path: root/buch/chapters
diff options
authorAndreas Müller <andreas.mueller@ost.ch>2021-02-09 21:52:16 +0100
committerAndreas Müller <andreas.mueller@ost.ch>2021-02-09 21:52:16 +0100
commitada53a9c225b896c8d7608300427aac475bb7045 (patch)
tree1b1fe99c3e78256ff839611225dd61d983b96575 /buch/chapters
parentIllustrationen Markov-Ketten (diff)
move all iamges to separate files
Diffstat (limited to 'buch/chapters')
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/05-zahlen/images/komplex.pdfbin0 -> 18852 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/nilpotent.pdfbin0 -> 14254 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/sp.pdfbin24049 -> 24022 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/komposition.pdfbin0 -> 13951 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/permutation.pdfbin0 -> 13814 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/transpositionen.pdfbin0 -> 22548 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/zyklenzerlegung.pdfbin0 -> 14937 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/peterson.pdfbin0 -> 10833 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielB.pdfbin0 -> 9917 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielBtilde.pdfbin0 -> 14592 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/vergleich.pdfbin120558 -> 120558 bytes
-rw-r--r--buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/dreieck.pdfbin0 -> 12089 bytes
40 files changed, 670 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/ganz.tex b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/ganz.tex
index 4809e29..fab2dcb 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/ganz.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/ganz.tex
@@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ Die Rechenoperationen sind wie folgt definiert:
+Die Darstellung ganzer Zahlen als Paare von natürlichen Zahlen
+findet man auch in der Buchhaltung, wo man statt eines Vorzeichen
+{\em Soll} und {\em Haben} verwendet.
+Dabei kommt es nur auf die Differenz der beiden Positionen an.
+Fügt man beiden Positionen den gleichen Betrag hinzu, ändert sich
+Viele der Paare $(a,b)$ müssen also als äquivalent angesehen
Die Definition~\eqref{buch:zahlen:ganze-rechenregeln}
diff --git a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/images/komplex.pdf b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/images/komplex.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d502e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/images/komplex.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/images/komplex.tex b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/images/komplex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cda85b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/images/komplex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% komplex.tex -- Betrag und Argument einer komplexen Zahl
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\fill[color=blue!20] (0,0) -- (1.5,0) arc (0:\winkel:1.5) -- cycle;
+\draw[->] (-1,0) -- (4,0) coordinate[label={$\Re z$}];
+\draw[->] (0,-1) -- (0,3) coordinate[label={right:$\Im z$}];
+\draw[line width=0.5pt] (3,0) -- (3,2);
+\node at (3,1) [right] {$\Im z=b$};
+\node at (1.5,0) [below] {$\Re z=a$};
+\draw[->,color=red,line width=1.4pt] (0,0) -- (3,2);
+\node at (3,2) [above right] {$z=a+bi$};
+ \fill[color=white] #1 circle[radius=0.04];
+ \draw #1 circle[radius=0.04];
+\node[color=red] at (1.5,1) [rotate=\winkel,above] {$r=|z|$};
+\node[color=blue] at ({\winkel/2}:1.0)
+ [rotate={\winkel/2}] {$\varphi=\operatorname{arg}z$};
diff --git a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/komplex.tex b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/komplex.tex
index 3cbf473..2a9b4a9 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/komplex.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/komplex.tex
@@ -188,27 +188,7 @@ genauer untersuchen müssen.
-\fill[color=blue!20] (0,0) -- (1.5,0) arc (0:\winkel:1.5) -- cycle;
-\draw[->] (-1,0) -- (4,0) coordinate[label={$\Re z$}];
-\draw[->] (0,-1) -- (0,3) coordinate[label={right:$\Im z$}];
-\draw[line width=0.5pt] (3,0) -- (3,2);
-\node at (3,1) [right] {$\Im z=b$};
-\node at (1.5,0) [below] {$\Re z=a$};
-\draw[->,color=red,line width=1.4pt] (0,0) -- (3,2);
-\node at (3,2) [above right] {$z=a+bi$};
- \fill[color=white] #1 circle[radius=0.04];
- \draw #1 circle[radius=0.04];
-\node[color=red] at (1.5,1) [rotate=\winkel,above] {$r=|z|$};
-\node[color=blue] at ({\winkel/2}:1.0)
- [rotate={\winkel/2}] {$\varphi=\operatorname{arg}z$};
\caption{Argument und Betrag einer komplexen Zahl $z=a+ib$ in der
Gaussschen Zahlenebene
diff --git a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/natuerlich.tex b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/natuerlich.tex
index 3863191..acad943 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/natuerlich.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/05-zahlen/natuerlich.tex
@@ -35,9 +35,20 @@ $n'\in \mathbb{N}$.
\item Wenn zwei Zahlen $n,m\in\mathbb{N}$ den gleichen Nachfolger haben,
$n'=m'$, dann sind sie gleich $n=m$.
\item Enthält eine Menge $X$ die Zahl $0$ und mit jeder Zahl auch ihren
-Nachfolger, dann ist $X\subset\mathbb{N}$. %TODO: X = N?...
+Nachfolger, dann ist $\mathbb{N}\subset X$.
+\subsubsection{Vollständige Induktion}
+Es letzte Axiom formuliert das Prinzip der vollständigen Induktion.
+Um eine Aussage $P(n)$ für alle natürlichen Zahlen $n$
+mit vollständiger Induktion zu beweisen, bezeichnet man mit
+$X$ die Menge aller Zahlen, für die $P(n)$ wahr ist.
+Die Induktionsverankerung beweist, dass $P(0)$ wahr ist, dass also $0\in X$.
+Der Induktionsschritt beweist, dass mit einer Zahl $n\in X$ auch der
+Nachfolger $n'\in X$ ist.
+Nach dem letzten Axiom ist $\mathbb{N}\subset X$, oder anders ausgedrückt,
+die Aussage $P(n)$ ist wahr für jede natürliche Zahl.
Aus der Nachfolgereigenschaft lässt sich durch wiederholte Anwendung
die vertrautere Addition konstruieren.
diff --git a/buch/chapters/10-vektorenmatrizen/ringe.tex b/buch/chapters/10-vektorenmatrizen/ringe.tex
index 42e2a7e..21b29c2 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/10-vektorenmatrizen/ringe.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/10-vektorenmatrizen/ringe.tex
@@ -108,37 +108,6 @@ $c_0(\mathbb{Z})$ ist immer noch ein Ring, aber er hat kein Eins.
-%\draw[->] (-8.5,0) -- (8.5,0) coordinate[label={$\Re z$}];
-%\draw[->] (0,-4.5) -- (0,4.5) coordinate[label={right:$\Im z$}];
-%\foreach \x in {-8,...,8}{
-% \foreach \y in {-4,...,4}{
-% \fill (\x,\y) circle[radius=0.05];
-% }
-%\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
-%\coordinate (A) at (2,2);
-%\coordinate (B) at (-3,1);
-%\coordinate (C) at (-8,-4);
-%\coordinate (D) at (-1,3);
-%\draw[line width=0.5pt] (A)--(D)--(B);
-%\draw[->,color=red] (O) -- (A);
-%\draw[->,color=red] (O) -- (B);
-%\draw[->,color=blue] (O) -- (C);
-%\draw[->,color=darkgreen] (O) -- (D);
-%\fill[color=red] (A) circle[radius=0.08];
-%\fill[color=red] (B) circle[radius=0.08];
-%\fill[color=blue] (C) circle[radius=0.08];
-%\fill[color=darkgreen] (D) circle[radius=0.08];
-%\fill[color=black] (O) circle[radius=0.08];
-%\node[color=red] at (A) [above right] {$z$};
-%\node[color=red] at (B) [above left] {$w$};
-%\node[color=darkgreen] at (D) [above] {$z+w$};
-%\node[color=blue] at (C) [below right] {$z\cdot w$};
\caption{Der Ring der ganzen Gausschen Zahlen besteht aus den ganzahligen
Gitterpunkten in der Gausschen Zahlenebene
diff --git a/buch/chapters/30-endlichekoerper/chapter.tex b/buch/chapters/30-endlichekoerper/chapter.tex
index 2d16d80..150c719 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/30-endlichekoerper/chapter.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/30-endlichekoerper/chapter.tex
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ lösbar werden.
diff --git a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/chapter.tex b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/chapter.tex
index e097b8d..e769b38 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/chapter.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/chapter.tex
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Dies wird in Abschnitt~\ref{buch:section:spektraltheorie} beschrieben.
diff --git a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/grundlagen.tex b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/grundlagen.tex
index 55c3344..dbc19ce 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/grundlagen.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/grundlagen.tex
@@ -346,63 +346,7 @@ $b_{ij}=0$ für $i+k>j$ und $c_{ij}=0$ für $i+l>j$.
In der folgenden graphischen Darstellung der Matrizen sind die
Bereiche, wo die Matrixelemente verschwinden, weiss.
-clip upper,minipage,
-\draw[line width=0.3pt] (-3,2.5) -- (6,2.5);
-\node at (1.5,1.53) {$\left(\myboxA{}\right)$};
-\fill[color=red!30] (0.5,3) -- (3,0.5) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
-\draw (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
-\draw (0,3) -- (3,0);
-\node at ({\cx+0.5*0.5},{\cy+0.5*0.5}) [rotate=-45] {$k$};
-\draw[color=blue,line width=1.4pt] (0,2.5) -- (1.0,2.5);
-\draw[color=red,line width=1.4pt] (1.0,2.5) -- (3,2.5);
-\node at (1,1) {$B$};
-\node at (-0.3,2.5) [left] {$i$};
-\node at (1,2.5) [above right] {$i+k$};
-\node at (-0.5,1.5) {$\mathstrut\cdot\mathstrut$};
-\node at (1.5,1.53) {$\left(\myboxA{}\right)$};
-\fill[color=red!30] (1.0,3) -- (3,1.0) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
-\draw (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
-\draw (0,3) -- (3,0);
-\node at ({\cx+1.0*0.5},{\cy+1.0*0.5}) [rotate=-45] {$l$};
-\draw[color=red,line width=1.4pt] (2,3)--(2,2);
-\draw[color=blue,line width=1.4pt] (2,2)--(2,0);
-\node at (1,1) {$C$};
-\node at (2,3) [above] {$j$};
-\node at (2,2) [above right] {$j-l$};
-\node at (3.5,1.5) {$\mathstrut=\mathstrut$};
-\node at (1.5,1.53) {$\left(\myboxA{}\right)$};
-\fill[color=red!30] (1.5,3) -- (3,1.5) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
-\draw (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
-\draw (0,3) -- (3,0);
-\node at ({\cx+1.5*0.5},{\cy+1.5*0.5}) [rotate=-45] {$k+l$};
-\fill[color=red!50!blue] (2,2.5) circle[radius=0.1];
-\draw[line width=0.3pt] (2,3) -- (2,2.5);
-\node at (2,3) [above] {$j$};
-\node at (1,1) {$D$};
Bei der Berechnung des Elementes $d_{ij}$ wird die Zeile $i$ von $B$
mit der Spalte $j$ von $C$ multipliziert.
diff --git a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/Makefile b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/Makefile
index 5915d30..db00dac 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/Makefile
+++ b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# (c) 2020 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, Hochschule Rappersil
-all: sp.pdf
+all: sp.pdf nilpotent.pdf
sp.pdf: sp.tex sppaths.tex
pdflatex sp.tex
@@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ sp.pdf: sp.tex sppaths.tex
sppaths.tex: spbeispiel.m
octave spbeispiel.m
+nilpotent.pdf: nilpotent.tex
+ pdflatex nilpotent.tex
diff --git a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/nilpotent.pdf b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/nilpotent.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2106697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/nilpotent.pdf
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e6cd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/nilpotent.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% nilpotent.tex -- Produkt nilpotenter Matrizen
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+clip upper,minipage,
+\draw[line width=0.3pt] (-3,2.5) -- (6,2.5);
+\node at (1.5,1.53) {$\left(\myboxA{}\right)$};
+\fill[color=red!30] (0.5,3) -- (3,0.5) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
+\draw (0,3) -- (3,0);
+\node at ({\cx+0.5*0.5},{\cy+0.5*0.5}) [rotate=-45] {$k$};
+\draw[color=blue,line width=1.4pt] (0,2.5) -- (1.0,2.5);
+\draw[color=red,line width=1.4pt] (1.0,2.5) -- (3,2.5);
+\node at (1,1) {$B$};
+\node at (-0.3,2.5) [left] {$i$};
+\node at (1,2.5) [above right] {$i+k$};
+\node at (-0.5,1.5) {$\mathstrut\cdot\mathstrut$};
+\node at (1.5,1.53) {$\left(\myboxA{}\right)$};
+\fill[color=red!30] (1.0,3) -- (3,1.0) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
+\draw (0,3) -- (3,0);
+\node at ({\cx+1.0*0.5},{\cy+1.0*0.5}) [rotate=-45] {$l$};
+\draw[color=red,line width=1.4pt] (2,3)--(2,2);
+\draw[color=blue,line width=1.4pt] (2,2)--(2,0);
+\node at (1,1) {$C$};
+\node at (2,3) [above] {$j$};
+\node at (2,2) [above right] {$j-l$};
+\node at (3.5,1.5) {$\mathstrut=\mathstrut$};
+\node at (1.5,1.53) {$\left(\myboxA{}\right)$};
+\fill[color=red!30] (1.5,3) -- (3,1.5) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (3,3);
+\draw (0,3) -- (3,0);
+\node at ({\cx+1.5*0.5},{\cy+1.5*0.5}) [rotate=-45] {$k+l$};
+\fill[color=red!50!blue] (2,2.5) circle[radius=0.1];
+\draw[line width=0.3pt] (2,3) -- (2,2.5);
+\node at (2,3) [above] {$j$};
+\node at (1,1) {$D$};
diff --git a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/sp.pdf b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/sp.pdf
index 5346e06..d4de984 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/sp.pdf
+++ b/buch/chapters/40-eigenwerte/images/sp.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/endlich.tex b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/endlich.tex
index 7669a17..700c0f2 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/endlich.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/endlich.tex
@@ -21,31 +21,7 @@ Element} der Gruppe $S_n$ und wir auch mit $e$ bezeichnet.
\subsection{Permutationen als $2\times n$-Matrizen}
Eine Permutation kann als $2\times n$-Matrix geschrieben werden:
-\foreach \x in {1,...,6}{
- \node at ({(\x-1)*\sx},\sy) [above] {$\tiny\x$};
- \fill ({(\x-1)*\sx},\sy) circle[radius=0.05];
- \fill ({(\x-1)*\sx},0) circle[radius=0.05];
-\draw[->] (0,\sy) to[out=-70,in=110] (\sx,0);
-\draw[<-] (0,0) to[out=70,in=-110] (\sx,\sy);
-\draw[->] ({2*\sx},\sy) -- ({2*\sx},0);
-\draw[->] ({3*\sx},\sy) to[out=-70,in=110] ({4*\sx},0);
-\draw[->] ({4*\sx},\sy) to[out=-70,in=110] ({5*\sx},0);
-\draw[->] ({5*\sx},\sy) to[out=-110,in=70] ({3*\sx},0);
-\node at (2.4,{\sy/2}) {$\mathstrut=\mathstrut$};
-\node at (5,{\sy/2}) {$\displaystyle
Das neutrale Element hat die Matrix
@@ -64,43 +40,7 @@ Permutation angeordnet.
Die zusammengesetzte Permutation kann dann in der zweiten Zeile
der zweiten Permutation abgelesen werden:
-\node at (0,0) {$\displaystyle
-\node at (0,-1) {$\displaystyle
-\node at (0,0) {$\displaystyle
-\node at (0,-1) {$\displaystyle
-\node at (0,-0.5) {$\displaystyle
Die Inverse einer Permutation kann erhalten werden, indem die beiden
Zeilen vertauscht werden und dann die Spalten wieder so angeordnet werden,
@@ -130,47 +70,7 @@ Eine Permutation $\sigma\in S_n$ kann auch mit sogenanten Zyklenzerlegung
analysiert werden.
Zum Beispiel:
-\node at (0,0) {$\displaystyle
-\node at (0,0) {$\mathstrut=\mathstrut$};
-\coordinate (A) at (0,0.5);
-\coordinate (B) at (0,-0.5);
-\draw[->,color=red] (A) to[out=-20,in=20] (0,-0.5);
-\draw[->,color=red] (B) to[out=160,in=-160] (0,0.5);
-\node at (A) [above] {$\tiny 1$};
-\node at (B) [below] {$\tiny 2$};
-\fill (A) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (B) circle[radius=0.05];
-\coordinate (C) at (1.5,0.25);
-\node at (C) [above] {$\tiny 3$};
-\draw[->,color=darkgreen] ({1.5+0.01},0.25) to[out=-10,in=-170] ({1.5-0.01},0.25);
-\draw[color=darkgreen] (1.5,{0.25-0.3}) circle[radius=0.3];
-\fill (C) circle[radius=0.05];
-\coordinate (D) at ({3.5+\r*cos(90)},{0+\r*sin(90)});
-\coordinate (E) at ({3.5+\r*cos(210)},{0+\r*sin(210)});
-\coordinate (F) at ({3.5+\r*cos(330)},{0+\r*sin(330)});
-\node at (D) [above] {$\tiny 4$};
-\node at (E) [below left] {$\tiny 5$};
-\node at (F) [below right] {$\tiny 6$};
-\draw[->,color=blue] (D) to[out=180,in=120] (E);
-\draw[->,color=blue] (E) to[out=-60,in=-120] (F);
-\draw[->,color=blue] (F) to[out=60,in=0] (D);
-\fill (D) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (E) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (F) circle[radius=0.05];
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/Makefile b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e0e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Makefile -- Bilder
+# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+all: transpositionen.pdf zyklenzerlegung.pdf permutation.pdf \
+ komposition.pdf
+permutation.pdf: permutation.tex
+ pdflatex permutation.tex
+komposition.pdf: komposition.tex
+ pdflatex komposition.tex
+transpositionen.pdf: transpositionen.tex
+ pdflatex transpositionen.tex
+zyklenzerlegung.pdf: zyklenzerlegung.tex
+ pdflatex zyklenzerlegung.tex
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/komposition.pdf b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/komposition.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e532bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/komposition.pdf
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3ec65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/komposition.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% komposition.tex -- Komposition zweier Permutationen
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\node at (0,0) {$\displaystyle
+\node at (0,-1) {$\displaystyle
+\node at (0,0) {$\displaystyle
+\node at (0,-1) {$\displaystyle
+\node at (0,-0.5) {$\displaystyle
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/permutation.pdf b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/permutation.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdfa186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/permutation.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/permutation.tex b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/permutation.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee58d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/permutation.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% permutation.tex -- Definition einer Permutation
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\foreach \x in {1,...,6}{
+ \node at ({(\x-1)*\sx},\sy) [above] {$\tiny\x$};
+ \fill ({(\x-1)*\sx},\sy) circle[radius=0.05];
+ \fill ({(\x-1)*\sx},0) circle[radius=0.05];
+\draw[->] (0,\sy) to[out=-70,in=110] (\sx,0);
+\draw[<-] (0,0) to[out=70,in=-110] (\sx,\sy);
+\draw[->] ({2*\sx},\sy) -- ({2*\sx},0);
+\draw[->] ({3*\sx},\sy) to[out=-70,in=110] ({4*\sx},0);
+\draw[->] ({4*\sx},\sy) to[out=-70,in=110] ({5*\sx},0);
+\draw[->] ({5*\sx},\sy) to[out=-110,in=70] ({3*\sx},0);
+\node at (2.4,{\sy/2}) {$\mathstrut=\mathstrut$};
+\node at (5,{\sy/2}) {$\displaystyle
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/transpositionen.pdf b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/transpositionen.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad2ea7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/transpositionen.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/transpositionen.tex b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/transpositionen.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0670a2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/transpositionen.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+% transpositionen.tex -- Darstellung eines Zyklus aus Transpositionen
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+ \draw[->] ({(#1)-1},#2) to[out=-90,in=90] ({#1},{#2-1});
+ \draw[->] ({#1},#2) to[out=-90,in=90] ({#1-1},{#2-1});
+ \node at ({(#1)-0.5+0.2},{#2-0.5}) [right] {$#3$};
+\foreach \x in {1,2,3,6,7,8,9}{
+ \fill ({\x-1},0) circle[radius=0.05];
+\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{
+ \node at ({\x-1},0) [above] {$\tiny \x$};
+\node at (8,0) [above] {$\tiny k$};
+\node at (7,0) [above] {$\tiny k-1$};
+\node at (6,0) [above] {$\tiny k-2$};
+\node at (5,0) [above] {$\tiny k-3$};
+\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4,7,8,9}{
+ \fill ({\x-1},-8) circle[radius=0.05];
+\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4}{
+ \node at ({\x-1},-8) [below] {$\tiny \x$};
+\node at (6,-8) [below] {$k-2$};
+\node at (7,-8) [below] {$k-1$};
+\node at (8,-8) [below] {$k$};
+\foreach \x in {3,3.2,...,5}{
+ \fill (\x,{-8+\x}) circle[radius=0.02];
+ \fill ({\x+0.5},-8) circle[radius=0.02];
+ \fill ({\x-0.5},0) circle[radius=0.02];
+\draw[->,color=gray] (0,0) -- (0,-7);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (1,0) -- (1,-6);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (2,0) -- (2,-5);
+%\draw[->,color=gray] (3,0) -- (3,-4);
+%\draw[->,color=gray] (4,0) -- (4,-3);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (5,0) -- (5,-2);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (6,0) -- (6,-1);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (8,-1) -- (8,-8);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (7,-2) -- (7,-8);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (6,-3) -- (6,-8);
+%\draw[->,color=gray] (5,-4) -- (5,-8);
+%\draw[->,color=gray] (4,-5) -- (4,-8);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (3,-6) -- (3,-8);
+\draw[->,color=gray] (2,-7) -- (2,-8);
+\fill (6,-1) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (7,-1) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (8,-1) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (5,-2) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (6,-2) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (7,-2) circle[radius=0.05];
+%\fill (4,-3) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (5,-3) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (6,-3) circle[radius=0.05];
+%\fill (3,-4) circle[radius=0.05];
+%\fill (4,-4) circle[radius=0.05];
+%\fill (5,-4) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (2,-5) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (3,-5) circle[radius=0.05];
+%\fill (4,-5) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (1,-6) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (2,-6) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (3,-6) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (0,-7) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (1,-7) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (2,-7) circle[radius=0.05];
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/zyklenzerlegung.pdf b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/zyklenzerlegung.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72d9353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/zyklenzerlegung.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/zyklenzerlegung.tex b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/zyklenzerlegung.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c197579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/images/zyklenzerlegung.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% zyklenzerlegung.tex -- Zerlegung einer Permutation in Zyklen
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\node at (0,0) {$\displaystyle
+\node at (0,0) {$\mathstrut=\mathstrut$};
+\coordinate (A) at (0,0.5);
+\coordinate (B) at (0,-0.5);
+\draw[->,color=red] (A) to[out=-20,in=20] (0,-0.5);
+\draw[->,color=red] (B) to[out=160,in=-160] (0,0.5);
+\node at (A) [above] {$\tiny 1$};
+\node at (B) [below] {$\tiny 2$};
+\fill (A) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (B) circle[radius=0.05];
+\coordinate (C) at (1.5,0.25);
+\node at (C) [above] {$\tiny 3$};
+\draw[->,color=darkgreen] ({1.5+0.01},0.25) to[out=-10,in=-170] ({1.5-0.01},0.25);
+\draw[color=darkgreen] (1.5,{0.25-0.3}) circle[radius=0.3];
+\fill (C) circle[radius=0.05];
+\coordinate (D) at ({3.5+\r*cos(90)},{0+\r*sin(90)});
+\coordinate (E) at ({3.5+\r*cos(210)},{0+\r*sin(210)});
+\coordinate (F) at ({3.5+\r*cos(330)},{0+\r*sin(330)});
+\node at (D) [above] {$\tiny 4$};
+\node at (E) [below left] {$\tiny 5$};
+\node at (F) [below right] {$\tiny 6$};
+\draw[->,color=blue] (D) to[out=180,in=120] (E);
+\draw[->,color=blue] (E) to[out=-60,in=-120] (F);
+\draw[->,color=blue] (F) to[out=60,in=0] (D);
+\fill (D) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (E) circle[radius=0.05];
+\fill (F) circle[radius=0.05];
diff --git a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/transpositionen.tex b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/transpositionen.tex
index baed2fb..604e010 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/transpositionen.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/50-permutationen/transpositionen.tex
@@ -35,92 +35,7 @@ also die Permutation, die $1\to2\to3\to\dots\to k-2\to k-1\to k\to 1$
Dieser Zyklus lässt sich wie folgt aus Transpositionen zusammensetzen:
- \draw[->] ({(#1)-1},#2) to[out=-90,in=90] ({#1},{#2-1});
- \draw[->] ({#1},#2) to[out=-90,in=90] ({#1-1},{#2-1});
- \node at ({(#1)-0.5+0.2},{#2-0.5}) [right] {$#3$};
-\foreach \x in {1,2,3,6,7,8,9}{
- \fill ({\x-1},0) circle[radius=0.05];
-\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{
- \node at ({\x-1},0) [above] {$\tiny \x$};
-\node at (8,0) [above] {$\tiny k$};
-\node at (7,0) [above] {$\tiny k-1$};
-\node at (6,0) [above] {$\tiny k-2$};
-\node at (5,0) [above] {$\tiny k-3$};
-\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4,7,8,9}{
- \fill ({\x-1},-8) circle[radius=0.05];
-\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4}{
- \node at ({\x-1},-8) [below] {$\tiny \x$};
-\node at (6,-8) [below] {$k-2$};
-\node at (7,-8) [below] {$k-1$};
-\node at (8,-8) [below] {$k$};
-\foreach \x in {3,3.2,...,5}{
- \fill (\x,{-8+\x}) circle[radius=0.02];
- \fill ({\x+0.5},-8) circle[radius=0.02];
- \fill ({\x-0.5},0) circle[radius=0.02];
-\draw[->,color=gray] (0,0) -- (0,-7);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (1,0) -- (1,-6);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (2,0) -- (2,-5);
-%\draw[->,color=gray] (3,0) -- (3,-4);
-%\draw[->,color=gray] (4,0) -- (4,-3);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (5,0) -- (5,-2);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (6,0) -- (6,-1);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (8,-1) -- (8,-8);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (7,-2) -- (7,-8);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (6,-3) -- (6,-8);
-%\draw[->,color=gray] (5,-4) -- (5,-8);
-%\draw[->,color=gray] (4,-5) -- (4,-8);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (3,-6) -- (3,-8);
-\draw[->,color=gray] (2,-7) -- (2,-8);
-\fill (6,-1) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (7,-1) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (8,-1) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (5,-2) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (6,-2) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (7,-2) circle[radius=0.05];
-%\fill (4,-3) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (5,-3) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (6,-3) circle[radius=0.05];
-%\fill (3,-4) circle[radius=0.05];
-%\fill (4,-4) circle[radius=0.05];
-%\fill (5,-4) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (2,-5) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (3,-5) circle[radius=0.05];
-%\fill (4,-5) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (1,-6) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (2,-6) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (3,-6) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (0,-7) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (1,-7) circle[radius=0.05];
-\fill (2,-7) circle[radius=0.05];
Es ist also
diff --git a/buch/chapters/70-graphen/beschreibung.tex b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/beschreibung.tex
index 6e8e59b..2dcc78f 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/70-graphen/beschreibung.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/beschreibung.tex
@@ -236,26 +236,7 @@ sind.
-\draw \Punkt{6} -- \Punkt{7} -- \Punkt{8} -- \Punkt{9} -- \Punkt{10} -- cycle;
-\draw \punkt{1} -- \punkt{3} -- \punkt{5} -- \punkt{2} -- \punkt{4} -- cycle;
-\foreach \k in {1,...,5}{
- \draw \punkt{\k} -- \Punkt{(\k+5)};
- \fill[color=white] \punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
- \node at \punkt{\k} {$\k$};
- \draw \punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
-\foreach \k in {6,...,10}{
- \fill[color=white] \Punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
- \node at \Punkt{\k} {$\k$};
- \draw \Punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
\caption{Peterson-Graph mit zehn Knoten.
diff --git a/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/Makefile b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2199ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Makefile -- Bilder für Kapitel Graphen
+# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+all: peterson.pdf
+peterson.pdf: peterson.tex
+ pdflatex peterson.tex
diff --git a/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/peterson.pdf b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/peterson.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259d808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/peterson.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/peterson.tex b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/peterson.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0af98b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/70-graphen/images/peterson.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+% tikztemplate.tex -- template for standalon tikz images
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\draw \Punkt{6} -- \Punkt{7} -- \Punkt{8} -- \Punkt{9} -- \Punkt{10} -- cycle;
+\draw \punkt{1} -- \punkt{3} -- \punkt{5} -- \punkt{2} -- \punkt{4} -- cycle;
+\foreach \k in {1,...,5}{
+ \draw \punkt{\k} -- \Punkt{(\k+5)};
+ \fill[color=white] \punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
+ \node at \punkt{\k} {$\k$};
+ \draw \punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
+\foreach \k in {6,...,10}{
+ \fill[color=white] \Punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
+ \node at \Punkt{\k} {$\k$};
+ \draw \Punkt{\k} circle[radius=\l];
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/google.tex b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/google.tex
index 3616760..ca78b3d 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/google.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/google.tex
@@ -41,46 +41,6 @@ zerstört.
-%\foreach \x in {0,3,6,9}{
-% \foreach \y in {0,3}{
-% \fill[color=white] ({\x},{\y}) circle[radius=0.3];
-% \draw ({\x},{\y}) circle[radius=0.3];
-% }
-%\node at (0,3) {$1$};
-%\node at (0,0) {$2$};
-%\node at (3,3) {$3$};
-%\node at (3,0) {$4$};
-%\node at (6,3) {$5$};
-%\node at (6,0) {$6$};
-%\node at (9,3) {$7$};
-%\node at (9,0) {$8$};
-%% 1
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (0,3) -- (3,3);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (0,3) -- (0,0);
-%% 2
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (0,0) to[out=-20,in=-160] (3,0);
-%% 3
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (3,3) -- (6,3);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (3,3) -- (0,0);
-%% 4
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (3,0) -- (6,3);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (3,0) -- (6,0);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (3,0) to[out=160,in=20] (0,0);
-%% 5
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (6,3) -- (9,3);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (6,3) -- (9,0);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (6,3) -- (6,0);
-%% 6
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (6,0) to[out=20,in=160] (9,0);
-%% 7
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (9,3) .. controls (7.5,4) .. (6,4) -- (3,4) .. controls (1.5,4) .. (0,3);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (9,3) to[out=-110,in=110] (9,0);
-%% 8
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (9,0) to[out=-160,in=-20] (6,0);
-%\draw[->,shorten >= 0.3cm, shorten <= 0.3cm] (9,0) to[out=70,in=-70] (9,3);
\caption{Modell-Internet als Beispiel für die Link-Matrix und die Google-Matrix.
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/Makefile b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/Makefile
index b04f6ff..8d34217 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/Makefile
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
all: dreieck.pdf trenn.pdf vergleich.pdf vergleich.jpg \
positiv.pdf positiv.jpg diffusion.png diffusion.pdf \
- konvex.pdf internet.pdf markov.pdf markov2.pdf markov3.pdf
+ konvex.pdf internet.pdf markov.pdf markov2.pdf markov3.pdf \
+ spielB.pdf spielBtilde.pdf
# Visualisierung diffusion in einer primitiven Matrix
diffusion.pdf: diffusion.tex diffusion.jpg
@@ -71,3 +72,8 @@ markov2.pdf: markov2.tex
markov3.pdf: markov3.tex
pdflatex markov3.tex
+spielB.pdf: spielB.tex
+ pdflatex spielB.tex
+spielBtilde.pdf: spielBtilde.tex
+ pdflatex spielBtilde.tex
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielB.pdf b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielB.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..466974d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielB.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielB.tex b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielB.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92989ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielB.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% spielB.tex -- Zutandsdiagramm für Spiel B
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\coordinate (A) at (0,\R);
+\coordinate (B) at ({\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
+\coordinate (C) at ({-\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (B);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (C);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) -- (B);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=90,in=-30] (A);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) to[out=90,in=-150] (A);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=-150,in=-30] (C);
+\node at (30:\Rgross) {$\frac34$};
+\node at (150:\Rgross) {$\frac14$};
+\node at (-90:\Rgross) {$\frac14$};
+\node at (-90:\Rklein) {$\frac34$};
+\node at (30:\Rklein) {$\frac9{10}$};
+\node at (150:\Rklein) {$\frac1{10}$};
+\fill[color=white] (A) circle[radius=\r];
+\draw (A) circle[radius=\r];
+\node at (A) {$0$};
+\fill[color=white] (B) circle[radius=\r];
+\draw (B) circle[radius=\r];
+\node at (B) {$2$};
+\fill[color=white] (C) circle[radius=\r];
+\draw (C) circle[radius=\r];
+\node at (C) {$1$};
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielBtilde.pdf b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielBtilde.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7812c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielBtilde.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielBtilde.tex b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielBtilde.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2d4b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/spielBtilde.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% spielBtilde.tex -- Zustandsdiagramm des modifzierten Spiels
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+\coordinate (A) at (0,\R);
+\coordinate (B) at ({\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
+\coordinate (C) at ({-\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (B);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (C);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) -- (B);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=90,in=-30] (A);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) to[out=90,in=-150] (A);
+\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=-150,in=-30] (C);
+\node at (30:\Rgross) {$\frac34-\varepsilon$};
+\node at (150:\Rgross) {$\frac14+\varepsilon$};
+\node at (-90:\Rgross) {$\frac14+\varepsilon$};
+\node at (-90:\Rklein) {$\frac34-\varepsilon$};
+\node at (30:\Rklein) {$\frac9{10}+\varepsilon$};
+\node at (150:\Rklein) {$\frac1{10}-\varepsilon$};
+\fill[color=white] (A) circle[radius=\r];
+\draw (A) circle[radius=\r];
+\node at (A) {$0$};
+\fill[color=white] (B) circle[radius=\r];
+\draw (B) circle[radius=\r];
+\node at (B) {$2$};
+\fill[color=white] (C) circle[radius=\r];
+\draw (C) circle[radius=\r];
+\node at (C) {$1$};
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/vergleich.pdf b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/vergleich.pdf
index c6173ce..b7215b4 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/vergleich.pdf
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/images/vergleich.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/parrondo.tex b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/parrondo.tex
index 3bdba9a..a62d813 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/parrondo.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/80-wahrscheinlichkeit/parrondo.tex
@@ -61,48 +61,7 @@ Fälle recht gross, in einem Fall aber sehr klein.
\subsubsection{Übergangsmatrix im Spiel $B$}
-\coordinate (A) at (0,\R);
-\coordinate (B) at ({\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
-\coordinate (C) at ({-\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (B);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (C);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) -- (B);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=90,in=-30] (A);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) to[out=90,in=-150] (A);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=-150,in=-30] (C);
-\node at (30:\Rgross) {$\frac34$};
-\node at (150:\Rgross) {$\frac14$};
-\node at (-90:\Rgross) {$\frac14$};
-\node at (-90:\Rklein) {$\frac34$};
-\node at (30:\Rklein) {$\frac9{10}$};
-\node at (150:\Rklein) {$\frac1{10}$};
-\fill[color=white] (A) circle[radius=\r];
-\draw (A) circle[radius=\r];
-\node at (A) {$0$};
-\fill[color=white] (B) circle[radius=\r];
-\draw (B) circle[radius=\r];
-\node at (B) {$2$};
-\fill[color=white] (C) circle[radius=\r];
-\draw (C) circle[radius=\r];
-\node at (C) {$1$};
\caption{Zustandsdiagramm für das Spiel $B$, Zustände sind die
Dreierreste des Kapitals.
@@ -454,51 +413,10 @@ U^t (G\odot B) p
wie erwartet.
-\subsubsection{Das modifizierte Spiel $B$}
+\subsubsection{Das modifizierte Spiel $\tilde{B}$}
-\coordinate (A) at (0,\R);
-\coordinate (B) at ({\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
-\coordinate (C) at ({-\R*sqrt(3)/2},{-0.5*\R});
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (B);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (A) -- (C);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) -- (B);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=90,in=-30] (A);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (C) to[out=90,in=-150] (A);
-\draw[->,shorten >= 0.5cm,shorten <= 0.5cm] (B) to[out=-150,in=-30] (C);
-\node at (30:\Rgross) {$\frac34-\varepsilon$};
-\node at (150:\Rgross) {$\frac14+\varepsilon$};
-\node at (-90:\Rgross) {$\frac14+\varepsilon$};
-\node at (-90:\Rklein) {$\frac34-\varepsilon$};
-\node at (30:\Rklein) {$\frac9{10}+\varepsilon$};
-\node at (150:\Rklein) {$\frac1{10}-\varepsilon$};
-\fill[color=white] (A) circle[radius=\r];
-\draw (A) circle[radius=\r];
-\node at (A) {$0$};
-\fill[color=white] (B) circle[radius=\r];
-\draw (B) circle[radius=\r];
-\node at (B) {$2$};
-\fill[color=white] (C) circle[radius=\r];
-\draw (C) circle[radius=\r];
-\node at (C) {$1$};
\caption{Zustandsdiagramm für das modifizerte Spiel $\tilde{B}$,
Zustände sind die Dreierreste des Kapitals.
Gegenüber dem Spiel $B$
diff --git a/buch/chapters/95-homologie/chapter.tex b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/chapter.tex
index 95ecb79..eaa56c4 100644
--- a/buch/chapters/95-homologie/chapter.tex
+++ b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/chapter.tex
@@ -14,42 +14,7 @@ Es ist zum Beispiel nicht möglich, ein Dreieck vom Rand eines
Dreiecks zu unterscheiden~\ref{buch:homologie:figure:zusammenziehbar}.
- \fill[color=white] #1 circle[radius=0.07];
- \draw #1 circle[radius=0.07];
-\draw[->] (0,0) -- (3,3);
-\draw[->] (0,0) -- (4,1);
-\draw[->] (4,1) -- (3,3);
-\node at (0,0) [below left] {$P_0$};
-\node at (4,1) [below right] {$P_1$};
-\node at (3,3) [above] {$P_2$};
-\node at (2,0.5) [below] {$k_{01}$};
-\node at (1.5,1.5) [above left] {$k_{02}$};
-\node at (3.5,2) [right] {$k_{12}$};
-\fill[color=gray!40] (0,0) -- (4,1) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
-\draw[->] (0,0) -- (3,3);
-\draw[->] (0,0) -- (4,1);
-\draw[->] (4,1) -- (3,3);
-\node at (0,0) [below left] {$P_0$};
-\node at (4,1) [below right] {$P_1$};
-\node at (3,3) [above] {$P_2$};
-\node at (2,0.5) [below] {$k_{01}$};
-\node at (1.5,1.5) [above left] {$k_{02}$};
-\node at (3.5,2) [right] {$k_{12}$};
-\node at (2.333,1.333) {$\triangle$};
\caption{Ein Dreieck $\triangle$ (rechts) und der Rand des Dreicks
(links) sind mit den Methoden
der Graphentheorie nicht unterschiedbar.
diff --git a/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/Makefile b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82f1285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Makefile
+# (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+all: dreieck.pdf
+dreieck.pdf: dreieck.tex
+ pdflatex dreieck.tex
diff --git a/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/dreieck.pdf b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/dreieck.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5d360a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/dreieck.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/dreieck.tex b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/dreieck.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c28bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/chapters/95-homologie/images/dreieck.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% dreieck.tex -- Dreieck und Simplex
+% (c) 2021 Prof Dr Andreas Müller, OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule
+ \fill[color=white] #1 circle[radius=0.07];
+ \draw #1 circle[radius=0.07];
+\draw[->] (0,0) -- (3,3);
+\draw[->] (0,0) -- (4,1);
+\draw[->] (4,1) -- (3,3);
+\node at (0,0) [below left] {$P_0$};
+\node at (4,1) [below right] {$P_1$};
+\node at (3,3) [above] {$P_2$};
+\node at (2,0.5) [below] {$k_{01}$};
+\node at (1.5,1.5) [above left] {$k_{02}$};
+\node at (3.5,2) [right] {$k_{12}$};
+\fill[color=gray!40] (0,0) -- (4,1) -- (3,3) -- cycle;
+\draw[->] (0,0) -- (3,3);
+\draw[->] (0,0) -- (4,1);
+\draw[->] (4,1) -- (3,3);
+\node at (0,0) [below left] {$P_0$};
+\node at (4,1) [below right] {$P_1$};
+\node at (3,3) [above] {$P_2$};
+\node at (2,0.5) [below] {$k_{01}$};
+\node at (1.5,1.5) [above left] {$k_{02}$};
+\node at (3.5,2) [right] {$k_{12}$};
+\node at (2.333,1.333) {$\triangle$};