
Why O-3000

O-3000 is our answer to rigid and inflexible vision solutions. Maybe you know that. The camera you'd like to use does not support your (embedded) operating system. The interface specification is top secret and certainly you won't get any driver source code. Due to such experiences we developed the O-3000 cameras. In the meantime, O-3000 has grown into a comprehensive vision system. Everything is open-source and all interface specifications are freely available. These cameras are developed and produced in Switzerland.

Python Binding

This application is written in Python 3. It shows the interaction with the underlying O-3000 driver and Color Image Processing Pipeline via Python C-Extension. The camera image can be stored including some annotation information that can be selected or added via GUI.

Build, install and run

Note that this application has been developed and tested on Linux only, precisly on openSUSE 15.1.

Note that both, the O-3000 driver and the Color Image Processing Pipeline must be built and installed, furthermore some python packages (Numpy, OpenCV and Tkinter) must be installed, on openSUSE:

sudo zypper in python3-devel python3-numpy python3-numpy-devel python3-opencv python3-tk

Checkout this repository and build the Python C-Extension:

git clone https://stettbacher.ch/gitlab/o-3000/demo/python-binding.git
cd python-binding

python3 setup_c_extension.py build
sudo python3 setup_c_extension.py install

And finally start the application:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
python3 image-record-annotate.py