path: root/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/atoms-piezo-force-horizontal.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/atoms-piezo-force-horizontal.tex')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/atoms-piezo-force-horizontal.tex b/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/atoms-piezo-force-horizontal.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c3f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buch/papers/punktgruppen/tikz/atoms-piezo-force-horizontal.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[
+ >=latex,
+ node distance = 2mm,
+ charge/.style = {
+ circle, draw = black, thick,
+ minimum size = 5mm
+ },
+ positive/.style = { fill = red!50 },
+ negative/.style = { fill = blue!50 },
+ ]
+ \node[charge, positive, yshift= 2.5mm] (C1) at ( 60:1.5cm) {};
+ \node[charge, negative, yshift= 2.5mm] (C2) at (120:1.5cm) {};
+ \node[charge, positive, xshift= 2.5mm] (C3) at (180:1.5cm) {};
+ \node[charge, negative, yshift=-2.5mm] (C4) at (240:1.5cm) {};
+ \node[charge, positive, yshift=-2.5mm] (C5) at (300:1.5cm) {};
+ \node[charge, negative, xshift=-2.5mm] (C6) at (360:1.5cm) {};
+ \draw[black] (C1) to (C2) to (C3) to (C4) to (C5) to (C6) to (C1);
+ % \draw[gray, dashed] (C2) to (C4) to (C6) to (C2);
+ \draw[orange, very thick, <-] (C6) to ++(.7,0);
+ \draw[orange, very thick, <-] (C3) to ++(-.7,0);
+ \node[black] (E) {\(\vec{E}_p\)};
+ \begin{scope}[node distance = .5mm]
+ \node[blue!50, right = of E] {\(-\)};
+ \node[red!50, left = of E] {\(+\)};
+ \end{scope}
+ % \draw[gray, thick, dotted] (E) to ++(0,2);
+ % \draw[gray, thick, dotted] (E) to ++(0,-2);
+ \end{tikzpicture}