path: root/uav_sim_step_musyn.m
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authorNao Pross <>2024-05-14 17:54:05 +0200
committerNao Pross <>2024-05-14 17:54:32 +0200
commit956a5bab88ac0a505b16d131e600c6f1a1afdbac (patch)
tree482e613fa65bd7a2f188b6f0871c74ca90f7242b /uav_sim_step_musyn.m
parentImplement DK iteration (diff)
Fix DK iteration scales, add realistic values
also separate performance requirements from hinf and musyn
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/uav_sim_step_musyn.m b/uav_sim_step_musyn.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af2a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uav_sim_step_musyn.m
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+% Simulate a step responses of ducted-fan VTOL micro-UAV.
+% Copyright (C) 2024, Naoki Sean Pross, ETH Zürich
+% This work is distributed under a permissive license, see LICENSE.txt
+function [simout] = uav_sim_step_musyn(params, model, ctrl, nsamp, do_plots, do_noise)
+% Load closed loop model and add controller
+% more or less equivalent to doing usys = lft(Pnom, K)
+h = load_system('uav_model_uncertain_clp');
+hws = get_param('uav_model_uncertain_clp', 'modelworkspace');
+hws.assignin('K', ctrl.K);
+ulmod_clp = linmod('uav_model_uncertain_clp');
+usys_clp = ss(ulmod_clp.a, ulmod_clp.b, ulmod_clp.c, ulmod_clp.d);
+% Take dynamics without uncertainty
+% Also nominal ouput to make plots
+P_nom_clp = minreal(usys_clp(...
+ [model.uncertain.index.OutputError;
+ model.uncertain.index.OutputNominal;
+ model.uncertain.index.OutputPlots], ...
+ model.uncertain.index.InputExogenous));
+% Indices for exogenous inputs
+Iwwind = (1:3)';
+Iwalpha = (4:7)';
+Ir = (8:10)';
+% Indices for outputs
+Iealpha = (1:4)';
+Ieomega = 5;
+IeP = (6:8)';
+IePdot = (9:11)';
+IeTheta = (12:14)';
+% size([Iealpha; Ieomega; IeP; IePdot; IeTheta])
+% Indices for y outputs (for plots)
+IP = (15:17)';
+IPdot = (18:20)';
+ITheta = (21:23)';
+IOmega = (24:26)';
+% Indices for p outputs (for plots)
+Ialpha = (27:30)';
+Iomega = 31;
+Iualpha = (32:35)';
+Iuomega = 36;
+noise = zeros(7, nsamp); % no noise
+if do_noise
+ % Noise in percentage
+ noise_alpha_amp = (.5 * (pi / 180)) / params.actuators.ServoAbsMaxAngle;
+ noise_wind_amp = .1;
+ noise = [noise_wind_amp * randn(3, nsamp);
+ noise_alpha_amp * randn(4, nsamp)];
+% Create step inputs (normalized)
+ref_step = ones(1, nsamp); % 1d step function
+in_step_x = [ noise; ref_step; zeros(2, nsamp) ];
+in_step_y = [ noise; zeros(1, nsamp); ref_step; zeros(1, nsamp) ];
+in_step_z = [ noise; zeros(2, nsamp); ref_step ];
+% Simulation time
+n_settle_times = 10;
+T_final_horiz = n_settle_times * params.performance.HorizontalSettleTime;
+T_final_vert = n_settle_times * params.performance.VerticalSettleTime;
+t_xy = linspace(0, T_final_horiz, nsamp);
+t_z = linspace(0, T_final_vert, nsamp);
+% Simulate step responses
+out_step_x = lsim(P_nom_clp, in_step_x, t_xy);
+out_step_y = lsim(P_nom_clp, in_step_y, t_xy);
+out_step_z = lsim(P_nom_clp, in_step_z, t_z);
+% Return simulation
+simout = struct(...
+ 'TimeXY', t_xy, ...
+ 'StepX', out_step_x, ...
+ 'StepY', out_step_y, ...
+ 'Simulink', ulmod_clp, ...
+ 'StateSpace', P_nom_clp);
+simout.index = struct(...
+ 'ErrorFlapAngles', Iealpha, ...
+ 'ErrorThrust', Ieomega , ...
+ 'ErrorPos', IeP, ...
+ 'ErrorVel', IePdot, ...
+ 'ErrorAngles', IeTheta, ...
+ 'Position', IP, ...
+ 'Velocity', IPdot, ...
+ 'Angles', ITheta, ...
+ 'FlapAngles', Ialpha, ...
+ 'Thruster', Iomega, ...
+ 'InputFlapAngles', Iualpha, ...
+ 'InputThruster', Iuomega);
+if do_plots
+ % Conversion factors
+ to_deg = 180 / pi; % radians to degrees
+ to_rpm = pi / 30; % rad / s to RPM
+ % Figure for flaps and Euler angles
+ figure;
+ sgtitle(sprintf(...
+ '\\bfseries Step Response of Flap and Euler Angles (%s)', ...
+ ctrl.Name), 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot limits
+ ref_value = params.performance.ReferencePosMaxDistance;
+ alpha_max_deg = params.actuators.ServoAbsMaxAngle * to_deg;
+ euler_lim_deg = 1.5; % params.performance.AngleMaxPitchRoll * to_deg;
+ omega_max_rpm = (params.actuators.PropellerMaxAngularVelocity ...
+ - params.linearization.Inputs(5)) * to_rpm;
+ omega_min_rpm = -params.linearization.Inputs(5) * to_rpm;
+ % Plot step response from x to alpha
+ subplot(2, 3, 1);
+ hold on;
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, Ialpha(1)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, Ialpha(2)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, Ialpha(3)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, Ialpha(4)) * to_deg);
+ plot([0, T_final_horiz], [1, 1] * alpha_max_deg, 'r--');
+ plot([0, T_final_horiz], [-1, -1] * alpha_max_deg, 'r--');
+ grid on;
+ xlim([0, T_final_horiz]);
+ ylim([-alpha_max_deg * 1.1, alpha_max_deg * 1.1]);
+ title('Horizontal $x$ to Flaps', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Flap Angle (degrees)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\alpha_1(t)$', '$\alpha_2(t)$', '$\alpha_3(t)$', '$\alpha_4(t)$', ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from y to alpha
+ subplot(2, 3, 2); hold on;
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, Ialpha(1)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, Ialpha(2)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, Ialpha(3)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, Ialpha(4)) * to_deg);
+ plot([0, T_final_horiz], [1, 1] * alpha_max_deg, 'r--');
+ plot([0, T_final_horiz], [-1, -1] * alpha_max_deg, 'r--');
+ grid on;
+ xlim([0, T_final_horiz]);
+ ylim([-alpha_max_deg * 1.1, alpha_max_deg * 1.1]);
+ title('Horizontal $y$ to Flaps', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Flap Angle (degrees)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\alpha_1(t)$', '$\alpha_2(t)$', '$\alpha_3(t)$', '$\alpha_4(t)$', ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from z to alpha
+ subplot(2, 3, 3); hold on;
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, Ialpha(1)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, Ialpha(2)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, Ialpha(3)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, Ialpha(4)) * to_deg);
+ plot([0, T_final_vert], [1, 1] * alpha_max_deg, 'r--');
+ plot([0, T_final_vert], [-1, -1] * alpha_max_deg, 'r--');
+ grid on;
+ xlim([0, T_final_vert]);
+ ylim([-alpha_max_deg * 1.1, alpha_max_deg * 1.1]);
+ title('Vertical $z$ to Flaps', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Flap Angle (degrees)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\alpha_1(t)$', '$\alpha_2(t)$', '$\alpha_3(t)$', '$\alpha_4(t)$', ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from x to Theta
+ subplot(2, 3, 4); hold on;
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, ITheta(1)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, ITheta(2)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, ITheta(3)) * to_deg);
+ grid on;
+ xlim([0, T_final_horiz]);
+ ylim([-euler_lim_deg, euler_lim_deg]);
+ title('Horizontal $x$ to Euler Angles', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Euler Angle (degrees)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\phi(t)$ Roll ', '$\theta(t)$ Pitch ', '$\psi(t)$ Yaw ', ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from y to Theta
+ subplot(2, 3, 5); hold on;
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, ITheta(1)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, ITheta(2)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, ITheta(3)) * to_deg);
+ grid on;
+ xlim([0, T_final_horiz]);
+ ylim([-euler_lim_deg, euler_lim_deg]);
+ title('Horizontal $y$ to Euler Angles', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Euler Angle (degrees)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\phi(t)$ Roll ', '$\theta(t)$ Pitch ', '$\psi(t)$ Yaw ', ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from z to Theta
+ subplot(2, 3, 6); hold on;
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, ITheta(1)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, ITheta(2)) * to_deg);
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, ITheta(3)) * to_deg);
+ grid on;
+ xlim([0, T_final_vert]);
+ ylim([-euler_lim_deg, euler_lim_deg]);
+ title('Vertical $z$ to Euler Angles', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Euler Angle (degrees)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\phi(t)$ Roll ', '$\theta(t)$ Pitch ', '$\psi(t)$ Yaw ', ...
+ 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from z to omega
+ figure;
+ sgtitle(sprintf(...
+ '\\bfseries Step Response to Propeller (%s)', ...
+ ctrl.Name), 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ hold on;
+ step(P_nom_clp(Iomega, Ir(3)) * to_rpm, T_final_vert);
+ plot([0, T_final_vert], [1, 1] * omega_min_rpm, 'r--');
+ plot([0, T_final_vert], [1, 1] * omega_max_rpm, 'r--');
+ grid on;
+ ylim([omega_min_rpm - 1, omega_max_rpm + 1]);
+ title('Vertical $z$ to Thruster $\omega$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Angular Velocity (RPM)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\omega(t)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Figure for position and velocity
+ figure;
+ sgtitle(sprintf(...
+ '\\bfseries Step Response of Position and Speed (%s)', ...
+ ctrl.Name), 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from horizontal reference to horizontal position
+ subplot(2, 2, 1); hold on;
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, IP(1)));
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, IP(2)));
+ % plot([0, T_final_horiz], [1, 1] * ref_value, 'r:');
+ % plot(t_xy, out_step_xydes, 'r--');
+ grid on;
+ title('Horizontal Position Error', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Error (meters)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$x(t)$', '$y(t)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response horizontal reference to horizontal speed
+ subplot(2, 2, 2); hold on;
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_x(:, IPdot(1)));
+ plot(t_xy, out_step_y(:, IPdot(2)));
+ grid on;
+ title('Horizontal Velocity', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Velocity (m / s)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\dot{x}(t)$', '$\dot{y}(t)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response from vertical reference to vertical position
+ subplot(2, 2, 3); hold on;
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, IP(3)));
+ % plot([0, T_final_vert], [1, 1] * ref_value, 'r:');
+ % plot(t_z, out_step_zdes, 'r--');
+ grid on;
+ title('Vertical Position Error', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Error (meters)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$z(t)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ % Plot step response vertical reference to vertical speed
+ subplot(2, 2, 4); hold on;
+ plot(t_z, out_step_z(:, IPdot(3)));
+ grid on;
+ title('Vertical Velocity', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ ylabel('Velocity (m / s)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ xlabel('Time (seconds)', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+ legend('$\dot{z}(t)$', 'Interpreter', 'latex');
+% vim:ts=2 sw=2 et: