MuddleA desktop Moodle client, because the web interface is painfully slow if you quic...14 monthssummarylogtree
OrbitingYetiA tool to draw NS Diagrams 6 yearssummarylogtree
base32asmRFC4648 base 32 encoder for Linux in x64 assembly 6 yearssummarylogtree
bombAn explosive 4 yearssummarylogtree
cookbookCollection of recipes to not starve 6 yearssummarylogtree
ethz/act4eApplied Category Theory for Engineering 1 Maker Track @ ETHZ summarylogtree
ethz/act4e-mcdpApplied Category Theory for Engineering 1 Maker Track @ ETHZ summarylogtree
ethz/mpc_peProgramming Exercise for MPC @ ETHZ 11 monthssummarylogtree
ethz/semproj/mdpolyMultidimensional Polynomials 12 monthssummarylogtree
ethz/semproj/polymatrixMultivariate polynomial library summarylogtree
ethz/semproj/sandboxPlay with ideas 12 monthssummarylogtree
ethz/semproj/sumofsquaresSum of Squares Programming summarylogtree
ethz/uavController design for ducted fan micro VTOL UAV 10 monthssummarylogtree
fsisotoolFaster SISOtool 3 monthssummarylogtree
hsr/FadingSemester Project @ OST FHO 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/FourierOnS2Fourier on the surface of the sphere 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/SeminarMatrizenMathematisches Seminar @ OST FHO 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/SeminarSpezielleFunktionenMathematisches Seminar @ OST FHO 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/TKI-dokuDoku fur TeamKommunikation @ OST FHO 4 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/TheCrownBarA business plan 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/stettbacher/o3000-color-pipe 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/stettbacher/o3000-driver 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/stettbacher/o3000-python-binding 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/An1EAnalysis 1E @ HSR 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/An2EAnalysis 2E @ HSR 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/DigDesDigital Design @ OST FHO FS2021 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/DigMEDigital Microelectronics @ OST 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/DigSig1Digital Signal Procesing @ OST 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/ElMagAngewandter Elektromagnetismus @ OST 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/FuVarFunktionen mehrerer Variablen @ OST 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/KomFourKomplexe Zahlen und Fourierreihen @ HSR 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/Ph1MechPhysik 1 Mechanik @ HSR 5 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/Ph2HATPhysik 2 @ HSR 5 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/SigSysSignal und Systeme @ OST 3 yearssummarylogtree
hsr/zf/WrStatWahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik @ OST 3 yearssummarylogtree
rlgRust implementation of ledger-cli 5 yearssummarylogtree
sam/EssenceDigitalized notes of electronics and CS classes 7 yearssummarylogtree
sam/LFCLavoro di Fine Corso di italiano SAM 7 yearssummarylogtree
sam/PDIProgetto Didattico Interdisciplinare SAM 7 yearssummarylogtree
sam/SAMLiquidSmokeHardware Abstraction Layer in C++ for a PIC microcontroller 7 yearssummarylogtree
sam/XilofonoA digital MIDI Xylophone 7 yearssummarylogtree
sam/z80uPCMicrocomputer based on the Z80 processor 6 yearssummarylogtree
testbench-uiWay too futuristic GUI for a testbench 4 yearssummarylogtree
vfio-buildDocumentation for a PC build with GPU passthrough 7 yearssummarylogtree