diff options
authorNao Pross <>2024-04-04 20:12:32 +0200
committerNao Pross <>2024-04-04 20:12:32 +0200
commit734ee9e826b490137e3d8af627019098cafa1403 (patch)
parentUpdate a lot of small things and add SIMULINK model (diff)
Move uncertain model design into uav_model and add more design parameter
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 154 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/midterm.m b/midterm.m
deleted file mode 100644
index eca35bc..0000000
--- a/midterm.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-% Copyright (c) 2024, Naoki Sean Pross, ETH Zürich
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Clear environment and generate parameters
-clear; clc; close all; s = tf('s');
-params = uav_params();
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Create nominal plant
-% Generate nominal model
-model = uav_model(params);
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Define performance requirements
-alpha_max = params.actuators.ServoAbsMaxAngleDeg * pi / 180;
-W_Palpha = tf(alpha_max,1);
-W_Pomega = tf(1,1);
-W_Pxy = tf(1,1);
-W_Pz = tf(1,1);
-figure(1); hold on;
-grid on;
-legend('$W_{P,\alpha}$', '$W_{P,\omega}$', ...
- '$W_{P,xy}$', '$W_{P,z}$', ...
- 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontSize', 8);
-title('Performance requirements');
-W_PP = blkdiag(W_Pxy * eye(2), W_Pz);
-perf = struct(...
- 'FlapAngle', W_Palpha * eye(4), ...
- 'Thrust', W_Pomega, ...
- 'PositionAccuracy', W_PP);
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Define stability requirements
-% Mechanically, flaps are constrained to a max of 20~25 degrees,
-% we assume a precision of
-% also, flaps tend to get less precise at higher frequencies
-alpha_max = 2 * pi * 20;
-W_malpha = alpha_max / (s + 2) * eye(4);
-W_momega = tf(1,1);
-W_mTheta = tf(1,1) * eye(3);
-W_mOmega = tf(1,1) * eye(3);
-uncert = struct(...
- 'FlapAngle', W_malpha, ...
- 'Thrust', W_momega, ...
- 'EulerAnglesApprox', W_mTheta, ...
- 'AngularRateApprox', W_mOmega);
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Create uncertain system
-% Load simulink model with uncertainties
-usys = linmod('uav_model_uncertain');
-G = ss(usys.a, usys.b, usys.c, usys.d);
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Perform H-infinity design
-%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Perform mu-Analysis & DK iteration
-% vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/uav.m b/uav.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecb6971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uav.m
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+% Copyright (c) 2024, Naoki Sean Pross, ETH Zürich
+% Controller design for a ducted fan VTOL micro-UAV.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Clear environment and generate parameters
+clear; clc; close all; s = tf('s');
+params = uav_params();
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Define performance requirements
+% Mechanically, flaps are constrained to a max of 20~25 degrees,
+% and they have a maximal angular speed
+alpha_max = params.actuators.ServoAbsMaxAngle;
+alpha_dot_max = params.actuators.ServoNominalAngularVelocity;
+W_Palpha = (s + 100 * alpha_dot_max) / (s + alpha_dot_max);
+W_Palpha = alpha_max * W_Palpha / dcgain(W_Palpha); % adjust gain
+% Mechanically we have a maximal angular velocity for the propeller in the
+% thruster, also there are a lot of unmodelled dynamics in the thruster
+omega_max = params.actuators.TurbineMaxSpeed;
+W_Pomega = (s + 50 * omega_max) / (s + omega_max);
+% We want a nice and smooth movements
+v_xy_max = params.performance.MaxHorizontalSpeed;
+v_z_max = params.performance.MaxVerticalSpeed;
+W_Pxy = 1 / (s + 1 / v_xy_max);
+W_Pz = 1 / (s + 1 / v_z_max);
+% Bode plots of performance requirements
+figure; hold on;
+grid on;
+legend('$W_{P,\alpha}$', '$W_{P,\omega}$', ...
+ '$W_{P,xy}$', '$W_{P,z}$', ...
+ 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontSize', 8);
+title('Performance requirements');
+% Step response of position requirements
+figure; hold on;
+step(W_Pxy); step(W_Pz);
+grid on;
+legend('$W_{P,xy}$', '$W_{P,z}$', 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontSize', 8);
+title('Step responses of position performance requirements');
+% Construct performance for position vector by combining xy and z
+W_PP = blkdiag(W_Pxy * eye(2), W_Pz);
+perf = struct(...
+ 'FlapAngle', W_Palpha * eye(4), ...
+ 'Thrust', W_Pomega, ...
+ 'PositionAccuracy', W_PP);
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Define stability requirements
+W_malpha = tf(1,1);
+W_momega = tf(1,1);
+W_mTheta = tf(1,1);
+W_mOmega = tf(1,1);
+figure; hold on;
+grid on;
+legend('$W_{m,\alpha}$', '$W_{m,\omega}$', ...
+ '$W_{m,\Theta}$', '$W_{m,\Omega}$', ...
+ 'interpreter', 'latex', 'fontSize', 8);
+uncert = struct(...
+ 'FlapAngle', W_malpha * eye(4), ...
+ 'Thrust', W_momega, ...
+ 'EulerAnglesApprox', W_mTheta * eye(3), ...
+ 'AngularRateApprox', W_mOmega * eye(3));
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Create UAV model
+model = uav_model(params, perf, uncert);
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Perform H-infinity design
+Gnom = model.linear.StateSpace;
+G = model.uncertain.StateSpace;
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Verify performance satisfaction
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Perform mu-Analysis & DK iteration
+% vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/uav_model.m b/uav_model.m
index 5650946..ce7cddb 100644
--- a/uav_model.m
+++ b/uav_model.m
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
% Compute model for UAV for given set of parameters.
-function [model] = uav_model(params)
+function [model] = uav_model(params, perf, uncert)
+model = struct();
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Symbolic variables
@@ -121,6 +123,17 @@ f = [
inv(J) * (tau - cross(Omega, J * Omega)); % rotational dynamics
+% Save function to compute the rotation matrix
+model.FrameRot = @(pitch, roll, yaw) ...
+ subs(R, [phi, theta, psi], [pitch, roll, yaw]);
+% Save equations of non-linear model (algebraic)
+model.nonlinear = struct(...
+ 'State', xi, ...
+ 'Inputs', u, ...
+ 'Dynamics', f ...
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Linearization at equilibrium
@@ -187,6 +200,14 @@ sys = ss(A, B, C, D);
% T = params.actuators.MeasurementDelay;
% sys = ss(A, B, C, D, 'OutputDelay', T);
+% Save linearized dynamics (numerical)
+model.linear = struct(...
+ 'Nx', nx, 'Nu', nu, 'Ny', ny, ... % number of states, inputs, and outputs
+ 'State', xi, 'Inputs', u, ... % state and input variables
+ 'StateEq', xi_eq, 'InputEq', u_eq, ... % where the system was linearized
+ 'StateSpace', sys ... % state space object
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Check properties of linearized model
eigvals = eig(A);
@@ -242,27 +263,24 @@ if rank(Wo) < nx
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Save model
+% Add uncertainties using SIMULINK model
-model = struct();
+% Load simulink model with uncertainties and pass in parameters
+h = load_system('uav_model_uncertain');
+hws = get_param('uav_model_uncertain', 'modelworkspace');
-% Function to compute the rotation matrix
-model.FrameRot = @(pitch, roll, yaw) ...
- subs(R, [phi, theta, psi], [pitch, roll, yaw]);
+hws.assignin('model', model);
+hws.assignin('perf', perf);
+hws.assignin('uncert', uncert);
-% Equations of non-linear model (algebraic)
-model.nonlinear = struct(...
- 'State', xi, ...
- 'Inputs', u, ...
- 'Dynamics', f ...
+% Get uncertain model
+ulmod = linmod('uav_model_uncertain');
+usys = ss(ulmod.a, ulmod.b, ulmod.c, ulmod.d);
-% Linearized dynamics (numerical)
-model.linear = struct(...
- 'Nx', nx, 'Nu', nu, 'Ny', ny, ... % number of states, inputs, and outputs
- 'State', xi, 'Inputs', u, ... % state and input variables
- 'StateEq', xi_eq, 'InputEq', u_eq, ... % where the system was linearized
- 'StateSpace', sys ... % state space object
+% Save uncertain model
+model.uncertain = struct(...
+ 'Simulink', ulmod, ...
+ 'StateSpace', usys ...
diff --git a/uav_params.m b/uav_params.m
index 3ceda9e..0e82148 100644
--- a/uav_params.m
+++ b/uav_params.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Copyright (C) 2024, Naoki Sean Pross, ETH Zürich
% Retrieve / compute parameters for UAV.
function [params] = uav_params()
@@ -34,16 +34,20 @@ params.mechanical = struct(...
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% Actuator limits
+% Actuator limits and measurements
% Cheap servos usually give a "speed" in seconds / 60 degrees without load
servo_speed = 0.19; % seconds per 60 deg
servo_angular_velocity = (pi / 3) / servo_speed;
params.actuators = struct(...
- 'TurbineMaxSpeed', 620.7, ... % In Hz
- 'ServoAbsMaxAngleDeg', 25, ... % in Degrees
- 'ServoNominalAngularVelocity', servo_angular_velocity, ...
+ 'TurbineMaxSpeed', 620.7, ... % in rad / s
+ 'ServoAbsMaxAngle', 25 * pi / 180, ... % in radians
+ 'ServoNominalAngularVelocity', servo_angular_velocity ...
+params.measurements = struct(...
+ 'SensorFusionBandwidth', 1e3, ...
'MeasurementDelay', 8e-3 ... % delay caused by sensor fusion algorithm
@@ -87,7 +91,8 @@ params.linearization = struct(...
% Performance requirements
params.performance = struct(...
- 'MaxHorizontalSpeed', 1, ...
+ 'MaxHorizontalSpeed', 1e-2, ... % in m / s
+ 'MaxVerticalSpeed', 5e-2 ... % in m / s