path: root/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/stereographic-projections.tex
diff options
authorAyexor <9105454+Ayexor@users.noreply.github.com>2021-08-27 18:09:54 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-08-27 18:09:54 +0200
commit2b2c5daa139aec08d091b658ad6191d6e57024ef (patch)
tree2c8f3fc7017394746d8e4f92a358e2a11015e072 /buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/stereographic-projections.tex
parentAnpassungen nach Mail (diff)
parentnew image: tetraeder (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into master
Diffstat (limited to 'buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/stereographic-projections.tex')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/stereographic-projections.tex b/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/stereographic-projections.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d612fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/stereographic-projections.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ >=latex,
+ tdplot_main_coords,
+ dot/.style = {
+ black, fill = black, circle,
+ outer sep = 0, inner sep = 0,
+ minimum size = 1mm
+ },
+ round/.style = {
+ draw = orange, thick, circle,
+ minimum size = 1mm,
+ inner sep = 0pt, outer sep = 0pt,
+ },
+ cross/.style = {
+ cross out, draw = magenta, thick,
+ minimum size = 1mm,
+ inner sep = 0pt, outer sep = 0pt
+ },
+ ]
+ % origin
+ \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
+ % poles
+ \coordinate (NP) at (0,0,\l);
+ \coordinate (SP) at (0,0,-\l);
+ % axis
+ % \draw[->] (O) -- ++(1.5*\l,0,0);
+ % \draw[->] (O) -- ++(0,1.5*\l,0);
+ % \draw[->] (O) -- ++(0,0,1.5*\l);
+ % gray unit circle
+ \tdplotdrawarc[gray, thick]{(O)}{\l}{0}{360}{}{};
+ \draw[gray, dotted] (-\l, 0, 0) to (\l, 0, 0);
+ \draw[gray, dotted] (0, -\l, 0) to (0, \l, 0);
+ % meridians
+ \foreach \phi in {0, 30, 60, ..., 150}{
+ \tdplotsetrotatedcoords{\phi}{90}{0};
+ \tdplotdrawarc[lightgray, dashed, tdplot_rotated_coords]{(O)}{\l}{0}{360}{}{};
+ }
+ % dot above and its projection
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\phi}{120}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\theta}{60}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\px}{cos(\phi)*sin(\theta)*\l}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\py}{sin(\phi)*sin(\theta)*\l}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\pz}{cos(\theta)*\l})
+ \coordinate (A) at (\px,\py,\pz);
+ \coordinate (Aproj) at ({\px * \l / (\l + \pz)}, {\py * \l / (\l + \pz)}, 0);
+ % dot below and its projection
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\phi}{-60}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\theta}{120}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\px}{cos(\phi)*sin(\theta)*\l}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\py}{sin(\phi)*sin(\theta)*\l}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{\pz}{cos(\theta)*\l})
+ \coordinate (B) at (\px,\py,\pz);
+ \coordinate (Bproj) at ({\px * \l / (\l - \pz)}, {\py * \l / (\l - \pz)}, 0);
+ % projection lines
+ \draw[gray] (A) to (SP);
+ \draw[gray] (SP) to (O) to (Aproj);
+ \draw[gray] (B) to (NP);
+ \draw[gray] (NP) to (O) to (Bproj);
+ % dots
+ \draw (O) node[dot] {};
+ \draw (SP) node[dot] {};
+ \draw (NP) node[dot] {};
+ \draw (A) node[dot, fill = magenta, minimum size = 1.5mm] {};
+ \draw (B) node[dot, fill = orange, minimum size = 1.5mm] {};
+ % projection markers
+ \draw[very thick, magenta]
+ (Aproj) ++(.15,0) to ($(Aproj)+(-.15, 0)$)
+ (Aproj) ++(0,.15) to ($(Aproj) +(0, -.15)$);
+ \tdplotdrawarc[orange, very thick]{(Bproj)}{.1}{0}{360}{}{};
+% vim:ts=2 sw=2 et: