path: root/buch/papers/ellfilter/tikz/arccos2.tikz.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buch/papers/ellfilter/tikz/arccos2.tikz.tex')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/buch/papers/ellfilter/tikz/arccos2.tikz.tex b/buch/papers/ellfilter/tikz/arccos2.tikz.tex
index 755e8a0..c3f11bb 100644
--- a/buch/papers/ellfilter/tikz/arccos2.tikz.tex
+++ b/buch/papers/ellfilter/tikz/arccos2.tikz.tex
@@ -2,21 +2,34 @@
\tikzstyle{zero} = [draw, circle, inner sep =0, minimum height=0.15cm]
\tikzset{pole/.style={cross out, draw=black, minimum size=(0.15cm-\pgflinewidth), inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt}}
+ \tikzstyle{dot} = [fill, circle, inner sep =0, minimum height=0.1cm]
- \begin{scope}[xscale=0.5]
- \draw[gray, ->] (0,-2) -- (0,2) node[anchor=south]{$\mathrm{Im}~z_1$};
- \draw[gray, ->] (-10,0) -- (10,0) node[anchor=west]{$\mathrm{Re}~z_1$};
+ \begin{scope}[xscale=0.75]
+ \draw[gray, ->] (0,-1) -- (0,2) node[anchor=south]{$\mathrm{Im}~z_1$};
+ \draw[gray, ->] (-2,0) -- (9,0) node[anchor=west]{$\mathrm{Re}~z_1$};
- \draw[>->, line width=0.05, thick, blue] (2, 1.5) -- (2,0.05) -- node[anchor=south, pos=0.5]{$N=1$} (0.1,0.05) -- (0.1,1.5);
- \draw[>->, line width=0.05, thick, orange] (4, 1.5) -- (4,0) -- node[anchor=south, pos=0.25]{$N=2$} (0,0) -- (0,1.5);
- \draw[>->, line width=0.05, thick, red] (6, 1.5) node[anchor=north west]{$-\infty$} -- (6,-0.05) node[anchor=west]{$-1$} -- node[anchor=north]{$0$} node[anchor=south, pos=0.1666]{$N=3$} (-0.1,-0.05) node[anchor=east]{$1$} -- (-0.1,1.5) node[anchor=north east]{$\infty$};
+ \draw[->, ultra thick, blue] (8, 1.5) -- node[align=center]{Sperrbereich} (8,0);
+ \draw[->, ultra thick, cyan] (8, 0) -- node[yshift=-0.5cm]{Durchlassbereich}(4,0);
+ \draw[->, ultra thick, darkgreen] (4, 0) -- node[yshift=-0.5cm]{Durchlassbereich} (0,0);
+ \draw[->, ultra thick, orange] (0, 0) -- node[align=center]{Sperrbereich} (0,1.5);
+ \node[anchor=north east] at (8, 1.5) {$-\infty$};
+ \draw (8, 0) node[dot]{} node[anchor=south east] {$1$};
+ \draw (6, 0) node[dot]{} node[anchor=south] {$-1$};
+ \draw (4, 0) node[dot]{} node[anchor=south] {$1$};
+ \draw (2, 0) node[dot]{} node[anchor=south] {$-1$};
+ \draw (0, 0) node[dot]{} node[anchor=south west] {$1$};
+ \node[anchor=north west] at (0, 1.5){$\infty$};
+ \node at(4,1) {$N = 4$};
- \node[zero] at (-7,0) {};
- \node[zero] at (-5,0) {};
- \node[zero] at (-3,0) {};
+ % \node[zero] at (-7,0) {};
+ % \node[zero] at (-5,0) {};
+ % \node[zero] at (-3,0) {};
\node[zero] at (-1,0) {};
\node[zero] at (1,0) {};
\node[zero] at (3,0) {};
@@ -25,9 +38,9 @@
- \node[gray, anchor=north] at (-8,0) {$-4\pi$};
- \node[gray, anchor=north] at (-6,0) {$-3\pi$};
- \node[gray, anchor=north] at (-4,0) {$-2\pi$};
+ % \node[gray, anchor=north] at (-8,0) {$-4\pi$};
+ % \node[gray, anchor=north] at (-6,0) {$-3\pi$};
+ % \node[gray, anchor=north] at (-4,0) {$-2\pi$};
\node[gray, anchor=north] at (-2,0) {$-\pi$};
\node[gray, anchor=north] at (2,0) {$\pi$};
\node[gray, anchor=north] at (4,0) {$2\pi$};
@@ -35,12 +48,12 @@
\node[gray, anchor=north] at (8,0) {$4\pi$};
- \node[gray, anchor=east] at (0,-1.5) {$-\infty$};
+ % \node[gray, anchor=east] at (0,-1.5) {$-\infty$};
\node[gray, anchor=east] at (0, 1.5) {$\infty$};
- \node[zero] at (4,2) (n) {};
+ \node[zero] at (6.5,2) (n) {};
\node[anchor=west] at (n.east) {Zero};
\end{tikzpicture} \ No newline at end of file