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On Debian Linux and its derivatives such as Ubuntu and LinuxMint, Python
packages installed through the package manager are kept in a different
non-standard directory called 'dist-packages' instead of the normal
'site-packages' [1].
To detect the Linux distribution the 'platform' library (part of the
Python stdlib) provides a function 'platform.freedesktop_os_release()'
that parses a standard file '/etc/os-release' available in most Linux
distributions [2]. However this function is rather new (Python >= 3.10)
and unavailable in most python installations, so the core of its
functionaly was reimplemented here.
[1]: https://wiki.debian.org/Python#Deviations_from_upstream
[2]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/platform.html#linux-platforms
Signed-off-by: Jonas Schmid <schmid@stettbacher.ch>