BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
naopross[z80] Add hello projectNao Pross6 years
atlasmacro fixleleraffa97@hotmail.it8 years
masterlibc memset, memcmpleleraffa97@hotmail.it8 years
hardwareboard complete, generate gerber (x2) filesNao Pross8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2017-05-23board complete, generate gerber (x2) fileshardwareNao Pross91-275/+35121
2017-05-19finish wiring and add eurocard compliant standard holesNao Pross178-55/+790
2017-05-19wiring for 7 segment displays and traces for the remaining CPU signalsNao Pross54-6/+56
2017-05-18new traces for cpu signals and for high address to the MMU / addr decoderNao Pross27-3/+3
2017-05-18wiring for CTC (U8) to address bus and data busNao Pross17-3/+3
2017-05-18wiring for P4 and P5 (I/O ports) and circuits for CLKs and RSTNao Pross6-3/+3
2017-05-18wires from DB-9 and HDR5x2 connector to MAX214 (U7) and crystal for TL16C550Nao Pross33-6/+6
2017-05-09created new layout (starting over)Nao Pross73-130/+1039
2017-05-05complete wiring for serial interface connector and logicNao Pross97-15/+20
2017-05-05add switches datasheets for footprintsNao Pross15-17/+17