled", true); //enable print as html styling
+ this.registerTableOption("printRowRange", "visible"); //restrict print to visible rows only
+ this.registerTableOption("printConfig", {}); //print config options
+ this.registerColumnOption("print");
+ this.registerColumnOption("titlePrint");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.printAsHtml){
+ this.beforeprintEventHandler = this.replaceTable.bind(this);
+ this.afterprintEventHandler = this.cleanup.bind(this);
+ window.addEventListener("beforeprint", this.beforeprintEventHandler );
+ window.addEventListener("afterprint", this.afterprintEventHandler);
+ this.subscribe("table-destroy", this.destroy.bind(this));
+ }
+ this.registerTableFunction("print", this.printFullscreen.bind(this));
+ }
+ destroy(){
+ if(this.table.options.printAsHtml){
+ window.removeEventListener( "beforeprint", this.beforeprintEventHandler );
+ window.removeEventListener( "afterprint", this.afterprintEventHandler );
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ replaceTable(){
+ if(!this.manualBlock){
+ this.element = document.createElement("div");
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-print-table");
+ this.element.appendChild(this.table.modules.export.generateTable(this.table.options.printConfig, this.table.options.printStyled, this.table.options.printRowRange, "print"));
+ this.table.element.style.display = "none";
+ this.table.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.element, this.table.element);
+ }
+ }
+ cleanup(){
+ document.body.classList.remove("tabulator-print-fullscreen-hide");
+ if(this.element && this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ this.table.element.style.display = "";
+ }
+ }
+ printFullscreen(visible, style, config){
+ var scrollX = window.scrollX,
+ scrollY = window.scrollY,
+ headerEl = document.createElement("div"),
+ footerEl = document.createElement("div"),
+ tableEl = this.table.modules.export.generateTable(typeof config != "undefined" ? config : this.table.options.printConfig, typeof style != "undefined" ? style : this.table.options.printStyled, visible || this.table.options.printRowRange, "print"),
+ headerContent, footerContent;
+ this.manualBlock = true;
+ this.element = document.createElement("div");
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-print-fullscreen");
+ if(this.table.options.printHeader){
+ headerEl.classList.add("tabulator-print-header");
+ headerContent = typeof this.table.options.printHeader == "function" ? this.table.options.printHeader.call(this.table) : this.table.options.printHeader;
+ if(typeof headerContent == "string"){
+ headerEl.innerHTML = headerContent;
+ }else {
+ headerEl.appendChild(headerContent);
+ }
+ this.element.appendChild(headerEl);
+ }
+ this.element.appendChild(tableEl);
+ if(this.table.options.printFooter){
+ footerEl.classList.add("tabulator-print-footer");
+ footerContent = typeof this.table.options.printFooter == "function" ? this.table.options.printFooter.call(this.table) : this.table.options.printFooter;
+ if(typeof footerContent == "string"){
+ footerEl.innerHTML = footerContent;
+ }else {
+ footerEl.appendChild(footerContent);
+ }
+ this.element.appendChild(footerEl);
+ }
+ document.body.classList.add("tabulator-print-fullscreen-hide");
+ document.body.appendChild(this.element);
+ if(this.table.options.printFormatter){
+ this.table.options.printFormatter(this.element, tableEl);
+ }
+ window.print();
+ this.cleanup();
+ window.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY);
+ this.manualBlock = false;
+ }
+Print.moduleName = "print";
+class ReactiveData extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.data = false;
+ this.blocked = false; //block reactivity while performing update
+ this.origFuncs = {}; // hold original data array functions to allow replacement after data is done with
+ this.currentVersion = 0;
+ this.registerTableOption("reactiveData", false); //enable data reactivity
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.reactiveData){
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-save-before", this.block.bind(this, "cellsave"));
+ this.subscribe("cell-value-save-after", this.unblock.bind(this, "cellsave"));
+ this.subscribe("row-data-save-before", this.block.bind(this, "rowsave"));
+ this.subscribe("row-data-save-after", this.unblock.bind(this, "rowsave"));
+ this.subscribe("row-data-init-after", this.watchRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-processing", this.watchData.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-destroy", this.unwatchData.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ watchData(data){
+ var self = this,
+ version;
+ this.currentVersion ++;
+ version = this.currentVersion;
+ this.unwatchData();
+ this.data = data;
+ //override array push function
+ this.origFuncs.push = data.push;
+ Object.defineProperty(this.data, "push", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: function(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ result;
+ if(!self.blocked && version === self.currentVersion){
+ self.block("data-push");
+ args.forEach((arg) => {
+ self.table.rowManager.addRowActual(arg, false);
+ });
+ result = self.origFuncs.push.apply(data, arguments);
+ self.unblock("data-push");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ //override array unshift function
+ this.origFuncs.unshift = data.unshift;
+ Object.defineProperty(this.data, "unshift", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: function(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ result;
+ if(!self.blocked && version === self.currentVersion){
+ self.block("data-unshift");
+ args.forEach((arg) => {
+ self.table.rowManager.addRowActual(arg, true);
+ });
+ result = self.origFuncs.unshift.apply(data, arguments);
+ self.unblock("data-unshift");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ //override array shift function
+ this.origFuncs.shift = data.shift;
+ Object.defineProperty(this.data, "shift", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: function(){
+ var row, result;
+ if(!self.blocked && version === self.currentVersion){
+ self.block("data-shift");
+ if(self.data.length){
+ row = self.table.rowManager.getRowFromDataObject(self.data[0]);
+ if(row){
+ row.deleteActual();
+ }
+ }
+ result = self.origFuncs.shift.call(data);
+ self.unblock("data-shift");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ //override array pop function
+ this.origFuncs.pop = data.pop;
+ Object.defineProperty(this.data, "pop", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: function(){
+ var row, result;
+ if(!self.blocked && version === self.currentVersion){
+ self.block("data-pop");
+ if(self.data.length){
+ row = self.table.rowManager.getRowFromDataObject(self.data[self.data.length - 1]);
+ if(row){
+ row.deleteActual();
+ }
+ }
+ result = self.origFuncs.pop.call(data);
+ self.unblock("data-pop");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ //override array splice function
+ this.origFuncs.splice = data.splice;
+ Object.defineProperty(this.data, "splice", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: function(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ start = args[0] < 0 ? data.length + args[0] : args[0],
+ end = args[1],
+ newRows = args[2] ? args.slice(2) : false,
+ startRow, result;
+ if(!self.blocked && version === self.currentVersion){
+ self.block("data-splice");
+ //add new rows
+ if(newRows){
+ startRow = data[start] ? self.table.rowManager.getRowFromDataObject(data[start]) : false;
+ if(startRow){
+ newRows.forEach((rowData) => {
+ self.table.rowManager.addRowActual(rowData, true, startRow, true);
+ });
+ }else {
+ newRows = newRows.slice().reverse();
+ newRows.forEach((rowData) => {
+ self.table.rowManager.addRowActual(rowData, true, false, true);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //delete removed rows
+ if(end !== 0){
+ var oldRows = data.slice(start, typeof args[1] === "undefined" ? args[1] : start + end);
+ oldRows.forEach((rowData, i) => {
+ var row = self.table.rowManager.getRowFromDataObject(rowData);
+ if(row){
+ row.deleteActual(i !== oldRows.length - 1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if(newRows || end !== 0){
+ self.table.rowManager.reRenderInPosition();
+ }
+ result = self.origFuncs.splice.apply(data, arguments);
+ self.unblock("data-splice");
+ }
+ return result ;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ unwatchData(){
+ if(this.data !== false){
+ for(var key in this.origFuncs){
+ Object.defineProperty(this.data, key, {
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable:true,
+ writable:true,
+ value: this.origFuncs.key,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ watchRow(row){
+ var data = row.getData();
+ for(var key in data){
+ this.watchKey(row, data, key);
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.dataTree){
+ this.watchTreeChildren(row);
+ }
+ }
+ watchTreeChildren (row){
+ var self = this,
+ childField = row.getData()[this.table.options.dataTreeChildField],
+ origFuncs = {};
+ if(childField){
+ origFuncs.push = childField.push;
+ Object.defineProperty(childField, "push", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: () => {
+ if(!self.blocked){
+ self.block("tree-push");
+ var result = origFuncs.push.apply(childField, arguments);
+ this.rebuildTree(row);
+ self.unblock("tree-push");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ origFuncs.unshift = childField.unshift;
+ Object.defineProperty(childField, "unshift", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: () => {
+ if(!self.blocked){
+ self.block("tree-unshift");
+ var result = origFuncs.unshift.apply(childField, arguments);
+ this.rebuildTree(row);
+ self.unblock("tree-unshift");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ origFuncs.shift = childField.shift;
+ Object.defineProperty(childField, "shift", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: () => {
+ if(!self.blocked){
+ self.block("tree-shift");
+ var result = origFuncs.shift.call(childField);
+ this.rebuildTree(row);
+ self.unblock("tree-shift");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ origFuncs.pop = childField.pop;
+ Object.defineProperty(childField, "pop", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: () => {
+ if(!self.blocked){
+ self.block("tree-pop");
+ var result = origFuncs.pop.call(childField);
+ this.rebuildTree(row);
+ self.unblock("tree-pop");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ origFuncs.splice = childField.splice;
+ Object.defineProperty(childField, "splice", {
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true,
+ value: () => {
+ if(!self.blocked){
+ self.block("tree-splice");
+ var result = origFuncs.splice.apply(childField, arguments);
+ this.rebuildTree(row);
+ self.unblock("tree-splice");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ rebuildTree(row){
+ this.table.modules.dataTree.initializeRow(row);
+ this.table.modules.dataTree.layoutRow(row);
+ this.table.rowManager.refreshActiveData("tree", false, true);
+ }
+ watchKey(row, data, key){
+ var self = this,
+ props = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(data, key),
+ value = data[key],
+ version = this.currentVersion;
+ Object.defineProperty(data, key, {
+ set: (newValue) => {
+ value = newValue;
+ if(!self.blocked && version === self.currentVersion){
+ self.block("key");
+ var update = {};
+ update[key] = newValue;
+ row.updateData(update);
+ self.unblock("key");
+ }
+ if(props.set){
+ props.set(newValue);
+ }
+ },
+ get:() => {
+ if(props.get){
+ props.get();
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ unwatchRow(row){
+ var data = row.getData();
+ for(var key in data){
+ Object.defineProperty(data, key, {
+ value:data[key],
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ block(key){
+ if(!this.blocked){
+ this.blocked = key;
+ }
+ }
+ unblock(key){
+ if(this.blocked === key){
+ this.blocked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ReactiveData.moduleName = "reactiveData";
+class ResizeColumns extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.startColumn = false;
+ this.startX = false;
+ this.startWidth = false;
+ this.latestX = false;
+ this.handle = null;
+ this.initialNextColumn = null;
+ this.nextColumn = null;
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.registerColumnOption("resizable", true);
+ this.registerTableOption("resizableColumnFit", false);
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("column-rendered", this.layoutColumnHeader.bind(this));
+ }
+ initializeEventWatchers(){
+ if(!this.initialized){
+ this.subscribe("cell-rendered", this.layoutCellHandles.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-delete", this.deInitializeComponent.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("cell-height", this.resizeHandle.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-moved", this.columnLayoutUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-hide", this.deInitializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-show", this.columnLayoutUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-width", this.columnWidthUpdated.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-delete", this.deInitializeComponent.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-height", this.resizeHandle.bind(this));
+ this.initialized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ layoutCellHandles(cell){
+ if(cell.row.type === "row"){
+ this.deInitializeComponent(cell);
+ this.initializeColumn("cell", cell, cell.column, cell.element);
+ }
+ }
+ layoutColumnHeader(column){
+ if(column.definition.resizable){
+ this.initializeEventWatchers();
+ this.deInitializeComponent(column);
+ this.initializeColumn("header", column, column, column.element);
+ }
+ }
+ columnLayoutUpdated(column){
+ var prev = column.prevColumn();
+ this.reinitializeColumn(column);
+ if(prev){
+ this.reinitializeColumn(prev);
+ }
+ }
+ columnWidthUpdated(column){
+ if(column.modules.frozen){
+ if(this.table.modules.frozenColumns.leftColumns.includes(column)){
+ this.table.modules.frozenColumns.leftColumns.forEach((col) => {
+ this.reinitializeColumn(col);
+ });
+ }else if(this.table.modules.frozenColumns.rightColumns.includes(column)){
+ this.table.modules.frozenColumns.rightColumns.forEach((col) => {
+ this.reinitializeColumn(col);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ frozenColumnOffset(column){
+ var offset = false;
+ if(column.modules.frozen){
+ offset = column.modules.frozen.marginValue;
+ if(column.modules.frozen.position === "left"){
+ offset += column.getWidth() - 3;
+ }else {
+ if(offset){
+ offset -= 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return offset !== false ? offset + "px" : false;
+ }
+ reinitializeColumn(column){
+ var frozenOffset = this.frozenColumnOffset(column);
+ column.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ if(cell.modules.resize && cell.modules.resize.handleEl){
+ if(frozenOffset){
+ cell.modules.resize.handleEl.style[column.modules.frozen.position] = frozenOffset;
+ }
+ cell.element.after(cell.modules.resize.handleEl);
+ }
+ });
+ if(column.modules.resize && column.modules.resize.handleEl){
+ if(frozenOffset){
+ column.modules.resize.handleEl.style[column.modules.frozen.position] = frozenOffset;
+ }
+ column.element.after(column.modules.resize.handleEl);
+ }
+ }
+ initializeColumn(type, component, column, element){
+ var self = this,
+ variableHeight = false,
+ mode = column.definition.resizable,
+ config = {},
+ nearestColumn = column.getLastColumn();
+ //set column resize mode
+ if(type === "header"){
+ variableHeight = column.definition.formatter == "textarea" || column.definition.variableHeight;
+ config = {variableHeight:variableHeight};
+ }
+ if((mode === true || mode == type) && this._checkResizability(nearestColumn)){
+ var handle = document.createElement('span');
+ handle.className = "tabulator-col-resize-handle";
+ handle.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ var handleDown = function(e){
+ self.startColumn = column;
+ self.initialNextColumn = self.nextColumn = nearestColumn.nextColumn();
+ self._mouseDown(e, nearestColumn, handle);
+ };
+ handle.addEventListener("mousedown", handleDown);
+ handle.addEventListener("touchstart", handleDown, {passive: true});
+ //resize column on double click
+ handle.addEventListener("dblclick", (e) => {
+ var oldWidth = nearestColumn.getWidth();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ nearestColumn.reinitializeWidth(true);
+ if(oldWidth !== nearestColumn.getWidth()){
+ self.dispatch("column-resized", nearestColumn);
+ self.table.externalEvents.dispatch("columnResized", nearestColumn.getComponent());
+ }
+ });
+ if(column.modules.frozen){
+ handle.style.position = "sticky";
+ handle.style[column.modules.frozen.position] = this.frozenColumnOffset(column);
+ }
+ config.handleEl = handle;
+ if(element.parentNode && column.visible){
+ element.after(handle);
+ }
+ }
+ component.modules.resize = config;
+ }
+ deInitializeColumn(column){
+ this.deInitializeComponent(column);
+ column.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ this.deInitializeComponent(cell);
+ });
+ }
+ deInitializeComponent(component){
+ var handleEl;
+ if(component.modules.resize){
+ handleEl = component.modules.resize.handleEl;
+ if(handleEl && handleEl.parentElement){
+ handleEl.parentElement.removeChild(handleEl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resizeHandle(component, height){
+ if(component.modules.resize && component.modules.resize.handleEl){
+ component.modules.resize.handleEl.style.height = height;
+ }
+ }
+ _checkResizability(column){
+ return column.definition.resizable;
+ }
+ _mouseDown(e, column, handle){
+ var self = this;
+ self.table.element.classList.add("tabulator-block-select");
+ function mouseMove(e){
+ var x = typeof e.screenX === "undefined" ? e.touches[0].screenX : e.screenX,
+ startDiff = x - self.startX,
+ moveDiff = x - self.latestX,
+ blockedBefore, blockedAfter;
+ self.latestX = x;
+ if(self.table.rtl){
+ startDiff = -startDiff;
+ moveDiff = -moveDiff;
+ }
+ blockedBefore = column.width == column.minWidth || column.width == column.maxWidth;
+ column.setWidth(self.startWidth + startDiff);
+ blockedAfter = column.width == column.minWidth || column.width == column.maxWidth;
+ if(moveDiff < 0){
+ self.nextColumn = self.initialNextColumn;
+ }
+ if(self.table.options.resizableColumnFit && self.nextColumn && !(blockedBefore && blockedAfter)){
+ let colWidth = self.nextColumn.getWidth();
+ if(moveDiff > 0){
+ if(colWidth <= self.nextColumn.minWidth){
+ self.nextColumn = self.nextColumn.nextColumn();
+ }
+ }
+ if(self.nextColumn){
+ self.nextColumn.setWidth(self.nextColumn.getWidth() - moveDiff);
+ }
+ }
+ self.table.columnManager.rerenderColumns(true);
+ if(!self.table.browserSlow && column.modules.resize && column.modules.resize.variableHeight){
+ column.checkCellHeights();
+ }
+ }
+ function mouseUp(e){
+ //block editor from taking action while resizing is taking place
+ if(self.startColumn.modules.edit){
+ self.startColumn.modules.edit.blocked = false;
+ }
+ if(self.table.browserSlow && column.modules.resize && column.modules.resize.variableHeight){
+ column.checkCellHeights();
+ }
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
+ handle.removeEventListener("touchmove", mouseMove);
+ handle.removeEventListener("touchend", mouseUp);
+ self.table.element.classList.remove("tabulator-block-select");
+ if(self.startWidth !== column.getWidth()){
+ self.table.columnManager.verticalAlignHeaders();
+ self.dispatch("column-resized", column);
+ self.table.externalEvents.dispatch("columnResized", column.getComponent());
+ }
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation(); //prevent resize from interfering with movable columns
+ //block editor from taking action while resizing is taking place
+ if(self.startColumn.modules.edit){
+ self.startColumn.modules.edit.blocked = true;
+ }
+ self.startX = typeof e.screenX === "undefined" ? e.touches[0].screenX : e.screenX;
+ self.latestX = self.startX;
+ self.startWidth = column.getWidth();
+ document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
+ document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp);
+ handle.addEventListener("touchmove", mouseMove, {passive: true});
+ handle.addEventListener("touchend", mouseUp);
+ }
+ResizeColumns.moduleName = "resizeColumns";
+class ResizeRows extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.startColumn = false;
+ this.startY = false;
+ this.startHeight = false;
+ this.handle = null;
+ this.prevHandle = null;
+ this.registerTableOption("resizableRows", false); //resizable rows
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.resizableRows){
+ this.subscribe("row-layout-after", this.initializeRow.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeRow(row){
+ var self = this,
+ rowEl = row.getElement();
+ var handle = document.createElement('div');
+ handle.className = "tabulator-row-resize-handle";
+ var prevHandle = document.createElement('div');
+ prevHandle.className = "tabulator-row-resize-handle prev";
+ handle.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ var handleDown = function(e){
+ self.startRow = row;
+ self._mouseDown(e, row, handle);
+ };
+ handle.addEventListener("mousedown", handleDown);
+ handle.addEventListener("touchstart", handleDown, {passive: true});
+ prevHandle.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ var prevHandleDown = function(e){
+ var prevRow = self.table.rowManager.prevDisplayRow(row);
+ if(prevRow){
+ self.startRow = prevRow;
+ self._mouseDown(e, prevRow, prevHandle);
+ }
+ };
+ prevHandle.addEventListener("mousedown",prevHandleDown);
+ prevHandle.addEventListener("touchstart",prevHandleDown, {passive: true});
+ rowEl.appendChild(handle);
+ rowEl.appendChild(prevHandle);
+ }
+ _mouseDown(e, row, handle){
+ var self = this;
+ self.table.element.classList.add("tabulator-block-select");
+ function mouseMove(e){
+ row.setHeight(self.startHeight + ((typeof e.screenY === "undefined" ? e.touches[0].screenY : e.screenY) - self.startY));
+ }
+ function mouseUp(e){
+ // //block editor from taking action while resizing is taking place
+ // if(self.startColumn.modules.edit){
+ // self.startColumn.modules.edit.blocked = false;
+ // }
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseMove);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
+ handle.removeEventListener("touchmove", mouseMove);
+ handle.removeEventListener("touchend", mouseUp);
+ self.table.element.classList.remove("tabulator-block-select");
+ self.dispatchExternal("rowResized", row.getComponent());
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation(); //prevent resize from interfering with movable columns
+ //block editor from taking action while resizing is taking place
+ // if(self.startColumn.modules.edit){
+ // self.startColumn.modules.edit.blocked = true;
+ // }
+ self.startY = typeof e.screenY === "undefined" ? e.touches[0].screenY : e.screenY;
+ self.startHeight = row.getHeight();
+ document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove);
+ document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp);
+ handle.addEventListener("touchmove", mouseMove, {passive: true});
+ handle.addEventListener("touchend", mouseUp);
+ }
+ResizeRows.moduleName = "resizeRows";
+class ResizeTable extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.binding = false;
+ this.visibilityObserver = false;
+ this.resizeObserver = false;
+ this.containerObserver = false;
+ this.tableHeight = 0;
+ this.tableWidth = 0;
+ this.containerHeight = 0;
+ this.containerWidth = 0;
+ this.autoResize = false;
+ this.visible = false;
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.initialRedraw = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("autoResize", true); //auto resize table
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.autoResize){
+ var table = this.table,
+ tableStyle;
+ this.tableHeight = table.element.clientHeight;
+ this.tableWidth = table.element.clientWidth;
+ if(table.element.parentNode){
+ this.containerHeight = table.element.parentNode.clientHeight;
+ this.containerWidth = table.element.parentNode.clientWidth;
+ }
+ if(typeof IntersectionObserver !== "undefined" && typeof ResizeObserver !== "undefined" && table.rowManager.getRenderMode() === "virtual"){
+ this.initializeVisibilityObserver();
+ this.autoResize = true;
+ this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entry) => {
+ if(!table.browserMobile || (table.browserMobile &&!table.modules.edit.currentCell)){
+ var nodeHeight = Math.floor(entry[0].contentRect.height);
+ var nodeWidth = Math.floor(entry[0].contentRect.width);
+ if(this.tableHeight != nodeHeight || this.tableWidth != nodeWidth){
+ this.tableHeight = nodeHeight;
+ this.tableWidth = nodeWidth;
+ if(table.element.parentNode){
+ this.containerHeight = table.element.parentNode.clientHeight;
+ this.containerWidth = table.element.parentNode.clientWidth;
+ }
+ this.redrawTable();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.resizeObserver.observe(table.element);
+ tableStyle = window.getComputedStyle(table.element);
+ if(this.table.element.parentNode && !this.table.rowManager.fixedHeight && (tableStyle.getPropertyValue("max-height") || tableStyle.getPropertyValue("min-height"))){
+ this.containerObserver = new ResizeObserver((entry) => {
+ if(!table.browserMobile || (table.browserMobile &&!table.modules.edit.currentCell)){
+ var nodeHeight = Math.floor(entry[0].contentRect.height);
+ var nodeWidth = Math.floor(entry[0].contentRect.width);
+ if(this.containerHeight != nodeHeight || this.containerWidth != nodeWidth){
+ this.containerHeight = nodeHeight;
+ this.containerWidth = nodeWidth;
+ this.tableHeight = table.element.clientHeight;
+ this.tableWidth = table.element.clientWidth;
+ }
+ this.redrawTable();
+ }
+ });
+ this.containerObserver.observe(this.table.element.parentNode);
+ }
+ this.subscribe("table-resize", this.tableResized.bind(this));
+ }else {
+ this.binding = function(){
+ if(!table.browserMobile || (table.browserMobile && !table.modules.edit.currentCell)){
+ table.columnManager.rerenderColumns(true);
+ table.redraw();
+ }
+ };
+ window.addEventListener("resize", this.binding);
+ }
+ this.subscribe("table-destroy", this.clearBindings.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ initializeVisibilityObserver(){
+ this.visibilityObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
+ this.visible = entries[0].isIntersecting;
+ if(!this.initialized){
+ this.initialized = true;
+ this.initialRedraw = !this.visible;
+ }else {
+ if(this.visible){
+ this.redrawTable(this.initialRedraw);
+ this.initialRedraw = false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.visibilityObserver.observe(this.table.element);
+ }
+ redrawTable(force){
+ if(this.initialized && this.visible){
+ this.table.columnManager.rerenderColumns(true);
+ this.table.redraw(force);
+ }
+ }
+ tableResized(){
+ this.table.rowManager.redraw();
+ }
+ clearBindings(){
+ if(this.binding){
+ window.removeEventListener("resize", this.binding);
+ }
+ if(this.resizeObserver){
+ this.resizeObserver.unobserve(this.table.element);
+ }
+ if(this.visibilityObserver){
+ this.visibilityObserver.unobserve(this.table.element);
+ }
+ if(this.containerObserver){
+ this.containerObserver.unobserve(this.table.element.parentNode);
+ }
+ }
+ResizeTable.moduleName = "resizeTable";
+class ResponsiveLayout extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.hiddenColumns = [];
+ this.mode = "";
+ this.index = 0;
+ this.collapseFormatter = [];
+ this.collapseStartOpen = true;
+ this.collapseHandleColumn = false;
+ this.registerTableOption("responsiveLayout", false); //responsive layout flags
+ this.registerTableOption("responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen", true); //start showing collapsed data
+ this.registerTableOption("responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters", true); //responsive layout collapse formatter
+ this.registerTableOption("responsiveLayoutCollapseFormatter", false); //responsive layout collapse formatter
+ this.registerColumnOption("responsive");
+ }
+ //generate responsive columns list
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout){
+ this.subscribe("column-layout", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-show", this.updateColumnVisibility.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-hide", this.updateColumnVisibility.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("columns-loaded", this.initializeResponsivity.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-moved", this.initializeResponsivity.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-add", this.initializeResponsivity.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-delete", this.initializeResponsivity.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-redrawing", this.tableRedraw.bind(this));
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout === "collapse"){
+ this.subscribe("row-data-changed", this.generateCollapsedRowContent.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-init", this.initializeRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-layout", this.layoutRow.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tableRedraw(force){
+ if(["fitColumns", "fitDataStretch"].indexOf(this.layoutMode()) === -1){
+ if(!force){
+ this.update();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ initializeResponsivity(){
+ var columns = [];
+ this.mode = this.table.options.responsiveLayout;
+ this.collapseFormatter = this.table.options.responsiveLayoutCollapseFormatter || this.formatCollapsedData;
+ this.collapseStartOpen = this.table.options.responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen;
+ this.hiddenColumns = [];
+ //determine level of responsivity for each column
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach((column, i) => {
+ if(column.modules.responsive){
+ if(column.modules.responsive.order && column.modules.responsive.visible){
+ column.modules.responsive.index = i;
+ columns.push(column);
+ if(!column.visible && this.mode === "collapse"){
+ this.hiddenColumns.push(column);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //sort list by responsivity
+ columns = columns.reverse();
+ columns = columns.sort((a, b) => {
+ var diff = b.modules.responsive.order - a.modules.responsive.order;
+ return diff || (b.modules.responsive.index - a.modules.responsive.index);
+ });
+ this.columns = columns;
+ if(this.mode === "collapse"){
+ this.generateCollapsedContent();
+ }
+ //assign collapse column
+ for (let col of this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex){
+ if(col.definition.formatter == "responsiveCollapse"){
+ this.collapseHandleColumn = col;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(this.collapseHandleColumn){
+ if(this.hiddenColumns.length){
+ this.collapseHandleColumn.show();
+ }else {
+ this.collapseHandleColumn.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //define layout information
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var def = column.getDefinition();
+ column.modules.responsive = {order: typeof def.responsive === "undefined" ? 1 : def.responsive, visible:def.visible === false ? false : true};
+ }
+ initializeRow(row){
+ var el;
+ if(row.type !== "calc"){
+ el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-responsive-collapse");
+ row.modules.responsiveLayout = {
+ element:el,
+ open:this.collapseStartOpen,
+ };
+ if(!this.collapseStartOpen){
+ el.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ layoutRow(row){
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ if(row.modules.responsiveLayout){
+ rowEl.appendChild(row.modules.responsiveLayout.element);
+ this.generateCollapsedRowContent(row);
+ }
+ }
+ //update column visibility
+ updateColumnVisibility(column, responsiveToggle){
+ if(!responsiveToggle && column.modules.responsive){
+ column.modules.responsive.visible = column.visible;
+ this.initializeResponsivity();
+ }
+ }
+ hideColumn(column){
+ var colCount = this.hiddenColumns.length;
+ column.hide(false, true);
+ if(this.mode === "collapse"){
+ this.hiddenColumns.unshift(column);
+ this.generateCollapsedContent();
+ if(this.collapseHandleColumn && !colCount){
+ this.collapseHandleColumn.show();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ showColumn(column){
+ var index;
+ column.show(false, true);
+ //set column width to prevent calculation loops on uninitialized columns
+ column.setWidth(column.getWidth());
+ if(this.mode === "collapse"){
+ index = this.hiddenColumns.indexOf(column);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.hiddenColumns.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ this.generateCollapsedContent();
+ if(this.collapseHandleColumn && !this.hiddenColumns.length){
+ this.collapseHandleColumn.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //redraw columns to fit space
+ update(){
+ var working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let width = this.table.modules.layout.getMode() == "fitColumns" ? this.table.columnManager.getFlexBaseWidth() : this.table.columnManager.getWidth();
+ let diff = (this.table.options.headerVisible ? this.table.columnManager.element.clientWidth : this.table.element.clientWidth) - width;
+ if(diff < 0){
+ //table is too wide
+ let column = this.columns[this.index];
+ if(column){
+ this.hideColumn(column);
+ this.index ++;
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ //table has spare space
+ let column = this.columns[this.index -1];
+ if(column){
+ if(diff > 0){
+ if(diff >= column.getWidth()){
+ this.showColumn(column);
+ this.index --;
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!this.table.rowManager.activeRowsCount){
+ this.table.rowManager.renderEmptyScroll();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generateCollapsedContent(){
+ var rows = this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows();
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ this.generateCollapsedRowContent(row);
+ });
+ }
+ generateCollapsedRowContent(row){
+ var el, contents;
+ if(row.modules.responsiveLayout){
+ el = row.modules.responsiveLayout.element;
+ while(el.firstChild) el.removeChild(el.firstChild);
+ contents = this.collapseFormatter(this.generateCollapsedRowData(row));
+ if(contents){
+ el.appendChild(contents);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ generateCollapsedRowData(row){
+ var data = row.getData(),
+ output = [],
+ mockCellComponent;
+ this.hiddenColumns.forEach((column) => {
+ var value = column.getFieldValue(data);
+ if(column.definition.title && column.field){
+ if(column.modules.format && this.table.options.responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters){
+ mockCellComponent = {
+ value:false,
+ data:{},
+ getValue:function(){
+ return value;
+ },
+ getData:function(){
+ return data;
+ },
+ getElement:function(){
+ return document.createElement("div");
+ },
+ getRow:function(){
+ return row.getComponent();
+ },
+ getColumn:function(){
+ return column.getComponent();
+ },
+ getTable:() => {
+ return this.table;
+ },
+ };
+ function onRendered(callback){
+ callback();
+ }
+ output.push({
+ field: column.field,
+ title: column.definition.title,
+ value: column.modules.format.formatter.call(this.table.modules.format, mockCellComponent, column.modules.format.params, onRendered)
+ });
+ }else {
+ output.push({
+ field: column.field,
+ title: column.definition.title,
+ value: value
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ formatCollapsedData(data){
+ var list = document.createElement("table");
+ data.forEach(function(item){
+ var row = document.createElement("tr");
+ var titleData = document.createElement("td");
+ var valueData = document.createElement("td");
+ var node_content;
+ var titleHighlight = document.createElement("strong");
+ titleData.appendChild(titleHighlight);
+ this.langBind("columns|" + item.field, function(text){
+ titleHighlight.innerHTML = text || item.title;
+ });
+ if(item.value instanceof Node){
+ node_content = document.createElement("div");
+ node_content.appendChild(item.value);
+ valueData.appendChild(node_content);
+ }else {
+ valueData.innerHTML = item.value;
+ }
+ row.appendChild(titleData);
+ row.appendChild(valueData);
+ list.appendChild(row);
+ }, this);
+ return Object.keys(data).length ? list : "";
+ }
+ResponsiveLayout.moduleName = "responsiveLayout";
+class SelectRow extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.selecting = false; //flag selecting in progress
+ this.lastClickedRow = false; //last clicked row
+ this.selectPrev = []; //hold previously selected element for drag drop selection
+ this.selectedRows = []; //hold selected rows
+ this.headerCheckboxElement = null; // hold header select element
+ this.registerTableOption("selectable", "highlight"); //highlight rows on hover
+ this.registerTableOption("selectableRangeMode", "drag"); //highlight rows on hover
+ this.registerTableOption("selectableRollingSelection", true); //roll selection once maximum number of selectable rows is reached
+ this.registerTableOption("selectablePersistence", true); // maintain selection when table view is updated
+ this.registerTableOption("selectableCheck", function(data, row){return true;}); //check whether row is selectable
+ this.registerTableFunction("selectRow", this.selectRows.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("deselectRow", this.deselectRows.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("toggleSelectRow", this.toggleRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getSelectedRows", this.getSelectedRows.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getSelectedData", this.getSelectedData.bind(this));
+ //register component functions
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "select", this.selectRows.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "deselect", this.deselectRows.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "toggleSelect", this.toggleRow.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "isSelected", this.isRowSelected.bind(this));
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ if(this.table.options.selectable !== false){
+ this.subscribe("row-init", this.initializeRow.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("row-deleting", this.rowDeleted.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-wipe", this.clearSelectionData.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("rows-retrieve", this.rowRetrieve.bind(this));
+ if(this.table.options.selectable && !this.table.options.selectablePersistence){
+ this.subscribe("data-refreshing", this.deselectRows.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rowRetrieve(type, prevValue){
+ return type === "selected" ? this.selectedRows : prevValue;
+ }
+ rowDeleted(row){
+ this._deselectRow(row, true);
+ }
+ clearSelectionData(silent){
+ var prevSelected = this.selectedRows.length;
+ this.selecting = false;
+ this.lastClickedRow = false;
+ this.selectPrev = [];
+ this.selectedRows = [];
+ if(prevSelected && silent !== true){
+ this._rowSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ initializeRow(row){
+ var self = this,
+ element = row.getElement();
+ // trigger end of row selection
+ var endSelect = function(){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ self.selecting = false;
+ }, 50);
+ document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", endSelect);
+ };
+ row.modules.select = {selected:false};
+ //set row selection class
+ if(self.checkRowSelectability(row)){
+ element.classList.add("tabulator-selectable");
+ element.classList.remove("tabulator-unselectable");
+ if(self.table.options.selectable && self.table.options.selectable != "highlight"){
+ if(self.table.options.selectableRangeMode === "click"){
+ element.addEventListener("click", this.handleComplexRowClick.bind(this, row));
+ }else {
+ element.addEventListener("click", function(e){
+ if(!self.table.modExists("edit") || !self.table.modules.edit.getCurrentCell()){
+ self.table._clearSelection();
+ }
+ if(!self.selecting){
+ self.toggleRow(row);
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e){
+ if(e.shiftKey){
+ self.table._clearSelection();
+ self.selecting = true;
+ self.selectPrev = [];
+ document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", endSelect);
+ document.body.addEventListener("keyup", endSelect);
+ self.toggleRow(row);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("mouseenter", function(e){
+ if(self.selecting){
+ self.table._clearSelection();
+ self.toggleRow(row);
+ if(self.selectPrev[1] == row){
+ self.toggleRow(self.selectPrev[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ element.addEventListener("mouseout", function(e){
+ if(self.selecting){
+ self.table._clearSelection();
+ self.selectPrev.unshift(row);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ element.classList.add("tabulator-unselectable");
+ element.classList.remove("tabulator-selectable");
+ }
+ }
+ handleComplexRowClick(row, e){
+ if(e.shiftKey){
+ this.table._clearSelection();
+ this.lastClickedRow = this.lastClickedRow || row;
+ var lastClickedRowIdx = this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRowIndex(this.lastClickedRow);
+ var rowIdx = this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRowIndex(row);
+ var fromRowIdx = lastClickedRowIdx <= rowIdx ? lastClickedRowIdx : rowIdx;
+ var toRowIdx = lastClickedRowIdx >= rowIdx ? lastClickedRowIdx : rowIdx;
+ var rows = this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().slice(0);
+ var toggledRows = rows.splice(fromRowIdx, toRowIdx - fromRowIdx + 1);
+ if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){
+ toggledRows.forEach((toggledRow)=>{
+ if(toggledRow !== this.lastClickedRow){
+ if(this.table.options.selectable !== true && !this.isRowSelected(row)){
+ if(this.selectedRows.length < this.table.options.selectable){
+ this.toggleRow(toggledRow);
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.toggleRow(toggledRow);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.lastClickedRow = row;
+ }else {
+ this.deselectRows(undefined, true);
+ if(this.table.options.selectable !== true){
+ if(toggledRows.length > this.table.options.selectable){
+ toggledRows = toggledRows.slice(0, this.table.options.selectable);
+ }
+ }
+ this.selectRows(toggledRows);
+ }
+ this.table._clearSelection();
+ }
+ else if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey){
+ this.toggleRow(row);
+ this.lastClickedRow = row;
+ }else {
+ this.deselectRows(undefined, true);
+ this.selectRows(row);
+ this.lastClickedRow = row;
+ }
+ }
+ checkRowSelectability(row){
+ if(row.type === "row"){
+ return this.table.options.selectableCheck.call(this.table, row.getComponent());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //toggle row selection
+ toggleRow(row){
+ if(this.checkRowSelectability(row)){
+ if(row.modules.select && row.modules.select.selected){
+ this._deselectRow(row);
+ }else {
+ this._selectRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //select a number of rows
+ selectRows(rows){
+ var rowMatch;
+ switch(typeof rows){
+ case "undefined":
+ this.table.rowManager.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ this._selectRow(row, true, true);
+ });
+ this._rowSelectionChanged();
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ rowMatch = this.table.rowManager.findRow(rows);
+ if(rowMatch){
+ this._selectRow(rowMatch, true, true);
+ this._rowSelectionChanged();
+ }else {
+ rowMatch = this.table.rowManager.getRows(rows);
+ rowMatch.forEach((row) => {
+ this._selectRow(row, true, true);
+ });
+ if(rowMatch.length){
+ this._rowSelectionChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(Array.isArray(rows)){
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ this._selectRow(row, true, true);
+ });
+ this._rowSelectionChanged();
+ }else {
+ this._selectRow(rows, false, true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //select an individual row
+ _selectRow(rowInfo, silent, force){
+ //handle max row count
+ if(!isNaN(this.table.options.selectable) && this.table.options.selectable !== true && !force){
+ if(this.selectedRows.length >= this.table.options.selectable){
+ if(this.table.options.selectableRollingSelection){
+ this._deselectRow(this.selectedRows[0]);
+ }else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var row = this.table.rowManager.findRow(rowInfo);
+ if(row){
+ if(this.selectedRows.indexOf(row) == -1){
+ row.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-selected");
+ if(!row.modules.select){
+ row.modules.select = {};
+ }
+ row.modules.select.selected = true;
+ if(row.modules.select.checkboxEl){
+ row.modules.select.checkboxEl.checked = true;
+ }
+ this.selectedRows.push(row);
+ if(this.table.options.dataTreeSelectPropagate){
+ this.childRowSelection(row, true);
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowSelected", row.getComponent());
+ this._rowSelectionChanged(silent);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(!silent){
+ console.warn("Selection Error - No such row found, ignoring selection:" + rowInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ isRowSelected(row){
+ return this.selectedRows.indexOf(row) !== -1;
+ }
+ //deselect a number of rows
+ deselectRows(rows, silent){
+ var self = this,
+ rowCount;
+ if(typeof rows == "undefined"){
+ rowCount = self.selectedRows.length;
+ for(let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++){
+ self._deselectRow(self.selectedRows[0], true);
+ }
+ if(rowCount){
+ self._rowSelectionChanged(silent);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(Array.isArray(rows)){
+ rows.forEach(function(row){
+ self._deselectRow(row, true);
+ });
+ self._rowSelectionChanged(silent);
+ }else {
+ self._deselectRow(rows, silent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //deselect an individual row
+ _deselectRow(rowInfo, silent){
+ var self = this,
+ row = self.table.rowManager.findRow(rowInfo),
+ index;
+ if(row){
+ index = self.selectedRows.findIndex(function(selectedRow){
+ return selectedRow == row;
+ });
+ if(index > -1){
+ row.getElement().classList.remove("tabulator-selected");
+ if(!row.modules.select){
+ row.modules.select = {};
+ }
+ row.modules.select.selected = false;
+ if(row.modules.select.checkboxEl){
+ row.modules.select.checkboxEl.checked = false;
+ }
+ self.selectedRows.splice(index, 1);
+ if(this.table.options.dataTreeSelectPropagate){
+ this.childRowSelection(row, false);
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowDeselected", row.getComponent());
+ self._rowSelectionChanged(silent);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(!silent){
+ console.warn("Deselection Error - No such row found, ignoring selection:" + rowInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getSelectedData(){
+ var data = [];
+ this.selectedRows.forEach(function(row){
+ data.push(row.getData());
+ });
+ return data;
+ }
+ getSelectedRows(){
+ var rows = [];
+ this.selectedRows.forEach(function(row){
+ rows.push(row.getComponent());
+ });
+ return rows;
+ }
+ _rowSelectionChanged(silent){
+ if(this.headerCheckboxElement){
+ if(this.selectedRows.length === 0){
+ this.headerCheckboxElement.checked = false;
+ this.headerCheckboxElement.indeterminate = false;
+ } else if(this.table.rowManager.rows.length === this.selectedRows.length){
+ this.headerCheckboxElement.checked = true;
+ this.headerCheckboxElement.indeterminate = false;
+ } else {
+ this.headerCheckboxElement.indeterminate = true;
+ this.headerCheckboxElement.checked = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!silent){
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowSelectionChanged", this.getSelectedData(), this.getSelectedRows());
+ }
+ }
+ registerRowSelectCheckbox (row, element) {
+ if(!row._row.modules.select){
+ row._row.modules.select = {};
+ }
+ row._row.modules.select.checkboxEl = element;
+ }
+ registerHeaderSelectCheckbox (element) {
+ this.headerCheckboxElement = element;
+ }
+ childRowSelection(row, select){
+ var children = this.table.modules.dataTree.getChildren(row, true);
+ if(select){
+ for(let child of children){
+ this._selectRow(child, true);
+ }
+ }else {
+ for(let child of children){
+ this._deselectRow(child, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SelectRow.moduleName = "selectRow";
+//sort numbers
+function number$1(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ var alignEmptyValues = params.alignEmptyValues;
+ var decimal = params.decimalSeparator;
+ var thousand = params.thousandSeparator;
+ var emptyAlign = 0;
+ a = String(a);
+ b = String(b);
+ if(thousand){
+ a = a.split(thousand).join("");
+ b = b.split(thousand).join("");
+ }
+ if(decimal){
+ a = a.split(decimal).join(".");
+ b = b.split(decimal).join(".");
+ }
+ a = parseFloat(a);
+ b = parseFloat(b);
+ //handle non numeric values
+ if(isNaN(a)){
+ emptyAlign = isNaN(b) ? 0 : -1;
+ }else if(isNaN(b)){
+ emptyAlign = 1;
+ }else {
+ //compare valid values
+ return a - b;
+ }
+ //fix empty values in position
+ if((alignEmptyValues === "top" && dir === "desc") || (alignEmptyValues === "bottom" && dir === "asc")){
+ emptyAlign *= -1;
+ }
+ return emptyAlign;
+//sort strings
+function string(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ var alignEmptyValues = params.alignEmptyValues;
+ var emptyAlign = 0;
+ var locale;
+ //handle empty values
+ if(!a){
+ emptyAlign = !b ? 0 : -1;
+ }else if(!b){
+ emptyAlign = 1;
+ }else {
+ //compare valid values
+ switch(typeof params.locale){
+ case "boolean":
+ if(params.locale){
+ locale = this.langLocale();
+ }
+ break;
+ case "string":
+ locale = params.locale;
+ break;
+ }
+ return String(a).toLowerCase().localeCompare(String(b).toLowerCase(), locale);
+ }
+ //fix empty values in position
+ if((alignEmptyValues === "top" && dir === "desc") || (alignEmptyValues === "bottom" && dir === "asc")){
+ emptyAlign *= -1;
+ }
+ return emptyAlign;
+//sort datetime
+function datetime$2(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ var DT = window.DateTime || luxon.DateTime;
+ var format = params.format || "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",
+ alignEmptyValues = params.alignEmptyValues,
+ emptyAlign = 0;
+ if(typeof DT != "undefined"){
+ if(!DT.isDateTime(a)){
+ if(format === "iso"){
+ a = DT.fromISO(String(a));
+ }else {
+ a = DT.fromFormat(String(a), format);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!DT.isDateTime(b)){
+ if(format === "iso"){
+ b = DT.fromISO(String(b));
+ }else {
+ b = DT.fromFormat(String(b), format);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!a.isValid){
+ emptyAlign = !b.isValid ? 0 : -1;
+ }else if(!b.isValid){
+ emptyAlign = 1;
+ }else {
+ //compare valid values
+ return a - b;
+ }
+ //fix empty values in position
+ if((alignEmptyValues === "top" && dir === "desc") || (alignEmptyValues === "bottom" && dir === "asc")){
+ emptyAlign *= -1;
+ }
+ return emptyAlign;
+ }else {
+ console.error("Sort Error - 'datetime' sorter is dependant on luxon.js");
+ }
+//sort date
+function date$1(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ if(!params.format){
+ params.format = "dd/MM/yyyy";
+ }
+ return datetime$2.call(this, a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params);
+//sort times
+function time$1(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ if(!params.format){
+ params.format = "HH:mm";
+ }
+ return datetime$2.call(this, a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params);
+//sort booleans
+function boolean(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ var el1 = a === true || a === "true" || a === "True" || a === 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ var el2 = b === true || b === "true" || b === "True" || b === 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ return el1 - el2;
+//sort if element contains any data
+function array(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ var type = params.type || "length",
+ alignEmptyValues = params.alignEmptyValues,
+ emptyAlign = 0;
+ function calc(value){
+ var result;
+ switch(type){
+ case "length":
+ result = value.length;
+ break;
+ case "sum":
+ result = value.reduce(function(c, d){
+ return c + d;
+ });
+ break;
+ case "max":
+ result = Math.max.apply(null, value) ;
+ break;
+ case "min":
+ result = Math.min.apply(null, value) ;
+ break;
+ case "avg":
+ result = value.reduce(function(c, d){
+ return c + d;
+ }) / value.length;
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ //handle non array values
+ if(!Array.isArray(a)){
+ emptyAlign = !Array.isArray(b) ? 0 : -1;
+ }else if(!Array.isArray(b)){
+ emptyAlign = 1;
+ }else {
+ return calc(b) - calc(a);
+ }
+ //fix empty values in position
+ if((alignEmptyValues === "top" && dir === "desc") || (alignEmptyValues === "bottom" && dir === "asc")){
+ emptyAlign *= -1;
+ }
+ return emptyAlign;
+//sort if element contains any data
+function exists(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ var el1 = typeof a == "undefined" ? 0 : 1;
+ var el2 = typeof b == "undefined" ? 0 : 1;
+ return el1 - el2;
+//sort alpha numeric strings
+function alphanum(as, bs, aRow, bRow, column, dir, params){
+ var a, b, a1, b1, i= 0, L, rx = /(\d+)|(\D+)/g, rd = /\d/;
+ var alignEmptyValues = params.alignEmptyValues;
+ var emptyAlign = 0;
+ //handle empty values
+ if(!as && as!== 0){
+ emptyAlign = !bs && bs!== 0 ? 0 : -1;
+ }else if(!bs && bs!== 0){
+ emptyAlign = 1;
+ }else {
+ if(isFinite(as) && isFinite(bs)) return as - bs;
+ a = String(as).toLowerCase();
+ b = String(bs).toLowerCase();
+ if(a === b) return 0;
+ if(!(rd.test(a) && rd.test(b))) return a > b ? 1 : -1;
+ a = a.match(rx);
+ b = b.match(rx);
+ L = a.length > b.length ? b.length : a.length;
+ while(i < L){
+ a1= a[i];
+ b1= b[i++];
+ if(a1 !== b1){
+ if(isFinite(a1) && isFinite(b1)){
+ if(a1.charAt(0) === "0") a1 = "." + a1;
+ if(b1.charAt(0) === "0") b1 = "." + b1;
+ return a1 - b1;
+ }
+ else return a1 > b1 ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return a.length > b.length;
+ }
+ //fix empty values in position
+ if((alignEmptyValues === "top" && dir === "desc") || (alignEmptyValues === "bottom" && dir === "asc")){
+ emptyAlign *= -1;
+ }
+ return emptyAlign;
+var defaultSorters = {
+ number:number$1,
+ string:string,
+ date:date$1,
+ time:time$1,
+ datetime:datetime$2,
+ boolean:boolean,
+ array:array,
+ exists:exists,
+ alphanum:alphanum
+class Sort extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.sortList = []; //holder current sort
+ this.changed = false; //has the sort changed since last render
+ this.registerTableOption("sortMode", "local"); //local or remote sorting
+ this.registerTableOption("initialSort", false); //initial sorting criteria
+ this.registerTableOption("columnHeaderSortMulti", true); //multiple or single column sorting
+ this.registerTableOption("sortOrderReverse", false); //reverse internal sort ordering
+ this.registerTableOption("headerSortElement", "<div class='tabulator-arrow'></div>"); //header sort element
+ this.registerTableOption("headerSortClickElement", "header"); //element which triggers sort when clicked
+ this.registerColumnOption("sorter");
+ this.registerColumnOption("sorterParams");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerSort", true);
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerSortStartingDir");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerSortTristate");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("column-layout", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("table-built", this.tableBuilt.bind(this));
+ this.registerDataHandler(this.sort.bind(this), 20);
+ this.registerTableFunction("setSort", this.userSetSort.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getSorters", this.getSort.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("clearSort", this.clearSort.bind(this));
+ if(this.table.options.sortMode === "remote"){
+ this.subscribe("data-params", this.remoteSortParams.bind(this));
+ }
+ }
+ tableBuilt(){
+ if(this.table.options.initialSort){
+ this.setSort(this.table.options.initialSort);
+ }
+ }
+ remoteSortParams(data, config, silent, params){
+ var sorters = this.getSort();
+ sorters.forEach((item) => {
+ delete item.column;
+ });
+ params.sort = sorters;
+ return params;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ userSetSort(sortList, dir){
+ this.setSort(sortList, dir);
+ // this.table.rowManager.sorterRefresh();
+ this.refreshSort();
+ }
+ clearSort(){
+ this.clear();
+ // this.table.rowManager.sorterRefresh();
+ this.refreshSort();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //initialize column header for sorting
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var sorter = false,
+ colEl,
+ arrowEl;
+ switch(typeof column.definition.sorter){
+ case "string":
+ if(Sort.sorters[column.definition.sorter]){
+ sorter = Sort.sorters[column.definition.sorter];
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Sort Error - No such sorter found: ", column.definition.sorter);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "function":
+ sorter = column.definition.sorter;
+ break;
+ }
+ column.modules.sort = {
+ sorter:sorter, dir:"none",
+ params:column.definition.sorterParams || {},
+ startingDir:column.definition.headerSortStartingDir || "asc",
+ tristate: column.definition.headerSortTristate,
+ };
+ if(column.definition.headerSort !== false){
+ colEl = column.getElement();
+ colEl.classList.add("tabulator-sortable");
+ arrowEl = document.createElement("div");
+ arrowEl.classList.add("tabulator-col-sorter");
+ switch(this.table.options.headerSortClickElement){
+ case "icon":
+ arrowEl.classList.add("tabulator-col-sorter-element");
+ break;
+ case "header":
+ colEl.classList.add("tabulator-col-sorter-element");
+ break;
+ default:
+ colEl.classList.add("tabulator-col-sorter-element");
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(this.table.options.headerSortElement){
+ case "function":
+ //do nothing
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ arrowEl.appendChild(this.table.options.headerSortElement);
+ break;
+ default:
+ arrowEl.innerHTML = this.table.options.headerSortElement;
+ }
+ //create sorter arrow
+ column.titleHolderElement.appendChild(arrowEl);
+ column.modules.sort.element = arrowEl;
+ this.setColumnHeaderSortIcon(column, "none");
+ //sort on click
+ (this.table.options.headerSortClickElement === "icon" ? arrowEl : colEl).addEventListener("click", (e) => {
+ var dir = "",
+ sorters=[],
+ match = false;
+ if(column.modules.sort){
+ if(column.modules.sort.tristate){
+ if(column.modules.sort.dir == "none"){
+ dir = column.modules.sort.startingDir;
+ }else {
+ if(column.modules.sort.dir == column.modules.sort.startingDir){
+ dir = column.modules.sort.dir == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc";
+ }else {
+ dir = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ switch(column.modules.sort.dir){
+ case "asc":
+ dir = "desc";
+ break;
+ case "desc":
+ dir = "asc";
+ break;
+ default:
+ dir = column.modules.sort.startingDir;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.table.options.columnHeaderSortMulti && (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey)) {
+ sorters = this.getSort();
+ match = sorters.findIndex((sorter) => {
+ return sorter.field === column.getField();
+ });
+ if(match > -1){
+ sorters[match].dir = dir;
+ match = sorters.splice(match, 1)[0];
+ if(dir != "none"){
+ sorters.push(match);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(dir != "none"){
+ sorters.push({column:column, dir:dir});
+ }
+ }
+ //add to existing sort
+ this.setSort(sorters);
+ }else {
+ if(dir == "none"){
+ this.clear();
+ }else {
+ //sort by column only
+ this.setSort(column, dir);
+ }
+ }
+ // this.table.rowManager.sorterRefresh(!this.sortList.length);
+ this.refreshSort();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ refreshSort(){
+ if(this.table.options.sortMode === "remote"){
+ this.reloadData(null, false, false);
+ }else {
+ this.refreshData(true);
+ }
+ //TODO - Persist left position of row manager
+ // left = this.scrollLeft;
+ // this.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ }
+ //check if the sorters have changed since last use
+ hasChanged(){
+ var changed = this.changed;
+ this.changed = false;
+ return changed;
+ }
+ //return current sorters
+ getSort(){
+ var self = this,
+ sorters = [];
+ self.sortList.forEach(function(item){
+ if(item.column){
+ sorters.push({column:item.column.getComponent(), field:item.column.getField(), dir:item.dir});
+ }
+ });
+ return sorters;
+ }
+ //change sort list and trigger sort
+ setSort(sortList, dir){
+ var self = this,
+ newSortList = [];
+ if(!Array.isArray(sortList)){
+ sortList = [{column: sortList, dir:dir}];
+ }
+ sortList.forEach(function(item){
+ var column;
+ column = self.table.columnManager.findColumn(item.column);
+ if(column){
+ item.column = column;
+ newSortList.push(item);
+ self.changed = true;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Sort Warning - Sort field does not exist and is being ignored: ", item.column);
+ }
+ });
+ self.sortList = newSortList;
+ this.dispatch("sort-changed");
+ }
+ //clear sorters
+ clear(){
+ this.setSort([]);
+ }
+ //find appropriate sorter for column
+ findSorter(column){
+ var row = this.table.rowManager.activeRows[0],
+ sorter = "string",
+ field, value;
+ if(row){
+ row = row.getData();
+ field = column.getField();
+ if(field){
+ value = column.getFieldValue(row);
+ switch(typeof value){
+ case "undefined":
+ sorter = "string";
+ break;
+ case "boolean":
+ sorter = "boolean";
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(!isNaN(value) && value !== ""){
+ sorter = "number";
+ }else {
+ if(value.match(/((^[0-9]+[a-z]+)|(^[a-z]+[0-9]+))+$/i)){
+ sorter = "alphanum";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Sort.sorters[sorter];
+ }
+ //work through sort list sorting data
+ sort(data){
+ var self = this,
+ sortList = this.table.options.sortOrderReverse ? self.sortList.slice().reverse() : self.sortList,
+ sortListActual = [],
+ rowComponents = [];
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataSorting")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataSorting", self.getSort());
+ }
+ self.clearColumnHeaders();
+ if(this.table.options.sortMode !== "remote"){
+ //build list of valid sorters and trigger column specific callbacks before sort begins
+ sortList.forEach(function(item, i){
+ var sortObj;
+ if(item.column){
+ sortObj = item.column.modules.sort;
+ if(sortObj){
+ //if no sorter has been defined, take a guess
+ if(!sortObj.sorter){
+ sortObj.sorter = self.findSorter(item.column);
+ }
+ item.params = typeof sortObj.params === "function" ? sortObj.params(item.column.getComponent(), item.dir) : sortObj.params;
+ sortListActual.push(item);
+ }
+ self.setColumnHeader(item.column, item.dir);
+ }
+ });
+ //sort data
+ if (sortListActual.length) {
+ self._sortItems(data, sortListActual);
+ }
+ }else {
+ sortList.forEach(function(item, i){
+ self.setColumnHeader(item.column, item.dir);
+ });
+ }
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataSorted")){
+ data.forEach((row) => {
+ rowComponents.push(row.getComponent());
+ });
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataSorted", self.getSort(), rowComponents);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ //clear sort arrows on columns
+ clearColumnHeaders(){
+ this.table.columnManager.getRealColumns().forEach((column) => {
+ if(column.modules.sort){
+ column.modules.sort.dir = "none";
+ column.getElement().setAttribute("aria-sort", "none");
+ this.setColumnHeaderSortIcon(column, "none");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //set the column header sort direction
+ setColumnHeader(column, dir){
+ column.modules.sort.dir = dir;
+ column.getElement().setAttribute("aria-sort", dir === "asc" ? "ascending" : "descending");
+ this.setColumnHeaderSortIcon(column, dir);
+ }
+ setColumnHeaderSortIcon(column, dir){
+ var sortEl = column.modules.sort.element,
+ arrowEl;
+ if(column.definition.headerSort && typeof this.table.options.headerSortElement === "function"){
+ while(sortEl.firstChild) sortEl.removeChild(sortEl.firstChild);
+ arrowEl = this.table.options.headerSortElement.call(this.table, column.getComponent(), dir);
+ if(typeof arrowEl === "object"){
+ sortEl.appendChild(arrowEl);
+ }else {
+ sortEl.innerHTML = arrowEl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //sort each item in sort list
+ _sortItems(data, sortList){
+ var sorterCount = sortList.length - 1;
+ data.sort((a, b) => {
+ var result;
+ for(var i = sorterCount; i>= 0; i--){
+ let sortItem = sortList[i];
+ result = this._sortRow(a, b, sortItem.column, sortItem.dir, sortItem.params);
+ if(result !== 0){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ });
+ }
+ //process individual rows for a sort function on active data
+ _sortRow(a, b, column, dir, params){
+ var el1Comp, el2Comp;
+ //switch elements depending on search direction
+ var el1 = dir == "asc" ? a : b;
+ var el2 = dir == "asc" ? b : a;
+ a = column.getFieldValue(el1.getData());
+ b = column.getFieldValue(el2.getData());
+ a = typeof a !== "undefined" ? a : "";
+ b = typeof b !== "undefined" ? b : "";
+ el1Comp = el1.getComponent();
+ el2Comp = el2.getComponent();
+ return column.modules.sort.sorter.call(this, a, b, el1Comp, el2Comp, column.getComponent(), dir, params);
+ }
+Sort.moduleName = "sort";
+//load defaults
+Sort.sorters = defaultSorters;
+class Tooltip extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.tooltipSubscriber = null,
+ this.headerSubscriber = null,
+ this.timeout = null;
+ this.popupInstance = null;
+ this.registerTableOption("tooltipGenerationMode", undefined); //deprecated
+ this.registerTableOption("tooltipDelay", 300);
+ this.registerColumnOption("tooltip");
+ this.registerColumnOption("headerTooltip");
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.deprecatedOptionsCheck();
+ this.subscribe("column-init", this.initializeColumn.bind(this));
+ }
+ deprecatedOptionsCheck(){
+ this.deprecationCheckMsg("tooltipGenerationMode", "This option is no longer needed as tooltips are always generated on hover now");
+ }
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ if(column.definition.headerTooltip && !this.headerSubscriber){
+ this.headerSubscriber = true;
+ this.subscribe("column-mousemove", this.mousemoveCheck.bind(this, "headerTooltip"));
+ this.subscribe("column-mouseout", this.mouseoutCheck.bind(this, "headerTooltip"));
+ }
+ if(column.definition.tooltip && !this.tooltipSubscriber){
+ this.tooltipSubscriber = true;
+ this.subscribe("cell-mousemove", this.mousemoveCheck.bind(this, "tooltip"));
+ this.subscribe("cell-mouseout", this.mouseoutCheck.bind(this, "tooltip"));
+ }
+ }
+ mousemoveCheck(action, e, component){
+ var tooltip = action === "tooltip" ? component.column.definition.tooltip : component.definition.headerTooltip;
+ if(tooltip){
+ this.clearPopup();
+ this.timeout = setTimeout(this.loadTooltip.bind(this, e, component, tooltip), this.table.options.tooltipDelay);
+ }
+ }
+ mouseoutCheck(action, e, component){
+ if(!this.popupInstance){
+ this.clearPopup();
+ }
+ }
+ clearPopup(action, e, component){
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout);
+ this.timeout = null;
+ if(this.popupInstance){
+ this.popupInstance.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ loadTooltip(e, component, tooltip){
+ var contentsEl, renderedCallback, coords;
+ function onRendered(callback){
+ renderedCallback = callback;
+ }
+ if(typeof tooltip === "function"){
+ tooltip = tooltip(e, component.getComponent(), onRendered);
+ }
+ if(tooltip instanceof HTMLElement){
+ contentsEl = tooltip;
+ }else {
+ contentsEl = document.createElement("div");
+ if(tooltip === true){
+ if(component instanceof Cell){
+ tooltip = component.value;
+ }else {
+ if(component.definition.field){
+ this.langBind("columns|" + component.definition.field, (value) => {
+ contentsEl.innerHTML = tooltip = value || component.definition.title;
+ });
+ }else {
+ tooltip = component.definition.title;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ contentsEl.innerHTML = tooltip;
+ }
+ if(tooltip || tooltip === 0 || tooltip === false){
+ contentsEl.classList.add("tabulator-tooltip");
+ contentsEl.addEventListener("mousemove", e => e.preventDefault());
+ this.popupInstance = this.popup(contentsEl);
+ if(typeof renderedCallback === "function"){
+ this.popupInstance.renderCallback(renderedCallback);
+ }
+ coords = this.popupInstance.containerEventCoords(e);
+ this.popupInstance.show(coords.x + 15, coords.y + 15).hideOnBlur(() => {
+ this.dispatchExternal("TooltipClosed", component.getComponent());
+ this.popupInstance = null;
+ });
+ this.dispatchExternal("TooltipOpened", component.getComponent());
+ }
+ }
+Tooltip.moduleName = "tooltip";
+var defaultValidators = {
+ //is integer
+ integer: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ value = Number(value);
+ return !isNaN(value) && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value;
+ },
+ //is float
+ float: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ value = Number(value);
+ return !isNaN(value) && isFinite(value) && value % 1 !== 0;
+ },
+ //must be a number
+ numeric: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return !isNaN(value);
+ },
+ //must be a string
+ string: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return isNaN(value);
+ },
+ //maximum value
+ max: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return parseFloat(value) <= parameters;
+ },
+ //minimum value
+ min: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return parseFloat(value) >= parameters;
+ },
+ //starts with value
+ starts: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return String(value).toLowerCase().startsWith(String(parameters).toLowerCase());
+ },
+ //ends with value
+ ends: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return String(value).toLowerCase().endsWith(String(parameters).toLowerCase());
+ },
+ //minimum string length
+ minLength: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return String(value).length >= parameters;
+ },
+ //maximum string length
+ maxLength: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ return String(value).length <= parameters;
+ },
+ //in provided value list
+ in: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(typeof parameters == "string"){
+ parameters = parameters.split("|");
+ }
+ return parameters.indexOf(value) > -1;
+ },
+ //must match provided regex
+ regex: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ var reg = new RegExp(parameters);
+ return reg.test(value);
+ },
+ //value must be unique in this column
+ unique: function(cell, value, parameters){
+ if(value === "" || value === null || typeof value === "undefined"){
+ return true;
+ }
+ var unique = true;
+ var cellData = cell.getData();
+ var column = cell.getColumn()._getSelf();
+ this.table.rowManager.rows.forEach(function(row){
+ var data = row.getData();
+ if(data !== cellData){
+ if(value == column.getFieldValue(data)){
+ unique = false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return unique;
+ },
+ //must have a value
+ required:function(cell, value, parameters){
+ return value !== "" && value !== null && typeof value !== "undefined";
+ },
+class Validate extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.invalidCells = [];
+ this.registerTableOption("validationMode", "blocking");
+ this.registerColumnOption("validator");
+ this.registerTableFunction("getInvalidCells", this.getInvalidCells.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("clearCellValidation", this.userClearCellValidation.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("validate", this.userValidate.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "isValid", this.cellIsValid.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "clearValidation", this.clearValidation.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("cell", "validate", this.cellValidate.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("column", "validate", this.columnValidate.bind(this));
+ this.registerComponentFunction("row", "validate", this.rowValidate.bind(this));
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.subscribe("cell-delete", this.clearValidation.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("column-layout", this.initializeColumnCheck.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("edit-success", this.editValidate.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("edit-editor-clear", this.editorClear.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("edit-edited-clear", this.editedClear.bind(this));
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Event Handling //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ editValidate(cell, value, previousValue){
+ var valid = this.table.options.validationMode !== "manual" ? this.validate(cell.column.modules.validate, cell, value) : true;
+ // allow time for editor to make render changes then style cell
+ if(valid !== true){
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ cell.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-validation-fail");
+ this.dispatchExternal("validationFailed", cell.getComponent(), value, valid);
+ });
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ editorClear(cell, cancelled){
+ if(cancelled){
+ if(cell.column.modules.validate){
+ this.cellValidate(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ cell.getElement().classList.remove("tabulator-validation-fail");
+ }
+ editedClear(cell){
+ if(cell.modules.validate){
+ cell.modules.validate.invalid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ////////// Cell Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ cellIsValid(cell){
+ return cell.modules.validate ? (cell.modules.validate.invalid || true) : true;
+ }
+ cellValidate(cell){
+ return this.validate(cell.column.modules.validate, cell, cell.getValue());
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Column Functions ////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ columnValidate(column){
+ var invalid = [];
+ column.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ if(this.cellValidate(cell) !== true){
+ invalid.push(cell.getComponent());
+ }
+ });
+ return invalid.length ? invalid : true;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ////////// Row Functions //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ rowValidate(row){
+ var invalid = [];
+ row.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ if(this.cellValidate(cell) !== true){
+ invalid.push(cell.getComponent());
+ }
+ });
+ return invalid.length ? invalid : true;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Table Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ userClearCellValidation(cells){
+ if(!cells){
+ cells = this.getInvalidCells();
+ }
+ if(!Array.isArray(cells)){
+ cells = [cells];
+ }
+ cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ this.clearValidation(cell._getSelf());
+ });
+ }
+ userValidate(cells){
+ var output = [];
+ //clear row data
+ this.table.rowManager.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ row = row.getComponent();
+ var valid = row.validate();
+ if(valid !== true){
+ output = output.concat(valid);
+ }
+ });
+ return output.length ? output : true;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Internal Logic //////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ initializeColumnCheck(column){
+ if(typeof column.definition.validator !== "undefined"){
+ this.initializeColumn(column);
+ }
+ }
+ //validate
+ initializeColumn(column){
+ var self = this,
+ config = [],
+ validator;
+ if(column.definition.validator){
+ if(Array.isArray(column.definition.validator)){
+ column.definition.validator.forEach((item) => {
+ validator = self._extractValidator(item);
+ if(validator){
+ config.push(validator);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ validator = this._extractValidator(column.definition.validator);
+ if(validator){
+ config.push(validator);
+ }
+ }
+ column.modules.validate = config.length ? config : false;
+ }
+ }
+ _extractValidator(value){
+ var type, params, pos;
+ switch(typeof value){
+ case "string":
+ pos = value.indexOf(':');
+ if(pos > -1){
+ type = value.substring(0,pos);
+ params = value.substring(pos+1);
+ }else {
+ type = value;
+ }
+ return this._buildValidator(type, params);
+ case "function":
+ return this._buildValidator(value);
+ case "object":
+ return this._buildValidator(value.type, value.parameters);
+ }
+ }
+ _buildValidator(type, params){
+ var func = typeof type == "function" ? type : Validate.validators[type];
+ if(!func){
+ console.warn("Validator Setup Error - No matching validator found:", type);
+ return false;
+ }else {
+ return {
+ type:typeof type == "function" ? "function" : type,
+ func:func,
+ params:params,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ validate(validators, cell, value){
+ var self = this,
+ failedValidators = [],
+ invalidIndex = this.invalidCells.indexOf(cell);
+ if(validators){
+ validators.forEach((item) => {
+ if(!item.func.call(self, cell.getComponent(), value, item.params)){
+ failedValidators.push({
+ type:item.type,
+ parameters:item.params
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if(!cell.modules.validate){
+ cell.modules.validate = {};
+ }
+ if(!failedValidators.length){
+ cell.modules.validate.invalid = false;
+ cell.getElement().classList.remove("tabulator-validation-fail");
+ if(invalidIndex > -1){
+ this.invalidCells.splice(invalidIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }else {
+ cell.modules.validate.invalid = failedValidators;
+ if(this.table.options.validationMode !== "manual"){
+ cell.getElement().classList.add("tabulator-validation-fail");
+ }
+ if(invalidIndex == -1){
+ this.invalidCells.push(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ return failedValidators.length ? failedValidators : true;
+ }
+ getInvalidCells(){
+ var output = [];
+ this.invalidCells.forEach((cell) => {
+ output.push(cell.getComponent());
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ clearValidation(cell){
+ var invalidIndex;
+ if(cell.modules.validate && cell.modules.validate.invalid){
+ cell.getElement().classList.remove("tabulator-validation-fail");
+ cell.modules.validate.invalid = false;
+ invalidIndex = this.invalidCells.indexOf(cell);
+ if(invalidIndex > -1){
+ this.invalidCells.splice(invalidIndex, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Validate.moduleName = "validate";
+//load defaults
+Validate.validators = defaultValidators;
+var modules = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ AccessorModule: Accessor,
+ AjaxModule: Ajax,
+ ClipboardModule: Clipboard,
+ ColumnCalcsModule: ColumnCalcs,
+ DataTreeModule: DataTree,
+ DownloadModule: Download,
+ EditModule: Edit$1,
+ ExportModule: Export,
+ FilterModule: Filter,
+ FormatModule: Format,
+ FrozenColumnsModule: FrozenColumns,
+ FrozenRowsModule: FrozenRows,
+ GroupRowsModule: GroupRows,
+ HistoryModule: History,
+ HtmlTableImportModule: HtmlTableImport,
+ ImportModule: Import,
+ InteractionModule: Interaction,
+ KeybindingsModule: Keybindings,
+ MenuModule: Menu,
+ MoveColumnsModule: MoveColumns,
+ MoveRowsModule: MoveRows,
+ MutatorModule: Mutator,
+ PageModule: Page,
+ PersistenceModule: Persistence,
+ PopupModule: Popup$1,
+ PrintModule: Print,
+ ReactiveDataModule: ReactiveData,
+ ResizeColumnsModule: ResizeColumns,
+ ResizeRowsModule: ResizeRows,
+ ResizeTableModule: ResizeTable,
+ ResponsiveLayoutModule: ResponsiveLayout,
+ SelectRowModule: SelectRow,
+ SortModule: Sort,
+ TooltipModule: Tooltip,
+ ValidateModule: Validate
+var defaultOptions = {
+ debugEventsExternal:false, //flag to console log events
+ debugEventsInternal:false, //flag to console log events
+ debugInvalidOptions:true, //allow toggling of invalid option warnings
+ debugInvalidComponentFuncs:true, //allow toggling of invalid component warnings
+ debugInitialization:true, //allow toggling of pre initialization function call warnings
+ debugDeprecation:true, //allow toggling of deprecation warnings
+ height:false, //height of tabulator
+ minHeight:false, //minimum height of tabulator
+ maxHeight:false, //maximum height of tabulator
+ columnHeaderVertAlign:"top", //vertical alignment of column headers
+ popupContainer:false,
+ columns:[],//store for colum header info
+ columnDefaults:{}, //store column default props
+ data:false, //default starting data
+ autoColumns:false, //build columns from data row structure
+ autoColumnsDefinitions:false,
+ nestedFieldSeparator:".", //separator for nested data
+ footerElement:false, //hold footer element
+ index:"id", //filed for row index
+ textDirection:"auto",
+ addRowPos:"bottom", //position to insert blank rows, top|bottom
+ headerVisible:true, //hide header
+ renderVertical:"virtual",
+ renderHorizontal:"basic",
+ renderVerticalBuffer:0, // set virtual DOM buffer size
+ scrollToRowPosition:"top",
+ scrollToRowIfVisible:true,
+ scrollToColumnPosition:"left",
+ scrollToColumnIfVisible:true,
+ rowFormatter:false,
+ rowFormatterPrint:null,
+ rowFormatterClipboard:null,
+ rowFormatterHtmlOutput:null,
+ rowHeight:null,
+ placeholder:false,
+ dataLoader:true,
+ dataLoaderLoading:false,
+ dataLoaderError:false,
+ dataLoaderErrorTimeout:3000,
+ dataSendParams:{},
+ dataReceiveParams:{},
+class OptionsList {
+ constructor(table, msgType, defaults = {}){
+ this.table = table;
+ this.msgType = msgType;
+ this.registeredDefaults = Object.assign({}, defaults);
+ }
+ register(option, value){
+ this.registeredDefaults[option] = value;
+ }
+ generate(defaultOptions, userOptions = {}){
+ var output = Object.assign({}, this.registeredDefaults),
+ warn = this.table.options.debugInvalidOptions || userOptions.debugInvalidOptions === true;
+ Object.assign(output, defaultOptions);
+ for (let key in userOptions){
+ if(!output.hasOwnProperty(key)){
+ if(warn){
+ console.warn("Invalid " + this.msgType + " option:", key);
+ }
+ output[key] = userOptions.key;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let key in output){
+ if(key in userOptions){
+ output[key] = userOptions[key];
+ }else {
+ if(Array.isArray(output[key])){
+ output[key] = Object.assign([], output[key]);
+ }else if(typeof output[key] === "object" && output[key] !== null){
+ output[key] = Object.assign({}, output[key]);
+ }else if (typeof output[key] === "undefined"){
+ delete output[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+class Renderer extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.elementVertical = table.rowManager.element;
+ this.elementHorizontal = table.columnManager.element;
+ this.tableElement = table.rowManager.tableElement;
+ this.verticalFillMode = "fit"; // used by row manager to determine how to size the render area ("fit" - fits container to the contents, "fill" - fills the container without resizing it)
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ /////// Internal Bindings /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ initialize(){
+ //initialize core functionality
+ }
+ clearRows(){
+ //clear down existing rows layout
+ }
+ clearColumns(){
+ //clear down existing columns layout
+ }
+ reinitializeColumnWidths(columns){
+ //resize columns to fit data
+ }
+ renderRows(){
+ //render rows from a clean slate
+ }
+ renderColumns(){
+ //render columns from a clean slate
+ }
+ rerenderRows(callback){
+ // rerender rows and keep position
+ if(callback){
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ rerenderColumns(update, blockRedraw){
+ //rerender columns
+ }
+ renderRowCells(row){
+ //render the cells in a row
+ }
+ rerenderRowCells(row, force){
+ //rerender the cells in a row
+ }
+ scrollColumns(left, dir){
+ //handle horizontal scrolling
+ }
+ scrollRows(top, dir){
+ //handle vertical scrolling
+ }
+ resize(){
+ //container has resized, carry out any needed recalculations (DO NOT RERENDER IN THIS FUNCTION)
+ }
+ scrollToRow(row){
+ //scroll to a specific row
+ }
+ scrollToRowNearestTop(row){
+ //determine weather the row is nearest the top or bottom of the table, return true for top or false for bottom
+ }
+ visibleRows(includingBuffer){
+ //return the visible rows
+ return [];
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ //////// Helper Functions /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ rows(){
+ return this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows();
+ }
+ styleRow(row, index){
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ if(index % 2){
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-row-even");
+ rowEl.classList.remove("tabulator-row-odd");
+ }else {
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-row-odd");
+ rowEl.classList.remove("tabulator-row-even");
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ /////// External Triggers /////////
+ /////// (DO NOT OVERRIDE) /////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ clear(){
+ //clear down existing layout
+ this.clearRows();
+ this.clearColumns();
+ }
+ render(){
+ //render from a clean slate
+ this.renderRows();
+ this.renderColumns();
+ }
+ rerender(callback){
+ // rerender and keep position
+ this.rerenderRows();
+ this.rerenderColumns();
+ }
+ scrollToRowPosition(row, position, ifVisible){
+ var rowIndex = this.rows().indexOf(row),
+ rowEl = row.getElement(),
+ offset = 0;
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if(rowIndex > -1){
+ if(typeof ifVisible === "undefined"){
+ ifVisible = this.table.options.scrollToRowIfVisible;
+ }
+ //check row visibility
+ if(!ifVisible){
+ if(Helpers.elVisible(rowEl)){
+ offset = Helpers.elOffset(rowEl).top - Helpers.elOffset(this.elementVertical).top;
+ if(offset > 0 && offset < this.elementVertical.clientHeight - rowEl.offsetHeight){
+ resolve();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(typeof position === "undefined"){
+ position = this.table.options.scrollToRowPosition;
+ }
+ if(position === "nearest"){
+ position = this.scrollToRowNearestTop(row) ? "top" : "bottom";
+ }
+ //scroll to row
+ this.scrollToRow(row);
+ //align to correct position
+ switch(position){
+ case "middle":
+ case "center":
+ if(this.elementVertical.scrollHeight - this.elementVertical.scrollTop == this.elementVertical.clientHeight){
+ this.elementVertical.scrollTop = this.elementVertical.scrollTop + (rowEl.offsetTop - this.elementVertical.scrollTop) - ((this.elementVertical.scrollHeight - rowEl.offsetTop) / 2);
+ }else {
+ this.elementVertical.scrollTop = this.elementVertical.scrollTop - (this.elementVertical.clientHeight / 2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "bottom":
+ if(this.elementVertical.scrollHeight - this.elementVertical.scrollTop == this.elementVertical.clientHeight){
+ this.elementVertical.scrollTop = this.elementVertical.scrollTop - (this.elementVertical.scrollHeight - rowEl.offsetTop) + rowEl.offsetHeight;
+ }else {
+ this.elementVertical.scrollTop = this.elementVertical.scrollTop - this.elementVertical.clientHeight + rowEl.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "top":
+ this.elementVertical.scrollTop = rowEl.offsetTop;
+ break;
+ }
+ resolve();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Scroll Error - Row not visible");
+ reject("Scroll Error - Row not visible");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+class BasicHorizontal extends Renderer{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ }
+ renderRowCells(row){
+ row.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ row.element.appendChild(cell.getElement());
+ cell.cellRendered();
+ });
+ }
+ reinitializeColumnWidths(columns){
+ columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.reinitializeWidth();
+ });
+ }
+class VirtualDomHorizontal extends Renderer{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.leftCol = 0;
+ this.rightCol = 0;
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.vDomScrollPosLeft = 0;
+ this.vDomScrollPosRight = 0;
+ this.vDomPadLeft = 0;
+ this.vDomPadRight = 0;
+ this.fitDataColAvg = 0;
+ this.windowBuffer = 200; //pixel margin to make column visible before it is shown on screen
+ this.visibleRows = null;
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.isFitData = false;
+ this.columns = [];
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.compatibilityCheck();
+ this.layoutCheck();
+ this.vertScrollListen();
+ }
+ compatibilityCheck(){
+ if(this.options("layout") == "fitDataTable"){
+ console.warn("Horizontal Virtual DOM is not compatible with fitDataTable layout mode");
+ }
+ if(this.options("responsiveLayout")){
+ console.warn("Horizontal Virtual DOM is not compatible with responsive columns");
+ }
+ if(this.options("rtl")){
+ console.warn("Horizontal Virtual DOM is not currently compatible with RTL text direction");
+ }
+ }
+ layoutCheck(){
+ this.isFitData = this.options("layout").startsWith('fitData');
+ }
+ vertScrollListen(){
+ this.subscribe("scroll-vertical", this.clearVisRowCache.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("data-refreshed", this.clearVisRowCache.bind(this));
+ }
+ clearVisRowCache(){
+ this.visibleRows = null;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Public Functions ///////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ renderColumns(row, force){
+ this.dataChange();
+ }
+ scrollColumns(left, dir){
+ if(this.scrollLeft != left){
+ this.scrollLeft = left;
+ this.scroll(left - (this.vDomScrollPosLeft + this.windowBuffer));
+ }
+ }
+ calcWindowBuffer(){
+ var buffer = this.elementVertical.clientWidth;
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ if(column.visible){
+ var width = column.getWidth();
+ if(width > buffer){
+ buffer = width;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.windowBuffer = buffer * 2;
+ }
+ rerenderColumns(update, blockRedraw){
+ var old = {
+ cols:this.columns,
+ leftCol:this.leftCol,
+ rightCol:this.rightCol,
+ },
+ colPos = 0;
+ if(update && !this.initialized){
+ return;
+ }
+ this.clear();
+ this.calcWindowBuffer();
+ this.scrollLeft = this.elementVertical.scrollLeft;
+ this.vDomScrollPosLeft = this.scrollLeft - this.windowBuffer;
+ this.vDomScrollPosRight = this.scrollLeft + this.elementVertical.clientWidth + this.windowBuffer;
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ var config = {},
+ width;
+ if(column.visible){
+ if(!column.modules.frozen){
+ width = column.getWidth();
+ config.leftPos = colPos;
+ config.rightPos = colPos + width;
+ config.width = width;
+ if (this.isFitData) {
+ config.fitDataCheck = column.modules.vdomHoz ? column.modules.vdomHoz.fitDataCheck : true;
+ }
+ if((colPos + width > this.vDomScrollPosLeft) && (colPos < this.vDomScrollPosRight)){
+ //column is visible
+ if(this.leftCol == -1){
+ this.leftCol = this.columns.length;
+ this.vDomPadLeft = colPos;
+ }
+ this.rightCol = this.columns.length;
+ }else {
+ // column is hidden
+ if(this.leftCol !== -1){
+ this.vDomPadRight += width;
+ }
+ }
+ this.columns.push(column);
+ column.modules.vdomHoz = config;
+ colPos += width;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingLeft = this.vDomPadLeft + "px";
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingRight = this.vDomPadRight + "px";
+ this.initialized = true;
+ if(!blockRedraw){
+ if(!update || this.reinitChanged(old)){
+ this.reinitializeRows();
+ }
+ }
+ this.elementVertical.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft;
+ }
+ renderRowCells(row){
+ if(this.initialized){
+ this.initializeRow(row);
+ }else {
+ row.cells.forEach((cell) => {
+ row.element.appendChild(cell.getElement());
+ cell.cellRendered();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ rerenderRowCells(row, force){
+ this.reinitializeRow(row, force);
+ }
+ reinitializeColumnWidths(columns){
+ for(let i = this.leftCol; i <= this.rightCol; i++){
+ this.columns[i].reinitializeWidth();
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ //////// Internal Rendering //////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ deinitialize(){
+ this.initialized = false;
+ }
+ clear(){
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.leftCol = -1;
+ this.rightCol = 0;
+ this.vDomScrollPosLeft = 0;
+ this.vDomScrollPosRight = 0;
+ this.vDomPadLeft = 0;
+ this.vDomPadRight = 0;
+ }
+ dataChange(){
+ var change = false,
+ row, rowEl;
+ if(this.isFitData){
+ this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ if(!column.definition.width && column.visible){
+ change = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if(change && this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows().length){
+ this.vDomScrollPosRight = this.scrollLeft + this.elementVertical.clientWidth + this.windowBuffer;
+ row = this.chain("rows-sample", [1], [], () => {
+ return this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows();
+ })[0];
+ if(row){
+ rowEl = row.getElement();
+ row.generateCells();
+ this.tableElement.appendChild(rowEl);
+ for(let colEnd = 0; colEnd < row.cells.length; colEnd++){
+ let cell = row.cells[colEnd];
+ rowEl.appendChild(cell.getElement());
+ cell.column.reinitializeWidth();
+ }
+ rowEl.parentNode.removeChild(rowEl);
+ this.rerenderColumns(false, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.options("layout") === "fitColumns"){
+ this.layoutRefresh();
+ this.rerenderColumns(false, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ reinitChanged(old){
+ var match = true;
+ if(old.cols.length !== this.columns.length || old.leftCol !== this.leftCol || old.rightCol !== this.rightCol){
+ return true;
+ }
+ old.cols.forEach((col, i) => {
+ if(col !== this.columns[i]){
+ match = false;
+ }
+ });
+ return !match;
+ }
+ reinitializeRows(){
+ var visibleRows = this.getVisibleRows(),
+ otherRows = this.table.rowManager.getRows().filter(row => !visibleRows.includes(row));
+ visibleRows.forEach((row) => {
+ this.reinitializeRow(row, true);
+ });
+ otherRows.forEach((row) =>{
+ row.deinitialize();
+ });
+ }
+ getVisibleRows(){
+ if (!this.visibleRows){
+ this.visibleRows = this.table.rowManager.getVisibleRows();
+ }
+ return this.visibleRows;
+ }
+ scroll(diff){
+ this.vDomScrollPosLeft += diff;
+ this.vDomScrollPosRight += diff;
+ if(Math.abs(diff) > (this.windowBuffer / 2)){
+ this.rerenderColumns();
+ }else {
+ if(diff > 0){
+ //scroll right
+ this.addColRight();
+ this.removeColLeft();
+ }else {
+ //scroll left
+ this.addColLeft();
+ this.removeColRight();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ colPositionAdjust (start, end, diff){
+ for(let i = start; i < end; i++){
+ let column = this.columns[i];
+ column.modules.vdomHoz.leftPos += diff;
+ column.modules.vdomHoz.rightPos += diff;
+ }
+ }
+ addColRight(){
+ var changes = false,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let column = this.columns[this.rightCol + 1];
+ if(column){
+ if(column.modules.vdomHoz.leftPos <= this.vDomScrollPosRight){
+ changes = true;
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ var cell = row.getCell(column);
+ row.getElement().insertBefore(cell.getElement(), row.getCell(this.columns[this.rightCol]).getElement().nextSibling);
+ cell.cellRendered();
+ }
+ });
+ this.fitDataColActualWidthCheck(column);
+ this.rightCol++; // Don't move this below the >= check below
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ row.modules.vdomHoz.rightCol = this.rightCol;
+ }
+ });
+ if(this.rightCol >= (this.columns.length - 1)){
+ this.vDomPadRight = 0;
+ }else {
+ this.vDomPadRight -= column.getWidth();
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(changes){
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingRight = this.vDomPadRight + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ addColLeft(){
+ var changes = false,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let column = this.columns[this.leftCol - 1];
+ if(column){
+ if(column.modules.vdomHoz.rightPos >= this.vDomScrollPosLeft){
+ changes = true;
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ var cell = row.getCell(column);
+ row.getElement().insertBefore(cell.getElement(), row.getCell(this.columns[this.leftCol]).getElement());
+ cell.cellRendered();
+ }
+ });
+ this.leftCol--; // don't move this below the <= check below
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ row.modules.vdomHoz.leftCol = this.leftCol;
+ }
+ });
+ if(this.leftCol <= 0){ // replicating logic in addColRight
+ this.vDomPadLeft = 0;
+ }else {
+ this.vDomPadLeft -= column.getWidth();
+ }
+ let diff = this.fitDataColActualWidthCheck(column);
+ if(diff){
+ this.scrollLeft = this.elementVertical.scrollLeft = this.elementVertical.scrollLeft + diff;
+ this.vDomPadRight -= diff;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(changes){
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingLeft = this.vDomPadLeft + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ removeColRight(){
+ var changes = false,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let column = this.columns[this.rightCol];
+ if(column){
+ if(column.modules.vdomHoz.leftPos > this.vDomScrollPosRight){
+ changes = true;
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ var cell = row.getCell(column);
+ try {
+ row.getElement().removeChild(cell.getElement());
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.warn("Could not removeColRight", ex.message);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.vDomPadRight += column.getWidth();
+ this.rightCol --;
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ row.modules.vdomHoz.rightCol = this.rightCol;
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(changes){
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingRight = this.vDomPadRight + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ removeColLeft(){
+ var changes = false,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let column = this.columns[this.leftCol];
+ if(column){
+ if(column.modules.vdomHoz.rightPos < this.vDomScrollPosLeft){
+ changes = true;
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ var cell = row.getCell(column);
+ try {
+ row.getElement().removeChild(cell.getElement());
+ } catch (ex) {
+ console.warn("Could not removeColLeft", ex.message);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ this.vDomPadLeft += column.getWidth();
+ this.leftCol ++;
+ this.getVisibleRows().forEach((row) => {
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ row.modules.vdomHoz.leftCol = this.leftCol;
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(changes){
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingLeft = this.vDomPadLeft + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ fitDataColActualWidthCheck(column){
+ var newWidth, widthDiff;
+ if(column.modules.vdomHoz.fitDataCheck){
+ column.reinitializeWidth();
+ newWidth = column.getWidth();
+ widthDiff = newWidth - column.modules.vdomHoz.width;
+ if(widthDiff){
+ column.modules.vdomHoz.rightPos += widthDiff;
+ column.modules.vdomHoz.width = newWidth;
+ this.colPositionAdjust(this.columns.indexOf(column) + 1, this.columns.length, widthDiff);
+ }
+ column.modules.vdomHoz.fitDataCheck = false;
+ }
+ return widthDiff;
+ }
+ initializeRow(row){
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ row.modules.vdomHoz = {
+ leftCol:this.leftCol,
+ rightCol:this.rightCol,
+ };
+ if(this.table.modules.frozenColumns){
+ this.table.modules.frozenColumns.leftColumns.forEach((column) => {
+ this.appendCell(row, column);
+ });
+ }
+ for(let i = this.leftCol; i <= this.rightCol; i++){
+ this.appendCell(row, this.columns[i]);
+ }
+ if(this.table.modules.frozenColumns){
+ this.table.modules.frozenColumns.rightColumns.forEach((column) => {
+ this.appendCell(row, column);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ appendCell(row, column){
+ if(column && column.visible){
+ let cell = row.getCell(column);
+ row.getElement().appendChild(cell.getElement());
+ cell.cellRendered();
+ }
+ }
+ reinitializeRow(row, force){
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ if(force || !row.modules.vdomHoz || row.modules.vdomHoz.leftCol !== this.leftCol || row.modules.vdomHoz.rightCol !== this.rightCol){
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ while(rowEl.firstChild) rowEl.removeChild(rowEl.firstChild);
+ this.initializeRow(row);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class ColumnManager extends CoreFeature {
+ constructor (table){
+ super(table);
+ this.blockHozScrollEvent = false;
+ this.headersElement = null;
+ this.contentsElement = null;
+ this.element = null ; //containing element
+ this.columns = []; // column definition object
+ this.columnsByIndex = []; //columns by index
+ this.columnsByField = {}; //columns by field
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.optionsList = new OptionsList(this.table, "column definition", defaultColumnOptions);
+ this.redrawBlock = false; //prevent redraws to allow multiple data manipulations before continuing
+ this.redrawBlockUpdate = null; //store latest redraw update only status
+ this.renderer = null;
+ }
+ ////////////// Setup Functions /////////////////
+ initialize(){
+ this.initializeRenderer();
+ this.headersElement = this.createHeadersElement();
+ this.contentsElement = this.createHeaderContentsElement();
+ this.element = this.createHeaderElement();
+ this.contentsElement.insertBefore(this.headersElement, this.contentsElement.firstChild);
+ this.element.insertBefore(this.contentsElement, this.element.firstChild);
+ this.subscribe("scroll-horizontal", this.scrollHorizontal.bind(this));
+ this.subscribe("scrollbar-vertical", this.padVerticalScrollbar.bind(this));
+ }
+ padVerticalScrollbar(width){
+ if(this.table.rtl){
+ this.headersElement.style.marginLeft = width + "px";
+ }else {
+ this.headersElement.style.marginRight = width + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ initializeRenderer(){
+ var renderClass;
+ var renderers = {
+ "virtual": VirtualDomHorizontal,
+ "basic": BasicHorizontal,
+ };
+ if(typeof this.table.options.renderHorizontal === "string"){
+ renderClass = renderers[this.table.options.renderHorizontal];
+ }else {
+ renderClass = this.table.options.renderHorizontal;
+ }
+ if(renderClass){
+ this.renderer = new renderClass(this.table, this.element, this.tableElement);
+ this.renderer.initialize();
+ }else {
+ console.error("Unable to find matching renderer:", this.table.options.renderHorizontal);
+ }
+ }
+ createHeadersElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-headers");
+ el.setAttribute("role", "row");
+ return el;
+ }
+ createHeaderContentsElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-header-contents");
+ el.setAttribute("role", "rowgroup");
+ return el;
+ }
+ createHeaderElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-header");
+ el.setAttribute("role", "rowgroup");
+ if(!this.table.options.headerVisible){
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-header-hidden");
+ }
+ return el;
+ }
+ //return containing element
+ getElement(){
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ //return containing contents element
+ getContentsElement(){
+ return this.contentsElement;
+ }
+ //return header containing element
+ getHeadersElement(){
+ return this.headersElement;
+ }
+ //scroll horizontally to match table body
+ scrollHorizontal(left){
+ this.contentsElement.scrollLeft = left;
+ this.scrollLeft = left;
+ this.renderer.scrollColumns(left);
+ }
+ ///////////// Column Setup Functions /////////////
+ generateColumnsFromRowData(data){
+ var cols = [],
+ definitions = this.table.options.autoColumnsDefinitions,
+ row, sorter;
+ if(data && data.length){
+ row = data[0];
+ for(var key in row){
+ let col = {
+ field:key,
+ title:key,
+ };
+ let value = row[key];
+ switch(typeof value){
+ case "undefined":
+ sorter = "string";
+ break;
+ case "boolean":
+ sorter = "boolean";
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ if(Array.isArray(value)){
+ sorter = "array";
+ }else {
+ sorter = "string";
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(!isNaN(value) && value !== ""){
+ sorter = "number";
+ }else {
+ if(value.match(/((^[0-9]+[a-z]+)|(^[a-z]+[0-9]+))+$/i)){
+ sorter = "alphanum";
+ }else {
+ sorter = "string";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ col.sorter = sorter;
+ cols.push(col);
+ }
+ if(definitions){
+ switch(typeof definitions){
+ case "function":
+ this.table.options.columns = definitions.call(this.table, cols);
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ if(Array.isArray(definitions)){
+ cols.forEach((col) => {
+ var match = definitions.find((def) => {
+ return def.field === col.field;
+ });
+ if(match){
+ Object.assign(col, match);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ cols.forEach((col) => {
+ if(definitions[col.field]){
+ Object.assign(col, definitions[col.field]);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ this.table.options.columns = cols;
+ break;
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.table.options.columns = cols;
+ }
+ this.setColumns(this.table.options.columns);
+ }
+ }
+ setColumns(cols, row){
+ while(this.headersElement.firstChild) this.headersElement.removeChild(this.headersElement.firstChild);
+ this.columns = [];
+ this.columnsByIndex = [];
+ this.columnsByField = {};
+ this.dispatch("columns-loading");
+ cols.forEach((def, i) => {
+ this._addColumn(def);
+ });
+ this._reIndexColumns();
+ this.dispatch("columns-loaded");
+ this.rerenderColumns(false, true);
+ this.redraw(true);
+ }
+ _addColumn(definition, before, nextToColumn){
+ var column = new Column(definition, this),
+ colEl = column.getElement(),
+ index = nextToColumn ? this.findColumnIndex(nextToColumn) : nextToColumn;
+ if(nextToColumn && index > -1){
+ var topColumn = nextToColumn.getTopColumn();
+ var parentIndex = this.columns.indexOf(topColumn);
+ var nextEl = topColumn.getElement();
+ if(before){
+ this.columns.splice(parentIndex, 0, column);
+ nextEl.parentNode.insertBefore(colEl, nextEl);
+ }else {
+ this.columns.splice(parentIndex + 1, 0, column);
+ nextEl.parentNode.insertBefore(colEl, nextEl.nextSibling);
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(before){
+ this.columns.unshift(column);
+ this.headersElement.insertBefore(column.getElement(), this.headersElement.firstChild);
+ }else {
+ this.columns.push(column);
+ this.headersElement.appendChild(column.getElement());
+ }
+ }
+ column.columnRendered();
+ return column;
+ }
+ registerColumnField(col){
+ if(col.definition.field){
+ this.columnsByField[col.definition.field] = col;
+ }
+ }
+ registerColumnPosition(col){
+ this.columnsByIndex.push(col);
+ }
+ _reIndexColumns(){
+ this.columnsByIndex = [];
+ this.columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.reRegisterPosition();
+ });
+ }
+ //ensure column headers take up the correct amount of space in column groups
+ verticalAlignHeaders(){
+ var minHeight = 0;
+ if(!this.redrawBlock){
+ this.headersElement.style.height="";
+ this.columns.forEach((column) => {
+ column.clearVerticalAlign();
+ });
+ this.columns.forEach((column) => {
+ var height = column.getHeight();
+ if(height > minHeight){
+ minHeight = height;
+ }
+ });
+ this.headersElement.style.height = minHeight + "px";
+ this.columns.forEach((column) => {
+ column.verticalAlign(this.table.options.columnHeaderVertAlign, minHeight);
+ });
+ this.table.rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////// Column Details /////////////////
+ findColumn(subject){
+ var columns;
+ if(typeof subject == "object"){
+ if(subject instanceof Column){
+ //subject is column element
+ return subject;
+ }else if(subject instanceof ColumnComponent){
+ //subject is public column component
+ return subject._getSelf() || false;
+ }else if(typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && subject instanceof HTMLElement){
+ columns = [];
+ this.columns.forEach((column) => {
+ columns.push(column);
+ columns = columns.concat(column.getColumns(true));
+ });
+ //subject is a HTML element of the column header
+ let match = columns.find((column) => {
+ return column.element === subject;
+ });
+ return match || false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ //subject should be treated as the field name of the column
+ return this.columnsByField[subject] || false;
+ }
+ //catch all for any other type of input
+ return false;
+ }
+ getColumnByField(field){
+ return this.columnsByField[field];
+ }
+ getColumnsByFieldRoot(root){
+ var matches = [];
+ Object.keys(this.columnsByField).forEach((field) => {
+ var fieldRoot = field.split(".")[0];
+ if(fieldRoot === root){
+ matches.push(this.columnsByField[field]);
+ }
+ });
+ return matches;
+ }
+ getColumnByIndex(index){
+ return this.columnsByIndex[index];
+ }
+ getFirstVisibleColumn(){
+ var index = this.columnsByIndex.findIndex((col) => {
+ return col.visible;
+ });
+ return index > -1 ? this.columnsByIndex[index] : false;
+ }
+ getColumns(){
+ return this.columns;
+ }
+ findColumnIndex(column){
+ return this.columnsByIndex.findIndex((col) => {
+ return column === col;
+ });
+ }
+ //return all columns that are not groups
+ getRealColumns(){
+ return this.columnsByIndex;
+ }
+ //traverse across columns and call action
+ traverse(callback){
+ this.columnsByIndex.forEach((column,i) =>{
+ callback(column, i);
+ });
+ }
+ //get definitions of actual columns
+ getDefinitions(active){
+ var output = [];
+ this.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ if(!active || (active && column.visible)){
+ output.push(column.getDefinition());
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ //get full nested definition tree
+ getDefinitionTree(){
+ var output = [];
+ this.columns.forEach((column) => {
+ output.push(column.getDefinition(true));
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ getComponents(structured){
+ var output = [],
+ columns = structured ? this.columns : this.columnsByIndex;
+ columns.forEach((column) => {
+ output.push(column.getComponent());
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ getWidth(){
+ var width = 0;
+ this.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ if(column.visible){
+ width += column.getWidth();
+ }
+ });
+ return width;
+ }
+ moveColumn(from, to, after){
+ to.element.parentNode.insertBefore(from.element, to.element);
+ if(after){
+ to.element.parentNode.insertBefore(to.element, from.element);
+ }
+ this.moveColumnActual(from, to, after);
+ this.verticalAlignHeaders();
+ this.table.rowManager.reinitialize();
+ }
+ moveColumnActual(from, to, after){
+ if(from.parent.isGroup){
+ this._moveColumnInArray(from.parent.columns, from, to, after);
+ }else {
+ this._moveColumnInArray(this.columns, from, to, after);
+ }
+ this._moveColumnInArray(this.columnsByIndex, from, to, after, true);
+ this.rerenderColumns(true);
+ this.dispatch("column-moved", from, to, after);
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("columnMoved")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("columnMoved", from.getComponent(), this.table.columnManager.getComponents());
+ }
+ }
+ _moveColumnInArray(columns, from, to, after, updateRows){
+ var fromIndex = columns.indexOf(from),
+ toIndex, rows = [];
+ if (fromIndex > -1) {
+ columns.splice(fromIndex, 1);
+ toIndex = columns.indexOf(to);
+ if (toIndex > -1) {
+ if(after){
+ toIndex = toIndex+1;
+ }
+ }else {
+ toIndex = fromIndex;
+ }
+ columns.splice(toIndex, 0, from);
+ if(updateRows){
+ rows = this.chain("column-moving-rows", [from, to, after], null, []) || [];
+ rows = rows.concat(this.table.rowManager.rows);
+ rows.forEach(function(row){
+ if(row.cells.length){
+ var cell = row.cells.splice(fromIndex, 1)[0];
+ row.cells.splice(toIndex, 0, cell);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scrollToColumn(column, position, ifVisible){
+ var left = 0,
+ offset = column.getLeftOffset(),
+ adjust = 0,
+ colEl = column.getElement();
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ if(typeof position === "undefined"){
+ position = this.table.options.scrollToColumnPosition;
+ }
+ if(typeof ifVisible === "undefined"){
+ ifVisible = this.table.options.scrollToColumnIfVisible;
+ }
+ if(column.visible){
+ //align to correct position
+ switch(position){
+ case "middle":
+ case "center":
+ adjust = -this.element.clientWidth / 2;
+ break;
+ case "right":
+ adjust = colEl.clientWidth - this.headersElement.clientWidth;
+ break;
+ }
+ //check column visibility
+ if(!ifVisible){
+ if(offset > 0 && offset + colEl.offsetWidth < this.element.clientWidth){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //calculate scroll position
+ left = offset + adjust;
+ left = Math.max(Math.min(left, this.table.rowManager.element.scrollWidth - this.table.rowManager.element.clientWidth),0);
+ this.table.rowManager.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ this.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ resolve();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Scroll Error - Column not visible");
+ reject("Scroll Error - Column not visible");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //////////////// Cell Management /////////////////
+ generateCells(row){
+ var cells = [];
+ this.columnsByIndex.forEach((column) => {
+ cells.push(column.generateCell(row));
+ });
+ return cells;
+ }
+ //////////////// Column Management /////////////////
+ getFlexBaseWidth(){
+ var totalWidth = this.table.element.clientWidth, //table element width
+ fixedWidth = 0;
+ //adjust for vertical scrollbar if present
+ if(this.table.rowManager.element.scrollHeight > this.table.rowManager.element.clientHeight){
+ totalWidth -= this.table.rowManager.element.offsetWidth - this.table.rowManager.element.clientWidth;
+ }
+ this.columnsByIndex.forEach(function(column){
+ var width, minWidth, colWidth;
+ if(column.visible){
+ width = column.definition.width || 0;
+ minWidth = parseInt(column.minWidth);
+ if(typeof(width) == "string"){
+ if(width.indexOf("%") > -1){
+ colWidth = (totalWidth / 100) * parseInt(width) ;
+ }else {
+ colWidth = parseInt(width);
+ }
+ }else {
+ colWidth = width;
+ }
+ fixedWidth += colWidth > minWidth ? colWidth : minWidth;
+ }
+ });
+ return fixedWidth;
+ }
+ addColumn(definition, before, nextToColumn){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var column = this._addColumn(definition, before, nextToColumn);
+ this._reIndexColumns();
+ this.dispatch("column-add", definition, before, nextToColumn);
+ if(this.layoutMode() != "fitColumns"){
+ column.reinitializeWidth();
+ }
+ this.redraw(true);
+ this.table.rowManager.reinitialize();
+ this.rerenderColumns();
+ resolve(column);
+ });
+ }
+ //remove column from system
+ deregisterColumn(column){
+ var field = column.getField(),
+ index;
+ //remove from field list
+ if(field){
+ delete this.columnsByField[field];
+ }
+ //remove from index list
+ index = this.columnsByIndex.indexOf(column);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.columnsByIndex.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ //remove from column list
+ index = this.columns.indexOf(column);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.columns.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ this.verticalAlignHeaders();
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ rerenderColumns(update, silent){
+ if(!this.redrawBlock){
+ this.renderer.rerenderColumns(update, silent);
+ }else {
+ if(update === false || (update === true && this.redrawBlockUpdate === null)){
+ this.redrawBlockUpdate = update;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ blockRedraw(){
+ this.redrawBlock = true;
+ this.redrawBlockUpdate = null;
+ }
+ restoreRedraw(){
+ this.redrawBlock = false;
+ this.verticalAlignHeaders();
+ this.renderer.rerenderColumns(this.redrawBlockUpdate);
+ }
+ //redraw columns
+ redraw(force){
+ if(Helpers.elVisible(this.element)){
+ this.verticalAlignHeaders();
+ }
+ if(force){
+ this.table.rowManager.resetScroll();
+ this.table.rowManager.reinitialize();
+ }
+ if(!this.confirm("table-redrawing", force)){
+ this.layoutRefresh(force);
+ }
+ this.dispatch("table-redraw", force);
+ this.table.footerManager.redraw();
+ }
+class BasicVertical extends Renderer{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.verticalFillMode = "fill";
+ this.scrollTop = 0;
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.scrollTop = 0;
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ }
+ clearRows(){
+ var element = this.tableElement;
+ // element.children.detach();
+ while(element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+ element.scrollTop = 0;
+ element.scrollLeft = 0;
+ element.style.minWidth = "";
+ element.style.minHeight = "";
+ element.style.display = "";
+ element.style.visibility = "";
+ }
+ renderRows(){
+ var element = this.tableElement,
+ onlyGroupHeaders = true;
+ this.rows().forEach((row, index) => {
+ this.styleRow(row, index);
+ element.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ row.initialize(true);
+ if(row.type !== "group"){
+ onlyGroupHeaders = false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(onlyGroupHeaders){
+ element.style.minWidth = this.table.columnManager.getWidth() + "px";
+ }else {
+ element.style.minWidth = "";
+ }
+ }
+ rerenderRows(callback){
+ this.clearRows();
+ if(callback){
+ callback();
+ }
+ this.renderRows();
+ }
+ scrollToRowNearestTop(row){
+ var rowTop = Helpers.elOffset(row.getElement()).top;
+ return !(Math.abs(this.elementVertical.scrollTop - rowTop) > Math.abs(this.elementVertical.scrollTop + this.elementVertical.clientHeight - rowTop));
+ }
+ scrollToRow(row){
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ this.elementVertical.scrollTop = Helpers.elOffset(rowEl).top - Helpers.elOffset(this.elementVertical).top + this.elementVertical.scrollTop;
+ }
+ visibleRows(includingBuffer){
+ return this.rows();
+ }
+class VirtualDomVertical extends Renderer{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.verticalFillMode = "fill";
+ this.scrollTop = 0;
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.vDomRowHeight = 20; //approximation of row heights for padding
+ this.vDomTop = 0; //hold position for first rendered row in the virtual DOM
+ this.vDomBottom = 0; //hold position for last rendered row in the virtual DOM
+ this.vDomScrollPosTop = 0; //last scroll position of the vDom top;
+ this.vDomScrollPosBottom = 0; //last scroll position of the vDom bottom;
+ this.vDomTopPad = 0; //hold value of padding for top of virtual DOM
+ this.vDomBottomPad = 0; //hold value of padding for bottom of virtual DOM
+ this.vDomMaxRenderChain = 90; //the maximum number of dom elements that can be rendered in 1 go
+ this.vDomWindowBuffer = 0; //window row buffer before removing elements, to smooth scrolling
+ this.vDomWindowMinTotalRows = 20; //minimum number of rows to be generated in virtual dom (prevent buffering issues on tables with tall rows)
+ this.vDomWindowMinMarginRows = 5; //minimum number of rows to be generated in virtual dom margin
+ this.vDomTopNewRows = []; //rows to normalize after appending to optimize render speed
+ this.vDomBottomNewRows = []; //rows to normalize after appending to optimize render speed
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////// Public Functions ///////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ clearRows(){
+ var element = this.tableElement;
+ // element.children.detach();
+ while(element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+ element.style.paddingTop = "";
+ element.style.paddingBottom = "";
+ // element.style.minWidth = "";
+ element.style.minHeight = "";
+ element.style.display = "";
+ element.style.visibility = "";
+ this.elementVertical.scrollTop = 0;
+ this.elementVertical.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.scrollTop = 0;
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.vDomTop = 0;
+ this.vDomBottom = 0;
+ this.vDomTopPad = 0;
+ this.vDomBottomPad = 0;
+ this.vDomScrollPosTop = 0;
+ this.vDomScrollPosBottom = 0;
+ }
+ renderRows(){
+ this._virtualRenderFill();
+ }
+ rerenderRows(callback){
+ var scrollTop = this.elementVertical.scrollTop;
+ var topRow = false;
+ var topOffset = false;
+ var left = this.table.rowManager.scrollLeft;
+ var rows = this.rows();
+ for(var i = this.vDomTop; i <= this.vDomBottom; i++){
+ if(rows[i]){
+ var diff = scrollTop - rows[i].getElement().offsetTop;
+ if(topOffset === false || Math.abs(diff) < topOffset){
+ topOffset = diff;
+ topRow = i;
+ }else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ row.deinitializeHeight();
+ });
+ if(callback){
+ callback();
+ }
+ if(this.rows().length){
+ this._virtualRenderFill((topRow === false ? this.rows.length - 1 : topRow), true, topOffset || 0);
+ }else {
+ this.clear();
+ this.table.rowManager.tableEmpty();
+ }
+ this.scrollColumns(left);
+ }
+ scrollColumns(left){
+ this.table.rowManager.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ }
+ scrollRows(top, dir){
+ var topDiff = top - this.vDomScrollPosTop;
+ var bottomDiff = top - this.vDomScrollPosBottom;
+ var margin = this.vDomWindowBuffer * 2;
+ var rows = this.rows();
+ this.scrollTop = top;
+ if(-topDiff > margin || bottomDiff > margin){
+ //if big scroll redraw table;
+ var left = this.table.rowManager.scrollLeft;
+ this._virtualRenderFill(Math.floor((this.elementVertical.scrollTop / this.elementVertical.scrollHeight) * rows.length));
+ this.scrollColumns(left);
+ }else {
+ if(dir){
+ //scrolling up
+ if(topDiff < 0){
+ this._addTopRow(rows, -topDiff);
+ }
+ if(bottomDiff < 0){
+ //hide bottom row if needed
+ if(this.vDomScrollHeight - this.scrollTop > this.vDomWindowBuffer){
+ this._removeBottomRow(rows, -bottomDiff);
+ }else {
+ this.vDomScrollPosBottom = this.scrollTop;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(bottomDiff >= 0){
+ this._addBottomRow(rows, bottomDiff);
+ }
+ //scrolling down
+ if(topDiff >= 0){
+ //hide top row if needed
+ if(this.scrollTop > this.vDomWindowBuffer){
+ this._removeTopRow(rows, topDiff);
+ }else {
+ this.vDomScrollPosTop = this.scrollTop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resize(){
+ this.vDomWindowBuffer = this.table.options.renderVerticalBuffer || this.elementVertical.clientHeight;
+ }
+ scrollToRowNearestTop(row){
+ var rowIndex = this.rows().indexOf(row);
+ return !(Math.abs(this.vDomTop - rowIndex) > Math.abs(this.vDomBottom - rowIndex));
+ }
+ scrollToRow(row){
+ var index = this.rows().indexOf(row);
+ if(index > -1){
+ this._virtualRenderFill(index, true);
+ }
+ }
+ visibleRows(includingBuffer){
+ var topEdge = this.elementVertical.scrollTop,
+ bottomEdge = this.elementVertical.clientHeight + topEdge,
+ topFound = false,
+ topRow = 0,
+ bottomRow = 0,
+ rows = this.rows();
+ if(includingBuffer){
+ topRow = this.vDomTop;
+ bottomRow = this.vDomBottom;
+ }else {
+ for(var i = this.vDomTop; i <= this.vDomBottom; i++){
+ if(rows[i]){
+ if(!topFound){
+ if((topEdge - rows[i].getElement().offsetTop) >= 0){
+ topRow = i;
+ }else {
+ topFound = true;
+ if(bottomEdge - rows[i].getElement().offsetTop >= 0){
+ bottomRow = i;
+ }else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(bottomEdge - rows[i].getElement().offsetTop >= 0){
+ bottomRow = i;
+ }else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rows.slice(topRow, bottomRow + 1);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ //////// Internal Rendering //////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ //full virtual render
+ _virtualRenderFill(position, forceMove, offset){
+ var element = this.tableElement,
+ holder = this.elementVertical,
+ topPad = 0,
+ rowsHeight = 0,
+ heightOccupied = 0,
+ topPadHeight = 0,
+ i = 0,
+ rows = this.rows(),
+ rowsCount = rows.length,
+ containerHeight = this.elementVertical.clientHeight;
+ position = position || 0;
+ offset = offset || 0;
+ if(!position){
+ this.clear();
+ }else {
+ while(element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+ //check if position is too close to bottom of table
+ heightOccupied = (rowsCount - position + 1) * this.vDomRowHeight;
+ if(heightOccupied < containerHeight){
+ position -= Math.ceil((containerHeight - heightOccupied) / this.vDomRowHeight);
+ if(position < 0){
+ position = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //calculate initial pad
+ topPad = Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(this.vDomWindowBuffer / this.vDomRowHeight), this.vDomWindowMinMarginRows), position);
+ position -= topPad;
+ }
+ if(rowsCount && Helpers.elVisible(this.elementVertical)){
+ this.vDomTop = position;
+ this.vDomBottom = position -1;
+ while ((rowsHeight <= containerHeight + this.vDomWindowBuffer || i < this.vDomWindowMinTotalRows) && this.vDomBottom < rowsCount -1){
+ var index = this.vDomBottom + 1,
+ row = rows[index],
+ rowHeight = 0;
+ this.styleRow(row, index);
+ element.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ row.initialize();
+ if(!row.heightInitialized){
+ row.normalizeHeight(true);
+ }
+ rowHeight = row.getHeight();
+ if(i < topPad){
+ topPadHeight += rowHeight;
+ }else {
+ rowsHeight += rowHeight;
+ }
+ if(rowHeight > this.vDomWindowBuffer){
+ this.vDomWindowBuffer = rowHeight * 2;
+ }
+ this.vDomBottom ++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if(!position){
+ this.vDomTopPad = 0;
+ //adjust row height to match average of rendered elements
+ this.vDomRowHeight = Math.floor((rowsHeight + topPadHeight) / i);
+ this.vDomBottomPad = this.vDomRowHeight * (rowsCount - this.vDomBottom -1);
+ this.vDomScrollHeight = topPadHeight + rowsHeight + this.vDomBottomPad - containerHeight;
+ }else {
+ this.vDomTopPad = !forceMove ? this.scrollTop - topPadHeight : (this.vDomRowHeight * this.vDomTop) + offset;
+ this.vDomBottomPad = this.vDomBottom == rowsCount-1 ? 0 : Math.max(this.vDomScrollHeight - this.vDomTopPad - rowsHeight - topPadHeight, 0);
+ }
+ element.style.paddingTop = this.vDomTopPad + "px";
+ element.style.paddingBottom = this.vDomBottomPad + "px";
+ if(forceMove){
+ this.scrollTop = this.vDomTopPad + (topPadHeight) + offset - (this.elementVertical.scrollWidth > this.elementVertical.clientWidth ? this.elementVertical.offsetHeight - containerHeight : 0);
+ }
+ this.scrollTop = Math.min(this.scrollTop, this.elementVertical.scrollHeight - containerHeight);
+ //adjust for horizontal scrollbar if present (and not at top of table)
+ if(this.elementVertical.scrollWidth > this.elementVertical.clientWidth && forceMove){
+ this.scrollTop += this.elementVertical.offsetHeight - containerHeight;
+ }
+ this.vDomScrollPosTop = this.scrollTop;
+ this.vDomScrollPosBottom = this.scrollTop;
+ holder.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
+ this.dispatch("render-virtual-fill");
+ }
+ }
+ _addTopRow(rows, fillableSpace){
+ var table = this.tableElement,
+ addedRows = [],
+ paddingAdjust = 0,
+ index = this.vDomTop -1,
+ i = 0,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ if(this.vDomTop){
+ let row = rows[index],
+ rowHeight, initialized;
+ if(row && i < this.vDomMaxRenderChain){
+ rowHeight = row.getHeight() || this.vDomRowHeight;
+ initialized = row.initialized;
+ if(fillableSpace >= rowHeight){
+ this.styleRow(row, index);
+ table.insertBefore(row.getElement(), table.firstChild);
+ if(!row.initialized || !row.heightInitialized){
+ addedRows.push(row);
+ }
+ row.initialize();
+ if(!initialized){
+ rowHeight = row.getElement().offsetHeight;
+ if(rowHeight > this.vDomWindowBuffer){
+ this.vDomWindowBuffer = rowHeight * 2;
+ }
+ }
+ fillableSpace -= rowHeight;
+ paddingAdjust += rowHeight;
+ this.vDomTop--;
+ index--;
+ i++;
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let row of addedRows){
+ row.clearCellHeight();
+ }
+ this._quickNormalizeRowHeight(addedRows);
+ if(paddingAdjust){
+ this.vDomTopPad -= paddingAdjust;
+ if(this.vDomTopPad < 0){
+ this.vDomTopPad = index * this.vDomRowHeight;
+ }
+ if(index < 1){
+ this.vDomTopPad = 0;
+ }
+ table.style.paddingTop = this.vDomTopPad + "px";
+ this.vDomScrollPosTop -= paddingAdjust;
+ }
+ }
+ _removeTopRow(rows, fillableSpace){
+ var removableRows = [],
+ paddingAdjust = 0,
+ i = 0,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let row = rows[this.vDomTop],
+ rowHeight;
+ if(row && i < this.vDomMaxRenderChain){
+ rowHeight = row.getHeight() || this.vDomRowHeight;
+ if(fillableSpace >= rowHeight){
+ this.vDomTop++;
+ fillableSpace -= rowHeight;
+ paddingAdjust += rowHeight;
+ removableRows.push(row);
+ i++;
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let row of removableRows){
+ let rowEl = row.getElement();
+ if(rowEl.parentNode){
+ rowEl.parentNode.removeChild(rowEl);
+ }
+ }
+ if(paddingAdjust){
+ this.vDomTopPad += paddingAdjust;
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingTop = this.vDomTopPad + "px";
+ this.vDomScrollPosTop += this.vDomTop ? paddingAdjust : paddingAdjust + this.vDomWindowBuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ _addBottomRow(rows, fillableSpace){
+ var table = this.tableElement,
+ addedRows = [],
+ paddingAdjust = 0,
+ index = this.vDomBottom + 1,
+ i = 0,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let row = rows[index],
+ rowHeight, initialized;
+ if(row && i < this.vDomMaxRenderChain){
+ rowHeight = row.getHeight() || this.vDomRowHeight;
+ initialized = row.initialized;
+ if(fillableSpace >= rowHeight){
+ this.styleRow(row, index);
+ table.appendChild(row.getElement());
+ if(!row.initialized || !row.heightInitialized){
+ addedRows.push(row);
+ }
+ row.initialize();
+ if(!initialized){
+ rowHeight = row.getElement().offsetHeight;
+ if(rowHeight > this.vDomWindowBuffer){
+ this.vDomWindowBuffer = rowHeight * 2;
+ }
+ }
+ fillableSpace -= rowHeight;
+ paddingAdjust += rowHeight;
+ this.vDomBottom++;
+ index++;
+ i++;
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let row of addedRows){
+ row.clearCellHeight();
+ }
+ this._quickNormalizeRowHeight(addedRows);
+ if(paddingAdjust){
+ this.vDomBottomPad -= paddingAdjust;
+ if(this.vDomBottomPad < 0 || index == rows.length -1){
+ this.vDomBottomPad = 0;
+ }
+ table.style.paddingBottom = this.vDomBottomPad + "px";
+ this.vDomScrollPosBottom += paddingAdjust;
+ }
+ }
+ _removeBottomRow(rows, fillableSpace){
+ var removableRows = [],
+ paddingAdjust = 0,
+ i = 0,
+ working = true;
+ while(working){
+ let row = rows[this.vDomBottom],
+ rowHeight;
+ if(row && i < this.vDomMaxRenderChain){
+ rowHeight = row.getHeight() || this.vDomRowHeight;
+ if(fillableSpace >= rowHeight){
+ this.vDomBottom --;
+ fillableSpace -= rowHeight;
+ paddingAdjust += rowHeight;
+ removableRows.push(row);
+ i++;
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ working = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (let row of removableRows){
+ let rowEl = row.getElement();
+ if(rowEl.parentNode){
+ rowEl.parentNode.removeChild(rowEl);
+ }
+ }
+ if(paddingAdjust){
+ this.vDomBottomPad += paddingAdjust;
+ if(this.vDomBottomPad < 0){
+ this.vDomBottomPad = 0;
+ }
+ this.tableElement.style.paddingBottom = this.vDomBottomPad + "px";
+ this.vDomScrollPosBottom -= paddingAdjust;
+ }
+ }
+ _quickNormalizeRowHeight(rows){
+ for(let row of rows){
+ row.calcHeight();
+ }
+ for(let row of rows){
+ row.setCellHeight();
+ }
+ }
+class RowManager extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.element = this.createHolderElement(); //containing element
+ this.tableElement = this.createTableElement(); //table element
+ this.heightFixer = this.createTableElement(); //table element
+ this.placeholder = null; //placeholder element
+ this.placeholderContents = null; //placeholder element
+ this.firstRender = false; //handle first render
+ this.renderMode = "virtual"; //current rendering mode
+ this.fixedHeight = false; //current rendering mode
+ this.rows = []; //hold row data objects
+ this.activeRowsPipeline = []; //hold calculation of active rows
+ this.activeRows = []; //rows currently available to on display in the table
+ this.activeRowsCount = 0; //count of active rows
+ this.displayRows = []; //rows currently on display in the table
+ this.displayRowsCount = 0; //count of display rows
+ this.scrollTop = 0;
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.redrawBlock = false; //prevent redraws to allow multiple data manipulations before continuing
+ this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig = false; //store latest redraw function calls for when redraw is needed
+ this.redrawBlockRenderInPosition = false; //store latest redraw function calls for when redraw is needed
+ this.dataPipeline = []; //hold data pipeline tasks
+ this.displayPipeline = []; //hold data display pipeline tasks
+ this.scrollbarWidth = 0;
+ this.renderer = null;
+ }
+ //////////////// Setup Functions /////////////////
+ createHolderElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-tableholder");
+ el.setAttribute("tabindex", 0);
+ // el.setAttribute("role", "rowgroup");
+ return el;
+ }
+ createTableElement (){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-table");
+ el.setAttribute("role", "rowgroup");
+ return el;
+ }
+ initializePlaceholder(){
+ var placeholder = this.table.options.placeholder;
+ //configure placeholder element
+ if(placeholder){
+ let el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-placeholder");
+ if(typeof placeholder == "string"){
+ let contents = document.createElement("div");
+ contents.classList.add("tabulator-placeholder-contents");
+ contents.innerHTML = placeholder;
+ el.appendChild(contents);
+ this.placeholderContents = contents;
+ }else if(typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && placeholder instanceof HTMLElement){
+ el.appendChild(placeholder);
+ this.placeholderContents = placeholder;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Invalid placeholder provided, must be string or HTML Element", placeholder);
+ this.el = null;
+ }
+ this.placeholder = el;
+ }
+ }
+ //return containing element
+ getElement(){
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ //return table element
+ getTableElement(){
+ return this.tableElement;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.initializePlaceholder();
+ this.initializeRenderer();
+ //initialize manager
+ this.element.appendChild(this.tableElement);
+ this.firstRender = true;
+ //scroll header along with table body
+ this.element.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
+ var left = this.element.scrollLeft,
+ leftDir = this.scrollLeft > left,
+ top = this.element.scrollTop,
+ topDir = this.scrollTop > top;
+ //handle horizontal scrolling
+ if(this.scrollLeft != left){
+ this.scrollLeft = left;
+ this.dispatch("scroll-horizontal", left, leftDir);
+ this.dispatchExternal("scrollHorizontal", left, leftDir);
+ this._positionPlaceholder();
+ }
+ //handle vertical scrolling
+ if(this.scrollTop != top){
+ this.scrollTop = top;
+ this.renderer.scrollRows(top, topDir);
+ this.dispatch("scroll-vertical", top, topDir);
+ this.dispatchExternal("scrollVertical", top, topDir);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ ////////////////// Row Manipulation //////////////////
+ findRow(subject){
+ if(typeof subject == "object"){
+ if(subject instanceof Row){
+ //subject is row element
+ return subject;
+ }else if(subject instanceof RowComponent){
+ //subject is public row component
+ return subject._getSelf() || false;
+ }else if(typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && subject instanceof HTMLElement){
+ //subject is a HTML element of the row
+ let match = this.rows.find((row) => {
+ return row.getElement() === subject;
+ });
+ return match || false;
+ }else if(subject === null){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else if(typeof subject == "undefined"){
+ return false;
+ }else {
+ //subject should be treated as the index of the row
+ let match = this.rows.find((row) => {
+ return row.data[this.table.options.index] == subject;
+ });
+ return match || false;
+ }
+ //catch all for any other type of input
+ return false;
+ }
+ getRowFromDataObject(data){
+ var match = this.rows.find((row) => {
+ return row.data === data;
+ });
+ return match || false;
+ }
+ getRowFromPosition(position){
+ return this.getDisplayRows().find((row) => {
+ return row.getPosition() === position && row.isDisplayed();
+ });
+ }
+ scrollToRow(row, position, ifVisible){
+ return this.renderer.scrollToRowPosition(row, position, ifVisible);
+ }
+ ////////////////// Data Handling //////////////////
+ setData(data, renderInPosition, columnsChanged){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
+ if(renderInPosition && this.getDisplayRows().length){
+ if(this.table.options.pagination){
+ this._setDataActual(data, true);
+ }else {
+ this.reRenderInPosition(() => {
+ this._setDataActual(data);
+ });
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.table.options.autoColumns && columnsChanged && this.table.initialized){
+ this.table.columnManager.generateColumnsFromRowData(data);
+ }
+ this.resetScroll();
+ this._setDataActual(data);
+ }
+ resolve();
+ });
+ }
+ _setDataActual(data, renderInPosition){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataProcessing", data);
+ this._wipeElements();
+ if(Array.isArray(data)){
+ this.dispatch("data-processing", data);
+ data.forEach((def, i) => {
+ if(def && typeof def === "object"){
+ var row = new Row(def, this);
+ this.rows.push(row);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Data Loading Warning - Invalid row data detected and ignored, expecting object but received:", def);
+ }
+ });
+ this.refreshActiveData(false, false, renderInPosition);
+ this.dispatch("data-processed", data);
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataProcessed", data);
+ }else {
+ console.error("Data Loading Error - Unable to process data due to invalid data type \nExpecting: array \nReceived: ", typeof data, "\nData: ", data);
+ }
+ }
+ _wipeElements(){
+ this.dispatch("rows-wipe");
+ this.destroy();
+ this.adjustTableSize();
+ this.dispatch("rows-wiped");
+ }
+ destroy(){
+ this.rows.forEach((row) => {
+ row.wipe();
+ });
+ this.rows = [];
+ this.activeRows = [];
+ this.activeRowsPipeline = [];
+ this.activeRowsCount = 0;
+ this.displayRows = [];
+ this.displayRowsCount = 0;
+ }
+ deleteRow(row, blockRedraw){
+ var allIndex = this.rows.indexOf(row),
+ activeIndex = this.activeRows.indexOf(row);
+ if(activeIndex > -1){
+ this.activeRows.splice(activeIndex, 1);
+ }
+ if(allIndex > -1){
+ this.rows.splice(allIndex, 1);
+ }
+ this.setActiveRows(this.activeRows);
+ this.displayRowIterator((rows) => {
+ var displayIndex = rows.indexOf(row);
+ if(displayIndex > -1){
+ rows.splice(displayIndex, 1);
+ }
+ });
+ if(!blockRedraw){
+ this.reRenderInPosition();
+ }
+ this.regenerateRowPositions();
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowDeleted", row.getComponent());
+ if(!this.displayRowsCount){
+ this.tableEmpty();
+ }
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataChanged")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataChanged", this.getData());
+ }
+ }
+ addRow(data, pos, index, blockRedraw){
+ var row = this.addRowActual(data, pos, index, blockRedraw);
+ return row;
+ }
+ //add multiple rows
+ addRows(data, pos, index, refreshDisplayOnly){
+ var rows = [];
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ pos = this.findAddRowPos(pos);
+ if(!Array.isArray(data)){
+ data = [data];
+ }
+ if((typeof index == "undefined" && pos) || (typeof index !== "undefined" && !pos)){
+ data.reverse();
+ }
+ data.forEach((item, i) => {
+ var row = this.addRow(item, pos, index, true);
+ rows.push(row);
+ this.dispatch("row-added", row, item, pos, index);
+ });
+ this.refreshActiveData(refreshDisplayOnly ? "displayPipeline" : false, false, true);
+ this.regenerateRowPositions();
+ if(rows.length){
+ this._clearPlaceholder();
+ }
+ resolve(rows);
+ });
+ }
+ findAddRowPos(pos){
+ if(typeof pos === "undefined"){
+ pos = this.table.options.addRowPos;
+ }
+ if(pos === "pos"){
+ pos = true;
+ }
+ if(pos === "bottom"){
+ pos = false;
+ }
+ return pos;
+ }
+ addRowActual(data, pos, index, blockRedraw){
+ var row = data instanceof Row ? data : new Row(data || {}, this),
+ top = this.findAddRowPos(pos),
+ allIndex = -1,
+ activeIndex, chainResult;
+ if(!index){
+ chainResult = this.chain("row-adding-position", [row, top], null, {index, top});
+ index = chainResult.index;
+ top = chainResult.top;
+ }
+ if(typeof index !== "undefined"){
+ index = this.findRow(index);
+ }
+ index = this.chain("row-adding-index", [row, index, top], null, index);
+ if(index){
+ allIndex = this.rows.indexOf(index);
+ }
+ if(index && allIndex > -1){
+ activeIndex = this.activeRows.indexOf(index);
+ this.displayRowIterator(function(rows){
+ var displayIndex = rows.indexOf(index);
+ if(displayIndex > -1){
+ rows.splice((top ? displayIndex : displayIndex + 1), 0, row);
+ }
+ });
+ if(activeIndex > -1){
+ this.activeRows.splice((top ? activeIndex : activeIndex + 1), 0, row);
+ }
+ this.rows.splice((top ? allIndex : allIndex + 1), 0, row);
+ }else {
+ if(top){
+ this.displayRowIterator(function(rows){
+ rows.unshift(row);
+ });
+ this.activeRows.unshift(row);
+ this.rows.unshift(row);
+ }else {
+ this.displayRowIterator(function(rows){
+ rows.push(row);
+ });
+ this.activeRows.push(row);
+ this.rows.push(row);
+ }
+ }
+ this.setActiveRows(this.activeRows);
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowAdded", row.getComponent());
+ if(this.subscribedExternal("dataChanged")){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataChanged", this.table.rowManager.getData());
+ }
+ if(!blockRedraw){
+ this.reRenderInPosition();
+ }
+ return row;
+ }
+ moveRow(from, to, after){
+ this.dispatch("row-move", from, to, after);
+ this.moveRowActual(from, to, after);
+ this.regenerateRowPositions();
+ this.dispatch("row-moved", from, to, after);
+ this.dispatchExternal("rowMoved", from.getComponent());
+ }
+ moveRowActual(from, to, after){
+ this.moveRowInArray(this.rows, from, to, after);
+ this.moveRowInArray(this.activeRows, from, to, after);
+ this.displayRowIterator((rows) => {
+ this.moveRowInArray(rows, from, to, after);
+ });
+ this.dispatch("row-moving", from, to, after);
+ }
+ moveRowInArray(rows, from, to, after){
+ var fromIndex, toIndex, start, end;
+ if(from !== to){
+ fromIndex = rows.indexOf(from);
+ if (fromIndex > -1) {
+ rows.splice(fromIndex, 1);
+ toIndex = rows.indexOf(to);
+ if (toIndex > -1) {
+ if(after){
+ rows.splice(toIndex+1, 0, from);
+ }else {
+ rows.splice(toIndex, 0, from);
+ }
+ }else {
+ rows.splice(fromIndex, 0, from);
+ }
+ }
+ //restyle rows
+ if(rows === this.getDisplayRows()){
+ start = fromIndex < toIndex ? fromIndex : toIndex;
+ end = toIndex > fromIndex ? toIndex : fromIndex +1;
+ for(let i = start; i <= end; i++){
+ if(rows[i]){
+ this.styleRow(rows[i], i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clearData(){
+ this.setData([]);
+ }
+ getRowIndex(row){
+ return this.findRowIndex(row, this.rows);
+ }
+ getDisplayRowIndex(row){
+ var index = this.getDisplayRows().indexOf(row);
+ return index > -1 ? index : false;
+ }
+ nextDisplayRow(row, rowOnly){
+ var index = this.getDisplayRowIndex(row),
+ nextRow = false;
+ if(index !== false && index < this.displayRowsCount -1){
+ nextRow = this.getDisplayRows()[index+1];
+ }
+ if(nextRow && (!(nextRow instanceof Row) || nextRow.type != "row")){
+ return this.nextDisplayRow(nextRow, rowOnly);
+ }
+ return nextRow;
+ }
+ prevDisplayRow(row, rowOnly){
+ var index = this.getDisplayRowIndex(row),
+ prevRow = false;
+ if(index){
+ prevRow = this.getDisplayRows()[index-1];
+ }
+ if(rowOnly && prevRow && (!(prevRow instanceof Row) || prevRow.type != "row")){
+ return this.prevDisplayRow(prevRow, rowOnly);
+ }
+ return prevRow;
+ }
+ findRowIndex(row, list){
+ var rowIndex;
+ row = this.findRow(row);
+ if(row){
+ rowIndex = list.indexOf(row);
+ if(rowIndex > -1){
+ return rowIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ getData(active, transform){
+ var output = [],
+ rows = this.getRows(active);
+ rows.forEach(function(row){
+ if(row.type == "row"){
+ output.push(row.getData(transform || "data"));
+ }
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ getComponents(active){
+ var output = [],
+ rows = this.getRows(active);
+ rows.forEach(function(row){
+ output.push(row.getComponent());
+ });
+ return output;
+ }
+ getDataCount(active){
+ var rows = this.getRows(active);
+ return rows.length;
+ }
+ scrollHorizontal(left){
+ this.scrollLeft = left;
+ this.element.scrollLeft = left;
+ this.dispatch("scroll-horizontal", left);
+ }
+ registerDataPipelineHandler(handler, priority){
+ if(typeof priority !== "undefined"){
+ this.dataPipeline.push({handler, priority});
+ this.dataPipeline.sort((a, b) => {
+ return a.priority - b.priority;
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.error("Data pipeline handlers must have a priority in order to be registered");
+ }
+ }
+ registerDisplayPipelineHandler(handler, priority){
+ if(typeof priority !== "undefined"){
+ this.displayPipeline.push({handler, priority});
+ this.displayPipeline.sort((a, b) => {
+ return a.priority - b.priority;
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.error("Display pipeline handlers must have a priority in order to be registered");
+ }
+ }
+ //set active data set
+ refreshActiveData(handler, skipStage, renderInPosition){
+ var table = this.table,
+ stage = "",
+ index = 0,
+ cascadeOrder = ["all", "dataPipeline", "display", "displayPipeline", "end"];
+ if(!this.table.destroyed){
+ if(typeof handler === "function"){
+ index = this.dataPipeline.findIndex((item) => {
+ return item.handler === handler;
+ });
+ if(index > -1){
+ stage = "dataPipeline";
+ if(skipStage){
+ if(index == this.dataPipeline.length - 1){
+ stage = "display";
+ }else {
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ index = this.displayPipeline.findIndex((item) => {
+ return item.handler === handler;
+ });
+ if(index > -1){
+ stage = "displayPipeline";
+ if(skipStage){
+ if(index == this.displayPipeline.length - 1){
+ stage = "end";
+ }else {
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.error("Unable to refresh data, invalid handler provided", handler);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ stage = handler || "all";
+ index = 0;
+ }
+ if(this.redrawBlock){
+ if(!this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig || (this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig && ((this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig.stage === stage && index < this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig.index) || (cascadeOrder.indexOf(stage) < cascadeOrder.indexOf(this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig.stage))))){
+ this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig = {
+ handler: handler,
+ skipStage: skipStage,
+ renderInPosition: renderInPosition,
+ stage:stage,
+ index:index,
+ };
+ }
+ return;
+ }else {
+ if(Helpers.elVisible(this.element)){
+ if(renderInPosition){
+ this.reRenderInPosition(this.refreshPipelines.bind(this, handler, stage, index, renderInPosition));
+ }else {
+ this.refreshPipelines(handler, stage, index, renderInPosition);
+ if(!handler){
+ this.table.columnManager.renderer.renderColumns();
+ }
+ this.renderTable();
+ if(table.options.layoutColumnsOnNewData){
+ this.table.columnManager.redraw(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.refreshPipelines(handler, stage, index, renderInPosition);
+ }
+ this.dispatch("data-refreshed");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ refreshPipelines(handler, stage, index, renderInPosition){
+ this.dispatch("data-refreshing");
+ if(!handler){
+ this.activeRowsPipeline[0] = this.rows.slice(0);
+ }
+ //cascade through data refresh stages
+ switch(stage){
+ case "all":
+ //handle case where all data needs refreshing
+ case "dataPipeline":
+ for(let i = index; i < this.dataPipeline.length; i++){
+ let result = this.dataPipeline[i].handler(this.activeRowsPipeline[i].slice(0));
+ this.activeRowsPipeline[i + 1] = result || this.activeRowsPipeline[i].slice(0);
+ }
+ this.setActiveRows(this.activeRowsPipeline[this.dataPipeline.length]);
+ case "display":
+ index = 0;
+ this.resetDisplayRows();
+ case "displayPipeline":
+ for(let i = index; i < this.displayPipeline.length; i++){
+ let result = this.displayPipeline[i].handler((i ? this.getDisplayRows(i - 1) : this.activeRows).slice(0), renderInPosition);
+ this.setDisplayRows(result || this.getDisplayRows(i - 1).slice(0), i);
+ }
+ case "end":
+ //case to handle scenario when trying to skip past end stage
+ this.regenerateRowPositions();
+ }
+ if(this.getDisplayRows().length){
+ this._clearPlaceholder();
+ }
+ }
+ //regenerate row positions
+ regenerateRowPositions(){
+ var rows = this.getDisplayRows();
+ var index = 1;
+ rows.forEach((row) => {
+ if (row.type === "row"){
+ row.setPosition(index);
+ index++;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ setActiveRows(activeRows){
+ this.activeRows = this.activeRows = Object.assign([], activeRows);
+ this.activeRowsCount = this.activeRows.length;
+ }
+ //reset display rows array
+ resetDisplayRows(){
+ this.displayRows = [];
+ this.displayRows.push(this.activeRows.slice(0));
+ this.displayRowsCount = this.displayRows[0].length;
+ }
+ //set display row pipeline data
+ setDisplayRows(displayRows, index){
+ this.displayRows[index] = displayRows;
+ if(index == this.displayRows.length -1){
+ this.displayRowsCount = this.displayRows[this.displayRows.length -1].length;
+ }
+ }
+ getDisplayRows(index){
+ if(typeof index == "undefined"){
+ return this.displayRows.length ? this.displayRows[this.displayRows.length -1] : [];
+ }else {
+ return this.displayRows[index] || [];
+ }
+ }
+ getVisibleRows(chain, viewable){
+ var rows = Object.assign([], this.renderer.visibleRows(!viewable));
+ if(chain){
+ rows = this.chain("rows-visible", [viewable], rows, rows);
+ }
+ return rows;
+ }
+ //repeat action across display rows
+ displayRowIterator(callback){
+ this.activeRowsPipeline.forEach(callback);
+ this.displayRows.forEach(callback);
+ this.displayRowsCount = this.displayRows[this.displayRows.length -1].length;
+ }
+ //return only actual rows (not group headers etc)
+ getRows(type){
+ var rows = [];
+ switch(type){
+ case "active":
+ rows = this.activeRows;
+ break;
+ case "display":
+ rows = this.table.rowManager.getDisplayRows();
+ break;
+ case "visible":
+ rows = this.getVisibleRows(false, true);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rows = this.chain("rows-retrieve", type, null, this.rows) || this.rows;
+ }
+ return rows;
+ }
+ ///////////////// Table Rendering /////////////////
+ //trigger rerender of table in current position
+ reRenderInPosition(callback){
+ if(this.redrawBlock){
+ if(callback){
+ callback();
+ }else {
+ this.redrawBlockRenderInPosition = true;
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.dispatchExternal("renderStarted");
+ this.renderer.rerenderRows(callback);
+ if(!this.fixedHeight){
+ this.adjustTableSize();
+ }
+ this.scrollBarCheck();
+ this.dispatchExternal("renderComplete");
+ }
+ }
+ scrollBarCheck(){
+ var scrollbarWidth = 0;
+ //adjust for vertical scrollbar moving table when present
+ if(this.element.scrollHeight > this.element.clientHeight){
+ scrollbarWidth = this.element.offsetWidth - this.element.clientWidth;
+ }
+ if(scrollbarWidth !== this.scrollbarWidth){
+ this.scrollbarWidth = scrollbarWidth;
+ this.dispatch("scrollbar-vertical", scrollbarWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ initializeRenderer(){
+ var renderClass;
+ var renderers = {
+ "virtual": VirtualDomVertical,
+ "basic": BasicVertical,
+ };
+ if(typeof this.table.options.renderVertical === "string"){
+ renderClass = renderers[this.table.options.renderVertical];
+ }else {
+ renderClass = this.table.options.renderVertical;
+ }
+ if(renderClass){
+ this.renderMode = this.table.options.renderVertical;
+ this.renderer = new renderClass(this.table, this.element, this.tableElement);
+ this.renderer.initialize();
+ if((this.table.element.clientHeight || this.table.options.height) && !(this.table.options.minHeight && this.table.options.maxHeight)){
+ this.fixedHeight = true;
+ }else {
+ this.fixedHeight = false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.error("Unable to find matching renderer:", this.table.options.renderVertical);
+ }
+ }
+ getRenderMode(){
+ return this.renderMode;
+ }
+ renderTable(){
+ this.dispatchExternal("renderStarted");
+ this.element.scrollTop = 0;
+ this._clearTable();
+ if(this.displayRowsCount){
+ this.renderer.renderRows();
+ if(this.firstRender){
+ this.firstRender = false;
+ if(!this.fixedHeight){
+ this.adjustTableSize();
+ }
+ this.layoutRefresh(true);
+ }
+ }else {
+ this.renderEmptyScroll();
+ }
+ if(!this.fixedHeight){
+ this.adjustTableSize();
+ }
+ this.dispatch("table-layout");
+ if(!this.displayRowsCount){
+ this._showPlaceholder();
+ }
+ this.scrollBarCheck();
+ this.dispatchExternal("renderComplete");
+ }
+ //show scrollbars on empty table div
+ renderEmptyScroll(){
+ if(this.placeholder){
+ this.tableElement.style.display = "none";
+ }else {
+ this.tableElement.style.minWidth = this.table.columnManager.getWidth() + "px";
+ // this.tableElement.style.minHeight = "1px";
+ // this.tableElement.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ }
+ _clearTable(){
+ this._clearPlaceholder();
+ this.scrollTop = 0;
+ this.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.renderer.clearRows();
+ }
+ tableEmpty(){
+ this.renderEmptyScroll();
+ this._showPlaceholder();
+ }
+ _showPlaceholder(){
+ if(this.placeholder){
+ this.placeholder.setAttribute("tabulator-render-mode", this.renderMode);
+ this.getElement().appendChild(this.placeholder);
+ this._positionPlaceholder();
+ }
+ }
+ _clearPlaceholder(){
+ if(this.placeholder && this.placeholder.parentNode){
+ this.placeholder.parentNode.removeChild(this.placeholder);
+ }
+ // clear empty table placeholder min
+ this.tableElement.style.minWidth = "";
+ this.tableElement.style.display = "";
+ }
+ _positionPlaceholder(){
+ if(this.placeholder && this.placeholder.parentNode){
+ this.placeholder.style.width = this.table.columnManager.getWidth() + "px";
+ this.placeholderContents.style.width = this.table.rowManager.element.clientWidth + "px";
+ this.placeholderContents.style.marginLeft = this.scrollLeft + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ styleRow(row, index){
+ var rowEl = row.getElement();
+ if(index % 2){
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-row-even");
+ rowEl.classList.remove("tabulator-row-odd");
+ }else {
+ rowEl.classList.add("tabulator-row-odd");
+ rowEl.classList.remove("tabulator-row-even");
+ }
+ }
+ //normalize height of active rows
+ normalizeHeight(){
+ this.activeRows.forEach(function(row){
+ row.normalizeHeight();
+ });
+ }
+ //adjust the height of the table holder to fit in the Tabulator element
+ adjustTableSize(){
+ var initialHeight = this.element.clientHeight, minHeight;
+ if(this.renderer.verticalFillMode === "fill"){
+ let otherHeight = Math.floor(this.table.columnManager.getElement().getBoundingClientRect().height + (this.table.footerManager && this.table.footerManager.active && !this.table.footerManager.external ? this.table.footerManager.getElement().getBoundingClientRect().height : 0));
+ if(this.fixedHeight){
+ minHeight = isNaN(this.table.options.minHeight) ? this.table.options.minHeight : this.table.options.minHeight + "px";
+ this.element.style.minHeight = minHeight || "calc(100% - " + otherHeight + "px)";
+ this.element.style.height = "calc(100% - " + otherHeight + "px)";
+ this.element.style.maxHeight = "calc(100% - " + otherHeight + "px)";
+ }else {
+ this.element.style.height = "";
+ this.element.style.height = (this.table.element.clientHeight - otherHeight) + "px";
+ this.element.scrollTop = this.scrollTop;
+ }
+ this.renderer.resize();
+ //check if the table has changed size when dealing with variable height tables
+ if(!this.fixedHeight && initialHeight != this.element.clientHeight){
+ if(this.subscribed("table-resize")){
+ this.dispatch("table-resize");
+ }else {
+ this.redraw();
+ }
+ }
+ this.scrollBarCheck();
+ }
+ this._positionPlaceholder();
+ }
+ //reinitialize all rows
+ reinitialize(){
+ this.rows.forEach(function(row){
+ row.reinitialize(true);
+ });
+ }
+ //prevent table from being redrawn
+ blockRedraw (){
+ this.redrawBlock = true;
+ this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig = false;
+ }
+ //restore table redrawing
+ restoreRedraw (){
+ this.redrawBlock = false;
+ if(this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig){
+ this.refreshActiveData(this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig.handler, this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig.skipStage, this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig.renderInPosition);
+ this.redrawBlockRestoreConfig = false;
+ }else {
+ if(this.redrawBlockRenderInPosition){
+ this.reRenderInPosition();
+ }
+ }
+ this.redrawBlockRenderInPosition = false;
+ }
+ //redraw table
+ redraw (force){
+ var left = this.scrollLeft;
+ this.adjustTableSize();
+ this.table.tableWidth = this.table.element.clientWidth;
+ if(!force){
+ this.reRenderInPosition();
+ this.scrollHorizontal(left);
+ }else {
+ this.renderTable();
+ }
+ }
+ resetScroll(){
+ this.element.scrollLeft = 0;
+ this.element.scrollTop = 0;
+ if(this.table.browser === "ie"){
+ var event = document.createEvent("Event");
+ event.initEvent("scroll", false, true);
+ this.element.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }else {
+ this.element.dispatchEvent(new Event('scroll'));
+ }
+ }
+class FooterManager extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.active = false;
+ this.element = this.createElement(); //containing element
+ this.containerElement = this.createContainerElement(); //containing element
+ this.external = false;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.initializeElement();
+ }
+ createElement(){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-footer");
+ return el;
+ }
+ createContainerElement(){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-footer-contents");
+ this.element.appendChild(el);
+ return el;
+ }
+ initializeElement(){
+ if(this.table.options.footerElement){
+ switch(typeof this.table.options.footerElement){
+ case "string":
+ if(this.table.options.footerElement[0] === "<"){
+ this.containerElement.innerHTML = this.table.options.footerElement;
+ }else {
+ this.external = true;
+ this.containerElement = document.querySelector(this.table.options.footerElement);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.element = this.table.options.footerElement;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ append(element){
+ this.activate();
+ this.containerElement.appendChild(element);
+ this.table.rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ }
+ prepend(element){
+ this.activate();
+ this.element.insertBefore(element, this.element.firstChild);
+ this.table.rowManager.adjustTableSize();
+ }
+ remove(element){
+ element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+ this.deactivate();
+ }
+ deactivate(force){
+ if(!this.element.firstChild || force){
+ if(!this.external){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ this.active = false;
+ }
+ }
+ activate(){
+ if(!this.active){
+ this.active = true;
+ if(!this.external){
+ this.table.element.appendChild(this.getElement());
+ this.table.element.style.display = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ redraw(){
+ this.dispatch("footer-redraw");
+ }
+class InteractionManager extends CoreFeature {
+ constructor (table){
+ super(table);
+ this.el = null;
+ this.abortClasses = ["tabulator-headers", "tabulator-table"];
+ this.previousTargets = {};
+ this.listeners = [
+ "click",
+ "dblclick",
+ "contextmenu",
+ "mouseenter",
+ "mouseleave",
+ "mouseover",
+ "mouseout",
+ "mousemove",
+ "mouseup",
+ "mousedown",
+ "touchstart",
+ "touchend",
+ ];
+ this.componentMap = {
+ "tabulator-cell":"cell",
+ "tabulator-row":"row",
+ "tabulator-group":"group",
+ "tabulator-col":"column",
+ };
+ this.pseudoTrackers = {
+ "row":{
+ subscriber:null,
+ target:null,
+ },
+ "cell":{
+ subscriber:null,
+ target:null,
+ },
+ "group":{
+ subscriber:null,
+ target:null,
+ },
+ "column":{
+ subscriber:null,
+ target:null,
+ },
+ };
+ this.pseudoTracking = false;
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.el = this.table.element;
+ this.buildListenerMap();
+ this.bindSubscriptionWatchers();
+ }
+ buildListenerMap(){
+ var listenerMap = {};
+ this.listeners.forEach((listener) => {
+ listenerMap[listener] = {
+ handler:null,
+ components:[],
+ };
+ });
+ this.listeners = listenerMap;
+ }
+ bindPseudoEvents(){
+ Object.keys(this.pseudoTrackers).forEach((key) => {
+ this.pseudoTrackers[key].subscriber = this.pseudoMouseEnter.bind(this, key);
+ this.subscribe(key + "-mouseover", this.pseudoTrackers[key].subscriber);
+ });
+ this.pseudoTracking = true;
+ }
+ pseudoMouseEnter(key, e, target){
+ if(this.pseudoTrackers[key].target !== target){
+ if(this.pseudoTrackers[key].target){
+ this.dispatch(key + "-mouseleave", e, this.pseudoTrackers[key].target);
+ }
+ this.pseudoMouseLeave(key, e);
+ this.pseudoTrackers[key].target = target;
+ this.dispatch(key + "-mouseenter", e, target);
+ }
+ }
+ pseudoMouseLeave(key, e){
+ var leaveList = Object.keys(this.pseudoTrackers),
+ linkedKeys = {
+ "row":["cell"],
+ "cell":["row"],
+ };
+ leaveList = leaveList.filter((item) => {
+ var links = linkedKeys[key];
+ return item !== key && (!links || (links && !links.includes(item)));
+ });
+ leaveList.forEach((key) => {
+ var target = this.pseudoTrackers[key].target;
+ if(this.pseudoTrackers[key].target){
+ this.dispatch(key + "-mouseleave", e, target);
+ this.pseudoTrackers[key].target = null;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ bindSubscriptionWatchers(){
+ var listeners = Object.keys(this.listeners),
+ components = Object.values(this.componentMap);
+ for(let comp of components){
+ for(let listener of listeners){
+ let key = comp + "-" + listener;
+ this.subscriptionChange(key, this.subscriptionChanged.bind(this, comp, listener));
+ }
+ }
+ this.subscribe("table-destroy", this.clearWatchers.bind(this));
+ }
+ subscriptionChanged(component, key, added){
+ var listener = this.listeners[key].components,
+ index = listener.indexOf(component),
+ changed = false;
+ if(added){
+ if(index === -1){
+ listener.push(component);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(!this.subscribed(component + "-" + key)){
+ if(index > -1){
+ listener.splice(index, 1);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if((key === "mouseenter" || key === "mouseleave") && !this.pseudoTracking){
+ this.bindPseudoEvents();
+ }
+ if(changed){
+ this.updateEventListeners();
+ }
+ }
+ updateEventListeners(){
+ for(let key in this.listeners){
+ let listener = this.listeners[key];
+ if(listener.components.length){
+ if(!listener.handler){
+ listener.handler = this.track.bind(this, key);
+ this.el.addEventListener(key, listener.handler);
+ // this.el.addEventListener(key, listener.handler, {passive: true})
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(listener.handler){
+ this.el.removeEventListener(key, listener.handler);
+ listener.handler = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ track(type, e){
+ var path = (e.composedPath && e.composedPath()) || e.path;
+ var targets = this.findTargets(path);
+ targets = this.bindComponents(type, targets);
+ this.triggerEvents(type, e, targets);
+ if(this.pseudoTracking && (type == "mouseover" || type == "mouseleave") && !Object.keys(targets).length){
+ this.pseudoMouseLeave("none", e);
+ }
+ }
+ findTargets(path){
+ var targets = {};
+ let componentMap = Object.keys(this.componentMap);
+ for (let el of path) {
+ let classList = el.classList ? [...el.classList] : [];
+ let abort = classList.filter((item) => {
+ return this.abortClasses.includes(item);
+ });
+ if(abort.length){
+ break;
+ }
+ let elTargets = classList.filter((item) => {
+ return componentMap.includes(item);
+ });
+ for (let target of elTargets) {
+ if(!targets[this.componentMap[target]]){
+ targets[this.componentMap[target]] = el;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(targets.group && targets.group === targets.row){
+ delete targets.row;
+ }
+ return targets;
+ }
+ bindComponents(type, targets){
+ //ensure row component is looked up before cell
+ var keys = Object.keys(targets).reverse(),
+ listener = this.listeners[type],
+ matches = {},
+ targetMatches = {};
+ for(let key of keys){
+ let component,
+ target = targets[key],
+ previousTarget = this.previousTargets[key];
+ if(previousTarget && previousTarget.target === target){
+ component = previousTarget.component;
+ }else {
+ switch(key){
+ case "row":
+ case "group":
+ if(listener.components.includes("row") || listener.components.includes("cell") || listener.components.includes("group")){
+ let rows = this.table.rowManager.getVisibleRows(true);
+ component = rows.find((row) => {
+ return row.getElement() === target;
+ });
+ if(targets["row"] && targets["row"].parentNode && targets["row"].parentNode.closest(".tabulator-row")){
+ targets[key] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "column":
+ if(listener.components.includes("column")){
+ component = this.table.columnManager.findColumn(target);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "cell":
+ if(listener.components.includes("cell")){
+ if(matches["row"] instanceof Row){
+ component = matches["row"].findCell(target);
+ }else {
+ if(targets["row"]){
+ console.warn("Event Target Lookup Error - The row this cell is attached to cannot be found, has the table been reinitialized without being destroyed first?");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(component){
+ matches[key] = component;
+ targetMatches[key] = {
+ target:target,
+ component:component,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ this.previousTargets = targetMatches;
+ return matches;
+ }
+ triggerEvents(type, e, targets){
+ var listener = this.listeners[type];
+ for(let key in targets){
+ if(targets[key] && listener.components.includes(key)){
+ this.dispatch(key + "-" + type, e, targets[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clearWatchers(){
+ for(let key in this.listeners){
+ let listener = this.listeners[key];
+ if(listener.handler){
+ this.el.removeEventListener(key, listener.handler);
+ listener.handler = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class ComponentFunctionBinder{
+ constructor(table){
+ this.table = table;
+ this.bindings = {};
+ }
+ bind(type, funcName, handler){
+ if(!this.bindings[type]){
+ this.bindings[type] = {};
+ }
+ if(this.bindings[type][funcName]){
+ console.warn("Unable to bind component handler, a matching function name is already bound", type, funcName, handler);
+ }else {
+ this.bindings[type][funcName] = handler;
+ }
+ }
+ handle(type, component, name){
+ if(this.bindings[type] && this.bindings[type][name] && typeof this.bindings[type][name].bind === 'function'){
+ return this.bindings[type][name].bind(null, component);
+ }else {
+ if(name !== "then" && typeof name === "string" && !name.startsWith("_")){
+ if(this.table.options.debugInvalidComponentFuncs){
+ console.error("The " + type + " component does not have a " + name + " function, have you checked that you have the correct Tabulator module installed?");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class DataLoader extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.requestOrder = 0; //prevent requests coming out of sequence if overridden by another load request
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ initialize(){}
+ load(data, params, config, replace, silent, columnsChanged){
+ var requestNo = ++this.requestOrder;
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataLoading", data);
+ //parse json data to array
+ if (data && (data.indexOf("{") == 0 || data.indexOf("[") == 0)){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if(this.confirm("data-loading", [data, params, config, silent])){
+ this.loading = true;
+ if(!silent){
+ this.alertLoader();
+ }
+ //get params for request
+ params = this.chain("data-params", [data, config, silent], params || {}, params || {});
+ params = this.mapParams(params, this.table.options.dataSendParams);
+ var result = this.chain("data-load", [data, params, config, silent], false, Promise.resolve([]));
+ return result.then((response) => {
+ if(!Array.isArray(response) && typeof response == "object"){
+ response = this.mapParams(response, this.objectInvert(this.table.options.dataReceiveParams));
+ }
+ var rowData = this.chain("data-loaded", response, null, response);
+ if(requestNo == this.requestOrder){
+ this.clearAlert();
+ if(rowData !== false){
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataLoaded", rowData);
+ this.table.rowManager.setData(rowData, replace, typeof columnsChanged === "undefined" ? !replace : columnsChanged);
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Data Load Response Blocked - An active data load request was blocked by an attempt to change table data while the request was being made");
+ }
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ console.error("Data Load Error: ", error);
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataLoadError", error);
+ if(!silent){
+ this.alertError();
+ }
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.clearAlert();
+ }, this.table.options.dataLoaderErrorTimeout);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ this.loading = false;
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.dispatchExternal("dataLoaded", data);
+ if(!data){
+ data = [];
+ }
+ this.table.rowManager.setData(data, replace, typeof columnsChanged === "undefined" ? !replace : columnsChanged);
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ }
+ }
+ mapParams(params, map){
+ var output = {};
+ for(let key in params){
+ output[map.hasOwnProperty(key) ? map[key] : key] = params[key];
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ objectInvert(obj){
+ var output = {};
+ for(let key in obj){
+ output[obj[key]] = key;
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ blockActiveLoad(){
+ this.requestOrder++;
+ }
+ alertLoader(){
+ var shouldLoad = typeof this.table.options.dataLoader === "function" ? this.table.options.dataLoader() : this.table.options.dataLoader;
+ if(shouldLoad){
+ this.table.alertManager.alert(this.table.options.dataLoaderLoading || this.langText("data|loading"));
+ }
+ }
+ alertError(){
+ this.table.alertManager.alert(this.table.options.dataLoaderError || this.langText("data|error"), "error");
+ }
+ clearAlert(){
+ this.table.alertManager.clear();
+ }
+class ExternalEventBus {
+ constructor(table, optionsList, debug){
+ this.table = table;
+ this.events = {};
+ this.optionsList = optionsList || {};
+ this.subscriptionNotifiers = {};
+ this.dispatch = debug ? this._debugDispatch.bind(this) : this._dispatch.bind(this);
+ this.debug = debug;
+ }
+ subscriptionChange(key, callback){
+ if(!this.subscriptionNotifiers[key]){
+ this.subscriptionNotifiers[key] = [];
+ }
+ this.subscriptionNotifiers[key].push(callback);
+ if(this.subscribed(key)){
+ this._notifySubscriptionChange(key, true);
+ }
+ }
+ subscribe(key, callback){
+ if(!this.events[key]){
+ this.events[key] = [];
+ }
+ this.events[key].push(callback);
+ this._notifySubscriptionChange(key, true);
+ }
+ unsubscribe(key, callback){
+ var index;
+ if(this.events[key]){
+ if(callback){
+ index = this.events[key].findIndex((item) => {
+ return item === callback;
+ });
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.events[key].splice(index, 1);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Cannot remove event, no matching event found:", key, callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ }else {
+ delete this.events[key];
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Cannot remove event, no events set on:", key);
+ return;
+ }
+ this._notifySubscriptionChange(key, false);
+ }
+ subscribed(key){
+ return this.events[key] && this.events[key].length;
+ }
+ _notifySubscriptionChange(key, subscribed){
+ var notifiers = this.subscriptionNotifiers[key];
+ if(notifiers){
+ notifiers.forEach((callback)=>{
+ callback(subscribed);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _dispatch(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ key = args.shift(),
+ result;
+ if(this.events[key]){
+ this.events[key].forEach((callback, i) => {
+ let callResult = callback.apply(this.table, args);
+ if(!i){
+ result = callResult;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ _debugDispatch(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ key = args[0];
+ args[0] = "ExternalEvent:" + args[0];
+ if(this.debug === true || this.debug.includes(key)){
+ console.log(...args);
+ }
+ return this._dispatch(...arguments);
+ }
+class InternalEventBus {
+ constructor(debug){
+ this.events = {};
+ this.subscriptionNotifiers = {};
+ this.dispatch = debug ? this._debugDispatch.bind(this) : this._dispatch.bind(this);
+ this.chain = debug ? this._debugChain.bind(this) : this._chain.bind(this);
+ this.confirm = debug ? this._debugConfirm.bind(this) : this._confirm.bind(this);
+ this.debug = debug;
+ }
+ subscriptionChange(key, callback){
+ if(!this.subscriptionNotifiers[key]){
+ this.subscriptionNotifiers[key] = [];
+ }
+ this.subscriptionNotifiers[key].push(callback);
+ if(this.subscribed(key)){
+ this._notifySubscriptionChange(key, true);
+ }
+ }
+ subscribe(key, callback, priority = 10000){
+ if(!this.events[key]){
+ this.events[key] = [];
+ }
+ this.events[key].push({callback, priority});
+ this.events[key].sort((a, b) => {
+ return a.priority - b.priority;
+ });
+ this._notifySubscriptionChange(key, true);
+ }
+ unsubscribe(key, callback){
+ var index;
+ if(this.events[key]){
+ if(callback){
+ index = this.events[key].findIndex((item) => {
+ return item.callback === callback;
+ });
+ if(index > -1){
+ this.events[key].splice(index, 1);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Cannot remove event, no matching event found:", key, callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Cannot remove event, no events set on:", key);
+ return;
+ }
+ this._notifySubscriptionChange(key, false);
+ }
+ subscribed(key){
+ return this.events[key] && this.events[key].length;
+ }
+ _chain(key, args, initialValue, fallback){
+ var value = initialValue;
+ if(!Array.isArray(args)){
+ args = [args];
+ }
+ if(this.subscribed(key)){
+ this.events[key].forEach((subscriber, i) => {
+ value = subscriber.callback.apply(this, args.concat([value]));
+ });
+ return value;
+ }else {
+ return typeof fallback === "function" ? fallback() : fallback;
+ }
+ }
+ _confirm(key, args){
+ var confirmed = false;
+ if(!Array.isArray(args)){
+ args = [args];
+ }
+ if(this.subscribed(key)){
+ this.events[key].forEach((subscriber, i) => {
+ if(subscriber.callback.apply(this, args)){
+ confirmed = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return confirmed;
+ }
+ _notifySubscriptionChange(key, subscribed){
+ var notifiers = this.subscriptionNotifiers[key];
+ if(notifiers){
+ notifiers.forEach((callback)=>{
+ callback(subscribed);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _dispatch(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ key = args.shift();
+ if(this.events[key]){
+ this.events[key].forEach((subscriber) => {
+ subscriber.callback.apply(this, args);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _debugDispatch(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ key = args[0];
+ args[0] = "InternalEvent:" + key;
+ if(this.debug === true || this.debug.includes(key)){
+ console.log(...args);
+ }
+ return this._dispatch(...arguments);
+ }
+ _debugChain(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ key = args[0];
+ args[0] = "InternalEvent:" + key;
+ if(this.debug === true || this.debug.includes(key)){
+ console.log(...args);
+ }
+ return this._chain(...arguments);
+ }
+ _debugConfirm(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments),
+ key = args[0];
+ args[0] = "InternalEvent:" + key;
+ if(this.debug === true || this.debug.includes(key)){
+ console.log(...args);
+ }
+ return this._confirm(...arguments);
+ }
+class DeprecationAdvisor extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ }
+ _warnUser(){
+ if(this.options("debugDeprecation")){
+ console.warn(...arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ check(oldOption, newOption){
+ var msg = "";
+ if(typeof this.options(oldOption) !== "undefined"){
+ msg = "Deprecated Setup Option - Use of the %c" + oldOption + "%c option is now deprecated";
+ if(newOption){
+ msg = msg + ", Please use the %c" + newOption + "%c option instead";
+ this._warnUser(msg, 'font-weight: bold;', 'font-weight: normal;', 'font-weight: bold;', 'font-weight: normal;');
+ }else {
+ this._warnUser(msg, 'font-weight: bold;', 'font-weight: normal;');
+ }
+ return false;
+ }else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ checkMsg(oldOption, msg){
+ if(typeof this.options(oldOption) !== "undefined"){
+ this._warnUser("%cDeprecated Setup Option - Use of the %c" + oldOption + " %c option is now deprecated, " + msg, 'font-weight: normal;', 'font-weight: bold;', 'font-weight: normal;');
+ return false;
+ }else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ msg(msg){
+ this._warnUser(msg);
+ }
+class TableRegistry {
+ static register(table){
+ TableRegistry.tables.push(table);
+ }
+ static deregister(table){
+ var index = TableRegistry.tables.indexOf(table);
+ if(index > -1){
+ TableRegistry.tables.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ static lookupTable(query, silent){
+ var results = [],
+ matches, match;
+ if(typeof query === "string"){
+ matches = document.querySelectorAll(query);
+ if(matches.length){
+ for(var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++){
+ match = TableRegistry.matchElement(matches[i]);
+ if(match){
+ results.push(match);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if((typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && query instanceof HTMLElement) || query instanceof Tabulator){
+ match = TableRegistry.matchElement(query);
+ if(match){
+ results.push(match);
+ }
+ }else if(Array.isArray(query)){
+ query.forEach(function(item){
+ results = results.concat(TableRegistry.lookupTable(item));
+ });
+ }else {
+ if(!silent){
+ console.warn("Table Connection Error - Invalid Selector", query);
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ static matchElement(element){
+ return TableRegistry.tables.find(function(table){
+ return element instanceof Tabulator ? table === element : table.element === element;
+ });
+ }
+TableRegistry.tables = [];
+//resize columns to fit data they contain
+function fitData(columns, forced){
+ if(forced){
+ this.table.columnManager.renderer.reinitializeColumnWidths(columns);
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout && this.table.modExists("responsiveLayout", true)){
+ this.table.modules.responsiveLayout.update();
+ }
+//resize columns to fit data they contain and stretch row to fill table, also used for fitDataTable
+function fitDataGeneral(columns, forced){
+ columns.forEach(function(column){
+ column.reinitializeWidth();
+ });
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout && this.table.modExists("responsiveLayout", true)){
+ this.table.modules.responsiveLayout.update();
+ }
+//resize columns to fit data the contain and stretch last column to fill table
+function fitDataStretch(columns, forced){
+ var colsWidth = 0,
+ tableWidth = this.table.rowManager.element.clientWidth,
+ gap = 0,
+ lastCol = false;
+ columns.forEach((column, i) => {
+ if(!column.widthFixed){
+ column.reinitializeWidth();
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout ? column.modules.responsive.visible : column.visible){
+ lastCol = column;
+ }
+ if(column.visible){
+ colsWidth += column.getWidth();
+ }
+ });
+ if(lastCol){
+ gap = tableWidth - colsWidth + lastCol.getWidth();
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout && this.table.modExists("responsiveLayout", true)){
+ lastCol.setWidth(0);
+ this.table.modules.responsiveLayout.update();
+ }
+ if(gap > 0){
+ lastCol.setWidth(gap);
+ }else {
+ lastCol.reinitializeWidth();
+ }
+ }else {
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout && this.table.modExists("responsiveLayout", true)){
+ this.table.modules.responsiveLayout.update();
+ }
+ }
+//resize columns to fit
+function fitColumns(columns, forced){
+ var totalWidth = this.table.rowManager.element.getBoundingClientRect().width; //table element width
+ var fixedWidth = 0; //total width of columns with a defined width
+ var flexWidth = 0; //total width available to flexible columns
+ var flexGrowUnits = 0; //total number of widthGrow blocks across all columns
+ var flexColWidth = 0; //desired width of flexible columns
+ var flexColumns = []; //array of flexible width columns
+ var fixedShrinkColumns = []; //array of fixed width columns that can shrink
+ var flexShrinkUnits = 0; //total number of widthShrink blocks across all columns
+ var overflowWidth = 0; //horizontal overflow width
+ var gapFill = 0; //number of pixels to be added to final column to close and half pixel gaps
+ function calcWidth(width){
+ var colWidth;
+ if(typeof(width) == "string"){
+ if(width.indexOf("%") > -1){
+ colWidth = (totalWidth / 100) * parseInt(width);
+ }else {
+ colWidth = parseInt(width);
+ }
+ }else {
+ colWidth = width;
+ }
+ return colWidth;
+ }
+ //ensure columns resize to take up the correct amount of space
+ function scaleColumns(columns, freeSpace, colWidth, shrinkCols){
+ var oversizeCols = [],
+ oversizeSpace = 0,
+ remainingSpace = 0,
+ nextColWidth = 0,
+ remainingFlexGrowUnits = flexGrowUnits,
+ gap = 0,
+ changeUnits = 0,
+ undersizeCols = [];
+ function calcGrow(col){
+ return (colWidth * (col.column.definition.widthGrow || 1));
+ }
+ function calcShrink(col){
+ return (calcWidth(col.width) - (colWidth * (col.column.definition.widthShrink || 0)));
+ }
+ columns.forEach(function(col, i){
+ var width = shrinkCols ? calcShrink(col) : calcGrow(col);
+ if(col.column.minWidth >= width){
+ oversizeCols.push(col);
+ }else {
+ if(col.column.maxWidth && col.column.maxWidth < width){
+ col.width = col.column.maxWidth;
+ freeSpace -= col.column.maxWidth;
+ remainingFlexGrowUnits -= shrinkCols ? (col.column.definition.widthShrink || 1) : (col.column.definition.widthGrow || 1);
+ if(remainingFlexGrowUnits){
+ colWidth = Math.floor(freeSpace/remainingFlexGrowUnits);
+ }
+ }else {
+ undersizeCols.push(col);
+ changeUnits += shrinkCols ? (col.column.definition.widthShrink || 1) : (col.column.definition.widthGrow || 1);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(oversizeCols.length){
+ oversizeCols.forEach(function(col){
+ oversizeSpace += shrinkCols ? col.width - col.column.minWidth : col.column.minWidth;
+ col.width = col.column.minWidth;
+ });
+ remainingSpace = freeSpace - oversizeSpace;
+ nextColWidth = changeUnits ? Math.floor(remainingSpace/changeUnits) : remainingSpace;
+ gap = scaleColumns(undersizeCols, remainingSpace, nextColWidth, shrinkCols);
+ }else {
+ gap = changeUnits ? freeSpace - (Math.floor(freeSpace/changeUnits) * changeUnits) : freeSpace;
+ undersizeCols.forEach(function(column){
+ column.width = shrinkCols ? calcShrink(column) : calcGrow(column);
+ });
+ }
+ return gap;
+ }
+ if(this.table.options.responsiveLayout && this.table.modExists("responsiveLayout", true)){
+ this.table.modules.responsiveLayout.update();
+ }
+ //adjust for vertical scrollbar if present
+ if(this.table.rowManager.element.scrollHeight > this.table.rowManager.element.clientHeight){
+ totalWidth -= this.table.rowManager.element.offsetWidth - this.table.rowManager.element.clientWidth;
+ }
+ columns.forEach(function(column){
+ var width, minWidth, colWidth;
+ if(column.visible){
+ width = column.definition.width;
+ minWidth = parseInt(column.minWidth);
+ if(width){
+ colWidth = calcWidth(width);
+ fixedWidth += colWidth > minWidth ? colWidth : minWidth;
+ if(column.definition.widthShrink){
+ fixedShrinkColumns.push({
+ column:column,
+ width:colWidth > minWidth ? colWidth : minWidth
+ });
+ flexShrinkUnits += column.definition.widthShrink;
+ }
+ }else {
+ flexColumns.push({
+ column:column,
+ width:0,
+ });
+ flexGrowUnits += column.definition.widthGrow || 1;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //calculate available space
+ flexWidth = totalWidth - fixedWidth;
+ //calculate correct column size
+ flexColWidth = Math.floor(flexWidth / flexGrowUnits);
+ //generate column widths
+ gapFill = scaleColumns(flexColumns, flexWidth, flexColWidth, false);
+ //increase width of last column to account for rounding errors
+ if(flexColumns.length && gapFill > 0){
+ flexColumns[flexColumns.length-1].width += gapFill;
+ }
+ //calculate space for columns to be shrunk into
+ flexColumns.forEach(function(col){
+ flexWidth -= col.width;
+ });
+ overflowWidth = Math.abs(gapFill) + flexWidth;
+ //shrink oversize columns if there is no available space
+ if(overflowWidth > 0 && flexShrinkUnits){
+ gapFill = scaleColumns(fixedShrinkColumns, overflowWidth, Math.floor(overflowWidth / flexShrinkUnits), true);
+ }
+ //decrease width of last column to account for rounding errors
+ if(gapFill && fixedShrinkColumns.length){
+ fixedShrinkColumns[fixedShrinkColumns.length-1].width -= gapFill;
+ }
+ flexColumns.forEach(function(col){
+ col.column.setWidth(col.width);
+ });
+ fixedShrinkColumns.forEach(function(col){
+ col.column.setWidth(col.width);
+ });
+var defaultModes = {
+ fitData:fitData,
+ fitDataFill:fitDataGeneral,
+ fitDataTable:fitDataGeneral,
+ fitDataStretch:fitDataStretch,
+ fitColumns:fitColumns ,
+class Layout extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table, "layout");
+ this.mode = null;
+ this.registerTableOption("layout", "fitData"); //layout type
+ this.registerTableOption("layoutColumnsOnNewData", false); //update column widths on setData
+ this.registerColumnOption("widthGrow");
+ this.registerColumnOption("widthShrink");
+ }
+ //initialize layout system
+ initialize(){
+ var layout = this.table.options.layout;
+ if(Layout.modes[layout]){
+ this.mode = layout;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Layout Error - invalid mode set, defaulting to 'fitData' : " + layout);
+ this.mode = 'fitData';
+ }
+ this.table.element.setAttribute("tabulator-layout", this.mode);
+ }
+ getMode(){
+ return this.mode;
+ }
+ //trigger table layout
+ layout(dataChanged){
+ this.dispatch("layout-refreshing");
+ Layout.modes[this.mode].call(this, this.table.columnManager.columnsByIndex, dataChanged);
+ this.dispatch("layout-refreshed");
+ }
+Layout.moduleName = "layout";
+//load defaults
+Layout.modes = defaultModes;
+var defaultLangs = {
+ "default":{ //hold default locale text
+ "groups":{
+ "item":"item",
+ "items":"items",
+ },
+ "columns":{
+ },
+ "data":{
+ "loading":"Loading",
+ "error":"Error",
+ },
+ "pagination":{
+ "page_size":"Page Size",
+ "page_title":"Show Page",
+ "first":"First",
+ "first_title":"First Page",
+ "last":"Last",
+ "last_title":"Last Page",
+ "prev":"Prev",
+ "prev_title":"Prev Page",
+ "next":"Next",
+ "next_title":"Next Page",
+ "all":"All",
+ "counter":{
+ "showing": "Showing",
+ "of": "of",
+ "rows": "rows",
+ "pages": "pages",
+ }
+ },
+ "headerFilters":{
+ "default":"filter column...",
+ "columns":{}
+ }
+ },
+class Localize extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.locale = "default"; //current locale
+ this.lang = false; //current language
+ this.bindings = {}; //update events to call when locale is changed
+ this.langList = {};
+ this.registerTableOption("locale", false); //current system language
+ this.registerTableOption("langs", {});
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.langList = Helpers.deepClone(Localize.langs);
+ if(this.table.options.columnDefaults.headerFilterPlaceholder !== false){
+ this.setHeaderFilterPlaceholder(this.table.options.columnDefaults.headerFilterPlaceholder);
+ }
+ for(let locale in this.table.options.langs){
+ this.installLang(locale, this.table.options.langs[locale]);
+ }
+ this.setLocale(this.table.options.locale);
+ this.registerTableFunction("setLocale", this.setLocale.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getLocale", this.getLocale.bind(this));
+ this.registerTableFunction("getLang", this.getLang.bind(this));
+ }
+ //set header placeholder
+ setHeaderFilterPlaceholder(placeholder){
+ this.langList.default.headerFilters.default = placeholder;
+ }
+ //setup a lang description object
+ installLang(locale, lang){
+ if(this.langList[locale]){
+ this._setLangProp(this.langList[locale], lang);
+ }else {
+ this.langList[locale] = lang;
+ }
+ }
+ _setLangProp(lang, values){
+ for(let key in values){
+ if(lang[key] && typeof lang[key] == "object"){
+ this._setLangProp(lang[key], values[key]);
+ }else {
+ lang[key] = values[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //set current locale
+ setLocale(desiredLocale){
+ desiredLocale = desiredLocale || "default";
+ //fill in any matching language values
+ function traverseLang(trans, path){
+ for(var prop in trans){
+ if(typeof trans[prop] == "object"){
+ if(!path[prop]){
+ path[prop] = {};
+ }
+ traverseLang(trans[prop], path[prop]);
+ }else {
+ path[prop] = trans[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //determining correct locale to load
+ if(desiredLocale === true && navigator.language){
+ //get local from system
+ desiredLocale = navigator.language.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ if(desiredLocale){
+ //if locale is not set, check for matching top level locale else use default
+ if(!this.langList[desiredLocale]){
+ let prefix = desiredLocale.split("-")[0];
+ if(this.langList[prefix]){
+ console.warn("Localization Error - Exact matching locale not found, using closest match: ", desiredLocale, prefix);
+ desiredLocale = prefix;
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Localization Error - Matching locale not found, using default: ", desiredLocale);
+ desiredLocale = "default";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.locale = desiredLocale;
+ //load default lang template
+ this.lang = Helpers.deepClone(this.langList.default || {});
+ if(desiredLocale != "default"){
+ traverseLang(this.langList[desiredLocale], this.lang);
+ }
+ this.dispatchExternal("localized", this.locale, this.lang);
+ this._executeBindings();
+ }
+ //get current locale
+ getLocale(locale){
+ return this.locale;
+ }
+ //get lang object for given local or current if none provided
+ getLang(locale){
+ return locale ? this.langList[locale] : this.lang;
+ }
+ //get text for current locale
+ getText(path, value){
+ var fillPath = value ? path + "|" + value : path,
+ pathArray = fillPath.split("|"),
+ text = this._getLangElement(pathArray, this.locale);
+ // if(text === false){
+ // console.warn("Localization Error - Matching localized text not found for given path: ", path);
+ // }
+ return text || "";
+ }
+ //traverse langs object and find localized copy
+ _getLangElement(path, locale){
+ var root = this.lang;
+ path.forEach(function(level){
+ var rootPath;
+ if(root){
+ rootPath = root[level];
+ if(typeof rootPath != "undefined"){
+ root = rootPath;
+ }else {
+ root = false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return root;
+ }
+ //set update binding
+ bind(path, callback){
+ if(!this.bindings[path]){
+ this.bindings[path] = [];
+ }
+ this.bindings[path].push(callback);
+ callback(this.getText(path), this.lang);
+ }
+ //iterate through bindings and trigger updates
+ _executeBindings(){
+ for(let path in this.bindings){
+ this.bindings[path].forEach((binding) => {
+ binding(this.getText(path), this.lang);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+Localize.moduleName = "localize";
+//load defaults
+Localize.langs = defaultLangs;
+class Comms extends Module{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ }
+ initialize(){
+ this.registerTableFunction("tableComms", this.receive.bind(this));
+ }
+ getConnections(selectors){
+ var connections = [],
+ connection;
+ connection = TableRegistry.lookupTable(selectors);
+ connection.forEach((con) =>{
+ if(this.table !== con){
+ connections.push(con);
+ }
+ });
+ return connections;
+ }
+ send(selectors, module, action, data){
+ var connections = this.getConnections(selectors);
+ connections.forEach((connection) => {
+ connection.tableComms(this.table.element, module, action, data);
+ });
+ if(!connections.length && selectors){
+ console.warn("Table Connection Error - No tables matching selector found", selectors);
+ }
+ }
+ receive(table, module, action, data){
+ if(this.table.modExists(module)){
+ return this.table.modules[module].commsReceived(table, action, data);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Inter-table Comms Error - no such module:", module);
+ }
+ }
+Comms.moduleName = "comms";
+var coreModules = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ __proto__: null,
+ LayoutModule: Layout,
+ LocalizeModule: Localize,
+ CommsModule: Comms
+class ModuleBinder {
+ constructor(tabulator, modules){
+ this.bindStaticFunctionality(tabulator);
+ this.bindModules(tabulator, coreModules, true);
+ if(modules){
+ this.bindModules(tabulator, modules);
+ }
+ }
+ bindStaticFunctionality(tabulator){
+ tabulator.moduleBindings = {};
+ tabulator.extendModule = function(name, property, values){
+ if(tabulator.moduleBindings[name]){
+ var source = tabulator.moduleBindings[name][property];
+ if(source){
+ if(typeof values == "object"){
+ for(let key in values){
+ source[key] = values[key];
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Module Error - Invalid value type, it must be an object");
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Module Error - property does not exist:", property);
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Module Error - module does not exist:", name);
+ }
+ };
+ tabulator.registerModule = function(modules){
+ if(!Array.isArray(modules)){
+ modules = [modules];
+ }
+ modules.forEach((mod) => {
+ tabulator.registerModuleBinding(mod);
+ });
+ };
+ tabulator.registerModuleBinding = function(mod){
+ tabulator.moduleBindings[mod.moduleName] = mod;
+ };
+ tabulator.findTable = function(query){
+ var results = TableRegistry.lookupTable(query, true);
+ return Array.isArray(results) && !results.length ? false : results;
+ };
+ //ensure that module are bound to instantiated function
+ tabulator.prototype.bindModules = function(){
+ var orderedStartMods = [],
+ orderedEndMods = [],
+ unOrderedMods = [];
+ this.modules = {};
+ for(var name in tabulator.moduleBindings){
+ let mod = tabulator.moduleBindings[name];
+ let module = new mod(this);
+ this.modules[name] = module;
+ if(mod.prototype.moduleCore){
+ this.modulesCore.push(module);
+ }else {
+ if(mod.moduleInitOrder){
+ if(mod.moduleInitOrder < 0){
+ orderedStartMods.push(module);
+ }else {
+ orderedEndMods.push(module);
+ }
+ }else {
+ unOrderedMods.push(module);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ orderedStartMods.sort((a, b) => a.moduleInitOrder > b.moduleInitOrder ? 1 : -1);
+ orderedEndMods.sort((a, b) => a.moduleInitOrder > b.moduleInitOrder ? 1 : -1);
+ this.modulesRegular = orderedStartMods.concat(unOrderedMods.concat(orderedEndMods));
+ };
+ }
+ bindModules(tabulator, modules, core){
+ var mods = Object.values(modules);
+ if(core){
+ mods.forEach((mod) => {
+ mod.prototype.moduleCore = true;
+ });
+ }
+ tabulator.registerModule(mods);
+ }
+class Alert extends CoreFeature{
+ constructor(table){
+ super(table);
+ this.element = this._createAlertElement();
+ this.msgElement = this._createMsgElement();
+ this.type = null;
+ this.element.appendChild(this.msgElement);
+ }
+ _createAlertElement(){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-alert");
+ return el;
+ }
+ _createMsgElement(){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-alert-msg");
+ el.setAttribute("role", "alert");
+ return el;
+ }
+ _typeClass(){
+ return "tabulator-alert-state-" + this.type;
+ }
+ alert(content, type = "msg"){
+ if(content){
+ this.clear();
+ this.type = type;
+ while(this.msgElement.firstChild) this.msgElement.removeChild(this.msgElement.firstChild);
+ this.msgElement.classList.add(this._typeClass());
+ if(typeof content === "function"){
+ content = content();
+ }
+ if(content instanceof HTMLElement){
+ this.msgElement.appendChild(content);
+ }else {
+ this.msgElement.innerHTML = content;
+ }
+ this.table.element.appendChild(this.element);
+ }
+ }
+ clear(){
+ if(this.element.parentNode){
+ this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ this.msgElement.classList.remove(this._typeClass());
+ }
+class Tabulator {
+ constructor(element, options){
+ this.options = {};
+ this.columnManager = null; // hold Column Manager
+ this.rowManager = null; //hold Row Manager
+ this.footerManager = null; //holder Footer Manager
+ this.alertManager = null; //hold Alert Manager
+ this.vdomHoz = null; //holder horizontal virtual dom
+ this.externalEvents = null; //handle external event messaging
+ this.eventBus = null; //handle internal event messaging
+ this.interactionMonitor = false; //track user interaction
+ this.browser = ""; //hold current browser type
+ this.browserSlow = false; //handle reduced functionality for slower browsers
+ this.browserMobile = false; //check if running on mobile, prevent resize cancelling edit on keyboard appearance
+ this.rtl = false; //check if the table is in RTL mode
+ this.originalElement = null; //hold original table element if it has been replaced
+ this.componentFunctionBinder = new ComponentFunctionBinder(this); //bind component functions
+ this.dataLoader = false; //bind component functions
+ this.modules = {}; //hold all modules bound to this table
+ this.modulesCore = []; //hold core modules bound to this table (for initialization purposes)
+ this.modulesRegular = []; //hold regular modules bound to this table (for initialization purposes)
+ this.deprecationAdvisor = new DeprecationAdvisor(this);
+ this.optionsList = new OptionsList(this, "table constructor");
+ this.initialized = false;
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ if(this.initializeElement(element)){
+ this.initializeCoreSystems(options);
+ //delay table creation to allow event bindings immediately after the constructor
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this._create();
+ });
+ }
+ TableRegistry.register(this); //register table for inter-device communication
+ }
+ initializeElement(element){
+ if(typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined" && element instanceof HTMLElement){
+ this.element = element;
+ return true;
+ }else if(typeof element === "string"){
+ this.element = document.querySelector(element);
+ if(this.element){
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ console.error("Tabulator Creation Error - no element found matching selector: ", element);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.error("Tabulator Creation Error - Invalid element provided:", element);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ initializeCoreSystems(options){
+ this.columnManager = new ColumnManager(this);
+ this.rowManager = new RowManager(this);
+ this.footerManager = new FooterManager(this);
+ this.dataLoader = new DataLoader(this);
+ this.alertManager = new Alert(this);
+ this.bindModules();
+ this.options = this.optionsList.generate(Tabulator.defaultOptions, options);
+ this._clearObjectPointers();
+ this._mapDeprecatedFunctionality();
+ this.externalEvents = new ExternalEventBus(this, this.options, this.options.debugEventsExternal);
+ this.eventBus = new InternalEventBus(this.options.debugEventsInternal);
+ this.interactionMonitor = new InteractionManager(this);
+ this.dataLoader.initialize();
+ // this.columnManager.initialize();
+ // this.rowManager.initialize();
+ this.footerManager.initialize();
+ }
+ //convert deprecated functionality to new functions
+ _mapDeprecatedFunctionality(){
+ //all previously deprecated functionality removed in the 5.0 release
+ }
+ _clearSelection(){
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-block-select");
+ if (window.getSelection) {
+ if (window.getSelection().empty) { // Chrome
+ window.getSelection().empty();
+ } else if (window.getSelection().removeAllRanges) { // Firefox
+ window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ }
+ } else if (document.selection) { // IE?
+ document.selection.empty();
+ }
+ this.element.classList.remove("tabulator-block-select");
+ }
+ //create table
+ _create(){
+ this.externalEvents.dispatch("tableBuilding");
+ this.eventBus.dispatch("table-building");
+ this._rtlCheck();
+ this._buildElement();
+ this._initializeTable();
+ this._loadInitialData();
+ this.initialized = true;
+ this.externalEvents.dispatch("tableBuilt");
+ }
+ _rtlCheck(){
+ var style = window.getComputedStyle(this.element);
+ switch(this.options.textDirection){
+ case"auto":
+ if(style.direction !== "rtl"){
+ break;
+ }
+ case "rtl":
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-rtl");
+ this.rtl = true;
+ break;
+ case "ltr":
+ this.element.classList.add("tabulator-ltr");
+ default:
+ this.rtl = false;
+ }
+ }
+ //clear pointers to objects in default config object
+ _clearObjectPointers(){
+ this.options.columns = this.options.columns.slice(0);
+ if(Array.isArray(this.options.data) && !this.options.reactiveData){
+ this.options.data = this.options.data.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ //build tabulator element
+ _buildElement(){
+ var element = this.element,
+ options = this.options,
+ newElement;
+ if(element.tagName === "TABLE"){
+ this.originalElement = this.element;
+ newElement = document.createElement("div");
+ //transfer attributes to new element
+ var attributes = element.attributes;
+ // loop through attributes and apply them on div
+ for(var i in attributes){
+ if(typeof attributes[i] == "object"){
+ newElement.setAttribute(attributes[i].name, attributes[i].value);
+ }
+ }
+ // replace table with div element
+ element.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, element);
+ this.element = element = newElement;
+ }
+ element.classList.add("tabulator");
+ element.setAttribute("role", "grid");
+ //empty element
+ while(element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+ //set table height
+ if(options.height){
+ options.height = isNaN(options.height) ? options.height : options.height + "px";
+ element.style.height = options.height;
+ }
+ //set table min height
+ if(options.minHeight !== false){
+ options.minHeight = isNaN(options.minHeight) ? options.minHeight : options.minHeight + "px";
+ element.style.minHeight = options.minHeight;
+ }
+ //set table maxHeight
+ if(options.maxHeight !== false){
+ options.maxHeight = isNaN(options.maxHeight) ? options.maxHeight : options.maxHeight + "px";
+ element.style.maxHeight = options.maxHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ //initialize core systems and modules
+ _initializeTable(){
+ var element = this.element,
+ options = this.options;
+ this.interactionMonitor.initialize();
+ this.columnManager.initialize();
+ this.rowManager.initialize();
+ this._detectBrowser();
+ //initialize core modules
+ this.modulesCore.forEach((mod) => {
+ mod.initialize();
+ });
+ //build table elements
+ element.appendChild(this.columnManager.getElement());
+ element.appendChild(this.rowManager.getElement());
+ if(options.footerElement){
+ this.footerManager.activate();
+ }
+ if(options.autoColumns && options.data){
+ this.columnManager.generateColumnsFromRowData(this.options.data);
+ }
+ //initialize regular modules
+ this.modulesRegular.forEach((mod) => {
+ mod.initialize();
+ });
+ this.columnManager.setColumns(options.columns);
+ this.eventBus.dispatch("table-built");
+ }
+ _loadInitialData(){
+ this.dataLoader.load(this.options.data);
+ }
+ //deconstructor
+ destroy(){
+ var element = this.element;
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ TableRegistry.deregister(this); //deregister table from inter-device communication
+ this.eventBus.dispatch("table-destroy");
+ //clear row data
+ this.rowManager.destroy();
+ //clear DOM
+ while(element.firstChild) element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+ element.classList.remove("tabulator");
+ this.externalEvents.dispatch("tableDestroyed");
+ }
+ _detectBrowser(){
+ var ua = navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera;
+ if(ua.indexOf("Trident") > -1){
+ this.browser = "ie";
+ this.browserSlow = true;
+ }else if(ua.indexOf("Edge") > -1){
+ this.browser = "edge";
+ this.browserSlow = true;
+ }else if(ua.indexOf("Firefox") > -1){
+ this.browser = "firefox";
+ this.browserSlow = false;
+ }else if(ua.indexOf("Mac OS") > -1){
+ this.browser = "safari";
+ this.browserSlow = false;
+ }else {
+ this.browser = "other";
+ this.browserSlow = false;
+ }
+ this.browserMobile = /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(ua)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf-5|g-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd-(m|p|t)|hei-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs-c|ht(c(-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt-g|qa-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|-[2-7]|i-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h-|oo|p-)|sdk\/|se(c(-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh-|shar|sie(-|m)|sk-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h-|v-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl-|tdg-|tel(i|m)|tim-|t-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m-|m3|m5)|tx-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas-|your|zeto|zte-/i.test(ua.slice(0,4));
+ }
+ initGuard(func, msg){
+ var stack, line;
+ if(this.options.debugInitialization && !this.initialized){
+ if(!func){
+ stack = new Error().stack.split("\n");
+ line = stack[0] == "Error" ? stack[2] : stack[1];
+ if(line[0] == " "){
+ func = line.trim().split(" ")[1].split(".")[1];
+ }else {
+ func = line.trim().split("@")[0];
+ }
+ }
+ console.warn("Table Not Initialized - Calling the " + func + " function before the table is initialized may result in inconsistent behavior, Please wait for the `tableBuilt` event before calling this function." + (msg ? " " + msg : ""));
+ }
+ return this.initialized;
+ }
+ ////////////////// Data Handling //////////////////
+ //block table redrawing
+ blockRedraw(){
+ this.initGuard();
+ this.eventBus.dispatch("redraw-blocking");
+ this.rowManager.blockRedraw();
+ this.columnManager.blockRedraw();
+ this.eventBus.dispatch("redraw-blocked");
+ }
+ //restore table redrawing
+ restoreRedraw(){
+ this.initGuard();
+ this.eventBus.dispatch("redraw-restoring");
+ this.rowManager.restoreRedraw();
+ this.columnManager.restoreRedraw();
+ this.eventBus.dispatch("redraw-restored");
+ }
+ //load data
+ setData(data, params, config){
+ this.initGuard(false, "To set initial data please use the 'data' property in the table constructor.");
+ return this.dataLoader.load(data, params, config, false);
+ }
+ //clear data
+ clearData(){
+ this.initGuard();
+ this.dataLoader.blockActiveLoad();
+ this.rowManager.clearData();
+ }
+ //get table data array
+ getData(active){
+ return this.rowManager.getData(active);
+ }
+ //get table data array count
+ getDataCount(active){
+ return this.rowManager.getDataCount(active);
+ }
+ //replace data, keeping table in position with same sort
+ replaceData(data, params, config){
+ this.initGuard();
+ return this.dataLoader.load(data, params, config, true, true);
+ }
+ //update table data
+ updateData(data){
+ var responses = 0;
+ this.initGuard();
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this.dataLoader.blockActiveLoad();
+ if(typeof data === "string"){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if(data && data.length > 0){
+ data.forEach((item) => {
+ var row = this.rowManager.findRow(item[this.options.index]);
+ if(row){
+ responses++;
+ row.updateData(item)
+ .then(()=>{
+ responses--;
+ if(!responses){
+ resolve();
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((e) => {
+ reject("Update Error - Unable to update row", item, e);
+ });
+ }else {
+ reject("Update Error - Unable to find row", item);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Update Error - No data provided");
+ reject("Update Error - No data provided");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ addData(data, pos, index){
+ this.initGuard();
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this.dataLoader.blockActiveLoad();
+ if(typeof data === "string"){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if(data){
+ this.rowManager.addRows(data, pos, index)
+ .then((rows) => {
+ var output = [];
+ rows.forEach(function(row){
+ output.push(row.getComponent());
+ });
+ resolve(output);
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Update Error - No data provided");
+ reject("Update Error - No data provided");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //update table data
+ updateOrAddData(data){
+ var rows = [],
+ responses = 0;
+ this.initGuard();
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this.dataLoader.blockActiveLoad();
+ if(typeof data === "string"){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if(data && data.length > 0){
+ data.forEach((item) => {
+ var row = this.rowManager.findRow(item[this.options.index]);
+ responses++;
+ if(row){
+ row.updateData(item)
+ .then(()=>{
+ responses--;
+ rows.push(row.getComponent());
+ if(!responses){
+ resolve(rows);
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ this.rowManager.addRows(item)
+ .then((newRows)=>{
+ responses--;
+ rows.push(newRows[0].getComponent());
+ if(!responses){
+ resolve(rows);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Update Error - No data provided");
+ reject("Update Error - No data provided");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //get row object
+ getRow(index){
+ var row = this.rowManager.findRow(index);
+ if(row){
+ return row.getComponent();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Find Error - No matching row found:", index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //get row object
+ getRowFromPosition(position){
+ var row = this.rowManager.getRowFromPosition(position);
+ if(row){
+ return row.getComponent();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Find Error - No matching row found:", position);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //delete row from table
+ deleteRow(index){
+ var foundRows = [];
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(!Array.isArray(index)){
+ index = [index];
+ }
+ //find matching rows
+ for(let item of index){
+ let row = this.rowManager.findRow(item, true);
+ if(row){
+ foundRows.push(row);
+ }else {
+ console.error("Delete Error - No matching row found:", item);
+ return Promise.reject("Delete Error - No matching row found");
+ }
+ }
+ //sort rows into correct order to ensure smooth delete from table
+ foundRows.sort((a, b) => {
+ return this.rowManager.rows.indexOf(a) > this.rowManager.rows.indexOf(b) ? 1 : -1;
+ });
+ //delete rows
+ foundRows.forEach((row) =>{
+ row.delete();
+ });
+ this.rowManager.reRenderInPosition();
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ }
+ //add row to table
+ addRow(data, pos, index){
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(typeof data === "string"){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ return this.rowManager.addRows(data, pos, index, true)
+ .then((rows)=>{
+ return rows[0].getComponent();
+ });
+ }
+ //update a row if it exists otherwise create it
+ updateOrAddRow(index, data){
+ var row = this.rowManager.findRow(index);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(typeof data === "string"){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if(row){
+ return row.updateData(data)
+ .then(()=>{
+ return row.getComponent();
+ });
+ }else {
+ return this.rowManager.addRows(data)
+ .then((rows)=>{
+ return rows[0].getComponent();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //update row data
+ updateRow(index, data){
+ var row = this.rowManager.findRow(index);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(typeof data === "string"){
+ data = JSON.parse(data);
+ }
+ if(row){
+ return row.updateData(data)
+ .then(()=>{
+ return Promise.resolve(row.getComponent());
+ });
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Update Error - No matching row found:", index);
+ return Promise.reject("Update Error - No matching row found");
+ }
+ }
+ //scroll to row in DOM
+ scrollToRow(index, position, ifVisible){
+ var row = this.rowManager.findRow(index);
+ if(row){
+ return this.rowManager.scrollToRow(row, position, ifVisible);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Scroll Error - No matching row found:", index);
+ return Promise.reject("Scroll Error - No matching row found");
+ }
+ }
+ moveRow(from, to, after){
+ var fromRow = this.rowManager.findRow(from);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(fromRow){
+ fromRow.moveToRow(to, after);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Move Error - No matching row found:", from);
+ }
+ }
+ getRows(active){
+ return this.rowManager.getComponents(active);
+ }
+ //get position of row in table
+ getRowPosition(index){
+ var row = this.rowManager.findRow(index);
+ if(row){
+ return row.getPosition();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Position Error - No matching row found:", index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////// Column Functions ///////////////
+ setColumns(definition){
+ this.initGuard(false, "To set initial columns please use the 'columns' property in the table constructor");
+ this.columnManager.setColumns(definition);
+ }
+ getColumns(structured){
+ return this.columnManager.getComponents(structured);
+ }
+ getColumn(field){
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ if(column){
+ return column.getComponent();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Find Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ getColumnDefinitions(){
+ return this.columnManager.getDefinitionTree();
+ }
+ showColumn(field){
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(column){
+ column.show();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Show Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ hideColumn(field){
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(column){
+ column.hide();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Hide Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ toggleColumn(field){
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(column){
+ if(column.visible){
+ column.hide();
+ }else {
+ column.show();
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Visibility Toggle Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ addColumn(definition, before, field){
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ this.initGuard();
+ return this.columnManager.addColumn(definition, before, column)
+ .then((column) => {
+ return column.getComponent();
+ });
+ }
+ deleteColumn(field){
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(column){
+ return column.delete();
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Delete Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ updateColumnDefinition(field, definition){
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(column){
+ return column.updateDefinition(definition);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Column Update Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return Promise.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ moveColumn(from, to, after){
+ var fromColumn = this.columnManager.findColumn(from),
+ toColumn = this.columnManager.findColumn(to);
+ this.initGuard();
+ if(fromColumn){
+ if(toColumn){
+ this.columnManager.moveColumn(fromColumn, toColumn, after);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Move Error - No matching column found:", toColumn);
+ }
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Move Error - No matching column found:", from);
+ }
+ }
+ //scroll to column in DOM
+ scrollToColumn(field, position, ifVisible){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ var column = this.columnManager.findColumn(field);
+ if(column){
+ return this.columnManager.scrollToColumn(column, position, ifVisible);
+ }else {
+ console.warn("Scroll Error - No matching column found:", field);
+ return Promise.reject("Scroll Error - No matching column found");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ //////////// General Public Functions ////////////
+ //redraw list without updating data
+ redraw(force){
+ this.initGuard();
+ this.columnManager.redraw(force);
+ this.rowManager.redraw(force);
+ }
+ setHeight(height){
+ this.options.height = isNaN(height) ? height : height + "px";
+ this.element.style.height = this.options.height;
+ this.rowManager.initializeRenderer();
+ this.rowManager.redraw();
+ }
+ //////////////////// Event Bus ///////////////////
+ on(key, callback){
+ this.externalEvents.subscribe(key, callback);
+ }
+ off(key, callback){
+ this.externalEvents.unsubscribe(key, callback);
+ }
+ dispatchEvent(){
+ var args = Array.from(arguments);
+ args.shift();
+ this.externalEvents.dispatch(...arguments);
+ }
+ //////////////////// Alerts ///////////////////
+ alert(contents, type){
+ this.initGuard();
+ this.alertManager.alert(contents, type);
+ }
+ clearAlert(){
+ this.initGuard();
+ this.alertManager.clear();
+ }
+ ////////////// Extension Management //////////////
+ modExists(plugin, required){
+ if(this.modules[plugin]){
+ return true;
+ }else {
+ if(required){
+ console.error("Tabulator Module Not Installed: " + plugin);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ module(key){
+ var mod = this.modules[key];
+ if(!mod){
+ console.error("Tabulator module not installed: " + key);
+ }
+ return mod;
+ }
+//default setup options
+Tabulator.defaultOptions = defaultOptions;
+//bind modules and static functionality
+new ModuleBinder(Tabulator);
+//tabulator with all modules installed
+class TabulatorFull extends Tabulator {}
+//bind modules and static functionality
+new ModuleBinder(TabulatorFull, modules);
+class PseudoRow {
+ constructor (type){
+ this.type = type;
+ this.element = this._createElement();
+ }
+ _createElement(){
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.classList.add("tabulator-row");
+ return el;
+ }
+ getElement(){
+ return this.element;
+ }
+ getComponent(){
+ return false;
+ }
+ getData(){
+ return {};
+ }
+ getHeight(){
+ return this.element.outerHeight;
+ }
+ initialize(){}
+ reinitialize(){}
+ normalizeHeight(){}
+ generateCells(){}
+ reinitializeHeight(){}
+ calcHeight(){}
+ setCellHeight(){}
+ clearCellHeight(){}
+export { Accessor as AccessorModule, Ajax as AjaxModule, CalcComponent, CellComponent, Clipboard as ClipboardModule, ColumnCalcs as ColumnCalcsModule, ColumnComponent, DataTree as DataTreeModule, Download as DownloadModule, Edit$1 as EditModule, Export as ExportModule, Filter as FilterModule, Format as FormatModule, FrozenColumns as FrozenColumnsModule, FrozenRows as FrozenRowsModule, GroupComponent, GroupRows as GroupRowsModule, History as HistoryModule, HtmlTableImport as HtmlTableImportModule, Import as ImportModule, Interaction as InteractionModule, Keybindings as KeybindingsModule, Menu as MenuModule, Module, MoveColumns as MoveColumnsModule, MoveRows as MoveRowsModule, Mutator as MutatorModule, Page as PageModule, Persistence as PersistenceModule, Popup$1 as PopupModule, Print as PrintModule, PseudoRow, ReactiveData as ReactiveDataModule, Renderer, ResizeColumns as ResizeColumnsModule, ResizeRows as ResizeRowsModule, ResizeTable as ResizeTableModule, ResponsiveLayout as ResponsiveLayoutModule, RowComponent, SelectRow as SelectRowModule, Sort as SortModule, Tabulator, TabulatorFull, Tooltip as TooltipModule, Validate as ValidateModule };
+//# sourceMappingURL=tabulator_esm.js.map