path: root/doc/pgf-pie.sty
diff options
authorNao Pross <>2017-01-05 17:59:53 +0100
committerNao Pross <>2017-01-05 17:59:53 +0100
commit41290db596ec5a63664d0b79fe1b8a01a3d87fa8 (patch)
treef13b66d52fc71d096e2f73468876971e1b4cb158 /doc/pgf-pie.sty
parentfixed tables and page layouts (diff)
added histograms layout
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/pgf-pie.sty')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 439 deletions
diff --git a/doc/pgf-pie.sty b/doc/pgf-pie.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a669e3..0000000
--- a/doc/pgf-pie.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-% Start of pgf-pie.sty
-% Some LaTeX macros for pie chart by using PGF/Tikz package.
-% Home page of project:
-% Author: Xu Yuan <>
-\ProvidesPackage{pgf-pie}[2011/10/02 v0.2 Some LaTeX macros for pie
-chart by using PGF/Tikz package.]
-% args:
-% #1: begin angle
-% #2: end angle
-% #3: number
-% #4: label
-% #5: explode
-% #6: fill color
-% #7: radius
-% #8: center
- \pgfmathparse{0.5*(#1)+0.5*(#2)}
- \let\midangle\pgfmathresult
- \path (#8) -- ++(\midangle:#5) coordinate(O);
- \pgfmathparse{#7+#5}
- \let\radius\pgfmathresult
- % slice
- \draw[line join=round, fill=#6, \style] (O) -- ++(#1:#7) arc (#1:#2:#7) -- cycle;
- \pgfmathparse{min(((#2)-(#1)-10)/110*(-0.3),0)}
- \let\temp\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{(max(\temp,-0.5) + 0.8)*#7}
- \let\innerpos\pgfmathresult
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@text}{inside}}
- {
- % label and number together
- \path (O) -- ++(\midangle:\innerpos) node
- {\scalefont{#3}\shortstack{#4\\\beforenumber#3\afternumber}};
- }
- {
- % label
- \iflegend
- \else
- \path (O) -- ++ (\midangle:\radius)
- node[inner sep=0, \pgfpie@text=\midangle:#4]{};
- \fi
- % number
- \path (O) -- ++(\midangle:\innerpos) node
- {\scalefont{#3}\beforenumber#3\afternumber};
- }
- \pgfmathparse{int(mod(#1,\value{pgfpie@colorLength}))}
- \let\ci\pgfmathresult
- \foreach \c [count=\j from 0] in \color {
- \ifnum \j=\ci
- \xdef\thecolor{\c}
- \thecolor
- \breakforeach
- \fi
- }
- \pgfmathparse{int(mod(#1,\value{pgfpie@explodeLength}))}
- \let\ei\pgfmathresult
- \foreach \e [count=\j from 0] in \explode {
- \ifnum \j=\ei
- \xdef\theexplode{\e}
- \breakforeach
- \fi
- }
-% #1: bottom left point
-% #2: size
-% #3: number
-% #4: color
-% #5: text
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@text}{inside}}
- {
- \draw[fill=#4, \style] (#1) rectangle node
- {\scalefont{#3}\shortstack{#5\\\beforenumber#3\afternumber}} ++(#2);
- }
- {
- \draw[fill=#4, \style] (#1) rectangle node
- {\scalefont{#3}\beforenumber#3\afternumber} ++(#2);
- }
-% #1: pos
-% #2: radius
-% #3: number
-% #4: color
-% $5: style
-% $6: label
- \draw[fill=#4, #5] (#1) circle[radius=#2];
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@text}{inside}}
- {
- \node at (#1) {\scalefont{#3}\shortstack{#6\\\beforenumber#3\afternumber}};
- }
- {
- \node at (#1) {\scalefont{#3}\beforenumber#3\afternumber};
- }
-\pgfkeyslet{/before number/.@cmd}{\setbeforenumber}
-\pgfkeyslet{/after number/.@cmd}{\setafternumber}
-\pgfkeys{/polar/.is if=polar}
-\pgfkeys{/square/.is if=square}
-\pgfkeys{/cloud/.is if=cloud}
-\pgfkeys{/scale font/.is if=scalefont}
- \ifscalefont
- \pgfmathparse{#1 / \pgfpie@sum * 3 + 0.9}
- \scalefontorg{\pgfmathresult}
- \fi
- % load default parameters
- \pgfkeys{
- explode=0,
- color={blue!60, cyan!60, yellow!60, orange!60, red!60,
- blue!60!cyan!60, cyan!60!yellow!60, red!60!cyan!60,
- red!60!blue!60, orange!60!cyan!60},
- radius=3,
- pos={0,0},
- style={thick},
- before number=,
- after number=,
- text=label,
- sum=100,
- rotate=0,
- polar=false,
- square=false,
- cloud=false,
- scale font=false,
- }
- % load user's parameters
- \pgfkeys{#1}
- % add percentage automatically
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@sum}{100}}
- {
- \pgfkeys{after number=\%}
- \pgfkeys{#1}
- }{}
- % legend or not
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@text}{legend}}
- {\legendtrue}
- {\legendfalse}
- % handle sum
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@sum}{auto}}
- {
- % sum all input
- \xdef\pgfpie@sum{0}
- \foreach \p/\t in {#2}
- {
- \pgfmathparse{\pgfpie@sum + \p}
- \xdef\pgfpie@sum{\pgfmathresult}
- }
- }
- {}
- % init counters
- \setcounter{pgfpie@explodeLength}{0}
- \foreach \e in \explode { \addtocounter{pgfpie@explodeLength}{1} }
- \setcounter{pgfpie@colorLength}{0}
- \foreach \c in \color { \addtocounter{pgfpie@colorLength}{1} }
- \pgfmathsetlength{\pgfpie@angleEnd}{0}
- \setcounter{pgfpie@sliceLength}{0}
- \foreach \p/\e in {#2} { \addtocounter{pgfpie@sliceLength}{1} }
- \ifsquare
- %%%%%%%%%% SQUARE PIE BEGIN %%%%%%%%%%%
- \pgfmathparse{\radius*2}
- \xdef\verticalLength{\pgfmathresult}
- \xdef\horizontalLength{\pgfmathresult}
- \path (\pos) -- ++(-\radius, -\radius) coordinate (start);
- \pgfmathparse{\verticalLength * \horizontalLength / \pgfpie@sum}
- \let\squareUnit\pgfmathresult
- % drawing loop
- \foreach \p/\t [count=\i from 0] in {#2}
- {
- \pgfpie@findColor{\i}
- \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\verticalLength cm > \horizontalLength cm}}
- {
- \pgfmathparse{\p * \squareUnit / \horizontalLength}
- \let\height\pgfmathresult
- \pgfpie@square{start}{\horizontalLength,\height}
- {\p}
- {\thecolor}
- {\t}
- %label
- \iflegend
- \else
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@text}{inside}}
- {}
- {
- \path (start) -- ++(\horizontalLength,\height*0.5) node[inner
- sep=0, \pgfpie@text=0:\t]{};
- }
- \fi
- \pgfmathparse{\verticalLength - \height}
- \xdef\verticalLength{\pgfmathresult}
- \path (start) -- ++(0, \height) coordinate (start);
- }
- {
- \pgfmathparse{\p * \squareUnit / \verticalLength }
- \let\width\pgfmathresult
- \pgfpie@square{start}{\width,\verticalLength}
- {\p}
- {\thecolor}
- {\t}
- %label
- \iflegend
- \else
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@text}{inside}}
- {}
- {
- \path (start) -- ++(\width*0.5,\verticalLength) node[inner
- sep=0, \pgfpie@text=90:\t]{};
- }
- \fi
- \pgfmathparse{\horizontalLength - \width}
- \xdef\horizontalLength{\pgfmathresult}
- \path (start) -- ++(\width, 0) coordinate (start);
- }
- }
- %%%%%%%%%% SQUARE PIE END %%%%%%%%%%%
- \else
- \ifcloud
- %%%%%%%%%% CLOUD PIE BGEIN %%%%%%%%%%%
- % drawing loop
- \foreach \p/\t [count=\i from 0] in {#2}
- {
- % find explode
- \pgfpie@findExplode{\i}
- \def\cloudGap{\theexplode + 0.1}
- \pgfmathparse{sqrt(\p / \pgfpie@sum) * \radius}
- \let\cloudR\pgfmathresult
- \ifnum \i = 0
- % first cloud
- \coordinate (O) at (\pos);
- \xdef\cloudRone{\cloudR}
- \xdef\cloudExtendDir{180+\rotate}
- \else
- \ifnum \i = 1
- % second cloud
- \xdef\cloudRtwo{\cloudR}
- \xdef\cloudExtendDir{45+\rotate}
- \path (O) -- ++(\cloudExtendDir:\cloudRone+\cloudGap+\cloudRtwo) coordinate (O);
- \else
- % next cloud
- \pgfmathparse{\cloudRone+\cloudGap+\cloudRtwo}
- \let\la\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{\cloudRone+\cloudGap+\cloudR}
- \let\lb\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{\cloudRtwo+\cloudGap+\cloudR}
- \let\lc\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{\la^2+\lc^2-\lb^2}
- \let\tmp\pgfmathresult
- \pgfmathparse{180 - acos(\tmp / 2 / \la / \lc)}
- \let\cloudRot\pgfmathresult
- \ifodd \i
- \pgfmathparse{-\cloudRot}
- \let\cloudRot\pgfmathresult
- \fi
- \pgfmathparse{\cloudExtendDir - \cloudRot}
- \xdef\cloudExtendDir{\pgfmathresult}
- \path (O) -- ++(\cloudExtendDir:\lc) coordinate (O);
- \xdef\cloudRone{\cloudRtwo}
- \xdef\cloudRtwo{\cloudR}
- \fi
- \fi
- % find color
- \pgfpie@findColor{\i}
- \pgfpie@cloud{O}{\cloudR}{\p}
- {\thecolor}{\style}{\t}
- % label
- \iflegend
- \else
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\pgfpie@text}{inside}}
- {}
- {
- \path (O) -- ++(\cloudExtendDir:\cloudR)
- node[inner sep=0, \pgfpie@text=\cloudExtendDir:\t] {};
- }
- \fi
- }
- %%%%%%%%%% CLOUD PIE BGEIN %%%%%%%%%%%
- \else
- %%%%%%%%%% CIRCLE PIE BGEIN %%%%%%%%%%%
- \ifpolar
- \xdef\maxValue{0}
- \foreach \p/\e in {#2} {
- \ifnum \maxValue < \p
- \xdef\maxValue{\p}
- \fi
- }
- \pgfmathparse{\pgfpie@sum / \value{pgfpie@sliceLength}}
- \xdef\polarangle{\pgfmathresult}
- \pgfmathparse{\radius / sqrt(\maxValue)}
- \xdef\polarRadiusUnit{\pgfmathresult}
- \else
- \xdef\theradius{\radius}
- \fi
- \xdef\pgfpie@angleBegin{\the\pgfpie@angleEnd}
- % drawing loop
- \foreach \p/\t [count=\i from 0] in {#2}
- {
- \pgfmathsetlength{\pgfpie@angleEnd}{\pgfpie@angleBegin}
- \ifpolar
- % Polar area diagram
- \pgfmathaddtolength{\pgfpie@angleEnd}{\polarangle}
- \pgfmathparse{sqrt(\p) * \polarRadiusUnit}
- \xdef\theradius{\pgfmathresult}
- \else
- % normal pie
- \pgfmathaddtolength{\pgfpie@angleEnd}{\p}
- \fi
- % find explode
- \pgfpie@findExplode{\i}
- % find color
- \pgfpie@findColor{\i}
- \pgfpie@slice{\pgfpie@angleBegin/\pgfpie@sum*360+\rotate}
- {\the\pgfpie@angleEnd/\pgfpie@sum*360+\rotate}
- {\p}
- {\t}
- {\theexplode}
- {\thecolor}
- {\theradius}
- {\pos}
- \xdef\pgfpie@angleBegin{\the\pgfpie@angleEnd}
- }
- %%%%%%%%%% CIRCLE PIE END %%%%%%%%%%%
- \fi
- \fi
- % legend
- \iflegend
- \coordinate[xshift=0.8cm,
- yshift=(\value{pgfpie@sliceLength}*0.5+1)*0.5cm] (legendpos) at
- (current bounding box.east);
- \begin{scope}[node distance=0.5cm]
- \foreach \p/\t [count=\i from 0] in {#2}
- {
- \pgfpie@findColor{\i}
- \node[draw, fill=\thecolor, \style, below of=legendpos, label=0:\t] (legendpos) {};
- }
- \end{scope}
- \fi
-%%% End of pgf-pie.sty